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You Can Retire On LESS Than You Think

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Title :  You Can Retire On LESS Than You Think
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Comments You Can Retire On LESS Than You Think

You work for 42yrs to have $2m in your retirement, Meanwhile some people are putting just $20k in a meme coin for just few months and now they are multi millionaires I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life
Comment from : @TonyTonyPhilips

Being in the Meera Grayson server and starting trading is literally changing my life I'm starting with a small $4,700 account but I got it up to $14,370 in one week! Not a lot of money but that's a big growth for me🎉🎉
Comment from : @RNatanael-8746

Nice video: but the return rates seem very low probably because of the lower risk nature of the portfolio I assume circa 6 Also, are you running the portfolio to zero or leaving headroom at all
Comment from : @robgordon7888

It's looking more and more like the park bench will be my new home when I retireat least there's a place to put my shoes underneath Great info, enjoyed the video
Comment from : @luminor0077

People grappling with the difficulty of meeting essential expenses often encounter this situation due to inadequate savings during their working years The decisions taken in readiness for retirement carry extensive consequences, as demonstrated within my own family dynamics Differing investment approaches yielded disparate results Guided by a financial advisor, I'm currently retired
Comment from : @oliviaHill-w4e

Generating wealth is important, but protecting your capital is even more essential Once lost, rebuilding financial stability becomes significantly more challenging It's the difference between "missing an opportunity" and "losing everything" while new chances will always arise, losing your capital could bring your journey to an abrupt halt
Comment from : @NoahNollens

£2,200,000 - you think someone can retire on that?
Comment from : @robbybroon4904

Those figures for a single person @ 60 £200K allows £18k spend per year! That's assuming the pot returns an average of 8 plus per year Inflation on its own is around 3 per year So I'd imagine I'd only want to draw down 4 of that pot to make sure it lasts!
Comment from : @HelplessHawk

Comment from : @JeremyRush64

Hi there, I’m two years away from retirement and, as a senior, I’m wondering how others typically allocate their income How much goes towards savings, living expenses, or investments? I make about $50K annually, but so far, I haven’t built much with it
Comment from : @sirheisenberg4459

Those pa figures seem very high based on those capital figures I thought the general rule was 4? Those figures suggest something around 6 You don’t mention why you’ve chosen these percentages
Comment from : @chromebaby

The latest government (Starmer et al), are showing just how difficult it is to forward project and plan for retirement The left’s politics of envy has resulted in the farmers IHT fiasco and means tested state pension is on the agenda again…
Comment from : @despoticmusic

bMost of my friends have €23 million or more in pansion SIPPs and shares, but are still working/b … (age between 58 and 64)
Comment from : @maxflight777

I currently draw a small pension and also have an ISA which is doing well Would you recommend drawing any monthly gains made on my ISA to help to top up my income and help towards retiring?
Comment from : @skiddouk

Please explain how I can get an income of £16,150 off £200K? Is that possible?
Comment from : @dodiehorton5355

The key phrase, and the downfall of the video: "based on history" and this history only goes back to 1915 Unfortunately, the UK has been something of a blip - an unsustainable situation - for all of that period And things are changing - reverting back to the mean You need to run the numbers back at least 500 years to get an idea of what's coming And for most people, a portfolio of equities and bonds is going to be absolutely devastating Sincerely, best of luck everyone, it's going to be brutal
Comment from : @danielthechampionoftheworl8490

Yes you can retire on less than you think (😂) if you leave it long enough or cheap enough…if you work until you are 80 OFCOURSE you can retire on less than you think !!
Comment from : @marketbeans

Really interesting video, I’m 53, have a fairly good personal / work place pension but as mentioned in the video how do you really know if enough is enough? I have some spare income so am looking at regular investing but still trying to work out which fund would be best for my situation
Comment from : @johnhutchinson635

Unfortunately there is now a government in place determined to wreck and rob any pension plans no matter how sensible you have been
Comment from : @ogriboy

I watched this video after watching the previous video titled 'How Much Is Enough To Retire Comfortably (updated for 2024)' This video's smaller figures seem to just be down to not allowing for inflation and tax, or am I missing something? For example £400k / £39k pa doesn't include inflation does it?
Comment from : @dylantucker7951

My original retirement plan was to retire at 62, work part-time, and save diligently However, rising costs have significantly disrupted this plan I’m concerned about whether those who faced the 2008 financial crisis had an easier time compared to the challenges I'm facing now With a shrinking income and the stock market's volatility, I'm worried about my future Medicare expenses and whether I’ll have enough savings for retirement, especially since I’m unable to contribute as much as I once did
Comment from : @ChristopherAbelman

£700 for the course!! Bloody hell
Comment from : @thomasbroker69

What would you do if you’re 60 and your savings are in Isa’s & not pensions? We have a lump sum but it’s all in savings pots, with tiny pensions but we’re in our early 60’s,
Comment from : @thomasbroker69

These days, retirement is harder than it used to be Rather than investing, I have been saving for a very long period I'm thinking of investing in stocks because of all the inflation, but I'm not only familiar with market tactics
Comment from : @MaximilianFischer497

Retirement becomes truly fulfilling when you possess two essential elements: ample financial resources and a meaningful purpose in life Make prudent investment choices to secure good returns and ensure a comfortable retirement
Comment from : @RobbieNixon-d1w

I am retiring next yr at 57 with steady income stream from my $4 Million dividend portfolio total $650,000 a yr to live comfortably, and its all because of my Fee only Advisor who handles activities in my Portfolio 3 houses paid off worth 35 million my place of residence and other 2 properties will give me $200,000per/yr rent, I also have no debts Stay Motivated!!🌹✅
Comment from : @john00123

I'm retiring on March 1st 25, and I'm lucky enough to have a civil service pension I've looked at the 50-70 income guide, and even at 70, I should have that figure of my final salary coming in each month
Comment from : @wildnfrantic1015

Retirement is becoming increasingly challenging for many people Low wages, inflation, and high rent costs make it difficult to save, and now, even middle-class Americans are struggling to buy homes—leaving them with fewer retirement options
Comment from : @Daniel-b1s3s

The amounts people spend shock me too: I spend under 10k a year
Comment from : @intruder313

It's amazing how history keeps repeating itself, and the urgency to prepare is definitely real! Investing can be the best decision of your financial life I started my journey in 2021, and it’s been the best choice I've made for my finances
Comment from : @Mikael00898

55 looking to retire at 60 Have around 600k currently and no mortgage on my home brWife has little pension probably around 50k brMaximising as much as possible before we both go at 60 Hopefully have around 800k in 5 years and that should be fine Our outgoings are about 25K a year including Holidays and one car
Comment from : @pataleno

Retirement becomes truly rewarding when you have two key components: a solid financial foundation and a clear sense of purpose Making wise investment decisions is crucial to achieving strong returns and enjoying a secure retirement
Comment from : @DanielWyatt-x2e

Your advice is outstanding Pete I am forever grateful!
Comment from : @Equitybonds24

Great video Thanks
Comment from : @jasonfairey1933

I think the retirement crisis will get even worse A lot of people can’t save because of low paying jobs, inflation, and insane rental rates And now that home ownership is out of reach for middle class Americans, they won’t have a house to retire with either
Comment from : @Aarrenrhonda3

High prices for everything have severely affected my plan of retiring I'm concerned if people who went through the 2008 financial crisis had an easier time than I am having now The stock market is worrying me as my income has decreased, and I fear I won't have enough savings for retirement since I can't contribute as much as before
Comment from : @MattsMkia

I've spent a lot of my adult life on esa unfortunately, so has my husband We are now both fit for work but only have 20 years to retirement We are very nervous How on earth do we make sure we'll be OK We don't need fancy amounts of money, after all we've got through on esa sums But we don't want to be stressing about heating, we've already been there thanks
Comment from : @joieparris9786

What happens to all the money in your pension fund if you die with £750,000 in it?
Comment from : @patrickstarnes2355

Most pensioners are happy to walk the dog and eat a good nutritious soup! brHow much does that cost?
Comment from : @patrickstarnes2355

Hmmm £220k will very likely have to battle a net 6 reduction in purchasing power compounded every year, even if you earn 4 in yield on your capitalbrbrI would say in 20 years £220k would have the purchasing power of £68,59704
Comment from : @federatedsubjectareas6904

If you're under 50, there's a good chance your state pension will be means tested
Comment from : @mart34

We all know state pension will be means tested unfortunately so anyone who has planned for retirement will be shafted
Comment from : @Jonnyicey

I’m 52 hoping to end the rat race by 60 with above $1M I know money is a liability to be exchanged for assets with real value like real estate (properties for rent) stocks (dividends) bonds (interest) But, what is it with bitcoin? I hear a lot about it and I'd love to diversify my portfolio
Comment from : @NianLisa

I'm 49 and earn about £2M ($25M) per year and save about 30 in HYSA's I've been reading a lot of articles mentioning how w0rthless 'cash savings' are in this current unstable economy D0 you suggest I invst in real estate, stocks or Gold?
Comment from : @A_francis

Investing without proper guidance can lead to mistakes and losses I've learned this from my own experienceIf you're new to investing or don't have much time, it's best to get advice from an expert
Comment from : @Agathawayne0

OMG Pete, is there nothing you can do about the scammers in the comments? It's just ridiculous
Comment from : @rusty911s2

Comment from : @paulmason5152

The interest on 750k would be nearly 20k at 25 You could live on that until you get to retirement I wouldn't count your chickens with the state pension, if it becomes means tested, your on your own
Comment from : @gerardmcmanus

I dont think the last part of your video is plausible, you make a statement that the person is able to save £300 per month increasing by 10 every year that would make there final 20th year payment over £1800 per month, how is that feasible, that is not a feasible increase in wages either we have have been seeing, I normally think your content is great, but this scenario makes it sound easier than it is as if he is able to save £1800 pound in year 20 why cant he do that now, how can he be sure in yesr 20 he will be able to afford 6 times the amount in the future, you need to let people know what the true cost of this is, when normally your earning potential goes dow towards retirement or at least stagnates, you need to let people know your assumptions for this scenario as you make it sound easy to get there, sorry for the rant but it irked me a bit
Comment from : @michaelchipchase5427

I’ve got mostly defined benefit pensions, and I’ve just started with the civil service so another DB pension I guess that’s good Only got £5k cash, I’m investing like mad now I can In some ways I feel fortunate with pensions, other ways I feel totally behind Investing wasn’t something open to people of my generation or class (much) until recently I’m trying to learn now I don’t see many videos on if any on this sort of scenario Mix of defined benefit pensions etc
Comment from : @manymoms920

Life is short as we all know,we all have lost friends and family before they had time to enjoy there retirement,enjoy and make memories now ❤
Comment from : @tonyk3654

Comment from : @danydany3974

Is the couple number shared between the couple or is it each?
Comment from : @mjlives7338

I retired 55 with 110k no debts living frugally on 10k a year just reached pension age 66 it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be best thing I ever done 😊❤
Comment from : @karlpennington72

You’re good at one thing…stating the bleeding obvious!
Comment from : @Elements795

Nobody 40 and under now will be getting a state pension
Comment from : @Insertnamehere3000

Unless you have £1m in a pension you will be seriously poor What sounds like a lot now will be ravaged by inflation
Comment from : @Insertnamehere3000

Very informative, however it’s flawed due to Labour policies that will rob the working/middle class!
Comment from : @notloadsofmoney

Please can you leave the numbers up for a bit longer? There was good info, but I got one second to read each line
Comment from : @tomcapping2136

I find these videos very useful, thanks They have helped me make decisions but with one element that I haven't see covered If our pot is £750k as per your example, how do we factor in the fact that we will definitely downsize house in maybe 10 years time releasing about £300k of equity Do we simply calculate that our pot is essentially £750 plus the £300 and work out a safe draw down based on this total pot?
Comment from : @gregpilbrow8415

You can almost bet your bottom $ that 2TK and Evil Reeve will royally shaft the pension plans for millions of people approaching pension age
Comment from : @wicky525

Comment from : @scaraboy

The concept of mini-retirement changed my life I'm no longer waiting for some retirement paradise when I'm 65 It helps to know how to fund the lifestyle You know, making money while you sip that piña colada by the beach does help I wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise
Comment from : @CliveBirse

As a soon-to-be retiree, keeping my 401k on track after a bumpy 2022 is a high goal I've read about investors generating up to $250k ROI in this present sinking market; any suggestions for increasing my ROI before retirement would be greatly appreciated
Comment from : @Monicamonasky-

Recently, I've been pondering retirement I've also invested $800K on S&P 500 so i could secure my financial future i need an approach to invest in Coin that will align with my risk tolerance and financial goals
Comment from : @Monicamonasky-

Hello, I am due for retirement in two years, I'm a senior citizen but I'm curious to know best how people split their pay, how much of it goes into savings, spendings or investments, I earn around $50K per year but nothing to show for it yet
Comment from : @alexstevenm6414

Huge assumption made regarding being in receipt of the state pension This will go the way of the Aussie state pension and be deducted for every £1000 you have saved/pension pot, so for most with 100k saving/pension pot there will be no state pension in 10-15yrs
Comment from : @keziasarah

Hi, confused on what I saw I know 4 rule is only a rough guide but you are showing 225K a year drawing from a pot of 200K for couple at 60 which is over 11 What am I missing here?
Comment from : @osbornewales

With a good investment plan that ensures steady incomes without any doubts you can prepare for a well organized retirement I started investing in stocks 3 years ago and so far, I am making a good yield on my portfolio built on top etfs, blue chip stocks and dividends as well Managed by my FA who helped me grow to a 7 figure portfolio I love passive income Credits to my FA Dianne Sarah Olson
Comment from : @KathHarnell

The avg American is having a tough time, I know I am not alone There are others in same position as me By certain statistics: 22 of americans have no retirement savings 64 are worried that they will not have money in latter years while 47 of adults who are not yet retired think they have to work part-time in retirement How can I best grow the 100k I have saved seperately outside retirement access which of course had depleted over the years?
Comment from : @austinbar266

Hello, I am due for retirement in two years, I'm a senior citizen but I'm curious to know best how people split their pay, how much of it goes into savings, spendings or investments, I earn around $50K per year but nothing to show for it yet
Comment from : @Frankweily

Great video, thank you it’s help me in my 40’s
Comment from : @anthonyrobinson-ukcrapslov102

Am 58 retiring next year but the thought of retirement gives me weakness My apologies to everyone who have retired and filing social security during this time after putting in all those years of work just to lose everything to a problem you never imagined to happen It’s so difficult for people who are retired and have no savings or loved ones to fall back on
Comment from : @Riggsnic_co

I could retire on £200k and prob will before I get to 50 Just cant live in the UK which is a rip off
Comment from : @PhilipHurrell

Is downsizing property a valid route to bolstering funds? Say if you have £500k equity in a house and move to a smaller house for £300k, does adding that £200k to a pension or high interest savings account work ok? Is this what most people do anyway?
Comment from : @DarrenMansell

Excellent video Pete, and along the same lines as I have been calculating The problem and fear that I (and I suspect many others watching this video) have is what our new government are going to do to state pension, given their seeming strategy of taking money off people who work/save hard and giving it to those that don't
Comment from : @steve1965

The future of the state pension is probably more uncertain than stocks atm
Comment from : @UKGeezer

I would love a video on investing in rental property (HMOs) Vs Sipp investing as not sure what would be better long term
Comment from : @jakewelford

Put you money into property and rent it out if you can afford it and have planned for it, that's the only endearing way to do it More chance of losing money investing in markets etc, that's a larger gamble imho
Comment from : @markrushforth6212

You didn't say what asset classes invested in UK stocks ? UK stocks and bonds or global stocks? global stocks and bonds?
Comment from : @hughgallagher

Pete my wife and I are in our early 30s How would this factor for us? I have for years now felt like there will be no state pension at all Honestly it makes me feel sick to my stomach We both work hard although have a combined income after tax of under 50k as well as fledgling start up business side hustle that is thankfully growing well brbrCounting for 2 inflation without any state pension existence by my reckoning we need about 12m - 15m saved an invested by the time we are both in our 60s in the next 30 years
Comment from : @PKSiAMiAM

If you have the state pension you won't run out, just have very little
Comment from : @mmclo

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