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Donald Trump promises to abolish US department of education

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Title :  Donald Trump promises to abolish US department of education
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Frames Donald Trump promises to abolish US department of education

Description Donald Trump promises to abolish US department of education

Comments Donald Trump promises to abolish US department of education

Well if you're ranked 40th in the world I guess the board of education is a hoax
Comment from : @ericheine2414

If it's woke, it's gotta go!brRe build DOE back better
Comment from : @WouldntYouLikeToKonw

Trump dream: uneducated folk would be easy to be manipulated Finaly you can tell al the dumbest thing on earth and nobody would ask questions
Comment from : @andreacavadini9175

The poorly educated love him so this is a brilliant move by the cheeto
Comment from : @cabalogia

Okay, so here is my question I live in Mississippi, a red state What money are we gonna use to educate children? Actually, what money? We dont have it Teachers will lose their jobs, children won't be educated, classrooms are either gonna become over or under populated (both are horrible), diversity in these classrooms will be absent, colleges will lose attendance Mississippi is the poorest and most uneducated state in America We dont have the money brbrAlso, our DOE is not the reason that America is so poorly educated Look at Singapore They are at the top of education, and they have goverment funded programs This whole facade of br"we gotta cut unnecessary programs that spend too much" is literally a manipulation tactic Do you know how much money is put into our military? The money is literally right there! All this is to make his own pockets bigger Please, for the love of god, listen to me! He doesn't care about you He never will He has tricked you Please listen to peoples stories Please do research Stop blindly following so that we can do something
Comment from : @krys4721

Parents can start right now by not allowing their kids to have any access to smartphones and tablets and social media of any kind unless it's specifically used at school for learning or they become old enough to be trusted with these devices and pay for them themselves Sound crazy? It started with TV and just got worse from there There's a great substitute for the missing entertainment, and it's called books
Comment from : @RedSiegfried

Oh no, whatever shall we do without the almighty and omniscient federal government running our schools for us? We're to dumb to do it without the bureaucrats!
Comment from : @RedSiegfried

We need a new democrat president that can exiled @realDonaldTrump out from the white house forever permanently !!! #savetheusdepartmentofeducation #leavethestudentsalone #downwithiceagents #SavePBSfunding #savepublicschools #LockTrumpUp
Comment from : @AlexandraWilliams-lp6qc

He's cracking TF up
Comment from : @MikeGaetano

Those schools have highly educated teachers making six-figure salaries
Comment from : @susieherman8447

Because American citizens arent stupid enough yet?
Comment from : @GHnov

Trumps going to fund the new Department of Education of Gaza
Comment from : @thisisthetruth-f6w

So, a president that can barely string a coherent sentence together is eliminating the department of education? I guess it's no surprise This keeps the uneducated masses voting for these morons
Comment from : @thisisthetruth-f6w

Hey, if you tell your voters to stop procreating i am sure you'll jump a few spots in the world rankings
Comment from : @zzbloop

Trump is getting scary though, I am a bit of an insider living among Americans in Germany My American wife is Federal employee of the DODEA, primary school teacher at a Military base, they are no longer allowed to transmit anything in terms of culture to children and all objects about black and other America have to go, such as books and objects of Martin Luther King Even clothing is no longer allowed to convey anything And cultural weeks are banned in the schools
Comment from : @avd

All those countries performing well provide nationally funded public education for all their citizensbrbrI wouldn’t have been able to attend college without work study, pell grants, and federal loans, which had the lowest interest ratesbrbrThis is going to dramatically increase costs for college attendance and bar low income students from upward mobility through education opportunities, saddling kids with even higher college debt and lower chances of building wealthbrbrBut, that is probably what these people want
Comment from : @Sharkuterie327

What he’s really saying is he wants a homogeneous country Sir if y’all wanted that you should have never left Europe The US isn’t homogeneous nor will it ever be
Comment from : @YouAREyoubeYou

The Feds need to give the power of education back to the states No more "no kid left behind", no more DEI, no more brainwashing the kids of leftist beliefs Also, we are not global citizens; We are American Citizens
Comment from : @bobingalls4643

GET RID OF COMMON CORE MATH AND IPADS Go back to text books ?!?!
Comment from : @MReex-g5o

DOE needs reform not abolishment Cutting federal funding to public schools doesnt just have an impact on the students, but has a major impact on the small business owners that do business with public schools That federal grant lets schools spend what it does on these busineses brI support President Trump on everything he has done so far, I do not agree with this move
Comment from : @carlosmarco322

Of course he wants to abolish the department of education He needs idiots to vote for him
Comment from : @piaeichberg

taking a vital public service and turning it into a way to make money and removing any semblance of oversight or accountability is the american way
Comment from : @Trucktimefun

Lying sob imoeach
Comment from : @mimipipi313

trump will be the death of America Now he is attacking our children's future and education Americans are cowards
Comment from : @brennanworthy6043

Thank you! It should be the states in charge of the education!
Comment from : @ConcettaGallagher

---Make---America----Great ----Again
Comment from : @lgr2013

Comment from : @NicholasDeLuca-i7x

Trump approves of murder in Gaza
Comment from : @AltonEllsworth

Education? We already have enough Crack heads He's nuts Time to say it out loud
Comment from : @johnbirkmaier9650

Comment from : @azammunir4837

Department of education care's more about what is between your child's legs than what's between their ears
Comment from : @jeffkeenan3460

Good, all they've done is indoctrinate kids and teach them that it's ok to be a degenerate I would much rather spend that money and erect a good, secure border, decrease our dependency on foreign oil and fix our infrastructure
Comment from : @brosb4hoes755

Glory!!! After so much struggles I now own a new house with an influx of $155,00000 every month God has kept to his words,my family is happy again everything is finally falling into place God bless America
Comment from : @EbubeMunso

Pure common sense is returned to states, students & parents
Comment from : @baronharkonnen5400

That will fix nothing in the United States of America just like all the other dumb things he does Your Fake President Trump is a criminal, a disgusting, weak man A fool He is also the leader of idiot America and Make America Garbage Agenda, he is a disgrace to all of the UNITED STATES He is a liar a thief, and a used car salesman Slum lord and the greatest and best at nothing As for education, RED STATES keep people down and do not teach the children or the minorities because their leaders the Republicans, Like their sheep ignorant They give the money to private and white schools and are full of hypocrites hiding behind the fake religion The red states have the worst schools and education, The poorest states, and least of everything, Why because the Republican party is crooked from the Supreme Court to the White House, and the Republican Congress is a disgrace to the United States Wake you sheep it is time to stop following and Learn the truth You know it is true It is supposed to be WE, THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE! Not 170 billion for three people and have more wealth than 50 pct of the rest of this country
Comment from : @richardmarlott2692

Department of education does not need to be abolished Department of education needs to be refomed what teachings there teaching our children
Comment from : @Vernon-o6r

Betsy DeVos has wet panties hearing this This will make her dream of taking total control of all education in this nation Oh, Donny boy, you are following the Koch plan of death for this nation to a tee I did not know you were such a good little trooper for Charles Koch and Betsy DeVos
Comment from : @lars277

RIP Department of Education 1979-2025
Comment from : @kenw5104

Lol, all you turds saying the red states won't do well We'll be fine, but thanks for your concern With your useless degrees that 70 don't even get jobs in, and the student debt crisis that's great too Oh and don't forget teaching kids trans ideology, that's the chefs kiss That's going to help us compete with all the countries he just mentioned
Comment from : @fernando3061

Yah, MAGA Trump!💪
Comment from : @ianjacknafealy2113

omg idiocracy over multi generations
Comment from : @troysilliman4808

If you give the school system to Idaho, their schooling level would be equivalent to Timbuktu, not Denmark
Comment from : @markarmage3776

This is simply another reason to not have kids so they can't have mindless drones to order around
Comment from : @jilliantaylor

Why has trumpy got the world cup behind him? US has never won?
Comment from : @TheReubstar

Oh great chump wants kids to be as Stupid as he is
Comment from : @barbaram5346

Doing this, Massachusetts will flourish while Mississippi will fail🤦Why not close student loans instead?
Comment from : @TomikaKelly

So abolish DOE, before something has been developed to replace it so kids' education isn't interrupted This won't cause a crisis in America 🙄
Comment from : @eatwhatukiii2532

This is such a horrible idea on so many levels Sure The wealthy states will succeed, but all the poor, mostly red states will completely lack funding of any sort
Comment from : @justineharper3346

Long overdue , let the states and local jurisdiction run the schools How many federal employees in the department of education, another jobs program
Comment from : @sailawaybob

We have never been more back
Comment from : @peterwainio2134

So, "product of the American education system," might cease to be an apt insult?
Comment from : @eigenvalue5775

He doesn’t want to stop funding israaeeel now we know who owns him 😂
Comment from : @Safz-c9b

Lies, lies, lies!!!! Americans are very poorly educated because the white supremacists don't care!!!!!
Comment from : @janedasilva7792

Good job
Comment from : @RacerX1971

What Department will Linda McMAHON now Heads?
Comment from : @NestorRodriguez-o6y

Red states public schools are often are subsidized by the federal government
Comment from : @MaxL6297

Comment from : @StuartCarmichael-r4r

The dumbest cluck alive He and his ever so STUPID SUPPORTERS
Comment from : @kincadeproductions

He said NOTHING about closing the DOE!
Comment from : @DocMacKay819

Well does he have a plan in mind of what is taught and how to pay teachers?
Comment from : @terrimilavec5885

Musk writes his scripts
Comment from : @susansharp112

Trump said he loves the uneducated He is trying to make sure our children are uneducated
Comment from : @glenncordova4027

My GOD you're greasy
Comment from : @geoffdb8118

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