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The TRUE Value of Wizard Gold REVEALED | Harry Potter Film Theory

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Title :  The TRUE Value of Wizard Gold REVEALED | Harry Potter Film Theory
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Frames The TRUE Value of Wizard Gold REVEALED | Harry Potter Film Theory

Description The TRUE Value of Wizard Gold REVEALED | Harry Potter Film Theory

Comments The TRUE Value of Wizard Gold REVEALED | Harry Potter Film Theory

the value decrease could be avoided by cutting a single unicorn hair (approx 1ft) into multiple peaces I think the longest wands in lore are around 16''? and has the hair or for example the dragonheart string do they have to be the whole length of the wand?
Comment from : @Shiguji

Why does the wizarding world need a currency of their own?
Comment from : @spencerthefrankenstein8291

TBH I’m low-key salty that dobby makes more than I do as a teacher with multiple degrees
Comment from : @speakmanfamily4898

Hello, thank you for your videos!brCan I just point out that analyzing the wealth Ollivander and the Weasleys have by calculating the value of the objects the British magical community uses as currency is very misleading brNone will ever benefit from the value of the objects themselves, but only the value they have in in-world transactions brThe fact that a gallon is worth, by your calculation, $1,400 doesn’t mean that the Weasleys have that money to their name, because they don’t buy things in dollars They don’t sell their gallons to Muggle banks and use that money to buy things in Muggle shops They buy things among people who value a gallon a ninth of a sixth-year textbook or 8 and a half hot chocolates brLastly, it does not matter how much the coin itself is valued by a Muggle bank One could argue that 'goblin gold' has a nearly infinite value, being so rare and unique in the eyes of a Muggle brEven if we were to value it as much as 'pure gold,' I bet that 'goblin gold' means that goblins enchanted it and now cannot be melted (magically or otherwise) to be sold as gold; and that, in the eyes of a Muggle banker, gallons will never appear as something of value, thus preventing both the magical community from being discovered, and wizards from selling it to Muggle banks to become rich thanks to a very favorable exchange rate gold->sterlings->gallons
Comment from : @satoshi3946

This is worthy of the Ted DiBiase laughing
Comment from : @TitanWar93

Olivander should rent the wands
Comment from : @laughingvampire7555

Did you consider inflation? Harry potter doesn't exactly takes place today Yes the numbers are still large but 3 devades changes things
Comment from : @truthert

You made figuring out the weight too complex If the same as a pound of more likely a sovereign containing 732g (which is an actual pound) it would cost £500-600, add about 10 for USD however they are more likely to be the size of crowns which are the same size as a Silver Dollar as the two are the same coin and way an ounce making a Galleon £2000
Comment from : @joshuabell5580

1:20 But with the Big Mac Index video, we learn that Wizarding money stretches an extra 250-400, which means it's more like $125-$175 out of universe Consistent with what Universal charges, really! Which (2:25) would put the figure at 2:34, if you used the BMI ("stretched") equivalent, at about the 1000 "unstretched" galleons
Comment from : @wyattstevens8574

the only problem is that not all years of hogwarts are the same size and harry's year will be especially small as all of them were born when voldemort was at his strongest
Comment from : @LeoBollen

i think you are looking at it in a rather skewed perspective, olivanders does not just sell wands to new school year students, he literally sells to witches and wizards and you are mistaken, not all wands keep working for their masters, some wands can change allegiance based on the emotions of the wizard and witch also wands can be lost due to duels wands that are lost in a duel will change allegiance, and some just stop working completely, so they will need a new wandbrbrwands can be broken, wands can be lost, and if you lose or misplace say a wand with a dragon heart string, it may stop working for you because dragon heart string is temperamentalbrbralso also the ministry of magic helps with things such as books wands and other things, even for people that don't have large income, because they want witches and wizards to be taught at schools, as they are kind of a registry
Comment from : @demonpride1975

Have you heard of inflation?
Comment from : @MrSevenseals

someone do Sickles and Knuts
Comment from : @gamerdude477

Tbf given that house elfs spend all their waking hours working if we adjust Dobby's salary sans the day off he would make $1148 an hour
Comment from : @L251125

For the wands, I genuinly think since wands are required for school - they are cheaper I dont remember learnin about if Ollivanders was the sole vendor fornwands to Hogwarts, that meant automatic business for him brbrSo, I think it means he either has a deal with Hogwarts to make them cheaper because they funnel business Or it could mean that Hogwarts pays the remaining
Comment from : @bryannamickelson

Maybe Mr Roberts just exaggerated the size because he was astonished at the coins being Pure Gold Instead of today's standard of only plating the gold onto base metalbrbrAs for Harry spending that much money on the Omnioculars, remember those two are the First Friends Hary has ever had
Comment from : @lynneclark5313

Maybe Ollivander is a Quidditch fan and fondly remembers Harry's father playing Maybe, he gave Harry a BIG discount because of that
Comment from : @lynneclark5313

Exchange 7 dollars for 1 Galleon at Gringotts brbrSell it for 2000 dollars at muggle pawn shopbrbrRepeatbrbrProfit
Comment from : @Alice-FE

Dobby was going to get paid 10 galleons a week

Seamus had his mother's want too
Comment from : @richewilson6394

There's no confirmation that the large gold coins were even galleons
Comment from : @veezopolis

a wand being 10 grand makes much more sense since they treat snapping a wand as a big deal If they were 50 bucks who cares
Comment from : @GameCyborgCh

2:52 Terrible, got me rollingbr14:11 Wow, got me rolling also
Comment from : @iiDTC

Love to make a polite comment and like but YouTube censorship punishment is real
Comment from : @QuinnMallory-od1hw

As for Harry, who's never had any money, he obviously doesn't understand the value We see that when some kids are given a credit card when going away to college
Comment from : @mikep490

Sirius: you come to me, on the day of my godsons birthday
Comment from : @GraciiGram

I think the hub cap sized coins are foreign currency
Comment from : @billysmith5409

That Dobby edit at 16:48 cracked me up completely 😂
Comment from : @Fritzes007

Dude we all know he is moving wizard drugs in the back of that store
Comment from : @thomasa8814

i imagine wandmaking is likely subsidised by the ministry in order to keep costs low
Comment from : @meatballg8655

I really like the Earth Metal puzzles too for a 3D puzzle type thing :) it’s nice for a rainy day too, but not kid friendly they are pretty small
Comment from : @XxiiCoookiesiix

It's 9 months too late, but something is seriously wrong here By that logic, the Weasleys would have won approximately $ 975,338 for that Daily Prophet Grand Prize Harry would have given the twins $ 1,393,340 to help them start their business How in the heck could they still have been poor after all that?? Acromantula Venom would have cost $139,334 per pint Which means Hagrid was a freaking multi-millionaire No wonder Slughorn went nuts trying to collect the stuff Aurthur was fined $69,667 for that Flying Car Incident Dumbledore would have pulled in a cool $668,8032 for being the headmaster for a year No wonder he didn't want to give it up
Comment from : @MavenWalsh

i feel like a galleon would be more making to the overall size of a British 50 although thicker
Comment from : @toughaxis6457

I've always assumed that the hubcap-sized coins mentioned in GoF were wizarding currency from a foreign country, given that the Quidditch World Cup is an international event
Comment from : @amywilson7540

Thank you guys for continuing to make great content It gives me great pleasure to sit down and decompress during these uncertain times You are bringing hope to those who need it most God bless
Comment from : @P-C-Principle

This also means that the Weasley twins’ bet with Ludo Bagman of just over 37 Galleons cost them over $50’000
Comment from : @scottparsley2902

What we in the US call a "Hub Cap" is actually a device meant to "beautify" the entire wheel The "hub" is actually just the spindle sticking through the wheel bearing But to hold grease in the hub consisting of the axle, the wheel bearing and the nut holding the axle you have to have a "hub cap" This is a small cap which ranges in size depending on the wheel and axle I've seen them from about the size of a pencil on a kids wagon or tricycle to the size of a softball on a heavy duty truck Actual hub caps are usually ugly, so on my van which has decorative aluminum rims there is a small decorative disk with the manufacturer logo that covers the actual hub caps So this is a hub caps hub cap lol😂
Comment from : @sergent40

I think the joke here is that inflation has never even touched the wizarding community That OUR currency is actually incredibly overpriced and we're the ones over paying
Comment from : @theace

Mcgonagall gifts Harry (one of the richest young wizards) one of the most expansive brooms brbrThe rest of you quidditch players go look in the supply closet!
Comment from : @PaulieLauraXombie1331

He made it up when Malfoy bot his wond😊
Comment from : @stanleyosburn867

I know this is only in the movie, but:brbrRon: How much is this?brFred and George in unison: 6,966 dollars and 70 centsbrRon: How much for me?brbrFred and George: 6,966 dollars and 70 centsbrRon: But I'm your brotherbrFred and George: 13,933 dollars and 40 cents!
Comment from : @spencerhiginbotham7538

what if gold is common in the wizarding world
Comment from : @ahmadpeivandi

You have to use early 90's gold prices Gold was about 400 an oz in 1991 28 grams in an ozthats $1428 per gram x 2258 Each galleon is worth about $322
Comment from : @josephgabello3214

In the early 1990s, gold was worth around $390
Comment from : @oh_i_like_that4741

When Fred and George wanted to charge Ron $14,000 for some candy
Comment from : @jamesroed8833

Him referencing the Super Bowl as the most important game in the most popular sport hurt my soul 13:15
Comment from : @ewanhall7880

I wish I had dobby’s salary rn😔✋🏼
Comment from : @pf1540

Your math accounts for gold prices of recent time but the first harry potter movie was around 1980 which the price of an ounce of gold was like $850 give or take
Comment from : @PoeticDeath

Regarding the size of the hubcaps Wizards would have been far more familiar with the caps used on wagon and carts Les so than automobile hubcaps, suggesting that they weren't talking about absurdly large gold coins, just some really big ones
Comment from : @nhansen197

The muggle talking about the hubcap was probably exaggerating
Comment from : @PeterGriffinFromOhio

Ok so what I'm understanding is that it's very expensive to live in the Wizarding world So Molly Weasley isn't bad with money but it's expensive to raise a family of 9 on one income Just like here in the real world So stop saying Molly is bad with money
Comment from : @andreaculver9893

The price of gold back in 1998 was between 300 and $400 per troy ouncebrbrI forgot what was bought in the first book but it seemed like river it was It should have been about a dollar and it cost them a KNUT, which makes sense because there's almost 500 KNUT s per galion so at that time one galion being worth about $500 seemed right 🙂brbrStuff bought later on Doesn't make sense though, I don't believe she had the one knut per dollar rule written down 🙂
Comment from : @lsilence9632

Dobby makes more than 90 of america
Comment from : @Knowledgeto_Come

math feels way off dobbie was paid 1 galleon a week - Dobby spent at least a year searching for a family who would pay him wages to be their House-Elf, something which is unheard of in the wizarding world Eventually, Professor Dumbledore agreed to pay Dobby one Galleon per week to work at Hogwarts – he had offered more, but Dobby bargained him down When we see Dobby in the Hogwarts kitchens, he has just entered Dumbledore's service at the school, along with Winky - I doubt dumbledore is paying house elves thousands of dollars per week
Comment from : @Malice_Lonewolf

what about other schools ???
Comment from : @jgbatista05

you should of used the cost of gold based on year harry potter is based
Comment from : @EngineeringDruid

The hubcaps comparison sounds more like hyperbole
Comment from : @CompassRoseGaming

Maybe the wand includes only a strand of hair, not the whole part
Comment from : @chrismath149

Makes sense, they can get most of their stuff by magic except for food or magical objects They can make their home in a shed with extensions charms, so its all about objects outside their means Food cannot be multiplied and magical objects are being created, but the Goblins money is different from normal gold so their power derives from what the Goblins believe the value of gallon is since they probably started as merchants wizards traded with a lot before 1603 the statue of secrecy was set up It probably has its own magical properties
Comment from : @berthagarcia9151

The real reas9n Sirius is in Azkaban is because he was committed tax fraud to afford that broom
Comment from : @pokyspy

Assuming the hubcap-sized gold coins at the world cup were galleons is baseless -- that conversation and chapter emphasize the amount of foreigners present -- much more reasonable assumption is that Mr Roberts is referring to rando currency from some other rando country's wizards
Comment from : @shimmianNS

I can imagine Ollivander just casually strolling into a muggle bank with just shy of $400,000 worth of gold and asking if they can convert it
Comment from : @pianoman1894

There's just no way a galleon is worth its weight in gold I don't think it's been stated that it's made of gold at all
Comment from : @Nemo_Anom

Didnt the uk money system go from base 12 to base 10 during the 1970's?
Comment from : @rkcpek

Yup I’d pay 10,000 for a wand - no questions ask, give it to me
Comment from : @Fuzzy_Steam

Superbowl lol ,more like the football (soccer)world cup
Comment from : @johnord684

Do you let your daughter watch Peppa pig?
Comment from : @BlackWaterGaming1

the wizarding world's population is tiny and the gringotts bank can probably subsidize the entire thing by simply selling gold to the muggle world (through their shadow-governments like MoM, or that is the MoM's connection to the muggle world through their government) and have more or less the entire wizarding world float off the muggle economy - this wouldn't have been a good idea back in the medieval and renaissance times, but could probably work now
Comment from : @corellonable

She should have based it all on Victorian era British currency and simply used £sd conversions
Comment from : @tianwong7168

All the muggle parents suffering when the time comes to buy their kids stuff for hogwarts
Comment from : @Lemonyy_1997

Gold prices in 1991 were significantly lower than they are today, even after adjusting for inflation
Comment from : @orlykid

We also need to remember that the value of money and currency is not only based on its conversion to other currencies It also comes down to the value of things and the living cost It's not the same to buy a bottle of water and it cost, to be able to make water from the air or something like that Since they have a much easier access to a lot of resources and abilities because of magic, their living cost must be way lower than ours, so that's why the don't need that much money At least I think so
Comment from : @alejandrorioja5028

Lucius Malfoy buying the whole Quidditch team fire bolt 2001s 💀💀💀
Comment from : @Zarate217

It's almost like someone had been writing this story bit by bit for years and it was wildly inconsistent Almost like a whole hecking lot of the wizarding world don't make a lick of sense if you think about it too much
Comment from : @SilverionX

Although I do think 5-7$ is a bit cheap, I also do NOT think a Galleon is worth 1300$ That way Harry would have spent 42000$ for the omni glasses in passing Even if one argued that he might not know how the Pound-Galleon exchange rate was, I think that the seller would know and that's such a huge amount What I find even more crass is the following: Hermione would "have 14000$ left to buy a birthday present" from her parents, (which resulted in her buying Crookshanks) I know they are dentists but that is a bit much
Comment from : @sternentigerkatze

My idea for the 5-7 pound conversion is that it stuck from time when the gold was worth only that much (And assuming that food and stuff in wizarding world does cost in proportion to that)
Comment from : @galactick3816

Conversation went from how olivander makes profit to how did the wesleys even afford so many wands (even after pass downs)😂
Comment from : @Beannie7777

In the order of the pheonix video game on ps2 if you talk to the gargoil on twisted staircase to DATA class you can talk to a gargoyle and it tells you a joke about wizard currency
Comment from : @Sk8erboi360Dopedude

So just saying is Hermione’s parents are really putting a lot of money into the green gods bank to get like 10 gallons I given them like 150 quid
Comment from : @BlackTsukuyomii

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