Title | : | How Much Gold Did Harry Potter Have? (I Calculated It) - Harry Potter Theory |
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4 small coins is 1000 dollars Comment from : @AurelienCarnoy |
Apparently, Rowling has no idea of just how much gold sells for Equating a gold coin with paper money is nonsensical Comment from : @anthonyhargis6855 |
So what is that in grams Comment from : @atulkumaryadav3047 |
So what is that in ounces Comment from : @atulkumaryadav3047 |
Hmm, if the galleons are real gold and if they are 1 ounce a piece I'd say its more like 135 000 000 dollars😅 Comment from : @dualmode1 |
The problem here is that Harry's wealth cannot be calculated from a depiction in the film The screenplay will have used whatever arbitrary amount was required to convince the viewers that he was fabulously rich, without necessarily being faithfully based on JKR's canon Comment from : @alanking3819 |
Damn… 12th century? brbrHarry is older money than the Malfoys… Comment from : @shogun9032 |
Iam admire your work Amazing ! Comment from : @giotudo9155 |
More than enough Comment from : @Michaeldavis-il6od |
Harry could have pawned some of his gold to get regular money Comment from : @playframe6231 |
never hmmm just means there better at it, and never got caught Comment from : @weslooos |
I think 5pound per galleon would be correct as the trio pay for their butter beers with galleonsbrIIRC 1 butter beer is 1 galleon Comment from : @IIGrayfoxII |
Great video but I'd say he has more in that vault alone I know its just a guess but good tho I wished that they made a exact amount on how much was on that bought on special feature on HP1 I guess they never did because it wasn't brought up Besides he was just 11 I'm sure his parent's didn't allow him all access to his money by that age Maybe when he reaches 18 Beside that's generational wealth im sure its way more To add that its a magical world that they can use magic on objects to do their own work so it's possible that they don't have to pay for workers Comment from : @bruhbruh2743 |
on word "royalties" Comment from : @deborahday1007 |
My headcanon was always, that his parents saved up much and that since they were aurors, they probably had a lifeinsurance Comment from : @borisbradara5950 |
I wonder if the wizarding world has something like copyright ownership and royalties? Because maybe he's inherited the rights to those potion recipes etc and would keep earning from them Comment from : @victoriar4637 |
He gave Fred and George 1000 galleons like it was nothing Also he inherited everything the black family owned when sirius died One of the richest wizard families Comment from : @thehorrorsociety |
Do deposits in Gringotts earn interest? Comment from : @paulblase3955 |
"Didn't think your parents would leave you with nothin' now do you?" What like they planned their deaths? Comment from : @canteventhough |
I feel like galleons should be worth more than five pounds considering how much gold they're made of per eachbrI'm interested to see if they talk about weight of gold or the conversion tables we're given Comment from : @canteventhough |
So Harry is essentially the descendant of potions masters Comment from : @ChangeGonnaComeSoon |
There is a fly in your ointment In the early 1950s the US Dollar was pegged to the price of gold, ergo the price of gold was $3200 per ounce, and the private ownership of gold was prohibited outside of jewelry In the 1960s that tie was broken, and the price of golds was allowed to float also private ownership of coins ad bullion was permitted If you cannot yet see the problem let me elucidate you If the gold in your galleon was worth $3200, I could buy that galleon, take it to America and get in those days about $360 It would not have taken the goblins long to see that people were gaming the system and the only way out of that was to take the gold out of the galleon: Give it a base metal blank with a gold coloring to it Let us assume for the sake of argument that this occurred in 1965: Early galleons were real gold and galleons after that date was fiat money [Indeed the same thing still happens today, that is why the US government had to take the copper out of the penny and replace the blanks with a base metal]brbrSo the value of Harry's holdings must consider the pre fiat galleons from the gold galleons This is why many wizards placed gold bullion and other precious metals in their vaults Check on the web for the price of gold and silver, platinum and even odd metals such as Rhodium You cannot protect your nest egg with fiat money Comment from : @eliasthienpont6330 |
There is no way that a galleon is only worth £5 if a wand costs 7 galleons Olivander is a world renowned wand maker, no way he’s making a living off £35 a wand when new students only really need them in August Comment from : @genericuser4162 |
in other words HARRYS skint as a bloke! Comment from : @jbrown9163 |
Think 126 million would make more since $300k may sound like allot for a child, but it's far from setting someone up for life, and honestly, probably allot more than the 126 million Comment from : @RM771000 |
We'll take the lot Comment from : @RyanHaney55 |
I would have thought harry would be extremely rich, considering he inherited the last line of the blacks family's wealth, from what we know, the ancient and most noble house of black were very rich Comment from : @BenlittletheEquestrian |
i feel like £250,000 is far less than there actually is… brcuz 2 major potions that are used daily by many wizards and witches would definitely be a multi million pound industry, and you can’t forget lily her parents would have supplied an inheritance halved with petunia And considering they lived in the ‘wealthy’ part of their village i assume it would be a fair amount So i think it would actually be far more than that Comment from : @Mintgumery |
The author may have given them a value of about 5 pounds, but an actual gold coin the size/weight of a galleon looks like it would probably be worth a few grand Comment from : @LordDragon314 |
This is why I love math 😂 Comment from : @JacobMcG64 |
You forget about inflation That's £5 in 1991 With inflation its worth so much nowadays Comment from : @BurritoKingdom |
Dumbledore should have at least sent a monthly stipend to the Dursleys for Harry's upkeep He was a freaking one year old at the time From what I can tell, Dumbledore wrote a letter to Petunia and that's it Sure, he told Mrs Figg to spy on the Dursleys but that's it Petunia didn't have any contact with from the wizarding world until 10 years later Vernon and Petunia were deeply scared of magic but the neglect of Harry left no repercussions so the extent of their abuse grew as the years wore on If some gold kept appearing at their doorstep, it would really help alleviate the financial burden as well as remind the Dursleys that someone was watching Comment from : @ray101892 |
I definitely don’t agree There is no way that Harry could have easily afforded to loan Fred and George enough to open their store if he only had $250k brHis net worth had to be well over a million Comment from : @nickschaps4022 |
If the galleon is indeed solid gold, I would be worth a great more than 5 British pounds Comment from : @rotorheadv8 |
What was the interest earned rate? Comment from : @rotorheadv8 |
we should just ask rowling Comment from : @HeirRiddles |
The biggest issue with this is the fact we don't see the inside from Harry's point-of-view So we can't see how big the vault is or whats behind the stack from Harry's view, that stack could just be the small one front and center and there could possibly be 5 or 6 more even bigger stacks behind that one Comment from : @darkwulf4862 |
So in other words he is not very wealthy at all He's average at best? Well thats disappointing And here is looked liked 1 oz gold coins that would have been worth at least 72 million USD if that were Comment from : @ThatGuy3714 |
I'm very sure, that Harry was MUCH richer Those galleons worth way more! Comment from : @nagyati87 |
And with all of that gold, I have often wondered why Harry didn't offer to purchase Ron (his BFF) a new wand when Ron's wand was broken Was it because he knew that the Weasleys were too proud to accept? Or maybe he was worried that they would feel insulted if he offered? In any case, Harry should have at least purchased a spare wand for himself You know having a backup wand in case of emergencies is always a good idea One up each sleeve Or one up the sleeve and one at the waist Comment from : @Rebelrocker69 |
as always, I always agree with MATH but estimating actual value vs our money is so tricky I simply believe the math, not the end result Comment from : @MonographicSingleheaded |
wow! Comment from : @EricRuskoski |
I did find out that one Gold coin in Harry Potter is at 5 British Pounds from JKRowling Comment from : @jamesdupuis8066 |
Brilliant accounting and so interesting - in a muggle sort of way Comment from : @Saphira6930 |
I think we need a full 3D recreation of the room Comment from : @andyschwartz8808 |
I think when the author said "columns" it already made the movie scene a little dwarfed in comparison to my imagination Do you have any idea what it means to have COLUMNS made of galleons? Comment from : @sol_mental |
I would say Harry has to be incredibly wealthy, probably set for life It could be much, much more than we imagine, but it all depends on how the wizarding world works I mean, if his ancestors INVENTED potions still being used today, the Potter family name probably has passive income from it But, we can't really know if for example, his ancestors sold the recipes or if Harry is constantly getting income from his ancestors inventions So a more interesting question might be, how wealthy is Harry Potter Comment from : @bellidrael7457 |
The intro sounds like he’s fed up of Harry Potter 😂 Comment from : @ja420uk9 |
SighI looked into my bank account and I only see zeros Comment from : @kirbymarchbarcena |
Harry’s extremely wealthy imo Especially when you add the black vault Comment from : @willberry6434 |
Good job as by the movie But book Harry has mountains of galleons He defo was a millonaire Comment from : @esox86new |
In addition to his hard cash, I'd bet that Harry probably has investments from his family that he might not know about Harry is also a principle investor in the Weasleys' joke shop While Harry probably would ask for any return, I imagine that George would see to it that he gets his share Comment from : @davidpumpkinsjr5108 |
Huh, I would go into the muggle world and just sell the gold 2grand a coin Comment from : @Cadaverine1990 |
He also had more than one vault, plus his profits from products sold Comment from : @TeeTeeDoreia |
Don't forget that he didn't calculate the inflation, with inflation it would have been at least a million dollars Comment from : @xristossophocleous5069 |
Does wizarding money come in paper form like the British currency has the 5, 10, 20 & 50 £ notes? Does wizards and witches have debit/credit cards like muggles do? So many questions about the wizarding world's dealings with money Comment from : @jamieA7Xfan90 |
Assuming The galleons are of actual gold , there are gallons of galleons there, and one liter of gold Is 18kilobrOne kilo is over 50 000 dollars brAssume just 14 carats in a circulated currency and one kilo will still be over 25000 dollars, one liter over 400 000 dollars brPuting Potter in easily milions of dollars in coin Comment from : @simonaslund4441 |
Coins of that size would be 5$ in like 1850s or something In 1991 money, those coins would be worth many thousand eachbrbrTheory I have, is that wizards are only poor in wizarding money, as they could very easily obtain muggle stuff like food etc through magic I mean Weaslies never complaining about having to buy food or such basics, only when they are shopping for wizarding stuff Comment from : @joonaslaitinen9520 |
Pretty sure he’s done like 3 of these videos Comment from : @Zhoriizon313 |
People need to start subbing so HPT can get paid because he's put out a lot of money videos Comment from : @markmeyer4532 |
I think it would be interesting to discuss Harry's relative wealth, more on how he would compare to an average Wizard and Muggle Does his wealth in the Wizarding World place him as a relative millionaire, in line with modern Muggle citizens? Maybe a multi millionaire? Or is he more upper middle class, able to buy a nice four bed detached in the South East of England? Comment from : @Psyn0sis |
I wonder whether the 1 galleon to 5 pounds conversion rate is some naivity on part of Rowling (I think the quote is quite old?) It could also be a subsidized exchange rate offered by Gringotts to muggle parents of muggle-born wizards This is all assuming that the gold status of a galleon is not a trick or a cheap coating but that a galleon is indeed genuinely gold, or at least from a large part Comment from : @the_kovic |
I wonder how much he got after inheriting gold from Serious Comment from : @Auron1Roxas2 |
Kudos to the calculation this is brilliant I would appreciate Rowling if she told us exactly how much Harry owns in the beginning of the story, but since she sometimes want it to be our imagination I appreciate the movie for showing us what they imagine That is a big thing to look about when estimating Harry's wealth- They made it up it so technically Harry could have much more than what we saw Comment from : @eranshachar9954 |
❤❤❤ Comment from : @Ninjamom4 |
Seems a little low for gold coins, though it's certainly more money than most of us have regardlessbrIt should be remembered that the 1st Harry Potter book takes place in 1991, and currency values change overtime, usually due to inflation and price fluctuations Thus, the $310,724 estimate for 1991 would get you about $686,300 worth of goods in April 2023, if the calculations I used are accurate enough Comment from : @mattdamutt5681 |
I’ll give Harry an estimated net worth of around 2 million USD or more from the time he first visited the vault! There’s no telling how many piles of gold that’s inside that vault because we only seen a glimpse inside and never saw his vault ever again as he grew older! Comment from : @gstupaluss7941 |
Yes the value of gold would supercede the face value of the coins I remember wondering how much money the Cullens from Twighlight possessed and it came out as over 10 billion ! Comment from : @TheFiown |
Bad Comment from : @MrEgg0 |
I would like to know the exchange rate a British pounds to galleons to know how much Hermione got to buy her school books Comment from : @timothyarmstrong9351 |
I reality we should ask How much is average wizard monthly expenses and how much they earn in month I t also helps out to know, that weazlis won the lottery and went to vacation for the whole family and still saved up some ANd mainly i dont think Potter was too rich , hes just average middleclass Comment from : @asjaosaline5987 |
This is just a theory of mine but what if Professor Dumbledore could use ancient magic? That could be why he was so powerful Comment from : @pietrickd |
Video idea: Why no wizards used guns? Wouldn't it be easier to shoot multiple lethal rounds a second than a single lethal round (Avada Kedavra) every multiple seconds? brbrbrbrbrMaster has given Dobby a Glock! Comment from : @eee1925 |
I'd give my left knut for all that gold! 😅 Comment from : @killxxhollywoodxx |
Has anyone been able to accurately measure the size of a galleon from a screenshot? That would give us an accurate measure of how much they weigh, which would in turn give us a very clear idea on how much they weigh, which would give us the grand total of Harry's wealth Comment from : @Castor586 |
but you forget the size of the vault what lies behind the pile we can see? if you use the only reference we have to vault size the size of Lastrange's vault is the only vault we see in full and if Harry's was that size the calculations are way off Comment from : @KonTikiBea |
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