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Why Guitar Players START Using Amp Modelers and STOP Using Tube Amps

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Information Why Guitar Players START Using Amp Modelers and STOP Using Tube Amps

Title :  Why Guitar Players START Using Amp Modelers and STOP Using Tube Amps
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Frames Why Guitar Players START Using Amp Modelers and STOP Using Tube Amps

Description Why Guitar Players START Using Amp Modelers and STOP Using Tube Amps

Comments Why Guitar Players START Using Amp Modelers and STOP Using Tube Amps

I just went for an L6 HX Effects off eBay I have a Marshall JCM 800 and TS9 that ive owned since the 80s , so I’m familiar with vintage tone and valves Im using the HX into a valve amp Sounds good so far, but its the versatility that aces it for me So many ways to create lead sounds and add variety, rather than plugging in, and turning it way up !brHowever, plug my PRS direct to my JCM , crank it up, and its unmatched Balls with depth , when you’re stood infront of it, at high volume, it still rocks classic tock more than anything digital I’ve experienced
Comment from : @crellys

I'm an amp person I don't use drive or distortion pedals; my amp provides all the sounds I need I own a ToneX, and it's better than any modeler I've had, but the amp is part of the instrument, and digital devices aren't there yet They are good for practicing when I can't be loud
Comment from : @nomad100hd

I’m a die hard tube amp fan and honestly the thing is you don’t have to choose You can use whatever you want depending on the situation! I love NaM But my tube amps still win when I have the luxury!
Comment from : @dorianbloom

I’m looking into getting the UA Knuckles for ampless recording, anything specific I need to know or do I just plug straight into the interface and start recording?
Comment from : @_Doom_20

A modeler is absolutely necessary if you want good tone at home
Comment from : @chrisrodriguez5701

They three sounds different No one better per se brThe question is how are they reacting to pick attack and guitar volume pot roll down brI may be interested in an amp profiler (or maybe modeler) if i will do live gig again Maybe
Comment from : @juliendammert7488

Modellers have never come close to amps, particularly in the context of live sound brbrI’ve done live sound since I was 17, I turn 40 this year I’ve done literally over a thousand bands and my heart sinks when bands show up with a quad cortex, like they’ve done everyone a favour They are typically smug and think I’m going to be into it I’m always professional but it’s not great unless the PA and backline are strong How often is that? brbrThe sound is soulless, hollow and empty No tone The mids are weird, the lows are weird If you cut all the shit out there would be nothing left brbrBig fan of digital, but not in this context
Comment from : @RichRobinson

Great video Nice work
Comment from : @JohnnyBravo-qq1df

I like all of it, so im using them all like separate amps Kinda what Tim pierce is doing Just more colors to paint with
Comment from : @wcvalentine5996

Who cares about the amp did anyone pay attention to the guitar playing? This dude has killer feel
Comment from : @Brandon-Malone-music

I've always wonder how an Ampless guitar rig would look like with current technology, you can comfortably do gigs with this kind of setup, right?
Comment from : @Evile_7780

I use wonderful modeling amps (Spark40) for convenience I use pure old vintage tube amps thru real great speakers and cabs when it matters
Comment from : @Earthstein

I think it’s the other way around man, profilers all come with libraries of pre made captures so it’s that sense it’s much more plug and play modelers you have to dial in… yea you can use those presets but it’s no secret how shitty they sound The UAD is an exception tho … they sound great off the bat
Comment from : @Ryan_H87

I use modelers with a cab I tried the FRFR thing but it just took me so long to tweak I got angry I couldn't imagine trying to tweak the tone for several amps Once I find my tone, I'm good That's my tone and that's my interpretation of whatever song we are playing with my tone I can't understand the will some people have to keep tweaking
Comment from : @ParanormalResponse

Bite the bullet and grab a Joyo American Sound for $40 Thing is mint
Comment from : @markredsicker9392

I used to use a Line 6 Pocket Pod to play though headphones or an amp when i was in high school Had the Line 6 Spyder 3 and 4 and a Peavey Vyper and now a Vyper VIP Best friend's dad played through a Line 6 Pod, and my brother got a Line 6 head and cab with lots of effects and amp models Very cool to see more tools become more accessible to experiment with, but i def focused too much on gear and not enough on practice and learning lol might try playing through my PC and practicing again
Comment from : @DavidDegnan

The argument for traditional amps over digital alternatives is what I imagine the argument for horses over cars was in the early 1900s People will be rationalising that valve amplifiers are better, regardless of whether the digital variant sounds better or not The fact of the matter is, when you put either into a mix, you cant tell the difference between the two I get it, digital sounds scary, but its the future for guitar amplification
Comment from : @NoContextOasis

I think what a lot of ppl misunderstand is that the sound of a tube amp in the room reacts with you and that impacts your enjoyment of your instrument which inspires you to play better Don't get me wrong I have like 10 modelers, lol but I will never not own a tube amp
Comment from : @dracul74

Oh hell nocall me old fashioned, call me old whatever you want but give me a real tube amp any day of the week For an old fart like me, who still watches older Clapton, Tom Petty ( Mike Cambell), Allman Brothers, Stevie Ray etc etc concerts on you tube -, I have NEVER seen any of those players using anything but a tube amp One of the greatest and unique guitar tones ever IMO is the the tone David Gilmore got out of a tube amp and a stratocaster
Comment from : @tefenstrat

There is something about tube amps that none can simulate I know you know
Comment from : @HotimusPrime

What kind of monitor/cab you use for playing with the Tonex at bedroom volume levels?
Comment from : @josalarcal33

I need a video with even more detail haha like I need someone to start at square one with this stuff, I’m just now making the switch from acoustic to electric and there is just SO MUCH information out here
Comment from : @michaelhilton1552

Get to the point dood
Comment from : @DanielDavis730

It’s really how important the difference is to you when you compare it to hauling one or two amplifiers or playing every gig with a different amp/cabinet/microphone combination That simple nobody doubts that the real hing is better
Comment from : @shroommcfanta2020

The tone sounds like a DI box with eq and distortion Lol Nothing beats real amps
Comment from : @kingpriapatius5832

I’ve had lots of them, starting with the SansAmp in the 90’s and other Tech 21 emulators brI had the the Kemper, the Iridium ( to my ears the best of all), the Simplifier, the Dream ‘65 Tried amp plugins as well (UA Deluxe ‘55, Scuffham (best plug-in imho), Neural, Amplitube brAll of them handy for recording processed guitar sounds and avoiding excessive volume But otherwise, tone and dynamics especially for clean sounds are just not comparable with the real thing , no matter how hard I tweak thembrSo back to my 50’s and 60’s Fender amps , SM57 and/or E906 mics and on we go
Comment from : @christianlacheze3323

I’ve had the Kemper, the Iridium ( to my ears the best of all), the Simplifier, the Dream ‘65 Tried amp plugins as well (UA Deluxe ‘55, Scuffham (the best imho), Neural, AmplitubebrHandy for recording processed guitar sounds and avoiding excessive volume But otherwise, tone and dynamics especially for clean sounds are just not comparable , no matter how hard I tweak thembrSo back to my 50’s and 60’s Fender amps , SM57 and/or E906 mics and on we go
Comment from : @christianlacheze3323

YOu mean to say that you were playing through each of those at the beginning? You were changing what you were playing through? Because it all sounded 100 exactly the same
Comment from : @themasculinismmovement

LIVE / no neighbors, get an amp for recording get both
Comment from : @DanL-j6b

I like using real tube amps I have a Hughes and Ketner Grandmeister 40 Deluxe man and it really sounds good However when you layer some amp sims with it it takes it over the top as far as tone and separation I got a wide stereo field by using dual and quad tracking for all guitars! Try it if you haven't already
Comment from : @JamesJones-th3ml

Ummm… you’re comparing a Princeton to a Dream 65, which is supposed to model a Deluxe Reverb? Yeah They don’t sound the same
Comment from : @jamesbordy4506

Well it's a feel thing, sounds great for the audience, feel weird for the player There's a thing about dynamic and response that digital can't recreate That said, profilers are great tools to discover different amps and brands, before a buy to experience the real thing You can't fight laws of physics so KEEP IT REAL (and have the two) !
Comment from : @vince8081

Modelers are better because the only way a tube amps sounds great is at high volumes
Comment from : @sweezyjackson4935

It does change up the game now I could just plug into my dad's old stereo system in the house 🤣
Comment from : @chikararexzpo

The Price and FormFactor is why stacks are too big and expensive for non professionals, the vast majority of players don't need to be hurd thru your teeth anyway
Comment from : @johanjotun1647

Why have one good amplifier when you could have 1275 mediocre ones
Comment from : @drdyna

People stop using tube amps because they cost and arm and a leg you can buy a plugin for $50
Comment from : @chrisdaviesguitar

There's a third phase SansampsbrbrI would be a "Sansamp Person"
Comment from : @toddashley407

Good to see pro guys use and SE model to show there is a difference but you can get High School me tone and pay less the 1k on a guitar and out that extra change in your rig
Comment from : @TaylorMadeKuntry

What they sound like threw a line aray pa system I put a multy effect board threw the pa and sounds like crap But threw the valve amp of cause it sounds great Doze any one no
Comment from : @DonaHannah-x8k

Still haven't come close to a real valve amp Good video
Comment from : @DonaHannah-x8k

one thing we can be sure of is that tube amps will eventually go away There were only 2 tubes factories operating a few years ago The one in China burned down and the one in Russia is embargoed The existing inventory will get used up Tubes wear out So each artist needs to decide how they will adapt, Modeler, Profiler, or solid state amp
Comment from : @rickjette9482

"Why Guitar Players START Using Amp Modelers and STOP Using Tube Amps" Really-you have to ask why?br How about the amount of money you would have to spend for half decent Fenders, Dumbles, Marshall, Soldano, Mesa etc
Comment from : @michaelpal7641

You can match a tone of a real amp so that people on YouTube would be happy brbrBut same time real amp is all about the sound in front of you and the feeling in your hands You are one with the instrument Digital is digital
Comment from : @SharoBaboon

The point of real tube amp is the response between the player the guitar and the amp The feel of a real tube amp is going to be much more inspiring to the player imho
Comment from : @bigjayrillah3508

Well, I never really had a tube amp to switch away from, but I was using solid state combo amps (my RocPro 700 has one 12AX7 in it but I wouldn't call it a tube amp) and one solid state head and 4x12 cab Why did I stop using these and start using modelers? Because I play only at church and they switched away from mic-ing amps and towards a direct to board solution, and so I now use amp modelers Perhaps the same is true in many venues?
Comment from : @basicforge

What chord progression are you playing for the test at 6:03? Sounds great!
Comment from : @cliffv3

Tonex matched better 1:1, but the Dream 65 almost gave it a dream-like static that was cool
Comment from : @cammiller7621

Profilers are terrible, just FYI
Comment from : @PhilipGregory1981

For stage use and traveling bands it makes sense to use anything that is small to simulate an amp and use the in-house PA for amping the sound, but I think for small bands, home use, garage bands that don't do much traveling, the good old tube amp sounds the best! There is nothing more satisfying than that old school amp pushing out a thumbing guitar sound behind you as you are playing! This is something that is being lost when you pump everything through a PA Just like the manual stick is a lost art An Art that is lost to an entire generation that will never know the engaging thrill of driving a stick The same goes with the Tube Amp Head and Cab The feel and sound of these amps will soon be lost to the same generation In the long run there will be a small market for tube amps For those who want an analogue sound that is "real" and not a simulation It feels as if the "art" of guitar is now just a digital modeler with the heart and soul of the "real" thing missing As they say you'll never miss what you never had In the future (near future) young guitar players will not know what it is to play a tube amp and it will truly be a lost art The world is becoming more and more digital and AI is sucking the soul out of creativity I am afraid for the future Just my two cents!
Comment from : @kazeo1953

I've watched several of your clips, Mike Great Channel!
Comment from : @jeffreywinsor350

And everybody that bought modelers are selling them going back to tubes
Comment from : @TheJudy79

I’m proud of so proud of this guy He really dug in and it shows
Comment from : @dananthony6258

I can totally tell the difference? Tube amp all the way!
Comment from : @ninteyninenightmares1564

I still like tube amps, but i think all the technologies can work together They could make a modeled amp half the weight and half the price, with speaker and cabinet size, to match a classic amp and use profiling to really dial it in
Comment from : @aaronlarsen7447

yeah bart playing meta;lica covers might use this but dont pretend this pos sounds like a real jubilee
Comment from : @SwedishMeattball

what world do u live in son nearly every famous guotarist used tube amps 😂
Comment from : @SwedishMeattball

I use a Strymon Iridium for recording all the time But this notion that the live audience can’t tell the difference is really weird to me I don’t care honestly I care what I hear and feel and respond to You could follow the audience can’t tell philosophy all the way to playing a trash guitar into a Soider with Behringer pedals but I hear myself every single day Sometimes you get audiences that can’t tell a good song from a mediocre one with a big beat but I want the audience to come to me which they aren’t going to do if I’m just using a whatever is passable attitude I don’t like working with “good enough”musicians anymore than any other person that is passionate about their job brThat being said The Iridium sounds incredibly good when recording Not long ago going direct with a guitar sounded like hot garbage so it’s impressive The sound and feel of a Princeton in the room js not all in my head though I have ears Good ones like any musician should have Tone matters Choirs are full of people that can hit all the notes Doesn’t make them Bowie or Prince or Jeff Buckley or Bob Dylan Tone and feel IS huge I hope rock venues don’t turn into church with a bunch modelers and a silent stage Christian Rock sounds “good” But I sure don’t want to listen to it
Comment from : @dahliafiend

It's like classic cars They give you the best experience if you drive on sundays on beautiful country roads, but for 5 days a week your family car is just more practical more versatile and has more optionsbrAt the end of the day you don't really need both
Comment from : @Soldano999

Couldn’t they put a tube circuit in a modeler to give it the analogue warmth? A few keyboards do that, like the Korg SV-1 or Hammond XK series
Comment from : @pianoplayeh

I still like my Boss ME-25 pedal which sounds better with a headphone adapter or a short cable in the headphone slot while recording or using an amp With all my gear, I don't feel like I need a new multi effects pedal and it is so easy to set up tones with the Boss-ME 25 which has great clean channel settings I even like to use Bias FX 2 (my favorite sounding plugin for guitar out of all the new guitar plugins I have heard) when recording music with my computer, but I have a mic to use with real amps if I wanted to use it Heck, I might even try using some of the Boss-ME 25 settings as a boost for a tube amp
Comment from : @SpartanLaserCanon

I have to say that half way through this video I still didn't know what it was about , me gone
Comment from : @alan93

Great Here goes the GAS again
Comment from : @anthonybarrett8778

This cool, I’m an older player and sort of stuck on my AC30, but perhaps one of these days I’ll try one I did get the Vox Cambridge 50 which has decent modeling of 8 amps and an app I’m to lazy to use It’s fun at low volume but can also get over a rock drummer
Comment from : @Monedgar123

I think your playing is amazing for only 8 years! I have the UAFX Dream 65 I really like it allot!
Comment from : @DanielShrider

Nicely donebr(Was looking for info in another direction but I ended up watching it anyway)
Comment from : @blackrichard1029

The Line 6 Helix models on a component level Individual transistors, and capacitors, and even light bulbs for FX that have an optical sensor are modeled and strung together in the signal path That's what sold me (Along with a bunch of other awesome features) :) Happy user since I got mine in the first wave out of Sweetwaterbrbr I use mostly 4 patches on a standard gig Essentially a Vox AC-30, a Fender Twin, a Marshall Plexi, and a Revv Generator (Mostly the Vox, though) Using a Firehawk 1500 for stage volume, and direct to FoH from the Helix to the house Never thought I'd be this happy with my rig!
Comment from : @redjacemory4404

It's hard to tell the difference, when you're playing the guitar so, exceptionally
Comment from : @JohnLumapaskeith

Comment from : @TAM-gz5tc

the tonex is insane vallue
Comment from : @SubutaiTuul

Well done Mike! I've been intrigued as well by this whole topic, and have gone down many a rabbit hole on this subject As a 56 year old guitar player, sometimes it's a drag carrying the amp and cabinet around [although mine is pretty compact and light PRS MT-15 amp with an Orange PPC112 60W cabinet], I'm now looking at either a modeler or profiler Keep up the good work! - RT
Comment from : @robtoc

The premise of models or profilers better / worse than valve amps is silly Getting onto a loud stage with an acoustic drum kit and running an amp - any amp - loud enough to get over the snare is just a different playing experience to sitting in your studio / basement / rehearsal room and playing at speaking volume The situations are different and you'll find out different things about yourself and your playing in these different scenarios You may find things that are deal breakers at bedroom level are irrelevant when the kick drum hits, or vice versa Go and live the experience
Comment from : @Splattle101

Time will tell I have been thinking for sometime now, if all I had was a good fender and a "Modler" and "Effects unit"-Nothing ultra digital like the line 6 gear, if used properly and mixed with other great gear, we could get by very well with out that JHS motherfucker and his shit load of pedals That is not the stuff that makes Platinum records Just ask John Lennon
Comment from : @ShawnShipstad

The single thing that modellers lack is the breakup Even today it's that elusive last thing that modellers can't get iquite right/i That clean to breakup when digging in is the key
Comment from : @minkorrh

Just picked up a dream 65 Been with tube amps for a while after moving on from a kemper It’s all great, I have spoiled These days it’s almost like you cannot go wrong
Comment from : @jroobz

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