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English is Harder Than You Think

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Title :  English is Harder Than You Think
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Description English is Harder Than You Think

Comments English is Harder Than You Think

What bothers me is how you know what I think
Comment from : @rogerkearns8094

No, it's not that hard It's the easiest language I ever learned ( i learned it as a second language) You just need to consume a lot of content in english and it'll all come naturally
Comment from : @grillbottoms

Claiming i before e except after c to be a strict rule is meant to thoroughly confuse > foreigners!
Comment from : @HandyMan-p3t

I'm fluent in gibberish! It's kinda like English What you write doesn't need to be the same as it sounds and vice versa
Comment from : @HandyMan-p3t

Looking at the syllable possibilities for English made me realize we aren't that much different from the welsh and Polish that always get ragged on for their constant clusters
Comment from : @mayayamato7351

istg english is way too easy and thats coming from a guy who comes from a language with a hard accent like very very hard
Comment from : @iamrickrollman

1:25 i actually do that
Comment from : @TheGreenViewer456

innit just
Comment from : @scarletharlot69

English language is a bit easy for Arabs because our grammars don't differ a lot and also we pronounce th, v and almost all the sounds very well Alhamdo lellah
Comment from : @Zahraa-do8pc

Good video bro! ❤️🫡
Comment from : @Br0kenLoganX

It’s also a two way street, things things make it really hard for native English speakers to learn other languages, because everything appears backwards to us and it feels like every other language under the sun has masculine and feminine I mean for real if you are a native Spanish speaker, learning Italian, Latin, and French would all be a breeze
Comment from : @bearieroblox6451

I'm Arab and all you you have said isn't an issue to me 😂😂❤ I don't think English is hard to pronounce at least for Arabic speakers, and as for grammer, I think I'm good enough 😊
Comment from : @MahmoudMahmoud-jt2ir

Yeah I just did some corrections on r/writestreakEN and just realized how stupid the tenses in English are Like why can we have a past and present tense word in the same sentence referring to the same thing??
Comment from : @Tyredest

Nice weather, innit? -- isn't it -- is not it?brHey! that's ordered wrongbris it not! -- is'tn't -- nice weather, ISTNIT!
Comment from : @odw32

No it's easy as bulgarian bulgarian is way harder
Comment from : @Sedemosemtyson

watching this after lamenting over my french class to put some perspective on things
Comment from : @PercabethLovernot

Also ending on consonants feels weird
Comment from : @T72_turret_space_programme

As someone who’s Welsh, 6:58 ur so real for that
Comment from : @pethaudiddorol

I’m a native speaker it’s easy asf
Comment from : @pubert19

In my Spanish class the teacher would always tell us about the complexity of English tenses/grammar to make us feel better about Spanish, lol I think a lot of people forget to give props to those that learn English as a second language I still barely use the past tense when I’m speaking Spanish, and English DEFINITELY has that!!
Comment from : @mewsociekitty

Þat’s wḥÿ wē nēd diacritics
Comment from : @Deimos27889

this is why i’m trying to learn other languages so i can be grateful for english💀💀
Comment from : @Dinosaurbannana77

English is not that hard I thought it myself at 4
Comment from : @BeFreedombusy

I'm kurdish Iranian and it took me like three months to become fluent unlike other languages I learn it's so easy
Comment from : @Euphoriamd

5:06 only other language family with it is the celtic languages
Comment from : @Savi_I

People whose native language is Mandarin Chinese can perfectly pronounce the 'w' sound
Comment from : @GloriaDuran-dw3qx

Just skip the grammar If you are learning C2 and D1 level, you can go to a therapist Even the locals don't give a shit that much
Comment from : @ensarbuzluk1467

Thank you for acknowledging that some of these grammatical features are genuinely useful It’d be interesting to see a video on ones that are completely and utterly useless though, if such features haven’t died out already
Comment from : @KojoBailey

Man I know a lot languages who are harder 😂brWe don’t have ch or th sounds in my native language and I don’t remember having TOO MANY problems with it since I was young enough but I did have problems with the SPELLING WTF ENGLISH UR JUST THROWING LETTERS AROUND WHY IS IT A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WORD IF I JUST MISSPELL ONE THING??? WHY DOES THE SPELLING MAKE NO SENSE????
Comment from : @Goshfrothy

It's spelt, not spelled
Comment from : @disappointedenglishman98

As a native English speaker, I always try to not say 'twelfths' because it ends up going 'twelves', 'tweLfTH S', or 'chwelths'
Comment from : @coocambur8347

I'm french and I actually didn't really struggle to learn English, even though there are some words and sentences that are complicated for me to pronounce (for example strengths, artists or sixth) but that's all, actually compared to my native language i think it's rather simple (we have many irregular verbs and feminine/masculine words that even us natives sometimes struggle with)
Comment from : @Felsangkai85

4:20 me
Comment from : @adelinemort8596

I think english is easy in a way that you can acquire it almost effortlessly
Comment from : @etanol

Props to all English learners including me, who have overcome or are trying to overcome those stupid obstacles!👏👏👏
Comment from : @とむ-k1i

mustn’t is a word?
Comment from : @Neptunen12345

1:05 dude trust me banglas teeth sounds are MUCH MUCH harder, and this is coming from a native 😭
Comment from : @N1K0LS0BA

In Poland we're having it too (I think, maybe we have longer words) CCCCVCCCC -> chrząszcz, which basically means beetle
Comment from : @PAPUGwKAPCIUminecraft

I’ve heard that people often take longer to learn how to pronounce english words because they think it sounds funny to them and don’t want to get embarrassed so they keep pronouncing it the way that’s more comfortable for them
Comment from : @jimmyj956

Here in Brazil it is common for us to replace th sounds like in “the” with a d sound, so it would sound like “de” when we pronounce it Same for this, that, these and those It would be pronounced as “dis”, “dat”, “deese”, “dose” brbrBut for some words with thr we would most likely replace it with “fr” sound, so words like through or throughout would be read like “frough” and “froughout” brbrNow don’t ask me why we would read thought as “fought” instead of “dought” 😂
Comment from : @Pawl0solidus

Regarding articles, despite being a native speaker of English, when speaking German I find I often drop the indefinite The reason why? My second language is Irish which doesn’t have one
Comment from : @mynym4543

Right put
Comment from : @iammarriedtojesussatanleav9996

yeah you indeed should not judge anyone's English but it's not that hard ngl, I've put no effort and now I can read/write/listen/speak on a very good levelbrbrand I'm not even thinking about studying it in the future *unless I'm taking the IELTS exam*, i think my level would do it all so idc
Comment from : @boo9236

When I was born my parents only spoke Spanish and a bit of English since they moved to the US and they needed jobs and just basic communication skills to survive here And I grew up with only Spanish until I went to school, I started only speaking English and a bit of Spanish I had to relearn Spanish but even though I’m an English speaker since I grew up with it, But yet i still struggle with English Some words I literally cannot pronounce and I suck at reading as well English is very hard
Comment from : @iambrittanyspierce

This is so interesting as a native English speaker
Comment from : @Orchidz-ws7hu

It's also hard when foreign people learn about our abbreviations or slang in text like 'ts' or 'smh'brbrBut, also, when they use too much of it, it's gibberish
Comment from : @TH0RN_TH1ZTL3Z

you think CCCVCCC is hard? Try czech CCCCC :D (the word "prchl" which means "he ran away")
Comment from : @martinsarman4347

I must admit that I do derive a level of satisfaction from the indecipherability of my native tongue Aha ha bsnooty English noises/b
Comment from : @sman67644

As a English speaking American that grew up in a Haitian household and can’t speak keryol I agree with everything in this vid
Comment from : @bossdogblaze

B E A U T I F U L !!! 👍👍👍🔥🔥🔥brThanks for exposing !!!
Comment from : @klaushubbertz7009

TLDR; Wish you spoke about Hyperbaton in this vid— it's still a v/ comprehensive explanation that even allowed me to remember Hyperbaton! brbrAs a native english speaker, this vid broke down our grammatical structure better than my HS and College professors did Wish you spoke more about us having the need for Adjectives to be ordered through brbr(For those learning and curious, we prefer the following structure, but generally can discern meaning regardles of the order)brbrDeterminer,brQuantity,brOpinion, brsize, brage, brshape, brcolor, brorigin, brmaterial, brpurpose, brnounbrbrExample;brYou can have the four lovely little old rectangular green french silver whittling knivesbrbrAny other structure for that sentence sounds weird, and can easily cha ge the meaning–prompting a correction most English speakers don't know the reason to, and it's why we don't write stuff like "Green Great Dragon" (green member of the 'great dragon' species), but we write "Great Green Dragon" (large member of the 'green dragon' species)! brbrChanging the order of adjectives is called a hyperbaton— please research it yourself since I can not teach English, but I would love to put more knowledge out there that is frequently skipped in courses— reminder, we can generally still discern the meaning (even if it changes)
Comment from : @aurorasilverthorn3386

These English differences you're talking about aren't STUPID; they're just DIFFERENT or UNIQUE! You don't have to be so negative I'd never characterize the nuances of someone's language as dumb or stupid Let's have an open mind about EVERYONE'S language, linclding our own beautiful way of speaking
Comment from : @rickythe2nd63

While /v/ is common in most european languages today, it did not develop until the middle ages in most Indo-european languages
Comment from : @tidsdjupet-mr5ud

1:15 been speaking English my entire life and I have absolutely NO clue what is going on right now, bro is pulling out Egyptian hieroglyphics on my screen to describe “those”
Comment from : @ngelemental2274

The hard part, none of these rules matterbrbrThe great part, none of these rules matter
Comment from : @Ninjobii

As an English native speaker who knows no other language, it’s a skill issue
Comment from : @armdndangerfish36

English is just considered easy because it's impossible to avoid Throw Indonesian or Norwegian around the same way and you'd have a global illiteracy rate of 0,000001
Comment from : @MarkyTeriyaki

4:20 you don't wanna know…
Comment from : @Idkwtdwmlrnayad

Wow, I guessed the example word "strengths" a second before it was given
Comment from : @君子ロベルト

For the "th" sound i either made a d sound or my tongue sits behind my teeth but doesn't hit the top of my mouth, producing similar sound but not quite, just feels super unnatural to put it on the the tip lf my teeth
Comment from : @theparticleobliterators893

IK he acknowledged this at the start of the video, but this whole video is complaining about thing that exist in English that also exist in nearly every other language ever concieved (because these concepts are actually useful) - utterly pointless critiques
Comment from : @terriffingtea

As a native arabic speaker, I can confidently say that the hardest thing to learn in english is to pronoune the letter "P"
Comment from : @catwithaneyepatch

as an english speaker, 5:20 took me about 50 rewatches to understand ;-;
Comment from : @CoolJoule

i know you’re a weeb, klein, i know you’re a weeb
Comment from : @guest-cd7md

Just a quick tip (I think?) Not sure whether this is one of those tips thats always recommended but never works, but how about trying to say /s/ with your tongue between your teeth?
Comment from : @bettercrystal2827

I also think the English school system is terrible at teaching about tenses in the English language so that when pupils eventually get round to the half hearted attempt at learning other languages its hard to find similarities or references points from English
Comment from : @desertels5119

I'm watching this vid as I'm learning mid-A1 level Russian The very last point you made is what resonates most with me The niftiest thing about Russian at the introductory level is how much more phonetic it is than English I already knew that English is heavily non-phonetic (not as much as French, but not as far behind French as one might think), but learning a much more phonetic language made me reflexively start noticing silent letters in English words in whatever I was reading (even street signs while driving) "Conscious," "foreigners," and "unique" are each excellent examples of English non-phoneticism
Comment from : @AlexDanielCPhT

As a native english speaker, I’ve taken on learning mandarin To my surprise, mandarin is easier grammatically than I initially thought Which is very frustrating because why is English the way it is when we could have any other grammatical structure but nooooooo We have to be as confusing and weird as possible And it makes more sense when second language English speakers make mistakes that are in relation to their native language Like they’re just using their grammatical structure with English words Lol
Comment from : @gilliansteele8296

Explained in a witty manner Good work
Comment from : @anandviswanathan4625

Your indignant way of speaking of things is hilarious Fantastic video!brb*/bbrThe absence of V in chinese suddenly explains the woman in my bluetooth speaker saying:brTop loot shoes twice and reedy to pell (So it sounded to me, a Brazilian)
Comment from : @vinnybaggins

5:45 What does this mean in American? We don't do this
Comment from : @micahrobbins8353

As a person whos first language is English, videos like this make me relize things about English that I've never realized before
Comment from : @HiandHello123

English is easybr(My language has 3 categories of number, 7 cases, 4 groups of cases, 9-24 tenses, 43 sounds and insane pronunciation rules The only easy this in my language is writing, because it literally has no standard and no rules)
Comment from : @hellhusband4044

thank you for putting this into words so well because i've been learning korean lately and whenver i try to explain to friends or family that doing so has made it even more apparent that english sucks complete ass, they ask for an example and my mind goes blank i will be referencing this in a lot of conversations over the next week, thank you :D
Comment from : @sapphiclinos

german does have a complicated case structure too, brpresent - ich machebri'm doingbrpresent perfect - ich habe gemachtbri have donebrpast perfect - ich hatte gemachtbri had donebrsimple past - ich machtebri didbrfuture - ich wird gemachtbri will dobra hypothetical case - ich würde gemachtbri would dobralso ich wurde gemachtbri would've done
Comment from : @codaproto

I do go shops sound weird Personally I could only hear it being said in a couple terms like “I do go shops……fairy often” or “I do go shops……for instance yesterday when I got some bread” but if someone said “I do go shops yesterday” that sentence/statement would really stick out to mebrbrBy the way I’m only making a statement not questioning what this man says as every second of this video I’ve learnt a new thing…before anybody gets confused why I commented this and replies to me with some boring nonsensical childish argument
Comment from : @Leo-S-Ellen

I know English is hard as a native speaker German is also another language I speak my grandmother was German and English is way harder and that’s my first language ha I could probably never learn it as a foreigner I’m messing up grammar as I write this… So there you go ha
Comment from : @jkmarblejk7445

English is not the hardest, nor the easier language to learn Actually most of the time it depends on your native language For exemple, I'm a native Brazilian Portuguese speaker, both languages have influences from Latin (English because the influence of French, another long story), so I catch words with this root in common easily, but when it comes to pronunciation 😅 I mean, I have been dedicating to learn the best I can, but still struggle to differentiate "pan" from "pen" and "bad" from "bed"😅😅😅
Comment from : @erickj933

I've never knew how English was so close to Portuguese, as a native Portuguese speaker I've almost never had a problem with english grammar, my biggest problem was with the pronunciationbrAlso we have a word "Iria" which means "i would be doing"
Comment from : @reclaimer2019

Comment from : @geobeo2

I litteraly just use f/v instead of th alot
Comment from : @SixtyStone

The dental fricitives are not stupid
Comment from : @snithickm773

Oðer Indoeuropeisc spreces: "Hvi kanst not þu been normal!??"brÞe spréc of þe Foronen States, Australje, aso: b*scrigheþ in Frencisc*/b
Comment from : @ieditlogos419

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