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Why Guitar Players STOP Using Tube Amps and START Using Virtual Amps

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Information Why Guitar Players STOP Using Tube Amps and START Using Virtual Amps

Title :  Why Guitar Players STOP Using Tube Amps and START Using Virtual Amps
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Frames Why Guitar Players STOP Using Tube Amps and START Using Virtual Amps

Description Why Guitar Players STOP Using Tube Amps and START Using Virtual Amps

Comments Why Guitar Players STOP Using Tube Amps and START Using Virtual Amps

Comment from : @fcpremix8244

'absolute weapon' drop just made me so happy I don't need that product but I love your verbiage
Comment from : @jboling513

I think for apartments one would use either the TV bluetooth bar or a small set of 35mm speakers so I don't get how you or anyone does that ??
Comment from : @riffsontwowheels

I have a great amp, a valvestate 100 vs
Comment from : @_Olle_Olsson_

Right, it didn't matter to me too at that time, when I was a kid I was just hungry at playing something I don't want to lose That excitement Nice video
Comment from : @dnamusicchallenge5995

Amp and effect plugins are a cheat You can take an $80 guitar and as long it is intonated and in tune, you can make it sound like a million dollars, something you can't do through a real amp because of the limitation of the guitar
Comment from : @markcaserta1367

Sorry to not agree, I tossed my solid state amps and got some classic tube amps, no comparison whatsoever The warmth, rich overtones and overdrive make tube amps very interactive , some call it touch sensitivity Solid state, when it distorts produces nasty 3 overtones which are harsh, and lack the depth and richness There are tons of pedals, effects, and many solid state amps also have built in effects to try and "model" the tube sound, but sadly, they are all one trick ponies that are only good for one sound, and lack the wide dynamics that let you get these same sounds, plugged straight into a tube amp They are a PIA to maintain and set up if you don't understand them, but to know them is to love them If I just played one musical style and had one guitar, well maybe I could use one solid state amp and get close, but tube amps just have a much wider range of music, and guitars they can handle really well, without pedals For those who are unwilling to learn some basic electronics, yes solid state is the way to go unless you are willing to pay a good tube amp tech for the regular maintenance tube amps require(bias adjustments, changing out old tubes, and filter caps, re-tensioning the socketsetc) I cannot get a Polytone, Cube, Tech 21, or any of the Tone Master series to deliver the same sound and performance my tube amps do with ease, although they are close, they are a bit sterile and one dimensional For listening to recordings I love solid state because of its super low noise and THD But when it comes to painting a musical picture , the tube amps has many more colors, shades and hues to put on your pallet Tube amps make you do things you would never try, or thought possible, they are inspiring Yeah they cost more, are heavy, and need regular maintenance, that is the down side, but the give more than they take; it's worth the price of admission
Comment from : @Benmendoza1

whats songs are you playing in the video?
Comment from : @martinhdbdjsnen

My first amp was a Peavy rage 108 , yes it did sound good , I didn't lol 😅 , I know it did cause I own couple now and play gigs with them mic'ed up
Comment from : @Hambonebodi

I read this advice on FB Turn your gain down
Comment from : @spectralprism3225

1st amp was/is a Vox ad15vt Still love it 14 years later I added a fender mustang gtx100 over the winter and it doesn't sound as good but has 200 settings so playing it always fun
Comment from : @Chris-c5m

My Silvertone 2-12" sounded great in 1965, but my desired sounds were limited; one roar was all I needed
Comment from : @lazur1

I giggled when you had the wall hanger you use listed You did say, “all” Thank you for your videos I enjoy the info
Comment from : @brettking2800

I’m playing through a solid stat black star now and it sounds great
Comment from : @alexpearson7693

Spider 3 because distortion
Comment from : @alexpearson7693

I got a 70s era Kustom Tuck and Roll PA head and giant speaker, and I been running my pedal chain straight to that for like 15 years I use a multieffects processor to emulate different amp models and it sounds great brSome effects, like wah, delay, modulation and envelope aren't that great, so I got those individual pedals but all my tone and distortion comes straight from the DigiTech GNX3brAnd instead of messing with knobs, I just click over to the next saved setting when I need a different tone
Comment from : @gwoody4003

I have a Fractal FM3 It’s amazing!!
Comment from : @ShawnKepner_YouTube

Moral of the story: Be nice to your neighbors And learn gain staging (But seriously, be nice to your neighbors)
Comment from : @subfifth

Focusrite interface and a Guitar Rig 6 is a very great combination
Comment from : @CraigTilfordJr

The main reason I now use Virtual Amps (specifically S-Gear which is incredible) is because I mostly record When you dial in a tone on a virtual amp, you hear it exactly how it's gonna sound in a mix With a real amp, a microphone, mic positioning, room acoustics, etc, it's a lot more complex to get a result that perhaps won't be as goodbrI love the whole setting up a mic, putting it in front of an amp, etc It's exciting But the trade-off is lack of speed, more expensive and harder to get good results
Comment from : @planeguy95

My first guitar amp came with the rockjam starter pack and it was shit but it got me into it 😊
Comment from : @VDouble1V

It depends on what and how you play At the same time, the is no way around a singing tube amp Solid state amps are cheep because of a reason
Comment from : @ceejohansson

Can you make a tutorial on that? I am really struggling :(
Comment from : @Henry-pj1td

Do you put spring reverb on your voice in these videos?
Comment from : @leestanford2452

This is probably my problem I wish there were a very clear tutorial about this online It's beyond frustrating I don't understand it
Comment from : @matthewsaul3533

i subscribed u when u quote Eminem s lyrics 😂❤
Comment from : @jack2k20

I had a crate flexwave and I didn't like it, I ended up selling it
Comment from : @andreesj9589

Haha I also started with a Roland Cube!! It had 2 channels with 4 fx on the dirty channel I didn’t understand overdrive, called distortion; distroytion, knew what Metal ment but I always ended up on Metal stack with 100 gain😂 Thought it sounded beautiful 😂
Comment from : @m33st3rdanny

So underrated 😢
Comment from : @lxor4

Bla bla bla , were is sound???
Comment from : @FirstRuni

I ditched the amp few years back I didnt had money for expensive amps and the 3-4 pedals i needed to get the sound i wanted (80s chorus, delay sound with some reverb) and a arena rock lead sound Once i saw on youtube an guy explaning how to get the sound you wanted and even record your playing over music Thats how i discovered Amplitube and Guitar rig some 10ish years ago I downloaded a creacked version of amplitube and used it for many years, and it did help me a lot Now i own a full paid version of Amplitube
Comment from : @emgex

so amplitube 5 is your main amp sim? which others do you use
Comment from : @BladeRunnerJP11

I am your 1001th comment :) Great video!
Comment from : @ppproto7029

i have a kalamazoo model 2 10 watt amp from the 60's that is my favorite to use to just jam out because you can can turn it up loud enough to really get the tubes working without knocking pictures off ur walls or bothering your neighbor's i just have a few pedals and it has a great tone for such a tiny amp i also dont record anything i just play for fun lol
Comment from : @swere1240

I have been playing so close to 50 years or more and was told by an old blues played at the two ramp was the way to go as well
Comment from : @romienomie

you speak too much
Comment from : @floa6416

Tube amps are great for coloration in the studio i love them upper harmonics are doing something howeverfor reliable consistantlive? not so much I finally started using solid state amps after battling with tube amps for 35 years that would sound great 1 in 4 gigs Solid state is just more linear and therefore pretty much the same in any settingsometimes not so vibey but always sound decentnever lousy Wes Montgomery used solid state mostly at least the latter stagesdoes not get any better to my ears?? just saying
Comment from : @autonerecords1410

Pro guitar players on live use tube amps The facts!
Comment from : @sidewaysrain7609

There is no comparison Tube amps have a different sound It's okay to prefer amp modeling, but it does not sound the same I have seen so many blind tests and have never, not one time, missed the real tube amp It's a running joke in my family
Comment from : @ICUFatCatDaddy

Ill never go to digital I build tube amps, solid state amps, pedals and restore vintage tube radio receivers as well as mod them all Tube amps are just so much more satisfying to play Even good solid state amps feel so much better than moddeling SS amps or plugin amps etc And a correctly designed tube amp can absolutely sound fantastic as low volume Even a 100 watt tube amp can sound incredible at low volume of its designed with that in mind Older tube amps weren't designed with that in mond which is why they need to be turned up a fair bit to get some natural compression going Contemporary tube amp design is so much more versatile than vintage tube amps Plus there are so so so many low watt all tube amp designs these days Hell my main low wattage tube amp is an 8 watt Fender Champ inspired build that i built from scratch myself (for a third of the cost that Febder charges for one of their current production Champs) Its mostly a champ but with a smaller transformer and I borrowed from the Mesa Blue Angel schematic and made the output section switchable from the stock 6V6 output tube to an EL84 Output tube (switchable from the front of amp) That little amp sounds incredible, is affordable to retube (unlike larger tube amps such as my 100 watt Marshall DSL100HR) and its so satisfying to play through Im not saying digital atuff isnt useable but i am saying it takes the satisfaction out of the music for me It just has no soul to it I occasionally practice through plugin amps in my DAW and ive played through various moddeling rigs and they were all fine for practice but i would never ever record or play live with them It cheapens the experience Yes tube amps are significantly harder to maintain and are significantly more expensive but they give you so much satisfaction when everything is just right I don't expect everyone to agree with me but there is a reason tube amps are still around and its got very little to do with hype over vintage gear The science backs that up as well There are tangible qualities you get from tube amps that you cant (at least not yet) get from SS amps or modelers But even good SS amps are lightyears better than the fully digital stuff Just my opinion
Comment from : @michaelinglis567

My first amp sounded like Biden falling off his bike😅😂😅😂😅
Comment from : @Gordon87Gekko

For stage use and traveling bands it makes sense to use anything that is small to simulate an amp and use the in-house PA for amping the sound, but I think for small bands, home use, garage bands that don't do much traveling, the good old tube amp sounds the best! There is nothing more satisfying than that old school amp pushing out a thumbing guitar sound behind you as you are playing! This is something that is being lost when you pump everything through a PA Just like the manual stick is a lost art An Art that is lost to an entire generation that will never know the engaging thrill of driving a stick The same goes with the Tube Amp Head and Cab The feel and sound of these amps will soon be lost to the same generation In the long run there will be a small market for tube amps For those who want an analogue sound that is "real" and not a simulation It feels as if the "art" of guitar is now just a digital modeler with the heart and soul of the "real" thing missing As they say you'll never miss what you never had In the future (near future) young guitar players will not know what it is to play a tube amp and it will truly be a lost art The world is becoming more and more digital and AI is sucking the soul out of creativity I am afraid for the future Just my two cents!
Comment from : @kazeo1953

Dude you are hilarious! And I can totally relate to this video Bravo for making it brother!
Comment from : @Mrdrprofessorme

My first amp was gifted to me by someone an original fender hot rod delux tube amp its still amazing
Comment from : @LethalMediaProductions

My first amp was a Crate solid state Sounded awful and it either died or I threw it out a window, don't remember
Comment from : @swe3252

can you make a vid and impart some of your learnings about the gain stage settings and hardware set up? That would be super cool
Comment from : @redpillpusher

please ppl chime in if I got this device flow all wrong, here it goes: guitar/DI/AI(focusrite)/computer(DAW:amp modeler)
Comment from : @redpillpusher

My favorite moments are "BETRAYED!!!" and "IT STILL SOUNDED TERRIBLE" Fun video!
Comment from : @KennyKoller

"Not playing for Justin Bieber" You make it sound like it's a bad thing
Comment from : @squirelova1815

Virtual amps still require a significant investment The plugin, the computer ($1k - $2k), the audio interface and the studio monitors can be very pricey You can spend up to $3k on an audio interface You want studio monitors as loud as a 4x10 cabinet or 2x12? Better pay up buddy
Comment from : @rustinjarrell2717

Great speaking voice!
Comment from : @DianeChelius

so moral or the story buy a DI box? 🤷‍♂️
Comment from : @trevorgrondin1512

Mike,I’m very happy for you but I’ll stick to my organic harmonic tube hand wired amps,point to point
Comment from : @josephfemoyer7218

tube amps are much better digital amps suck hard
Comment from : @sose6255

tube amps are much better digital amps suck hard
Comment from : @sose6255

If it’s not set right digital clipping sounds awful
Comment from : @Matthew_Scan

I use both - I play solid state when I practice - I play tube when I want to feel goodbrI use an attenuator for the tube amp - that’s the only way to sound good and keep quietbrPlay what sounds good to you - and what you can affordbrGoing with a profiler is not all that much cheaper - I bought my Orange Rockerverb II for less than a Kemper - software amps don’t sound good to me but I’ll use it to record a quick idea - low wattage tube amps can work really wellbrLots of pros and cons for any decision on what to use - my only advice is research and don’t buy junk
Comment from : @dekrev

You can’t get the sound and feel of tubes without tubes It is what it is A recording is a recording, tunes always sound better in the room
Comment from : @phunkyjunkee

Great info Great playing Thank you !
Comment from : @shawscustomguitarservicess1270

No I've been watching videos, and I'm finally being honest with myself Amps sound fucking shitty They sound damp and messy It's so different from records and it makes learning to play guitar very frustrating
Comment from : @MattSoares42

Amp sims are great but its kind of depressing most guitarists wont ever experience a real loud amp because we are all in these crappy apartments Playing loud is a totally different experience
Comment from : @gonootropics2065

Can you go into more detail here? I'm not sure whether you're referring to gain staging or the gain the virtual amps, I'm having the same "why doesn't my set up sound as good as theirs" situation with my Bass Guitar, it's been years now and I'm at my wits end !
Comment from : @lorcanhoward2121

Nice Great story, mate Cheers
Comment from : @brucemillar

Mike, you're one of my favorite guitar Youtubers Thank you for making this video! I've switched over to emulations exclusively and this is encouraging, brother!
Comment from : @graftedtheband

You mean “YouTube guitarists” not guitarists who can plug into anything with any guitar and sound good There’s a reason why so many older guitarists respect the hell out of Mateus and don’t give a shit about Polyphia or Cory Wong
Comment from : @Chris-kc5id

No fucking way…👎
Comment from : @thomasfarmer1730

You’re a great storyteller This helped me a lot
Comment from : @HatefYaminiOnline

Thanks for taking a piss, mate You have been UNSUBSCRIBED
Comment from : @taewankim6283

back in the 70's, tube amps would distort in a pleasing tone, solid state amps would distort in an ugly tone - s if you used an overpowered solid state amp that you didn't have to overdrive, you would get a clean tone that could be altered with various fuzzboxes and other tone modulators
Comment from : @douglasfrazier2856

Just bought the 40th anniversary vintage stratocaster as my first guitar, what amp would you recommend for someone whos only going to play at their house? Mainly going to use some bose headphones while playing but it would be nice to have a great sounding amp for when I'm not using headphones Looking for the best bang for my buck for under $150
Comment from : @Pfeiffer-fp2se

I still don't know how to plug into my pc and play You didn't even explain that
Comment from : @seanmadison6360

I had a fender tube amp for about a year I sold it ‘cause it kept making shitty noises when the tubes were knocked about during transportbrbrI’ll never buy another tube amp
Comment from : @myanbeach

Ditched tubes once I went through the dilemma of the tubes going out during a gig Been playing solid state for years now and I don’t have a worry in the world
Comment from : @christiangarcia9245

My first amp was a Peavey Bandit 65 I could not believe how loud that thing was I would play in my backyard loud AF Someone who lived across the alley heard me and did the same thing and started repeating everything I played I started dating his sister Lol
Comment from : @haroldcory

I just got an acoustic GT-50 and it melted my face tbh… have only had smaller practice amps and such
Comment from : @dirtbike390

As a 70 year old guitarist, and after YEARS of playing through tube amps, I discovered the Roland Cube! I now have two Cube 30s and two Cube 60s, and they sound amazing They're over thirty years old (!), but super reliable interestingly, mixing engineers prefer me to use the 30W versions, because they have more ultimate control Most of the time, our band plays pub gigs, and specialise in hosting jams Everyone is stunned by how good the Cubes sound!
Comment from : @keithspillett5298

Most of the tube amps ive played to get the EVH type tones have sounded better to my ears on lower volumes Even if I did need to crank the amp to get a “good” tone, theres always power soaks or a volume pedal in the FX loop
Comment from : @AudaciousAce1989

Cool story bro
Comment from : @LesterPaul58

When you put your strap on back to front 😅
Comment from : @booshting3520

Fender tremolux Sounded great In fact, it spoiled me, i got it cheap and thought all amps sounded that good Should never have let it go! 😭
Comment from : @TheNobbynoonar

Can you just run a tube amp into a speaker simulator?
Comment from : @a_single_white_female

keep the tube amp, lose the apartment, get a house
Comment from : @benwright6330

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