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The $1.8 Million Retirement Lie: How Much You REALLY Need

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Title :  The $1.8 Million Retirement Lie: How Much You REALLY Need
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Comments The $1.8 Million Retirement Lie: How Much You REALLY Need

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Comment from : @humphrey

Can you talk about which high yeild dividend stocks are good to earn passive income and how much we need ro put in to earn $1000/yr? A You Tube please
Comment from : @Honey-xw7mf

Too many people retiring with debt Houses and cars should be paid off before retiring
Comment from : @livingaboard

Why, why, why do you self-styled retirement planning panjandrums always assume that people are planning for a 30 year retirement? If, for example, you are planning to retire at age 67, you won’t be alive 30 years into the future! 25 is probably quite sufficient Not only is 4 outmoded That number was predicted on a 30 year retirement The entire financial industry keeps repeating the absurd 4 meme
Comment from : @scottjackson163

People are living longer than ever before, which means your retirement savings need to last for potentially 30 years or more This can be a daunting challenge, especially with rising healthcare costs and inflation
Comment from : @nguyenTYN-g9j

How do you need less money if you’re withdraw rate is higher? You would decrease the longevity of those funds by about 4 years 1M would last you 25 years at 40k annually (4 WD rate) vs 851k only lasting about 21 years at 40k annually (47 WD rate)
Comment from : @bdubs6205

Paying off a mortgage before retirement is huge imho It cuts down your living expenses drastically
Comment from : @christianjadot4459

One needs 4M (160K at 4) to retire Anything below this number is living a stressful life
Comment from : @lordabhikingfisher8087

I have more than that right now I need more than that
Comment from : @daviddelaney4106

The current market/economy is unnecessarily tougher for bloomers/senior citizens Over the years I was just buying and holding onto potential assets, which doesn’t seem applicable to the current rollercoaster market trend, plus inflation is catching up with my portfolio I’m really worried about survival after retirement
Comment from : @JeshuaMarshal

I’ve been saving for a long time instead of investing, and right now I only have about $516k I'm not sure how to make it grow, considering all the inflation, into something substantial that I might use for retirement I’m just here for ideas
Comment from : @RobertSHeadrick

Networthify doesn't have an option for social security amount or start date, so the estimates aren't very accurate
Comment from : @XDetoursX

Earning money is important, but preserving your capital is even more crucial Once your funds are lost, rebuilding wealth becomes significantly harder It’s like “missing a train” versus “losing your money” while there will always be new opportunities, losing your capital could mean the end of the journey
Comment from : @NoahNollens

I have a lot more but still freaking the eff out because spending is 220k year
Comment from : @KonfusedDude

I think one of the biggest myths is that retiring with $1 million at 60 is a guaranteed comfortable retirement It’s not that simple—it really depends on your lifestyle, spending habits, and how long you expect to live I made the mistake of assuming $1 million would be more than enough without really crunching the numbers
Comment from : @Fedrick-jo2ed

I’d be willing to bet that 200k is in addition to a pension
Comment from : @CTity860

This video took away a lot of my anxiety Thank you
Comment from : @djlarroc

Some places are cheaper to live than others
Comment from : @owenmccord5078

Use the 4 rule, diversify your investments and hope for the best If you can’t cover your annual living expenses with 4 of your portfolio, and you’re looking at 30 years of retirement, you haven’t saved enough Yes, there are those that claim to have a comfortable retirement on less than this, but I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of stress involved with the expense vs income every single month
Comment from : @jeff5467

I don’t spend 80 of what I make now Why would I spend more in retirement?
Comment from : @mattbleiler7294

The key to successful retirement in the USA is to leave the USA
Comment from : @maxmaxed2887

If you makeI hope you are talking take home and not pretax
Comment from : @BuffNerdInCa

I am a little confused on how increasing the withdrawal rate decreases the amount needed to retire?
Comment from : @keldonboswell1884

spending 80k usd a year is insane, that is one hell of a retirement assuming this includes housing cost, a retired person can easily live a quality life on 40k a year Also as you get older like 75 plus you cant do much any more your to old
Comment from : @pantsgaming759

Once you retire early (before the age of 65), you will have to pay for your own health insurance, so factor that into your early retirement equation
Comment from : @nrwilson1000

Why would you want to drain your retirement? Ever heard of generational wealth?
Comment from : @nathanrathbun2619

Exactly me, retired 13 years ago with $800,000 I’m 90 percent stocks and now tripled to $2,400,000
Comment from : @richarddixon6352

5 million Who TF wants to retire with an income less than $200,000 a year brbrIm on track to hit 124 million by age 60 Im 32 now
Comment from : @adv_skarr

You don’t mention healthcare expenses, this is a big one for me to retire early
Comment from : @timlincoln2246

Bro you need to look at these bots
Comment from : @RolandDrummer77

How about tax?! Why tax is never considered in this kind of calculation? And How about health insurance?… these 2 alone will eat up big chunk of your 4 withdrawal
Comment from : @pierrechang55

🚨Quick reminder that you pay into Social Security your whole life You get more Social Security money if you worked the max hours in your life, and wait the max years to request the money you gave them back
Comment from : @ZackHughes

But what if you’re in California? I assume you need $18 million because California
Comment from : @Archpimp

Can you do a video or segment on the Age 55 rule Everyone says you can't pull out of 401k until 591/2 without penalties, but I read that if you retire at or after 55 you can
Comment from : @Nismolsx

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing below the $100k mark and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $234,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest a huge percentage of my profit and it got more interesting! For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home at the beginning of summer
Comment from : @LilyClark-g3q

Something is wrong with that calculator The higher you notch up the withdrawal rate, the faster you can retire? That doesn't make sense
Comment from : @pixelzpusher

Need to account for inflation, you will be spending 4X what you do now in 30 years, not 70
Comment from : @jasperwilliams5729

Very detailed video 👌 thanks 🙏
Comment from : @TiagoRamosVideos

Amazing this thread is littered with fraudsters advertising scams REMOVE THEM!!!
Comment from : @elliotoliver8679

Let me say this to the American investor who is investing in 401(k)s and regular Ira No one tells you that at least 24 to 25 of your portfolio is Uncle Sams And states may get 5 to 6 to so if you have $1 million look to give uncle Sam 300,000 on it maybe a little less in some states, best play is a roth
Comment from : @gregorywalker1425

Saving for retirement is a long journey Most calculations can be done using online calculators You need very little if you have average social security and not keeping up with the Jones Inflation is the global problem
Comment from : @anhbaoconnecticut3128

This 47 rule is too anal retentive and not real life Strive to have a surplus and leave it to heirs
Comment from : @ar8647

Advice bots are RIDCULOUS Wish yt would wake up
Comment from : @axxxingforanswers4648

I’m 49 and I have about ($190k) liquid in savings which I plan to put towards becoming a homeowner, but based on the current high prices on real estate, do you suggest I hold from buying and look at stocks instead?
Comment from : @ChristopherAbelman

Boomers still had pensions so they didn't need to save much cash I don't have a pension so I will need closer to 18 million
Comment from : @miowacity

No Debt That is how you can retire Dave Ramsey on U Tube
Comment from : @michellewinkler3985

One piece of the equation that i think needs to be accounted for is that the source of this information is also the place to benefits from more people investing to get to this amount If they freak people out that they are behind, there is more of a push for people to actually use their service to try to get to that amount I think a huge factor is also how people live their lives Just my 2 cents but they do have incentive to push people to their services I am 40, and i do think this is going to be a huge issue with the YOLO mentality since COVID and just the younger generation Alot of people just bank on social security and dont think alot about sacrificing now for benefits later in life
Comment from : @cormoto2832

Sorry but it all depends on your dept and your lifestyle and you need to have a big cushion brLast year I had several big unexpected 32k of expenses around the same time, shit happens
Comment from : @Jm-Gonz

I'll expire far before I die
Comment from : @mustjustbe

I'm 58 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for…
Comment from : @RaymondKeen

To withdraw 80 of me and the wife’s current salary every year of retirement, we’ll need 36M saved Let me get right on that 💀
Comment from : @denialma

I don’t see needing 18 million to retire I don’t have that, not taking social security yet and pretty comfortable On the other end I don’t see how 40k is enough Larger expenses come up, roof, a/c unit, etc… and with only 40,000 there would be very little left
Comment from : @mikeshaw4610

Well, that's expensive Move to a more economical country
Comment from : @christopherellis2663

Get your house and cars paid for before you retire Once they are paid for you only need money for dentures, hearing aids, a new roof and car repairs $250,000 is plenty if you dont gamble, vacation in Bora Bora, or drink everyday and you have a decent social security check
Comment from : @georgesontag2192

Hi this is Michael from California how much do you need to retire comfortably if you are not able to do a job or jobs like a Lawyer Engineering that pay significantly more per month or year if employers are not putting Significant amounts or money contributing significant amounts from company or companies in to your retirement or company or companies stop offering pension or 401k retirement plans because people or persons or financial advisors can not assume that every one is supper rich or wealthy and that what it cost to retire 70 years ago is significantly very Different because every thing items and services including healthcare housing shelter food clothing and every day living expenses have Drastically gone up in price or money
Comment from : @michaelbell5135

Good lord the amount of spam bots on this video is insane
Comment from : @fizzimajig

Average retiree lives on around $57000Average SSN is around $2000so the average person needs to find another $33000 from savingsso if the retirement time frame is 25 years yu are looking at $825,000
Comment from : @fanom1

In San Francisco you can double the retirement number to $36 million if you want to be comfortable
Comment from : @mocheen4837

You are DREAMING if you think your retirement expenses will be the same or less as the years required to GET TO RETIREMENT agebrInflation is COMPOUNDING and it can be accellerated by some shit like war or covid or just the weather brDon't plan a long retirement, just make it a good one
Comment from : @bribengal1968

Comment from : @bribengal1968

If social security gets shut down the cost of goods will fall because less people will be able to afford those same goods Less money in the system causes deflation
Comment from : @user-nu8in3ey8c

As you age in your upper 80s and beyond, the world takes advantage of you Everyone from healthcare providers, retirement homes, transportation, service providers (fix it people, lawn care) and even family members take advantage of you and drain your savings if you have more $$, they accelerate the process If you have less $$, they still drain you but at a slower rate I am witnessing this with my parents The world shits on old people
Comment from : @colonialscientific1067

"Social security benefits decrease the older you get" 8:50 brThis is the first I've heard of this How/why do they decrease?brEdit: spelling
Comment from : @resnak

I'm so tired of finance youtube telling people that they need a lower amount and that settling for an average retirement is what we should be striving forbrbrAverage retirement account balance for people 65-74 is around 200K? They're sitting at home maybe going out to eat a few times a week and doing nothing simply waiting to die We should all be saving/investing as much as possible so we can take all kinds of trips, explore the world, own a vacation home or two Average mediocre those shouldn't be the goal $18M retirement is a lie You need much more than that
Comment from : @GoforthAndConquer

Nice unrealistic example for a 30 year old at peak life chaos making 100k a year after tax (lol)brJust save 40k of it a year, totally feasible
Comment from : @thecomrade9284

08:45 "Social Security benefits decrease the older that you get", WHAT are you talking about? They increase with COLA adjustments !!!! Right???
Comment from : @johnepperson8867

Can’t get the Net website to work Won’t hold my personal specifics- is there a different website option?
Comment from : @k10m183

If you are a spender, you will run out of money If you are a saver, you will run out of life You need a balance of both If you plan on sitting on the couch for 40 years to save for retirement, how can you expect to do anything different when you do? You are not going to go to the beach when you are 60 if you have never been there before You need to do memorable things If you do the same thing every day, the time between will run together
Comment from : @chrisgray5518

I just turned 48 and awfully late to investing with barely any portfolio except my 401k, I have a decent amount of cash saved up and with inflation currently soaring AGAIN, I’m getting worried about retirement, my intention is to retire at 55 How best do I maximize my savings of over $300k
Comment from : @Raniyanhunter

I wish I would have invested earlier
Comment from : @bobsacamano7653

Like with all my finances, I'm very good at removing unwanted subscriptions
Comment from : @bobsacamano7653

I want to pass to kids…
Comment from : @askmichaelnow

These days, retirement is harder than it used to be Rather than investing, I have been saving for a very long period I'm thinking of investing in stocks because of all the inflation, but I'm not only familiar with market tactics
Comment from : @MaximilianFischer497

I believe the retirement crisis will get even worse Many struggle to save due to low wages, rising prices, and exorbitant rents With homeownership becoming unattainable for middle-class Americans, they may not have a home to rely on for retirement either
Comment from : @Powerz00

Awesome video! Thank you for breaking things down I hate working so i started to contribute 30 percent into my 401k I also started to max out my roth ira past 2 years I only make 60k annually so analytics will say im contributing too much into retirement I live comfortably and dont buy into new gadgets and outfits shopping Food and water and a house is all i need beside good health and family 😊
Comment from : @csick11

An increasing number of people are likely to face challenges in retirement Low wages, rising inflation, and high rental costs make it difficult to save adequately Now, even middle-class Americans are struggling to afford homeownership, putting their retirement plans at risk
Comment from : @Daniel-b1s3s

The bots just killed my mood to watch the video
Comment from : @britneythao

So many scam threads Be very cautious and report to you tube Hope the channel does a better job of cleaning these out and protecting viewers
Comment from : @wmarian5027

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got talking about investment and money I started investing with $120k and in the first 2 months , my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and gets more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
Comment from : @SuoncyCharlotte

Why is it that just about every "Advisor" always quotes the 59½ years, but forgets The rule of 55?
Comment from : @getbent5639

Dang, I am feeling hopeful af after hearing that! I figured I needed $33m srs and I’m on track for it
Comment from : @cupcakeordeath

Unless you have a pension, your savings rate should be at least 50
Comment from : @TransgenderAmmosexual

No one talks about a sliding scale Wouldn’t you need to spend less as you age?
Comment from : @exxology1

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