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Rep. Madeleine Dean on Trump dismantling the Education Department: ‘The point of it is to disrupt’

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Information Rep. Madeleine Dean on Trump dismantling the Education Department: ‘The point of it is to disrupt’

Title :  Rep. Madeleine Dean on Trump dismantling the Education Department: ‘The point of it is to disrupt’
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Frames Rep. Madeleine Dean on Trump dismantling the Education Department: ‘The point of it is to disrupt’

Description Rep. Madeleine Dean on Trump dismantling the Education Department: ‘The point of it is to disrupt’

Comments Rep. Madeleine Dean on Trump dismantling the Education Department: ‘The point of it is to disrupt’

Trump and Elon must stop exposing corruption as is upsetting MSNBC and the democrats
Comment from : @Freeanroaming

Who's the drag queen ?
Comment from : @Freeanroaming

His rating is still going up please explain this
Comment from : @milvabbrown7825

Trump admin got the receiptsSupporting DemCorruption will tell you, who you are as a group or network Keep sinking instead of learning from it
Comment from : @Trailblazer444

Mentally disturb people do things like this, cause they are uneducated to the truth
Comment from : @euniceransfer7873

If there was ever a country that needed an education department, it's this one! Holy Crap!!! One-strap overall morons!
Comment from : @markallen8571

Maxine Waters is dangerous
Comment from : @MitchGift

Finally some real changes happening in this country
Comment from : @JosephLong-ub1sw

Thank you President Trump and Elon💗🇺🇸🇺🇸
Comment from : @kathrynhurst7210

Msnbc is a joke
Comment from : @dmitrykim3096

Let them try and stop your cold dead hand!
Comment from : @fs3579

the DOE was total crap Useless taxpayer waste all for what? some of the worst ranked education test scores of developed countries Clearly it needs to be overhauled
Comment from : @jcdentonunatco

did they accuse him of what they doing
Comment from : @CemysEF

Trump is right
Comment from : @nuLineAesthetics

As a foreigner that somehow found its way to the US side of TikTok, I always thought Americans were allergic to knowledge High school kids know less than kids going to public school aged 10-12 in other parts of the world
Comment from : @humanbean1004

Fraud an alternative lifestyle agendas is the issues there low literacy rate wasted work force potential fund mismanagement all this is a Big audit
Comment from : @gws259

How much is your media outlet receiving of tax payer money?!
Comment from : @motoman9944

Annoying she keeps saying "the point is fear" brbrbrThe point is 2 genders The point is real education Real teachers Real knowledge The point is our national anthem and the pledge of allegiance The point is that we change what isn't working
Comment from : @DW_MAGA

It's the Federal Department Of Education that was Founded in 1979 & began Operation in 1980 that IS NOT NEEDED & while Trump can't get rid of it completely he can scale it down until the GOP Led Congress does Each State has its own Department Of Education that everyone pays Taxes for
Comment from : @wandameadows5736

What fake news 😂
Comment from : @michaelmarshall8503

What the members of congress are doing in the department of education ?
Comment from : @mounirnour8882

Teachers don't teach They give assignments and grade off answers that are given to them They don't know or understand the material of these assignments enough to actually teach it Georgia has the worst schools in the country Look at the databr25,000 students enter these schools and barely 2,500 graduate high school in the year 2000 That is a staggering failure rate
Comment from : @wealthyblackman2655

What metric has improved since the department of education was made Are we doing better in math? Reading? Stem? Why are the smartest people around all imported? Why isn't our education generating the brightest? Oregon will graduate kids without any evidence of being able to read or do math Our education system has become overpriced babysitting
Comment from : @mitchellstanding5358

The door was locked
Comment from : @jasonybarra8277

Education responsibility should return to the states and not mandated by some uncaring distant federal entity More power to the states is better People don't understand they have more say in local elections and the ability to recall the local representative
Comment from : @dimbe4122

He’s doing what he was elected to do Clean up fraud and corruption Simple
Comment from : @Hecules-p7k

Education should not be federally controlled Great to see this evil organization is no more
Comment from : @banov-p2v

you have lost get over it and stop barking
Comment from : @blackhorse8427

Verily, President Trump doth speak aright The Department of Education is naught but refuse A mere glance at its outcomes doth warrant its dissolution
Comment from : @alexrn8577

The irony of these people is mind blowing
Comment from : @bdangerfield6499

Maxine should not threat the worker that standing outside … to go after his job and family like that seems cruel and unjustifiable
Comment from : @talaavraham8265

Apparently those Democrats thought Beyonce was in the building
Comment from : @getit9066

Shut it down Good job djt
Comment from : @waterloojew

What do you expect when activists are teaching kids what to think and not how to think for them self At this point the education system is a joke there too much politics enforce on to kid as young as 4 on what to think which is alarming
Comment from : @animerabbitden884

Looks like some people don't want this looked into
Comment from : @joeszymanski3540

No, the point of cutting the education department is a wet dream for the psycho religious libertarians that put Trump in power in the first place Conway and Bannon were paid by the Koch family to work on Trump's campaign and help him dismantle the government Just look at all the poorly educated people that voted for Trump simply because their pastor told them to It's easy to turn people into lemmings when they are uneducated
Comment from : @chrissyce5613

Trump 2024!!! Saving Amercian, saving education!
Comment from : @NealWohltmann

Nice you cut off trumps entire answer
Comment from : @JFK762

Do you still have a democracy or you just pretending this is a joke 😂
Comment from : @fabiosunspot1112

Texas should annex California and separate from all this nonsense
Comment from : @loicdragnel

Who is that lady on the left ? She’s so seductive
Comment from : @loicdragnel

How sick and uneducated everyone in this video are I feel sad for all of you
Comment from : @craigb5650

The DOE BUDGET IS 238,000,000,000 Americans students don’t even rank top 10 globally Waste, Fraud and Abuse
Comment from : @dloc1031

Why to panic before you see the effect Trupm knows what he is doing and always new things scare people it is normal So no panic, please
Comment from : @laimaroscher5954

You need to move faster!!!!!!
Comment from : @amyspaw-li2eg

Thanks! And please post this morning's Garamendi interview re USAID
Comment from : @garymc8223

😂😂😂😂😂BWAHAHAHAHA ‼️ have a meltdown lady!
Comment from : @TABUK_SHAKUR

So American is pretty much ranked last in education, I believe we’re like 40 or something It’s obvious that the department of education is not doing its job effectively The democrats have turned the department of education into the department of indoctrination Maxine Walters and all those other flock of dems that came there to antagonize and riot could care less about the children The democrats biggest concern is that all their piggy bank money laundering schemes are being exposed Democrats have been exploiting the department of education since it started in 1980
Comment from : @markdudgeon3997

Maxine seems so shifty
Comment from : @jsballeck

No one’s calling you, lol
Comment from : @outofsight3031

You guys constantly spark, chaos, and fear that’s your objective!
Comment from : @outofsight3031

You guys constantly spark, chaos, and fear that’s your objective!
Comment from : @outofsight3031

I hope this guy sues this Elizabeth creep
Comment from : @outofsight3031

What Trump and his minions are doing affects everybody the entire country Red and blue
Comment from : @BushidoXBrown

Americans are going to pay a huge price for what they voted for Our education level was already falling behind the rest of the world Now this “ Christian” nation religious idiots voted for will eventually fall behind Pakistan You don’t want to live in a “ Christian run nation” The world lived thru the dark ages once, lets not allow it again
Comment from : @mcm3a812

So poor people and rich are currently getting the same quality of education? This is what they are trying to sell?
Comment from : @AdrianJamaal

Why hasn't anyone talking about this been able to point to a single thing the department of education has done that had a positive effect on the overall education of your children? Not one single thing? The whole story is about personality nothing about substance
Comment from : @northwestgardener5076

Yes what has happen to education for the poor? Since the department of education was created we have seen the gap between children for wealthy families and poor families grow So, after decades of work and trillions of dollars in funding the children of America are worse off than they were when we had no department of education
Comment from : @northwestgardener5076

Who is terrified they will find evidence of kick backs, bribes and out right fraud
Comment from : @northwestgardener5076

So Muck's 20-something kids are allowed into the Department of Education, but not elected officials! What's next?
Comment from : @Htruman-u7z

For many, it means going back to the one-room schoolhouses that existed in the 1800s
Comment from : @mickeywood3012

Thank you President Trump! I love watching these helpless democrats squirm!
Comment from : @Johnsonburger

Republicans want uneducated subjects to control……not well educated citizens that know what Republicans really are
Comment from : @ChiefSpartan1999

MSNBC…nobody believes your garbage any more!
Comment from : @MarkTrinidad81

This is horrible!
Comment from : @anthonywilliams3822

I wish democrats would let him do all these terrible things he is trying to do I know it sucks but his cult wont learn until the suffer
Comment from : @ronjames4151

Hahaha! Democrats have ZERO credibility with Americans They’re just trying to stop Elon from exposing their corruption further USAID was just the first stop
Comment from : @MarkTrinidad81

It is really wild how the MAGA supporters will vote against their own interests; the will also be hurt by Trump’s poor policies 🤔
Comment from : @MrMetro-mt5qv

Proof that maga is evil
Comment from : @alexandersherrow4295

The 2nd Hitler has come to power
Comment from : @stephenreade6433

His next step is to abolish Congress everyone be forewarn
Comment from : @stephenreade6433

They look like a bunch of idiots Last place in education……
Comment from : @Ricky-j6u

We need to start building liberal humanities schools, and take their fckn school vouchers, our schools, formerly public schools, will kick butt on bible study
Comment from : @ElitaSue

It is obvious not enough or we wouldn't have Trump in the White House
Comment from : @Oldtired-99

Republicans have the majority in Congress Your point is moot
Comment from : @ghostnotes5667

Elon and Trump spooning 🥄 in JAIL
Comment from : @Onlyme-j8i

NO to Critical Thinking Theory!!🃏²³°
Comment from : @DaKingisDead

30-40 years of failing schools and this department is ripping off taxpayers in the name of dei and trans crap it needs to go
Comment from : @alcrazy1

Make an example, I think the people would have appreciated those politicians rushing in
Comment from : @kjh7108

Trump always said that he loves the uneducated Because they are all the more likely to fall for his lies
Comment from : @Daniel4646

Cutting fund for the Department of Education is the worst plan in American history If schools are not federally funded, they are left to the state Lack of money to pay will increase people's taxes and in the end the American people will have to pay this money So, Musk and Trump always brag about saving billions of dollars for America, but in fact that money comes from the pockets of the American people The American people are already suffering and are suffering even more under Trump Are Trump's promises still valid now? Make American Great again???????? All of Musk and Trump's cutback policies end up costing the American people their money Are the numbers that Musk and Trump bragged about actually valuable or are they just fraudulent numbers????
Comment from : @vphm69

He's part proudboys
Comment from : @Roy-o8w

Send Congress home It no longer has any power About time to bring in some Republicans to defend what King Elon and Court Jester Donald are doing
Comment from : @finnjacobsen684

Doors were locked That’s why they could just walk in
Comment from : @LyndaWalker-e7c

Just saying “it’s Unlawful” means absolutely nothing to Musk
Comment from : @ColJones-rs2ry

Gee it sounds like he and his cohorts are the ones that really don't like America
Comment from : @stlsensimilla

The door was locked
Comment from : @HazelwithaZ

So the Democrats got to a point of entry, were not allowed in so they didn't come in? Same members of Congress tgat have no problem woth illegals simply entering the country? So the Democrats believe you shouldn't enter a location without approval? Apparently not the dude from MSNBC "I just would have went in"very January 6 of you! YepBOTH of the positions in this post are BS by Demstge politicians and their mouthpiece MSNBC doing the "Rusty Trombone" to the Democrat party
Comment from : @Hooksleft-1

Vote!! That is the only thing that maters Vote out theese clowns in the elections for congress / house of representatives
Comment from : @M3M3M32

Just a note of correction, small but significant A dizzying "set of motions" are legal requests to a judge in a court of law for his/her conideration These are not motions; they are executive orders that intentionally skip the legal processes required to change the Constitution and/or laws of the land with no Congressional oversight or authorization On its face, illegal If we want to challenge what Trump is doing on the basis of illegality, we must start by getting the language correct Congresswoman Dean has a law degree, so I'm sure she simply misspoke, but we do need to be precise
Comment from : @kellytucker998

AH HA HA HA HA!!! "We're members of Congress, not thugs and thieves"do you Liberals understand the pure irony of that statement?!?
Comment from : @Hooksleft-1

An uneducated populace is easier to control
Comment from : @fenlandwildlifeclips

The less educated the populous is, the more Trump voters
Comment from : @darthamar4042

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