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YAMAHA THR30II vs Positive Grid Spark! - Which one is the Best Practice Amp?

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Information YAMAHA THR30II vs Positive Grid Spark! - Which one is the Best Practice Amp?

Title :  YAMAHA THR30II vs Positive Grid Spark! - Which one is the Best Practice Amp?
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Frames YAMAHA THR30II vs Positive Grid Spark! - Which one is the Best Practice Amp?

Description YAMAHA THR30II vs Positive Grid Spark! - Which one is the Best Practice Amp?

Comments YAMAHA THR30II vs Positive Grid Spark! - Which one is the Best Practice Amp?

Let me know which amp you are most interested in and if you own one of these, what you like about it! brEnjoy!
Comment from : @DarrellBraunGuitar

Wow thats amps are incredibly!!! But, yamaha amp is more cheap than spark one in Mexico
Comment from : @fernandorivas1410

I had the Grid and I find it way too muddy
Comment from : @Zhorellski

What about "now" with Spark 2, is THR still viable?
Comment from : @skye7690

Gets a Kiesel Johny model with them six shooter pups
Comment from : @zipchtkdn7804

I bought the THR10X like 9 years ago The green one It was their metal modelbrIm looking at it right nowTHe best metal practice amp ever madebrSo many sounds for rythym you can makebrI see theyve made one for all instead of three differentr onesbrIt must be unbelievable
Comment from : @metaldreams3595

I agree that spark was unuseably bassy
Comment from : @lgmnowkondo938

J'hésite entre les les 2 Sur le Yamaha je n'aime pas que la batterie soit fixe (durée de vie ?), je n'aime pas le système de recharge du système wireless car cela monopolise la prise guitare, il manque des rythmes Mais je préfere son look qui peut servir d'enceinte bluetooth Le Spark fait plus ampli guitare et s'intègre moins bien dans un salon
Comment from : @azimut2azimut218

Did you test the headphone performance on these two? I will probably practice that way half the time, so curious if there's a clear winner in that category
Comment from : @chrisbuchanan6346

La batterie n'est pas amovible sur le Yamaha et il ne possède pas de Looper ni de rythmes
Comment from : @dupsazimut2273

Airstep makes a dedicated 5-button pedal for remote switching of the THR presets You could conceivably gig this like a 5 channel amp, using the line outputs There is a short but noticeable delay when switching presets though, and you'll need to get used to that and work around itbrThe THR also has an on board rechargeable battery and can be used for several hours without being connected to an electric outlet And therefore it's also a portable boom box/bluetooth speaker
Comment from : @alexanderkastaniotis4097

What about for an acoustic guitar does Yamaha work for acoustic ?
Comment from : @NessaHart

Yamma-haw LOL
Comment from : @Theexplorographer

So now at this writing we have the Spark 2 which is supposedly WAY better than the original
Comment from : @ridingblues

Thr30 costs way more, spark has more features but, my spark started dropping out after 2 yrs Hopefully my thr10 11 will last longer
Comment from : @dennistaylor983

I think Yamaha looks best but the Value of Spark40 can’t be beat! I bought the Spark!
Comment from : @JamesGowan

There's some new updates on how to cut some of the base out, by shoving something into the hole between the speakers on the Spark, there's a YouTube video a guy made on fixing the base, and installing a rechargeable powerbank to the back gives 12hrs of play time Also other improvements he did to the original Spark and how to find the improvements to make it easier to use, and sound better
Comment from :

You can use line outs to one or two powered FRFR speaker cabinets HeadRush makes a great / affordable one that works well with the THR30ii Great vid
Comment from : @joeylodes

when you take the grille off the spark you can stuff foam in the middle hole and it mellows the bass
Comment from : @jelly_swoosh

Lol the Yamaha is literally almost double the price xD
Comment from : @benja1378

I still looking for a video that show both Amplifier playing with an Acoustic electric and an Electric guitar
Comment from : @jhonlynayky_elnayky

I like the Spark It just sits on a shelf in my studio and I control it with my iPad Very convenient
Comment from : @officialWWM

Yamaha is so good, amps and guitars If you’re a bedroom guitarist, Yamaha is for you
Comment from : @rocketdurham4926

Wow A whole video about amp comparisons and he didn’t even hardly play a lick Too much yap yap
Comment from : @upanddownz

I have a THR110 2 Wireless which is actually 20 watts Smaller than the 30 but just as capable Doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of the Spark but I love it The battery is also a great feature The tones are superb Love it
Comment from : @tom5216

Is the Yamaha foot switchable
Comment from : @geraldkeating7997

Please stop abbreviating your words!! I feel cut out of the conversation
Comment from : @karenc84121

What do you mean by eco system? What the hell is that? Amplifiers have there own eco systems now?
Comment from : @karenc84121

I did not like the Spark 40 Sounded too squashed, not responsive and no dynamics, even with the compressor off THR felt more amp like
Comment from : @Stewmade64

Thanks for the video! I think I'll be going with the PG it's way more in my price range and I like a more bass end tone for that old Polytone amp sound when I want it Thx again!
Comment from : @Kittykisszpdx

Why are there no reviews of gear4music amplifiers? I have a sub zero desktop battery amp and I think it is one of the best amplifiers to have at home
Comment from : @pmmaf

Question: Is the Spark practical for an acoustic bass guitar? Does it sound like a bass and can it provide some volume without distortion? Does anyone know?
Comment from : @arthurattila7835

Very kind and thoughtful review but sounds like it’s clear the Yamaha is far superior in most ways
Comment from : @patrickdossantos2725

Couldn’t decide so I Just bought both
Comment from : @minerva6

Who let bees out, who who 🎵🎵🎵
Comment from : @Alfredo78666

So is this it? Spark/Yamaha, LesPaul/Strat, USA/China, McDonald's/BurgerKing ?brThe best and most original guitarists could play anything strung with six strings and resonated and made it into something historicbr Nowadays most guitarists have sacrificed themselves on the altar of capitalismbrAn ounce of musical knowledge is worth a pound of musical equipmentWhat difference does it make if you've paid $50,000 for your '61 Strat if you can't play it?brI'll be putting my HB 335 and my HB 414LH through the Spark that arrives next week, let's hope it turns me into my wife's idea of what a guitar god looks and sounds like ;-)
Comment from : @brawdygordii

I have a battery for my spark amp and I love it no plugs here baby
Comment from : @stevenmeansphotography3861

Thanks for the honest review Looks like the Yamaha is best for my need!
Comment from : @elliotignasiak5152

Really nice video, thank you so much 😊
Comment from : @mapleneck1520

THR for the win
Comment from : @bulletproofkarma

I've seen the other reviews on the spark that view the warmth of the tone as a positive
Comment from : @discus1713

Yamaha has many external knobs and effects that can be adjusted, but even if you combine them in one way, there is not that much of a difference brPresets cannot be created In particular, strong metal sounds cannot be combined brYou can make a Clean Tone and a Hard Tone, but the convenience of connecting wirelessly is better than Spark brComparing the tone, the Yamaha is much softer and closer to the original guitar app tone The Yamaha is also like the Spark brIf presets could be shared, it would have sold a lot and developed further, but it's a shame
Comment from : @hdrho9914

Yamaha has been in the sound business for years, so they know their stuff I just bought my second THR amp (I still have the original lol) and they still blow me away
Comment from : @rockerbuck967

I find that the spark sometimes sounds like an amp wrapped up in a duvet cover It has great sounds but struggles to put them through like an up front organic sound For this reason I swapped over to the Spark mini which sounds much better to my ears And yes you can now band rehearse and gig with it if you buy the newly released 140 watt spark powered cab that speaker voiced for all three sparks
Comment from : @pauljohnson3686

The reason it's so bass heavy is because it's designed to be a guitar/bass amp, which wasn't a great idea, and I don't think anyone is gonna play bass through it They tried to make it work but it's just super muddy and it messes with guitar signal as well
Comment from : @sandoncrowder7839

And there's the rub with the Spark – 'bass heavy' I have the Spark Mini and the THR30II which I bought after watching loads of videos I'm ultimately disappointed by the Yamaha It's thin, airy, harsh and too bright for my liking Since my ears are tuned to the 70s, the Spark's warmth is much better IMO All the demos were by young people playing heavy metal and shredding I want Keith Richards, George Harrison, that ilk And so I shall be selling the Yamaha after two months and going for the bigger Spark, which I have used before
Comment from : @hanwellvillageoxfordshire6133

Hi Darrell is it possible to connect a looper with the amps?
Comment from : @carojahdis

I have these two, I rarely play thru my Spark because YMH THR is much superior in many ways
Comment from : @herethereandeverywhere4590

I’ve had Sparks for a couple of years and just hated it! Too many options and the phone app control were not my cuppa tea Just got the Yamaha THR30iiWL and absolutely love it, it suits my needs perfectly and sounds awesome!
Comment from : @GuitarJoLa

I have both and the Yamaha is by far the amp I spend most of my time playing with The1 Yamaha is a hi-fi audio unit with amazing sounds and amp simulation that not only sound but feel and respond amazing The spark sounds very digital, processed and bass-y and muffled with a lot of artifacts in the sound The yamaha is the closest you can get to ‘plug and play’ like an actual tube amp
Comment from : @yiannisfaitakis

Is it possible to use either of these as full out monitors connected to a pc? I mean use it as a speaker to just listen to music through it?
Comment from : @chilipeet4610

In another Spark video, I read a comment that if you remove the speaker grill and put a sock or two in the bass reflex hole on the bottom of the unit, it greatly improves the sound Removing the grill "releases" some of the high end and the socks constrain the bass frequencies
Comment from : @mikeaustin4138

Whats is this really priceless is the value of this video, thanks Darrell!
Comment from : @gerinsindanight

Yamaha ugly
Comment from : @stkltokz

I've owned a THR10X for many years now I just can't part with it It's amazing!
Comment from : @sunnys5150

I have the thr5, A baby compared to these beasts and still the best sounding amp I've ever ownedI'll never sell it
Comment from : @jimmywrangles

In the end, the real best practice amp is the friends we made along the way
Comment from : @Philter-Coffee

I got the THR because the input jack is on the near side of the top The Positive Grid is on the far side of the topbrbrI place my THR under my computer monitor and use it as a sound bar When I want to play guitar, I'm sitting at my desk anyways and I can see the input jack Definitely not a normal use case, but it's what made my decisionbrbrWhatever gets you to pick up your guitar and play is probably the better amp For me, that's the ability to not have to move stuff lol The convenience of not having to move stuff around is definitely worth it
Comment from : @TeaSniffer_

Excellent review Thank you very muchbrIt leaves me in a quandary, because I prefer the Yammy due to its faithfulness of sound quality (I adore clean, sharp, clear sound), but the range of mods, etc, that the Spark offers and it’s low price is extremely appealingbrI used to own a Fender Mustang GTX100, but I traded it last autumn for an orange 212 closed cab and a Victory Sheriff 22 I just fancy another, but small, modelling amp More thinking required, but I reckon at the end of the day I’ll plump for the Spark My mate has one and he loves it
Comment from : @adriancoppin977

I have a Spark - The main thing about this amp is all the amps (39 different ones) and effects (from tremolo to univibe Jimmy Hendrix pack etc and the combinations) you get I never even use the knobs in the amp itself, only through the app - and as far as I am concerned the physical amp could be a singe volume for amp and another for headphones The BIG BIG advantage is that you can have all the effects you need, you can even play acoustic guitar and bass guitar through it (as I do on acoustic rehearsals) And there is a pedal to go with it that can change effects or patches, even control the bluetooth speakerbrIMO the only thing missing in the spark 40 as a practice amp is the line out and battery, that now you can find in the spark mini and go
Comment from : @The_Ricardo_Sa

what happens when the rechargeable battery goes bad?
Comment from : @spookytkid

Spark sounds like mud 💩 Go for the Yamaha it’s actually Line 6
Comment from : @27pugsly

What amp in Spark gives the same smooth clean tone thats similar to Yamaha Thr30II?
Comment from : @melvinbrown4139

The Yamaha is waaaay better than Spark 40 Being able to jam to tracks/download from the large community foist matter if your amp tone is boomy to start off and bricks out after moderate use slightly over a year Its oriented more towards the beginner’s grade Btw, Positive Grid’s customer service is in India horrible!!!! I bought the Yamaha You can do small gigs with its sound quality Its not a metal amp by no meansbrbrbrbrReply
Comment from : @donmilland7606

The bass issue on the spark may be because it's chipboardbrI have a Vox Valvetronix AC30, and I have taken the back off and lifted it, and it's still BassybrSo cheaper materials
Comment from : @madsam7582

15 minutes and i havent heard any if the amps
Comment from : @spenzix3720

Comment from : @enkiorion1347

Tbh the Yamaha wins on the battery feature - too bad it doesn't have a mic channel, it'd be killer for street performingbrbrBeing that a few good juicy tones are all one needs, the "best practice amp" imho would be something along the lines of a Vox Mini 3, which is a fraction of the cost of eitherbrbrBut that's to practice playing, not turning knobs
Comment from : @rocketpigrecords3719

My Spark 40 has been cutting out intermittently- either with the guitar or computer USB connection Each dead period lasts for a minute or 2 Firmware update did not resolve the issue So right now its useful only to hold the door open or as step to reach high places I'm waiting to hear from PG
Comment from : @donmilland7606

The Spark is bass heavy because it has two 4 inch speakers, no tweeters and a bass port!
Comment from : @PMUP2016

Spark sounds bass heavy and a bit muddy and for me turns the experience I have the Yamaha and love it
Comment from : @PMUP2016

Can YAMAHA THR30II be used with acoustic guitar please?
Comment from : @clddnc

How long does the spark usually take to ship?
Comment from : @amberburgoon4701

The spark 40 has a EQ pedal inside After a update maybe they listen to to 😂Tweaking, battery missing in the spark
Comment from : @By-Fun-Jokes-Guitars

positive grid spark wins absolutely
Comment from : @emirarnas

Yamaha THR30II can go from 15 people to 1,500 people !
Comment from : @CrossoverClassic

Great content, as always I am looking at modeling amps that have either 8” or 12” speakers I play soft fingerstyle blues and some nice, mostly clean chord progressions I play exclusively to low, bedroom-level decibels I know that when you crank amps up, even a little, the larger speaker has a fuller, richer tone But at the levels I play, just around speaking level or slightly higher, will I get a fuller tone from the 12” speaker or will playing at such low volumes negate any of the benefits of the larger speaker?
Comment from : @BobEstremera

The Spark sounds to dark and muddy The problem with the Yamaha is the price, way to high
Comment from : @williammolina9792

Would ever take the PGrid toaster!!! 🎸🎸🎸🇦🇺 But never have seen a professionell with these 2! Both are to expensive! But the grid has all effects and much more in 😂🎉
Comment from : @australier263

I'm late to the party Very nice rundown! Sorry if you covered this in the video but can you please tell me if what we are hearing from the amps is mic'd cab or DI on your recordings? Also, 2 years later has the bassyness been resolved?
Comment from : @scottdobry3859

Am I shadow banned? Can anyone see this?
Comment from : @joeking433

The Yamaha having a battery sets it apart Out at the park, down at the subway, sidewalk jam, rock on Leave the spark at the store because it needs an outlet
Comment from : @captsparrow34

I used the Yam THR for a couple of years honestly, I was not that impressed It did the job, but ONLY did the job I am a huge Yamaha fan - I play their guitars, basses, piano's but for some reason I just don't get on with the amps They're fine for grinding out normal every day stuff, but if you're recording I want "special" and I tend to lean over to Orange, Blackstar etc for those tones Don't get me wrong - the THR is a great amp for day to day I'd certainly pack it at short notice But as a recording buddy? Not so much However, I thoroughly recommend any of Yamaha's instruments it's rare you can say "fun" to play, but my Bass, Guitar and piano fun to play
Comment from : @damightyshabba439

weird that you don't emphasize that the MAJOR difference is the battery batteries are expensive that is why the price is so different that's really it
Comment from : @noyb154

That depends, do you want one amp or thousands of amps at your fingertips?
Comment from : @TheOneandOnlyCornBread

Blackstar Fly
Comment from : @jamesprisciandaro3144

Both are amazing first amps The spark seems like the much cooler, inexpensive and versatile option, but I would trust Yamaha build quality for longevity
Comment from : @theproblemmustbeinyourpant5910

Spark gets my vote
Comment from : @Darkmatter321

I played both at the store and noticed the bass bump in Spark However, it only takes few moments to adjust EQ via the app, set the presets and off you go The modeling is really nice and UI is no brained I couldn’t go to Yamaha
Comment from : @AndyNyle

My butt hairs got tangled in my Yamaha so my wife left me
Comment from : @neoconnor4395

It’ll be interesting to see a comparison with the new NuX Mighty Space
Comment from : @dinonoce

I tried the THR, twice I think, none of what is goingbrto be covered in this video is of much concern to me, the only brissue I'd like to see exposed of remedied is the weird brice-picky overtones of pick-attack on the THR I'm wonderingbrif the Spark has it too or not, very unlikely to be covered here orbrby any reviewer, especially not those that are 'affiliate-link' drivenbrMost people watching this will brnever notice or care about that aspect, so for them all these features probably brmatter The THR that I had was so good, save for that ice picky brpick-attack feature, if not for that I'd still have one
Comment from : @bikersoncall

I need one of those
Comment from : @rodrigo_zarraga

Great video
Comment from : @TirelessG

Push power button on top of the YamahabrYou can thank me for thatbrI rose hell when the former cheap toggle switch brokebrAt least my $300 loss counted for somethingbrYamaha never offered to replace my amp, even though their design flaw killed it I'm moving onto Spark
Comment from : @American_In_Latvia

I would have thought Marshall would come up with something similar They have a Bluetooth speaker for the commoners :-) and they can easily grab the market share from Marshall heads if they brought out something like this
Comment from : @pullatstrings

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