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Wizard Money Makes No Sense! | Harry Potter Film Theory

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Title :  Wizard Money Makes No Sense! | Harry Potter Film Theory
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Description Wizard Money Makes No Sense! | Harry Potter Film Theory

Comments Wizard Money Makes No Sense! | Harry Potter Film Theory

To be fair we were going to go metric Our samples for measurements were stolen and the president basically went 'imperial it is!'
Comment from : @anierikidemona

Potters being the closest relatives of the Peverill’s had generation wealth before Harry’s grandfathers invention It just made it even greater Poor Harry Potter is in the 1, probably rivaling Draco’s inheritence
Comment from : @Slightlyblaze

> exchange fraudbractually its perfectly legal (in most countries) and called "Arbitrage"
Comment from : @taltamir

its ´´nut´´ cnut
Comment from : @GamingWithMaria-ho1zz

I did spend too much on meta occulus
Comment from : @jeremynevens6649

6:30 it's not fraud, it's arbitrage
Comment from : @InfiniteMonkeysSA

For 25 years I thought the whole point of magical currency was so that wizards couldn't all become infinitely rich by teleporting into muggle bank vaults Turns out you can walk into Gringotts and turn £ to galleons, which means the whole system makes no sense
Comment from : @InfiniteMonkeysSA

Nu,ce ❤❤❤
Comment from : @TheOneCity1

A Very Good Video 👌🏻👍🏻
Comment from : @Harry-Hartmann

Got this from the SCB podcast "Through the Griffin Door" In Book 2 Ch-6, Gilderoy Lockhart says his life's ambition is to "Rid the world of evil, & market my own range of hair care potions" The Potters do both!
Comment from : @Bluemilk92

2:50 hum use magic???? If you could solve anything with magic it would explain a lazy system
Comment from : @GustavoSilva-ny8jc

Omnioocculars were bought at a sporting event things always cost more at sporting events
Comment from : @shilohwehrmacht2947

if this video has taught me anything is that in the Potter family, if you live long enough to see your kids graduate, you're living on borrowed time Tik tok, Harry :/
Comment from : @ThSkBj

i have a joke what do you call voldemorts emimies ? Death beaters ha ha ha get it
Comment from : @hafsaafzal6941

i have a therey dementor make dudly see the potters death it explains his future behavior
Comment from : @hafsaafzal6941

hey im recommending a book percy jackson
Comment from : @hafsaafzal6941

I’ll tell u how Harry has so much money, it’s all lily’s money Lily was muggle born, she used the exchange fraud to get rich quick
Comment from : @richboyxoyd

I know we don’t see how big the galleons are in the books, but going off the films they look to be about a Troy ounce each, which would easily net someone about $1500 simply by selling it for its weight in gold, making that $735 exchange rate even more ridiculous
Comment from : @odonnell1218

Comment from : @_c3a3m_88

Specie is what used to be used as money Specie is essentially gold and silver for the reasons mentioned in this video Read Montesquieu’s Spirit of Laws if you like reading what a snarky b*b*/b has to say about finance and how much capitalism sucks
Comment from : @dominiquedoeslife

His grandparents are mentioned by Sirius, when he said that they were really nice and would let Sirius stay with them whenever Sirius got sick of his mother’s pureblood mania
Comment from : @dominiquedoeslife

Just in case you didn't know,Harry's grandparents died of dragonpox before he was born
Comment from : @jaydenboahene7754

Pls stahp saying K-nuts
Comment from : @thinBillyBoy

was hedwig an animagus?
Comment from : @angelterry6275

Well ive got A Galleon A Sickle and A Knut bound together on one side with Harry Potter written on the other side Guess ,heads or tails or is it Tales😂😊
Comment from : @Janette-q1i

The US stopped allowing gold currency conversions in the 30s during the Great Depression (for obvious reasons) It also allowed the government to decrease the amount of gold it had to keep to match the currency supply (originally it was 40 and it could be reduced to 20) The government could have never payed for ww2 and Great Depression stimulus on the standardbrbrBy the time the 1971 switch rolled around the change was effectively a formality at that point The government had pretty much been using a fiat system for the last 40 years anyway
Comment from : @NickSteffen

That’s because you are a muggle
Comment from : @smokeys1254

i once spent 100 bucks on chicken nuggets at wendy's does that count?
Comment from : @kitsunekierein7253

Orignally it wasn't gold the standard but silver, Issac Newton set the exchange rate of silver to gold too low, causing silver coins to go out of circulation, Great Britain became the worlds economy by the 1800s making the rest of the world adopting the gold standard
Comment from : @Wanderer3639

It’s always bothered me how Hermione is a history buff yet she never tells Harry that his grandfather invented Sleek Easy’s Hair potion, when she herself used a whole bottle of it to straighten her hair!🤔
Comment from : @CosplayingwithChad

Please stop saying Cu nut
Comment from : @SRRandomUploads

2:50br"A whole Knut Sack" J, 2017
Comment from : @mrgalactic2647

I like knuts
Comment from : @Gameingiscool571

I imagine if you actually tried that currency exchange scam, the Kobolds that work at Gringotts would skin you alivebrThey seem like the type to do that sort of thing
Comment from : @beterbomen

Fun fact: Thats exactly how we (ppl using metric system) see imperial system
Comment from : @mioszkarpa7035

3:16brbrYou’re saying the quite part out loudbrbrYou’re saying the quite part out loudbrbrYou’re saying the quite part out loud
Comment from : @abnormallynormal8823

How much is 7 stanley nickels to galions?
Comment from : @nilobutay7063

Exchange Fraud? Sounds like basic arbitrage
Comment from : @morefiction3264

ron and his family struggle financially and Harry's loaded from his grandfather inheritance so I'm thinking harry help your family out
Comment from : @tinmanlover1994

It's just a theory! A film theory!! Im sory someone had to do it
Comment from : @sanjeevmehta9089

I think the reason why Snivellus always has greasy and unwashed hair is because James's father owns a shampoo company and Snivellus hates James so he doesn't buy it or any shampoo
Comment from : @1Prongs1

Lol Fanatstic Beasts plays at a time when the dollar was worth a lot more than now
Comment from : @daha9546

Harry is Rich becouse his Grandfather made wisard hairgel
Comment from : @gkjaerby2441

Miss the these socks are amazing ❤
Comment from : @animeguygaming4803

Debit and credit cards would help the wizarding world so much
Comment from : @metal4933

J, J, J, obviously the wizardingworld had a extreme economic crash… 😂😂😂
Comment from : @kaylieghskorner9650

Gold Standard went away 1933
Comment from : @chipmunk1631

Comment from : @rachelortiz4458

I thought Harry also had gold inherited from his Peverell ancestor and from Sirius' part of the Black family fortune?
Comment from : @TimVerry

To answer the question at the end, whether I've spent more money on something than I should have, that I didn't needbrbrI'd say pretty much any time I've bought any kind of trinket from those street salesmen when I'm on holiday You know, the ones that have about 40 watches and bracelets on their arms
Comment from : @krimzon2676

I love being years late to a videobrbrThere are several things I think need to be considered:br• Wizarding money may not be solid gold/silver/bronze I can't recall ever reading that they were solid metal In fact, if they were solid metal, wizards would have a lot more muscle from carrying such heavy money bags No use pointing out magic money bags; Harry didn't have one for the first six books and he could carry his money bag just finebr• Pottermore says wizards use magic to solve math problems They're not converting Knuts to Sickles to Galleons in their heads, they're just waving their wandsbr• Goblins mint wizarding money Goblins have a manufacturing process that produces goods of a quality far in excess of what wizards can make They can also distinguish between genuine goblin goods and forgeries Wizards therefor cannot create counterfeit money
Comment from : @meajur

welcome to the victorian money system!
Comment from : @therandomkid9325

These two videos can help if you're going through a hard time :-)brbr youtube/vXg9wWIN-Xobrbr youtube/3n-DOKBffuU
Comment from : @sladesteinagel8544

Great video 👍👍
Comment from : @basketburger

you should also add that gold is practically valuable as the most conductive material on earth
Comment from : @sappho7278

I'm a bit late to the party, but I spent $1,200 on a 1 dollar coin Mind you, it's a rare coin and graded by the PCGS It's called a b2000 'Mule Strike' $1 with 10c Obverse [Or 2000 1/10c error for short]/b
Comment from : @nickwilliams6621

Re Knuts, the k in many words did not used to be silent
Comment from : @kirstywarman8182

Noooo don’t do math it’s Harry Potter
Comment from : @sristibhuyan8047

And yes I live in the US, South The state fair is a portal lol
Comment from : @Crowned_ladyd

But did Molly even have access to more money? See not the aame
Comment from : @Crowned_ladyd

How to Launder Wizard Money: A Tutorial
Comment from : @MessOfAnElisa

Harry’s grandfather also found a way to multiply money to become rich
Comment from : @anyaandarniesfunacademy5307

wait so in the books we learn that you exchange muggle money in for wizerding money so muggle borns should be able to have more money than half bloods!
Comment from : @Frozengreen757

I really liked the kknee joke
Comment from : @Eloridas

i love it when you guys incorporate educational things into your videos
Comment from : @ChristysCorner

You are right, their money system is absurd
Comment from : @alexandratheavenger3436

To be fair for molly- I have no doubt they are masters of the deal getting off brand Kroger used books with people she knows personally (Never underestimate a mother with coupons)
Comment from : @beammeupscott3032

When you talked about exchanging gold coins for gold in our world and rinse and repeat This used to happen during the medival times but with silver in this case, as the silver in the coins in the UK was worth more on the continent than the coin was This actually caused issues with their being a lack of certain coins being in circulation But it made a lot of already rich people (you needed to own a boat) a lot of money, unless your boat sinks on the way or back
Comment from : @Alex-cw3rz

Theory: When you mentioned how the value of Galleons goes all over the place, maybe it reveals the dark side of the wizarding world of hyperinflation, no wonder the weasley family are so poor Diagon Alley apparently the best wizarding shopping Street in the UK is right next to a street so dangerous even adults aren't keen on going and this is when there has been 12 years of peace in the wizarding world
Comment from : @Alex-cw3rz

What about the massive prize money in the triwizard tournament? The tournament you could die in? Was the prize many people would die for 7000 dollars?
Comment from : @homewebb6294

I spent 18 dollars on a small picket toy, RIDICULOUS!
Comment from : @Brick-Flix85

6:07 this guy just pointed out something I've been thinking about for years
Comment from : @Orion_Nightshade

Could also have different purity of gallons that’s unmentioned Like a pure gallon Or a silver/gold gallon
Comment from : @FredrickMoss5374

I don't think he answered his question how much money does harry have
Comment from : @caideefish8281

So , Harry's wealth was not from James , it was from flemount Potter (idk spelling) who sold some hair potion which was so famous and made Harry's wealth, James never worked or went to job since his father flemount Potter have tons of gold , and also in half blood Prince Dumbledore says Sirius left some gold for harry and black family is one of the richest family so , harry is like a multi millionaire
Comment from : @Doggo_is_sus

1:02 they do teach Math in Hogwarts!
Comment from : @ell4450

Click bait much? How rich is Harry? Very 😡
Comment from : @Valkathon

Can’t they just make their own money
Comment from : @mitchelljack1590

The currency value is run by goblins btw xD
Comment from : @DeltaMcKnight

Didn't the money also come from being a descendent of Ignotus?
Comment from : @gavinfann406

Honestly inflation is technically impossible under the fiat system Inflation is used to keep the rich from having to pay their fare share to their (at this point) wage slaves
Comment from : @draconariusking8328

This reminds me of a serious question I asked about the Harry Potter world “Wait, are you saying everyone in the wizarding world is running around with a 5th to 6th grade education?”
Comment from : @austinwilburn1772

Even though this is a few years too late, you wouldn't be able to carry Galleon because it is about the size of a hubcap (not like the tiny coins in the movies) [this is according to the wiki]
Comment from : @LimeIsTheName

knuts would have a pronounced k, like in the scandinavian name knut which is pronounced ke-nut in english brittain was conquered by danes, amongst them various leaders named knut
Comment from : @jurgnobs1308

6:00 “and that’s the story of how I made INFINITE MONEY”
Comment from : @WorldWeave

I want to see a fictional world that use a gas as currency now lol
Comment from : @waverider6302

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