Title | : | Spark 2 Guitar Amp - Is It Worth The Upgrade? Demo u0026 Review |
Lasting | : | 21.40 |
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Views | : | 112 rb |
Spark 40 easily sounds the bestbrbrLess shrill, and a bit more naturalbrbrSpark 2 had a little more headroom so maybe its could sound better with some tweaking ??brbrThe Spark Live and Go ehpretty thin sounding? Comment from : @zungle6626 |
Interesting the amount of difference between Spark 40 and Spark 2 50 Much better on the Spark 2 IMHO Comment from : @JamesPartridge-u5y |
Very smartly-done review The mic'd sound comparisons was, for me, the most uniquely invaluable part of your review compared to the others I've watched, but that's not to detract from the equally informative remainder of the material Excellent job, thank you Off to order my Spark 2 :-) Comment from : @TheRealGrumpyFinn |
I have 2,neither work Comment from : @jessgrimm5728 |
What a great review, as a beginner it’s horrible looking for a review of a product to find someone shredding and playing at a very advanced level, surely people of that level won’t be looking for a small practice amp, really helpful Comment from : @Gardenshed371 |
What an excellent video!! Subscribed 😀👍🏻brI thought the Mini sounded the overall best to be honest, so I bought it 😁brI have a Boss Katana 50 Gen 3 which is fantastic! I was considering the Spark 2 also, but the Mini is enough for me and sounds fantastic! Especially through headphones Comment from : @petermartin1967 |
I hope it's really good easy I just ordered a sire t3 and this spark 2 The guy said I needed a pedal to do it right Hopefully he was just trying to up sell Comment from : @goodtogrow7774 |
4:45 saving for me lol Comment from : @goodtogrow7774 |
The reverb sounds like a $10 reverb pedal from china Including the rest of the effects Comment from : @DanielDavis730 |
Are the stereo fx obvious or like simulated CAUSE I TESTED IT WITH HEADPHONEs AND NO REAL STEREO fx in my experience! and does the looper and AI come with the new spark for your pocket? Comment from : @djbmanifestomode |
Nobody warned me that it is a FIXED pedal order!!!!!!!! Comment from : @joemarshlljmp |
Spark should have separated the EQ from the Mod in the FX chain, and added another FX slot in the chain to take advantage of the increased DSP in the spark 2 The looper is a great addition, though - hopefully, future updates will address this Comment from : @emersonward6996 |
I really hadn’t realised that the inbuilt looper was compatible with using different tones/presets for different parts That’s a massive development Thanks for a great review 👍🏻 Comment from : @bungalowbluesman |
great review would really like to see someone go through the amp models in depth especially with a few different guitars, maybe something with active humbuckers, maybe a semihollow, etcbrbri understand the decision to trade off the direct amp control knob in favor presets it would be cool to have both more banks of presets storable on the amp is room for a next gen improvement another would be a stereo effects loop, especially if it could be patched in before OR after the onboard effects, or even instead of them, although that's getting into "why not get a regular amp" territorybrbrthe 2 definitely sounds better than the 40 no contestbrbrgood job, man 👍 CHEERS Comment from : @lrpelkey |
I'm thinking of spending £270 Hopefully is gonna be worth it Comment from : @GeorgianA-Music |
So i bought one 2 week later nothing work so i email spark and no respond since like 8 month so do you a favor and buy a katana or anyting but not this "amp" positive grid gonna scam you Comment from : @Charlie66698- |
hey man,brcan you let your phone outside and show direct on the guitar amp ??brdo people come on stage with their phone in the hand ?bryou can't be serious ? Comment from : @laurentmeiller5171 |
fx loop Comment from : @KennyJosephNiven |
Bravo! Great explanation and breakdown of an awesome piece of kit A friend bought me the Spark Mini and I was impressed, but after seeing Dave Tran Demonstrate the Spark 2 I am going to upgrade Perfect for novices like me Comment from : @edwardgillatt1666 |
I would rather go with Boss Katana Mini X - straight forward physical dialsspent more time playing guitar instead of fiddling with an iPhone for half the price, I think Boss mini X like a $150 bucks battery included Comment from : @Klaxet |
Great review Only disapointment is I read it will only record into a daw at 441/16 bit please correct me if I am wrong Comment from : @midiman5045 |
I thought the "GO" sounded the best honestly Comment from : @rubbersole79 |
These amps are a pain in the ass with their constant firmware updates 🙄 Comment from : @Newbomb_Turks_Punch |
Don't have 40 nor Spark 2 so no bias, Spark 2 sounds so much better Comment from : @tonywang7704 |
Ahora En español por favor Comment from : @jdiaz15298 |
Can the 40 and the 2 be daisy chained in any way or hooked up to an external board or speakers Comment from : @dennissherry9561 |
Just a toy Comment from : @Peter-ho7do |
Spark amp or Yamaha thr10 mark III? Comment from : @marjeziorny924 |
Should I go for Boss Katana 50 or the Spark 2? i am thinking about it, both are really attractive and sound great, but i can't decide Comment from : @Alexilhaiho |
All those signals in the air Cancer? Demylenation? Will we ever get the truth? Comment from : @BlueBeeMCMLXI |
why are the effects still MONO?? Comment from : @videomove |
All I will say is that I learned my lesson on buying gear that rely on their apps for full control Looking at you Digitech iStomp! Comment from : @shield400 |
Can you make the Spark 2 play through my Spark Cab without muting the Spark 2 without extra hardware like say the Ulooper please? Comment from : @Acncan |
Such a great review, the way you describe all the Spark 2 properties is perfectly presented and so easy to follow for a foreigner like me My admiration to your loops, so easy yet so great Thank you Ludek from Prague Comment from : @ludekkolenaty2209 |
Love your videos! Been watching you for years and you never disappoint 🤘🏽 Comment from : @trcuevas |
What are the best amplifiers for beginners Boss katana 3 or Spark 2? Great video 👍thank you Comment from : @benathanaxay9256 |
Ok, good practice amp But it makes every guitar sound exactly the same brbr Play along useless Comment from : @notfirstyourlast |
Great review ! Good job ! Comment from : @francoismilet8666 |
I can't wait until these are in Guitar Center, I got a $180 in stackable rewards and want to use them for the Spark 2 to use as a portable amp Tried the low wattage stuff and it just doesn't sound as good to me Comment from : @davidraymond8994 |
I bought the spark mini first Love it so much I just got my spark 2 and love that just as much Both are so good and fun! Comment from : @asujimbo |
I bought the Spark, it sucked, I sent it back I tried some of their other products, sent them back too They suck Comment from : @RevGerryRM |
I’ve been watching a lot of review videos on this…yours is BY FAR the most helpful and comprehensive Thank you!!! Subscribed! Comment from : @bnsnwpayne1 |
One of the most thorough reviews I've seen, period EXCELLENT review all around I was looking at a Boss Katana 50 Gen 3 but you just sold me on the Spark 2 Thank you Thank you Thank you! Comment from : @mikeeckert2253 |
The 40 sounds like it has a massively thick blanket over the speakers Biggest reason I never got one Now the spark 2 is a completely different story I like what I hear Almost bought a mooer sd30 Glad I waited👍 very nice thororough review Comment from : @stephenclark9598 |
You did a great job Most useful review I’ve seen so far on this product I’ll definitely get one Comment from : @muelfernandez |
I’m really struggling with the buzzing anytime a note is played The noise gate helps a little, but kills the sustain Tried single coils and humbuckers, tried different outlets, tried with the battery only, and updated the firmware Any suggestions? Comment from : @mhthomps |
I have been a Spark 40 user for over three years, I bought the Spark 2 because it has line outputs, big disappointment when I realized that using them mutes the amplifierbrIs there any solution, Is it possible to pair the two Sparks? Thanks a lot for your support Ciao Comment from : @GabrieleUsai |
A looper with no foot pedal? Why? Comment from : @timjoseph887 |
Mine showed up today, I’ll set it up tomorrow 👍 Comment from : @deeran656 |
Great review and video as usal Thanks for sharing I can't agree more on the user scenarios you've described as I own Go, Mini, 40 and now Spark 2 And Spark 2 is a great step forward Love it Comment from : @MikaelGebray |
Received my Spark 2 in advance (I used the pre order offer 😃), I already had the mini and go but did not like the muddy sound of the 40 I am quite delighted to say that it has been fixed and that the spark 2 now has fantastic sounds, as good as the mini and other practice amps (I have the yamaha thr 30ii, the Boss Dualcube lx and some Nux too) The looper was the functionality I was expecting the most and that's fantastic it is now integrated However I have a question as I am an heavy home studio player and I do record lots of videos for fun : is it possible in a Daw to split the loop and the guitar lead, meaning to record the loop on one track and the lead guitar on another one, things I am doing with the Boss RC 500 As the Spark 2 has a stereo Line out option , I thought it would be possible to do it, is it ? Thanks for your answer 🙏 Comment from : @RomainG6409 |
I just received mine The sound is by far better than the spark1 Really it is impressive Comment from : @thevirtualdenis3502 |
So is 1 irrelevant? Comment from : @bigpapi2658 |
What Abt the foot controllerdoes it work with the 2? Comment from : @4gcole |
I have not experienced this amp yet, not even shipping out yet, but here are my thoughts based on observation brbrPractical, mobile , and it seems like it sounds pretty good but , only 8 presets capacity is not enough , and it appears this amp offers nothing in the form of expression pedal , whammy , wah and harmonist and pitch shifter brbrFor those reasons , I won't be a buyer Comment from : @kr4966 |
Could you help us with something With the new Control X, what expression and volume pedals are compatible with it? It’s easy to see Positive Grid videos showing one connected but they don’t sell one so what model are they using? Thank you for your help and all of your great videos Comment from : @Kennardy |
Boy, glad I didn't buy the Spark 40! Comment from : @dg1294 |
HELL YA dude, I love this Comment from : @louisianakiddavelafrance1327 |
Can you store loops you’ve recorded ? 🤔 Comment from : @darrencunningham4782 |
Okay how does that tiny Spark go sound 100x better than the original spark 40 haha The spark 2 seems like a 100 buy if you own the first one and LOVE it It just sooo much better Comment from : @dejct |
So I brought my Spark 2 and it just got announced for delivery, so I'm online looking for reviews and everybody's seems to be reading ad copy Is this an ad? Any amount of clarity on that point would be helpful Comment from : @flashpointnova |
Take a look at the Fender GTX 100 an excellent alternative in a 100 watt combo amp package Comment from : @kuffs06 |
Biggest issue, too much woofy bass, not addressed Comment from : @loudguitarist |
What u mean the best seller We don't no anyone who has brought one Comment from : @DanielDavis730 |
I actually like that heavy low end sound I glad to hear about the looper, but I feel they could do more before releasing a new amp Like an ai chord/key recognition, as well as tone recognition And maybe have a guitar sound swap like the bias fx plugin Comment from : @devontaylor4939 |
Parece que han arreglado el desastre de sonido del Spark 40 Lo compré y no imaginaba hasta que punto sonaba mal, desde luego un error de hardware tremendo Los graves están totalmente descontrolados y hay que tirar fuertemente de ecualizador para que la guitarra suena a algo parecido a una guitarra Sin embargo con auriculares suena genial y ya sólo lo uso así Estaba pensando venderlo ya después de menos de un año por lo que lo mismo doy el cambio al nuevo Spark 2 Comment from : @eloy6243 |
Just ordered the Spark 2 in white thanks to your review i didnt know what i should get but this helped me make my mind up Love all your videos and lessons by the way :))) Comment from : @95ducati916 |
Great job Spark 2 is far more articulate and the heavier bass is gone compared to Spark 40 Man, I wish I could afford it right now Do they take Spark 40's for trade in? I'd gladly pay the balance! lol🤘🏻🎸 Comment from : @donrepcon7704 |
Is the Aux In truly independent of other functions, so we can use modelers via the Aux In with no lag? br(This is infamously impossible with the Spark Mini?) Comment from : @BuleriaChk |
I would like to see a specific preset to bypass all amps and effects implemented without icons so there would be no confusion (or the option to remove them completely from the instrument list i e the icons) as an option, rather than just off/on Comment from : @BuleriaChk |
Hi just curious - I think the sound on this video is very well done - what was your setup ? Looking forward to spark 2 Comment from : @keithpackardguitar |
Hi, great demo Boss katana gen 3 brOr Spark 2? Which is better for home use Comment from : @davidgrimshaw4763 |
I hate I missed the September drop Going to be overseas by the time the October drop rolls around Comment from : @naturaljoe759 |
I hate I missed the September drop Going to be overseas by the time the October drop rolls around Comment from : @naturaljoe759 |
Can I use that line out as a send and return ? Comment from : @Redbelo |
Will Spotify playlist be available for Auto Chord on the Spark 2? Comment from : @russheater5283 |
how „silent“ can the Spark 2 go, compared with the mini?bri often use the minis guitar knob only at around 9am to 11am, or about a fourth / third of the possible loudnessbrhow loud is the Spark 2 compared?brcould you do db measurements? Comment from : @IbanezFan0815 |
Well said I'm definitely upgrading from my spark 40 Comment from : @DavidParathyras |
Before watching, my biggest problem was that I was getting drowned out by other amps, even similar sized ones, with the 40 I hope the 2 will resolve that problem but, listening to the side by side comparison, I also didn't realize how muffled the 40 sounds compared to the cleaner/crisper sound of, well, all the rest Still love my 40 but, definitely upgrading to the 2 if not the Live! Anyone interested in a used, very well taken care of 40? lol Comment from : @rogerr1296 |
That was the best deep dive that I have seen on that thank you! I have the 40 and I can get pretty damn good sound out of that and even adjust either the guitar or the amp itself to get rid of the woofiness Also, they give you a break if you already own the 40 so you can pick it up for 238 for the Spark two! I love that you preset eight instead of four presets and also you don’t have to buy and if the other software it’s all included So I’m looking forward to my Spark to arriving! Comment from : @dennyclosser8456 |
does the Spark2 now has the power/functionality to pitch shift / downtune the incoming guitar signal like a Digitech The Drop? Comment from : @IbanezFan0815 |
man, they should have added a DI out, that's why many go with other amps like fender mustang or line 6 catalyst If you make an amp do all this great backing track stuff, would be nice to DI it without a mic for a quiet stage So simple We play at home, but would also like to use it for small venues Cant believe this hasn't come up in a meeting at positive grid Comment from : @juddadam2 |
Getting the spark 2sounds better Upgrade Selling my Spark 40 with Battery,speaker modis kind of swapping Comment from : @By-Fun-Jokes-Guitars |
My Spark 40 was really cool for tuning, but the EQ doesn't work, and the system can't use gain without a loud HISSY fit, rendering it useless for my purposes Customer service says they are too busy selling the newer units right now to fix this issue Hmmm I'll see about returning it Comment from : @YoBro-np7xt |
I am surprised how the spark go sounded I never checked it out because every tiny amp I have tried didn’t sound that great But for a tiny amp I am surprised I had the spark 40 when it first came out, and played around with it for a few months But there is some features on the new spark 2 I like, and I think it would be great for parks and camping ect Probably give it a try once it’s available Great review! Comment from : @HumbleHeartMinistry |
Pretty cool I cannot justify the price to upgrade It uses a lot of AI to find a tone, so is easier to just sit down and play The looper is cool and having the battery is great 10 watt difference is only about 9 decibel which is lower than what the ear can notice If they upgraded the speakers that would be awesome I probably should not have a spark 1 amp anyway cause I just use it as a modeling amp and none of the other features I really want to try one one day Comment from : @Neonmnan |
I just pre bought mine today based it off how much I love my 40 I know a lot of people hate em but whatever! I love mine and since I work offshore it’s the ultimate lightweight amp that doesn’t take much space and does a lot! I like to jam to backing tracks and the spark is awesome at that! Can’t wait for my spark 2😊 Comment from : @johnnysizemore4301 |
I have a Mini, but I ordered a Spark 2 Funny thing is I just received the Xsonic Ulooper, I only learned about the Spark 2 having a looper afterwards Doh! Comment from : @cyranodaburgerack8745 |
All I can say is that since Spark 2 has been announced, the amount of used half-priced Spark 40 (v1) is tremendous It can be bought for 160 Eur in perfect state Comment from : @damianp3305 |
FYI: I have and love an OG Spark 40, pre-ordered For about 98 of its life to date, my Spark 40 was 100 off AC grid Using a standard laptop style battery bank of compatible specs which matches the Spark electrical needs, my Spark has been used in parks, camping and my terrace, with zero AC power The battery bank is non-destructively, magnetically attached to the rear of the unit using stuck on metal plates and super strong magnets from car phone mount kits I've never done battery life testing, but with near daily 30-45 minute sessions, I can easily go several weeks between charging the laptop battery bankbrbrThe Spark 2 definitely addresses a few issues with the OG Spark and the added features are generally cool But to be honest, they're simply not must haves for me Not enough to upgrade and grab Mark II, though to be fair I have not confirmed the upgrade pricing offer to OG Spark ownersbrbrAnyway, good overview look and review here :)brbrBOTTOM LINE: Overall, factoring the combined calculus of tone, features, design and price, the top tier Spark amps are indeed the finest deskop practice amp I've ever owned And I have personally owned nearly every desktop practice amp on the market over the last 5-7 years On tones alone, I still feel that the Yamaha THR series is slightly superior overall, but a nearly twice the price and without a whole lot of the PG Spark 40 and Spark 2 features Comment from : @joesatchton212 |
thank you, easy to innerstand, well considered Comment from : @peterchung623 |
Why can't all reviewers be as thorough and as smart as you are 😅 so surprisingly rare to see anyone actually pull off a good and thorough review! Comment from : @ciaio |
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