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Mike Rowe on climbing the professional ladder

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Title :  Mike Rowe on climbing the professional ladder
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Comments Mike Rowe on climbing the professional ladder

All life is hierarchical
Comment from : @billybenson3834

You need time to learn what you are not told in school and if you take your time and patience with a person that is trying to teach you, you will gain all that live knowledge that you will need to succeed, you need to pay attention to what that person is doing, and you will need to make mistakes to learn on those mistakes for you to be professional in your field of work that you want and enjoy doing
Comment from : @tymitunie4892

Not all are smarter as we age but more experienced
Comment from : @kathy9341

Worked minimum wage jobs through college Was hired as a 'fresh out' for an IT position On my orientation day I asked my new boss "What shift am I working"? I assumed I would work 2nd or 3rd shift since I was new, inexperienced and low man on the totem pole Turns out it was a 9 to 5 job so I got to work the day shift
Comment from : @olliehopnoodle4628

It's a bitch seeing your heroes get old
Comment from : @3516C

Baloney The 'lower rungs' don't pay enough to eat or make rent The only thing you learn is the whole economy is built on desperation and people being forced into work that doesn't pay enough
Comment from : @franksnow5165

Obvious observation BTW, hiring outsiders to lead a company or corporation is not wise New opinions and perspectives are good, but first you have to know your business and product before you can fix or run it Unfortunately, people have watched too many TV shows and Movies
Comment from : @Hermetic_

Comment from : @plumberphil5321

i worked my way up from the bottom now my company values my experience far more than any new hire could ever achieve
Comment from : @floorsweepings666

As someone who mentors engineers freshly out of college, breaking their bad habits is part of the job Many of them think they can do whatever they want Read a book, work on whatever they feel like, even leave early should they finish a task earlybrbrI've come to learn that education is not everything, it's not even half the qualifications Companies fired their experienced workers to take on a youthful work force Mostly to avoid paying some form of retirement benefitbrbrNow those same companies are regretting their decisions The youth have no idea how to work, let alone solve a problem on their own They need guiding hands Which is why I truly believe the trade skills work so well It is the experienced teaching the new generation
Comment from : @dirtysilver2841

rowe is koch bros stooge dumbing down the country and trying to justify low paying crummy job
Comment from : @georgeworthmore

This is such an American problem
Comment from : @kevinkrajewski711

Younger people coming out of college are coming out with more debt, and therefore can’t afford to wait out in lower level positions These jobs do not pay enough to begin with to just stay at cost of living raises
Comment from : @naesnaes

That impatience is having a bad effect on our economy Quality work used to be the result of learning ones discipline as an apprentice The old way of apprenticeship is a tried and true system and its disappearing unfortunately
Comment from : @johngreen3543

Its economically better to invest the time you would have spend on the lower rungs building a pole to vault with
Comment from : @snap-off5383

There is no skipping ahead Do the work, give your best out of habbit, in all you do, be honest, do this for you We need your best to be healthy Know your/you're love
Comment from : @JimKJeffries

The lower rungs teaches wisdom and knowledge and common sense
Comment from : @richardderosset6960

Truth is the college educated idiots simply think they are above the work and too lazy to work their way up like many before them did In that they miss out on the respect earned part and expect respect given-which they will NOT truly ever receive
Comment from : @midwesternoutdoorsandnatur8272

I work with a national beverage company that was taken over by a leading beverage company that gut us like a fish and left the carcass on the beach! The first thing they did was fire the people that knew how to make the company money and hire bobbleheads straight out of college that had no experience!!! It's been a complete disaster! The new investment company that bought us from eu are freaking out! But unwilling to pay what it takes to run a multi billion dollar company! The fresh bobbleheads are dropping like flys!! With no recovery in sight!! Mike is absolutely right!!!!!
Comment from : @danielking221

The lower rungs are the learning times It's not just your job your learning but how to work with others properly I guess it's character building and wisdom learned You really can't afford to miss it
Comment from : @shaneleonard7218

Comment from : @johnnystanley4469

He is a great guy and makes some great points Unfortunately the current system doesn't reward hard work and loyalty You work hard and put in your time, but the company gets sold out or merged into another business and you are downsized Or you are replaced by a machine or computer program And if your company and job survives, your benefits are cut and wages stagnate
Comment from : @dieterjacobs9350

It's less impatience and more expectation We've been raised on media and stories from the 70s on up that a college degree in certain fields starts you off at management level with management salaries while ignoring the nepotism involved in securing higher positions out of college We've also been seeing increased thresholds of entry for "lower rung" jobs, usually created by a combination of companies raising their base entry requirements to limit pay benefit negotiations and outside HR firms taking the recommended entry level requirements and turning them into baseline to reduce their workload while maximizing profits
Comment from : @chromegaman

So someone that has a bachlors degree in computer science, should have to work at Mcdonalds for 5 years before being a network admin
Comment from : @elbagofcarp

Young people believe there's an elevator to success there isn't, everyone needs to take the stairs
Comment from : @serruptitiousfool

But you come out of college woth 50k debt and all you got is 30k jobs at that level that require that educarion of course people wana move up to the higher paying jobs they were promised
Comment from : @ilenastarbreeze4978

ive wasted 35 years on the lower wrungs
Comment from : @jamescheever7982

The only thing you learn while being on the lower rung is that it sucks to be on the lower rung The only thing you learn about being stuck out in the rain, is that it sucks being out in the rain What the hell is he taking about
Comment from : @AlexRoss1986

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored" brAldous Huxley
Comment from : @Publius-24

I jumped into middle management out of college and am witnessing managers not promote guys because they are too valuable in the roles they have… it’s not just a climb the 🪜 issue
Comment from : @ryanheslop4874

I agree with Mike I think the not wanting to be on the lower ranks comes from the amount of looming debt these kids have when they get out of college Also the unrealistic expectations they see on social media
Comment from : @saintjakedoran4188

This guy was cool, but he is old now, and getting out of touch with realitybr"When I was young, grass was greener, people respected hard manual work more, and youth accepted working at low ranking jobs and they were happy about that"brYeah, dude, when you were young you could've been patient, work at low rank position and still afford buying a house and college education for your kidsbrGood luck pulling this off nowadays
Comment from : @Bogdanko93

A lot of resentful college and non-college educated folks in this comment section brbrSad to see
Comment from : @Weirdomanification

Theirs a reason why the new generations from millennials and up why they want to skip the lower rungs because there's no real incentive to do so
Comment from : @alexanderwhite298

smarter via wisdom is a time driven value
Comment from : @higbeedoug

This 28 yo on my old team wanted to goto HR because she thinks her manager is not giving her enough training
Comment from : @VictorTheHan

Mam yells at cloud
Comment from : @kowalamedia

Have you not noticed the world these b****s made is desolation of hte earth …and these ****/b now dare to criticise teh young …what a group of ******s
Comment from : @darkstar223

They are not just ‘impatient’ They are entitled
Comment from : @kathleenirish

People have bill to pay today and no one wants to pay adequate wages Back in the day you could do this and it was cool But earning shit pay with high rent in 2023 fresh out of college with student debt is kinda bs
Comment from : @icecactus11

What ladder?
Comment from : @firstandforemost87

Young people are impatient by nature
Comment from : @FoodNerds

Thanks Mike for being who you are
Comment from : @spencerc9284

it's called massive student loan debt and being impatient because they aren't getting paid enough and can't afford to get married or have kids or buy a house and they can't even bankrupt themselves from it
Comment from : @Quentin02143

I am starting to understand why younger people are turning to socialism Older generations tell them just accept poverty when they never even had a shot to live a dignified life like the boomers, Gen x and even some older millenials Housings/rental prices are insane, car loans are what mortgages used to be, groceries are what car loans used to be, and wages haven’t risen an at all… Telling these kids to buck up and be happy with 10/hr is a joke
Comment from : @elkhunter307

Why don't they want to spend time on the lower rungs?
Comment from : @nubraskan

Mike Rowe is an American treasure,
Comment from : @jackmacdonald7335

I heard ladder and thought we were talking about St John's ladder of divine ascent
Comment from : @alexjoneschannel

Mike Rowe is a national treasure
Comment from : @4mp3d

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