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How Much Is Wizarding Money WORTH in the Muggle World? - Harry Potter Explained

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Title :  How Much Is Wizarding Money WORTH in the Muggle World? - Harry Potter Explained
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Description How Much Is Wizarding Money WORTH in the Muggle World? - Harry Potter Explained

Comments How Much Is Wizarding Money WORTH in the Muggle World? - Harry Potter Explained

Great video
Comment from : @mehmettolgakaratas5219

Btw if you sell Galleon to a muggle for its weightbin gold worth its like 1000 pounds each
Comment from : @homunculus7

Jk said it was 5 pounds a galleon but it makes absolutely no sense since Harry bought a ton of sweets like massive loads in the first book for sickles and Knuts no Galleons The firebilt costs 300 galleons but also a text book cost Harry 9 Galleons in book 6 Its nonsensical JK is a terrible writter when it comes to consistency oh and the weasleys buy all their supplies for under a galleon in book 2 makes no sense
Comment from : @homunculus7

I was looking for the train party forever now so ty
Comment from : @austinmatney2108

canadian eh lol i'm from ontario in waterloo region aka what was little berlin untell 1999
Comment from : @ltjustonsenack

I believe there is a secret link in Britain between Gringotts Bank and the Bank of England Using memory spells on the Bank of England staff, along with the agreement with the muggle Prime Minister, this ensures a smooth connection of the financial systems of both worlds
Comment from : @johnking5174

4:21 The reason that Harry wound up with a copy of advanced potion making from the cupboard in the classroom it’s because he didn’t buy his own copy because under Professor Snape he wouldn’t have his grades in potions were not high enough to qualify for the class Professor Slughorn on the other hand is in such a hardass
Comment from : @jetfire1153red

How many gallons does the Weasley have?
Comment from : @UrsaLinear

I think common items are so cheap (just over £3 for the large pile of sweets Ron and Harry consume) because of: 1 Inflation £5 in 1997 is now £9 today, a price inflation of 80, meaning that what he paid the sickles for would be worth over a galleon in muggle money (£540) br2 As long as there isn’t some sort of complex magical property, replication is a relatively simple spell When food is unlimited, why would it carry a similar cash value to our own economy?
Comment from : @mossy642

Here's my question Why does the Wizarding World have their own currency at all? It's only useful for trading with other wizards, likely only for magical items How are wizards procuring enough food to sustain themselves if they can't trade with the outside world? The only way I could see a completely different method of currency being useful would be to avoid counterfeiting paper money, but we've seen that Leprechaun gold has been used to that end anyway Unless Gringotts allows you to convert Galleons to Pounds the entire economy is useless
Comment from : @witherwolf3316

In the 2nd book, the Weasleys only had 1 Galleon and 58 Sickles in their vault to buy supplies for 5 kids
Comment from : @Reed160

I would take a flying broom over any Ferarri or Lamborghini, lol
Comment from : @Just-A-Casual

It really shows how broke the Wealsy's are because they couldn't afford $52 for an absolutely essential school supply (wand) for Ron, even once his hand-me-down one broke
Comment from : @maxgoldstein6309

Wasnt the reason why Harry didnt have a copy of that book was because he didnt think he would have the necessary levels to further his aura career, and with Slughorn the levels were lowered and that was why he went to Potions and because he didnt have the book that was why he and Ron used the ones that were in the class cupboard, Ron getting the better condition one and Harry ending up with Snapes old one with all the additional notes?
Comment from : @kaidenshepard8446

Does the Wizard/Witch community in America have their own currency or do they use the established currency? There probably isn’t enough information to really answer that question but with the way things are in the real world it would not surprise me if American Wizard and Witches decided to have their own currency
Comment from : @SwaySkits

If you think that around 50-60 euros (sry I am converting to euros) is a bit expensive for an advanced book you should never study law
Comment from : @sebastjankoracin7774

If Jack Dee were a wizard and he wasn't keen on galleons or sickles, his coins might be calledbrbrbrbrDEE'S KNUTS!
Comment from : @combatking0

So it's kinda safe to say that hedwig probably costs more than a fucken book right? Meaning hagrid spent his vacation money and half a month sallary buying a bird to a kid he barely just met
Comment from : @andreasul2608

The fun part is when you start to convert the value using the worth of the coins in metal Although it would make sense for it to be illegal to just smelt galleons into gold bars because any witch/wizard could just break the economy
Comment from : @sirpaulen6575

Comment from : @jawsomejavahhidkwhatelseto9068

Considering their size, and the price of gold, the Galleons must be gold plated
Comment from : @anthonyhargis6855

Could you use euros to please the next time im from the Netherlands and we don't use dollars or pounds so please
Comment from : @LordshipArsenal

Well we also have to considef how much money one typically earns in the magical world
Comment from : @nickideathangel8234

I would like to know how much Ron and Hermione are worth as Adults now that their parents are no longer paying the bills
Comment from : @maiden4meldin69

My only major gripe with this video is that you consider the price tag for the advanced potion-making book to be a "bit expensive" $6282 for a School text book sounds like a perfectly reasonable price range to me I still recall spending $150 on some of my college text books Anyways here are a couple of primary school books The algebra book is typically for 6th graders which are about average age of 12 (4 years younger than those needing that advanced potion making book)brbrFundamentals of Algebra: Sourcebook, Course 1 ($7999)brFundamentals of English Grammar Student Book with MyLab English, 5e ($4928 paperback)
Comment from : @endzordays

A textbook worth $62 is actually on the cheaper end of brand new condition textbooks
Comment from : @mistajay885

Comment from : @lidallyhim

Harry and Ron had to use classroom textbooks in the Half Blood Prince because they originally weren’t going to take Potions because Snape had a higher entry requirement in the past so they thought they wouldn’t be able to take it Slughorn had a lower entry requirement so they were able to take Potions at the last minute so had to use the classroom textbooks while their new ones were being delivered That’s why Harry transfigured it to look new as he didn’t want to give it up when his actual new book came in
Comment from : @xninjaxcorex

I dont think its very accurate to compere Wizarding money and mugle money Couse Galleons, they are gold and gold has its own value I belive Galleon is atlest 1 Gram, most likekly 1/4 to 1/2 Oz so if we transfer that galleon weight to muggle money we get accurate value to compere So wizard would be very rich in muggle world just by smelting up his galleons and selling for muggle money, but in wizarding world there is different costs If to compere Harry Potter buys a Lot from trolley he get whole lot of sweets and stuff Most likly this heap of sweet in muggle world would cost over 100 dollars or even more But if to compere it with other stuff there is valuation of items Some items are difficulty to create and cost more , but food is cheap couse its easy to great and dont need alot of work Most likly Harrypotter would be Muggle world Multimillionair if he melted up his gold and sells for money As other fractions of wizarding money like sickles and knuts dont have real world value, it defines wizarding world economy system couse wizard dont value a gold by its self , for them its just currency what can be used for trade Muggle like to wear Gold and use it technology
Comment from : @asjaosaline5987

Me: the wizardly currency doesn't make sensebrGoblins: how about you mind your damn business?
Comment from : @freddypedraza2066

Of course, all of this is according to 1991-1995 wizarding world prices, right? When did JKR give the interview saying that a galleon was worth 5 GBP?
Comment from : @kayceem5956

Soon, we will be able to use real-world Knuts token for the real fans :)
Comment from : @stranstudio

u sound like young harry so much man
Comment from : @jurajmatijevic7653

I still can't believe that the selfish git Harry bought EVERYTHING on the train, and left nothing for the other passengers! What a total twat!
Comment from : @24934637

Surprised to hear a galleon was only five pounds, since it seems to be a substantial gold coin
Comment from : @iskandartaib

Here's an interesting question Galleons are supposed to be made of gold Based on their size, I'll be their melt value is worth a LOT more than the official exchange rate
Comment from : @HKUriah

mine currency is shekel
Comment from : @tomeramirbrody2769

It makes sense that wizard goods would be cheaper than muggle goods due to the fact that magic makes production as simple as speaking a spell or flicking a wrist
Comment from : @Cwronaga216

So Harry's wand (bought for seven galleons) is worth $4886 USD!brThe Weasleys won 700 Galleons in the third book (about $4886 USD!)brBeetles' Eyes are available in Diagon Alley for a penny & a half a scoop!br💰
Comment from : @Aramanth

Stonks 🪙📈
Comment from : @falkenschreiytmarc1926

Just a quick reminder, that we need to adjust the inflation
Comment from : @karnasum9430

I know we’re only talking about face values and that But can we please not ignore the fact that at least galleons are made with gold? By the looks of them at least an ounce of gold per galleon Have a quick look at the price of gold in your local currency 😊
Comment from : @skarmex3439

Awesome 👍 video Thank you Be safe everyone 😉
Comment from : @fwmyeejkha22

You can just google this just saying
Comment from : @logi-a

I think harry used the copy of the advance potion book because he didn't know that he will study potion and was forced by professor
Comment from : @doc8616

Dry up Dursley you big prune
Comment from : @blackgoth74

Just saying, some textbooks are like $200, so $60 for the Advanced Potion-Making textbook is a steal, but anyways I love your vids man, keep up the good content
Comment from : @dontworry5909

If the Wizarding World was real, there probably would be inflation and other economic changes over the years So you probably could also take into account the time JK Rowling published the worth of a Galleon, and how the British Pound and US dollar have changed over the yearsbrbrInteresting video nonetheless! :-)
Comment from : @paintingismylife

I'm rich boi!
Comment from : @harrypottah8372

You are smart oh my gosh! I don't even know what 7x4 is!
Comment from : @bestestdaddy4639

Comment from : @slayer7682

But wasn't Harry Potter based in 90's? I would imagine that 1 galeon (5 pounds) in 90's would have much higher value today?
Comment from : @popiston8773

How do Hogwarts students from muggle families pay for stuff? Does Diagon alley accept muggle money? Or do they exchange it at Gringotts? Is Hermione on a scholarship?
Comment from : @peterlee4753

All i ever wanted to know was how much a lambo was in galleons My life is now complete
Comment from : @satan6412

Did she ever say why she just settle at three and why wouldn’t she do something a little easier by having them based on a decimal system
Comment from : @northrendicecrown631

I feel like this doesn’t convert well I don’t know, just feel like wizarding money is worth more
Comment from : @rocketsciencemusic5398

If money exchange with muggles was an option for the wizards they could just produce unlimited muggle money using transfiguration and convert them to galleons, couldn't they?
Comment from : @abdhrubo

We also have to account time
Comment from : @nobodythetrain2430

Would Bitcoin be a legal tender at Hogwarts ?
Comment from : @avnish_rana

How much did Hermionies parents cash in to the wizarding world when she started her magical education? And how did they keep it up for 7 years or more?
Comment from : @heidinorth528

A TEXTBOOK can be $6282?! OwO
Comment from : @galaxykelexa162

Make a video on how much different jobs pay if that is possible
Comment from : @joelmourelle-boukhari1556

If you're translating the Harry Potter currency to real life currency you left out a big concept, wizard currency is actually made of precious metals In the US, most money is cloth, or zinc coins plated in copper or silver Undoubtedly the scrap value of the wizard coins would be much higher than any standard conversionbrPlus the secrecy of magic act would make converting money like you would a Canadian to a US dollar much less practical
Comment from : @patarfirebreather8789

Can dollar about 72 cents American
Comment from : @stevebotham2018

Video idea-two way mirror in deathly hallows
Comment from : @annliyasanthosh5179

Video idea brbrTop 10 richest magical families in Harry's Time??
Comment from : @pavithransailendran305

One book of Advanced Potion making is so costly! I don't see any jewel or gold studded on that type of book to make it such costly😅😅brWizarding world too costly to live in So I would be a Weasley in that world if I am a middle class in Muggle World
Comment from : @kamyamore2708

You titled your video incorrectly (or you answered the wrong question) The question you answered was: How much is wizarding money worth in the wizarding world, expressed in muggle money value? To answer what wizarding money would be worth in the muggle world, you'd have to find clues how much muggle money (or equivalent in goods) you can get when actually offering wizarding money to a muggle brAFAIK, Rowling doesn't answer that question in the books We are told at one point that Hermione's parents could convert some muggle money into wizarding money at Gringotts, but not at what rate We are also not told whether Gringotts would also exchange the other way round, but it is quite likely, since they would just amass a pile of (for them) entirely useless currency if they only traded one way brGiven the statute of secrecy and the fact that no muggle ever seems to have heard of coins named galleons, sickles and knuts, they probably wouldn't be accepted as real currency by any muggle who doesn't have ties to the wizarding world and it might even be illegal under wizarding law to hand those coins to muggles who are unaware of the wizarding world However, we know that Galleons are made of solid gold, so you could melt them down and sell the metal It would be interesting to know how heavy those coins are Based on their looks, their metal value could be much higher than their exchange value in the wizarding world
Comment from : @chrisrudolf9839

we see the wizarding world in the eyes of a tightly manipulated child someone coming in not someone who has already lived in it I think the fantastic movies will give us a better understanding of the world
Comment from : @wolfsbanealphas617

nice ending lol
Comment from : @arberkaltani5655

All I can say is Harry is a rich boy
Comment from : @sivvles

Cool, i didn't know you were also Canadian :)
Comment from : @Ventus11513

I'm just glad I don't have to add these up in my head
Comment from : @RyanHaney55

Random unrelated question I'm hoping someone can answer, when Harry blew up his aunt in the third book why did he get in trouble with the ministry? Wouldn't it be accidental magic as he was wand less
Comment from : @carissaluttonmovietalk

Next video what wizards and witches use made from mugules
Comment from : @QueenJenniferTheGreat

1 galleon is bigger than a 1oz gold coin Rowling really Well, let's just say her economy was just terribly conceived
Comment from : @Draconisrex1

Can u make a breakdown for the hogwarts legacy trailer PLS
Comment from : @itsjustmeriver4602

My player name in HPWU is UtterlyKnutts Meaning I'm both crazy and broke
Comment from : @justineck5664

"Fast Broom" one of Tracy Chapman's lesser known tunes
Comment from : @vortega472

Next video: Is the wizarding world a capitalist society?
Comment from : @sined911

Theory Idea: Can a wizard hold 2 wands at the same time like a jedi holding 2 lightsabers?
Comment from : @Steggo18

this one i loved absolutely Pls tell me the same in Indian Ruppee
Comment from : @raghavparanjpe9556

Can u make video of How Howlers are made
Comment from : @anushkaauddy2126

Comment from : @Movieshorts1008Raje

Comment from : @Movieshorts1008Raje

Thank you for making videos reguarly love watching theese i rewatch old videos 20 or 30 times from this channel
Comment from : @owenbenoit8197

Hey im canadian too :D
Comment from : @cosmoko5110

I am from Czech 😁
Comment from : @hahahuhu7151

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