Title | : | What Happens If Trump Dismantles The Department Of Education? |
Lasting | : | 16.17 |
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Views | : | 690 rb |
This extremely biased piece is just another example of how MSM attempts to brainwash the people of this country Nobody believes you any longer Either start making balanced stories or you're going to lose all of your viewers Comment from : @HoagieHut |
The DOE has just become a bank to states that still fail there children If the goverment is paying, children are being used for the money Stop the hands out Seems like it hasn't help anyway Comment from : @GreggHennes |
Maybe the US department of education will make the decision to help me with this issue! Comment from : @dianascrimger284 |
Proof is in the pudding We spend more than any other country per student and have some of the worst test scores in the world But yeah its about "tax cuts for billionares" Keep repeating that line, maybe someone will listen some day Comment from : @pqwiefjkadba9oweur |
The demographics at our college has hardly white students! Only 15 percent are white population! Comment from : @dianascrimger284 |
March 3rd is national panhellenic badge day! People do nor understand how female students feel having the foreign students tell you that you cannit belong to a sorority! That they are only for the foreign born students to be sucessful! Comment from : @dianascrimger284 |
Since there are so many foreign born college students do we even need a us department of education? The American born students are treated like they are not important! The foreign born students tell us that we have no legal right to go to college! Comment from : @dianascrimger284 |
We don’t need a federal government that has 450 departments we need a small federal government Comment from : @emeraldcitydreamz |
No 40 America's rating among the world's education programs No 40 and we spend more on education than any other country on the planet No 40 Comment from : @grahamcombs4752 |
It needs to go It has been a complete failure Kids can't even read any more Comment from : @stuhill6627 |
Fk yes!! Trump shut down the department of education!! Comment from : @johnalver |
The math ain’t mathing folksbrTear it down! Comment from : @926paaja |
What you are telling me is that not even a child has a civil rights and its because they can't understand it, and that is why they are charged for life, 😮😮😮😮 Comment from : @AnthonyStankiewicz |
Its time for people to be held accountable for their decisions and not allow them to escape through technicalities, a crime is a crime 😊😊😊 Comment from : @AnthonyStankiewicz |
If that was your child what would you want federal crime or state crime either way is still a crime 😊😊😊 Comment from : @AnthonyStankiewicz |
Its just like abortionthe state government are going to have to do what we PAY THEM to do Comment from : @scotimotti |
Fake news 🗞️ why are people still watching this crap Comment from : @Ama12445-d |
Trump loves the poorly educated That's why Comment from : @ClydeBalcom |
Our country is bigger than any one Citizen or Agency - I believe in America ❤🇺🇸👍 Thanks 👍🇺🇸 Comment from : @USA50_ |
Teach beginner coding on Saturdays Most students comprehend concepts well Some don’t That’s fine brbrSome unfortunately do not know the keys of the keyboard Therefore they cannot type!brbrIt is my obligation to teach coding not typing!brbrFundamental problem is recognizing student’s individual needsbrbrUnfortunately it is parent’s responsibilities to identify their children’s need & find the resources to fulfill them Comment from : @justinmercado3183 |
Remember when the DOE did not exist Since its concept we have been going stupid fast Another great plan by Carter and the democrapic party Comment from : @russhoover6768 |
If they have a trillion dollars to play with…why dont they just wipe away everyones student loan debt?? Comment from : @ThePlandemicPodcastof |
4400 employees is small? 💀🥲 Comment from : @billybeck8169 |
Carter was a disgrace and so is his Department of Education It does nothing to improve the education of our children Indoctrinate them yes, educate no Comment from : @christinegilbert7576 |
Many of these people voted for this orange orangutan Now, we’re all suffering Comment from : @imeldago2519 |
Somebody fooled all yall lol Comment from : @JoeSolo313 |
The Dept of Education is a business They buy curriculum programs from private companies That allows for corruption of funds The State and County governments also have a hand in the pot The administration has to implement new curriculum every 4 years and the teachers can’t keep up Children are suffering from the greed of adultsbrI am for Public education reform! Comment from : @CountryRoad2006 |
Schools in NYC are falling, the education board is concerned about is funding in the salary's Comment from : @vivian7440 |
Will the kids get even dumber? Comment from : @derekmadsen9702 |
Those of us that got our education before Carter's DOE scam actually understand WHY it needs to go away The rest of you have no clue, because you missed getting an education Comment from : @expletivedeleted |
I don't care what Trump believes I care about what the people believe I do not trust my state with my money so why do I have to pay? Comment from : @ns6095 |
But we do have segregation in public school system, its called school zones Poor kids are locked to neighborhood schools Comment from : @bighorse215 |
The US DOE is a scapegoat for Republican disdain for the state of public education Some of that disdain is certainly warranted However, over 95 of the state of people’s public schools has to do with that person’s state and county/city, not the US DOE brbrPell Grants, Title 1, 2, 9, etc, Section 504, and IDEA all matter and our history tells us these programs are much more equitably ran from the Feds than the states Comment from : @ImTheGuy904 |
Americans can’t read or write Stop calling something an attack when it is failing We should be embarrassed to be illiterate, not twerking online Comment from : @willowXtreeX |
CNBC이 나의조카 보다 월등이 AI코딩을 잘 하네요 Comment from : @김진배-u3u |
Makes sense for him to dismantle the DoE That's the only known way to create more Republicans 🤭 Comment from : @calisto2735 |
God will always be with the poor so you all better be careful how you plan on dismissing Gods ppl Comment from : @WhatsyourIQ1 |
I’m kinda confused He’s not saying he’s stopping all the funding for Pell Grants and Special Needs He did say he was cutting head start which commonly happens when Republicans are in office From my understanding, he wants to reduce the staffing for financial reasons and let the states handle the workload But want you need to hire additional workers in the states if you give them more work that the Dept of Education is no longer doing? Comment from : @CocoChanelle-1 |
Nice! So, corporate greed over governmental responsibilities Idiocracy, in the US, is closer to reality now that ever Comment from : @BhagatBikash |
Our kids actually get an education and smarter? Comment from : @tomtharos4440 |
"IS IT LEGAL"? WTF, TRUMP SHOULD NOT EVEN BE IN OFFICE Comment from : @Eclectic-Harlowe |
You know one of the problems here, is that a lot of the media just focusing on the department of education protects people with disabilities, such as learning, physical, poems were abused occurs, and no one really talks about that Comment from : @Eclectic-Harlowe |
Your scare tactics don't work anymore, and your ratings reflect this clearly How about switching to the truth, (Like you're supposed to) report the truth? You're nothing but lapdogs for the Leftists Comment from : @douglashuston5628 |
most of Republican Voters are uneducated that's why they want it abolished Comment from : @MightyCrazy |
American schools are a broken nest of ideologues unable to teach anything except racial/gender conflict Comment from : @MarkMcAllister-ni9sf |
Coming from mid February… It’s not just a sound bite Comment from : @helainamcclanahan6341 |
Here’s the beauty of the GOP leadership decades-long con for a republican voter: “I know my party leaders haven’t done anything for me in years and their policies economically screw me to benefit the ultra-wealthy, but at least they’re making sure that public schools will guarantee my children a life of subsistence-level poverty" Comment from : @chrispernasky9619 |
Go back to traditional teaching Only basic reading, writing, math, history and science Pe is fine Three strikes your out for misbehaving Have parents homeschool if their children cant behave in society Children cant go to school unless potty trained Comment from : @azoreanprincesa8170 |
Losing the Dept of Education will have a huge impact on children with special needs and their families In addition we see more and more students with moderate to severe mental health issues even in the early grades This creates difficult situations for all involved including teachers and the remainder of students in the classroom who are there to learn This is a very complex issue and every community needs to address it for the sake of all I hate to see children who are neglected and abused not getting the help they need because of inadequate parenting Children having children has always been a tough issue which is why reversing Roe vWade and removing birth control is so counterproductive Comment from : @vaunniethayer1484 |
SPOILER ALERT: absolutely nothing Comment from : @schenksteven1 |
I give my full support to Trump Comment from : @burnoutminion |
I don't know I like Halloween Comment from : @pocalypto |
Colleges and universities made legal immigrants students to take out loans and charged them out of state tuition fees even when the students give them proof of green card, apartment lease, jobs and all docs that the school asked It’s unfair that education here is a business!!!! Comment from : @ChaN-ks3ov |
Colleges and universities made legal immigrants students to take out loans and charged them out of state tuition fees even when the students give them proof of green card, apartment lease, jobs and all docs that the school asked It’s unfair that education here is a business!!!! Comment from : @ChaN-ks3ov |
Trump said he is taking it away from Federal hands and leaving it to the state level now Some states don't have money for the programs the federal government currently pays for I'd like to see his plans for supporting states to handle this work load and instructions on funding, etcway BEFORE they actually destroy the federal dept of education Comment from : @robinishchenko3335 |
The billionaires want that money… Comment from : @louisewatson2181 |
Going to far Comment from : @Roseluvdelivery |
Why not all the money that goes to states go as block grants Let the states decide whether they want to fund education or build a monorail that no one rides Eventually reducing all federal aid to zero Comment from : @michael1190 |
The educational system we have now has failed It would be ironic if the orange man actually fixes it so we don't have people like him voted into office Comment from : @MaggieJean |
We have some of the dumbest kids in the world And you’re gonna try to convince me what we’re spending billions on is working? Hahahahahahahahahahaha Comment from : @KaboosOnX1 |
how could people get off the internet - read write and arithmetic? Comment from : @jenrferruso |
This is not an advertisement of any kind, but bsuluxy/b I am so impressed with the quality of their performance! Comment from : @PatriciaKoontz-b7z |
Nothing will happen if the federal department of education is closed states will continue to fund it … Lmao cnbc is trash Comment from : @jasonbowers8418 |
To the fearmongers: school lunch programs are being transferred to the Dept of Agriculture and Pella grants will be handled by the Treasury Dept So don't bother warning us that children will starve and won't be able to go to college Comment from : @clambarn1218 |
Donald Grump's way of indirectly saying that the education business is not lucrativebrbrWith all that he cuts guarantees he will leave office a more wealthy backstabber Comment from : @TheThemattyo1 |
I have I have always said Idiocracy was an Oracle not a movie The United States is one of the stupidest countries in the world and will probably continue its decline for a long time to come Comment from : @DarkberryAlchemy |
A student doesn't need to go to college to become wealthy I homeschool my daughter and we couldn't be happier A plumber makes more money than most professions Once you graduate college years later you will be working a job that doesn't have anything to do with what you took in college College is a scam How many wasted classes does college students take that are wasted time and money?! Comment from : @judyellis3404 |
Will Arkansas , Oklahoma and Mississippi notice Comment from : @tritondriver1 |
Keep loan forgiveness for First Responders and Police Officers and anyone that works in public service and risks their lives for citizens Comment from : @BarrelAly |
Thank god I dropped out Comment from : @Dealwit20 |
Bull 💩 Comment from : @michellebjork5521 |
Wonder how many school shootings will happen once this goes through Comment from : @unity_box3356 |
but we need the special needs program 😢 Comment from : @andrearamosramos134 |
Our school has joined in and eliminated any form of consequences Comment from : @GladysVaca-i4n |
lol this video takes the stance that “it will take an act of Congress to get rid of the Department of Education”brbr…brbrYeah, welcome to DOGEbrbrThis has aged like milk Comment from : @cgdavidb |
US public education sucks It simply doesn’t work and therefore we need to get rid of the stupid dept of Education Comment from : @12Sashka |
Keeping students ignorant only protects the status quo so they cannot stand up to the government which oppresses them daily Comment from : @historyboy08 |
The Federal Student Loan Department of Education is filled with thieves!! Interests on student loans are high up to the skies!! They took a lot of money from me!! and I was only a single mom with 2 kids who wanted to do better in life!!! Close it down!!! THANK YOU President Trump and Elon!!! Comment from : @johannasantiago5575 |
We dismantle the marxist vision of Federal control of practically everything and put the control back with perfectly capable states who care much much more Comment from : @kevinsullivan171 |
all they one is keeping Animal or person in captivity Comment from : @oscarguzman9669 |
Soooooo what happens to going to college via loans? Existing student loans? Guess you are going to just wipe the slate clean? WRONG Republicans vetoed all efforts for student loan forgiveness Guess we will all have to pay up IMMEDIATELY br🤔 Comment from : @INFJ2 |
All major functions will be delegated to existing departments and no more money going into the pockets of department officials Huge cost cuts Money will go to students and teachers and not bureaucrats Comment from : @berentsenhomestead |
They already closed the gov funded center for my cousin with downs in Orlando Florida It’s not a hypothetical Comment from : @TonySalas1490 |
Could this affect title IX laws? Comment from : @ralphnestorowicz4934 |
How about not abolishing the department of education but making policies overseeing state education departments as well Comment from : @ralphnestorowicz4934 |
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