Title | : | How to figure out how much you need to save for retirement |
Lasting | : | 4.35 |
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Views | : | 119 rb |
Determine your retirement income needs Estimate your future expenses, including housing, healthcare, transportation, food, and leisure activities Consider inflation and potential unexpected costs Comment from : @Rogerederer-b2r |
There are much better sources than this lady to get help for retirement Comment from : @jhanick |
I’m convinced that investing 50k-100k in the right company before it goes big is more important than saving for retirement However, picking the right company is so hard I have around $200k in a high yield savings account and want to invest it What are the best opportunities now? Comment from : @MaximilianFischer497 |
Wisdoms and knowledge is thy own self times Comment from : @paulsaragosa371 |
Mindset is time ⏲️ 💯 clocks ⏰️ 12 years old man z like me Comment from : @paulsaragosa371 |
So far I'm doing good, approaching retirement with about 800k in savings Transitioning from building wealth to spending can be scary, especially with soaring inflation My question is, after maxing out my tax-advantaged retirement accounts, what next? Comment from : @NicholasBall130 |
Anyone a money hoarder? Comment from : @mustasheolll2020 |
Is 5k a year good? Comment from : @mustasheolll2020 |
I'm 55 years old with not enough set aside for retirement at this point I have always been curious about the market and have witnessed people who played the game right and retired early Some claimed they started very small, but their portfolio grew over time I do have a significant amount but I’m unsure about which strategies or approach to take in order to achieve good returns I'm open-minded and would appreciate any help or guidance Comment from : @mikemike1200 |
Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got talking about investment and money I started investing with $120k and in the first 2 months , my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and gets more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family Comment from : @BotheGhita |
I just turned 44 and awfully late to investing with barely any portfolio except my 401k, I have a decent amount of cash saved up and with inflation currently soaring AGAIN, I'm getting worried about retirement, my intention is to retire atbr55 How best do I maximize my savings of over $120k Comment from : @Vstones |
Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got talking about investment and money I started investing with $120k and in the first 2 months , my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and gets more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family Comment from : @IbrahimIsabella-00 |
i’ve never seen someone so excited to talk about retirement! Comment from : @Dripxo |
I am retiring next yr at 55 with 3 houses paid off worth 45 million One is my place of residence the other 2 properties will give me $80,000per/yr rent I will have an income stream of $20,000 per yr through my super which gives me total $100,000 a yr to live comfortably I have no debts Comment from : @tahirisaid2693 |
I just turned 47 and awfully late to investing with barely any portfolio except my 401k, I have a decent amount of cash saved up and with inflation currently soaring AGAIN, I’m getting worried about retirement, my intention is to retire at 55 How best do I maximize my savings of over $300k Comment from : @Mlanderos-t9e |
We’re f’d Comment from : @joesmiley5726 |
Most Americans find it hard to retire comfortably amid economy downtrend Some have close to nothing going into retirement, my question is, will you pay off mortgage as a near-retiree, or spread money for cashflow, to afford lifestyle after retirement? Comment from : @maiadazz |
Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family Comment from : @lennoxmutterick6434 |
More and more people might face a tough time in retirement Low-paying jobs, inflation, and high rents make it hard to save Now, middle-class Americans find it tough to own a home too, leaving them without a place to retire Comment from : @Susanhartman |
Dont believe the so-called experts when they say you only need 80 of your present amount Why would you only need 80? Comment from : @vallejoborncalihasbecomeal9022 |
This is my fifth year after retirement I’e been following the 4 rule thing I saw on a youTube channel, but this isn’t really how hard I expected things to be After I cashed out a lump sum, I still have about $760k left, but at this rate, and with how the market is (we were putting money away in an index fund), I’m starting to get really worried Comment from : @Riggsnic_co |
Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family Comment from : @patrickhenandez |
Very interesting to see how Americans deal with retirement income Very glad that Australians have superannuation! Comment from : @bmrt1000 |
Typical corporate media completely skipping over the lost Gen X generation Advice for millennials and advice for boomers 😂😂😂 Comment from : @BuckeBoo |
Stop interrupting her Comment from : @impbotb4434 |
The Fed's talk of interest rate cut leaves me pondering what stocks to buy now and when do I sell? I'm unsure how to properly allocate my money to achieve an optimal portfolio in this present economy, my goal is huge for retirement Comment from : @AdamGreene222 |
What if you are a cis gendered white male, is there anything I can do? Comment from : @TheBryanmauro |
what about if someone is homeless?? huhhh Comment from : @rajanramajayam |
that is depressing if you need so much money just for healthcare alone for most Americans They laugh about it but it is no laughing matter for most of us A lot of times I feel they preach 401k and IRAs, of course we don't have much choice regardless, but those are also no guarantees to earn multiples of what you put in I feel like they constantly push them for the money managers of those funds They're the ones who make money whether the fund go up or down in value, while we just keep paying their commisssions/fees Comment from : @edp2506 |
I plan to retire or reduce my work hours in five years, and I'm interested in how others allocate their income between savings, spending, and investments I currently earn about $175K annually but haven't built up much in savings so far Comment from : @Lemariecooper |
Excuse me but the FACT is that 401k's were not meant or designed to replace a traditional guaranteed pension They were only supposed to be part of a 3 legged stool of support for retirees That being 1 A traditional guaranteed pension 2 Social Security benefits And 3 401k Comment from : @prematureoptimism7125 |
A person currently in their 20's will need $10 million to retire in 40 years This is the math: Cost of living doubles every 12 years no matter what government says about inflation because the dollar is constantly devalued, that is 6 devaluation compounded annually If a person needs $50K to live now, in 12 years they will need $100k to stay even, in another 12 years they would need $200k to stay even, another 12 years that person would need $400k It would take $10 million earning 4 to produce that $400k/yr to live on, this is why a person in their 20's now will need $10 million to retire Comment from : @miken7629 |
Alright, so I’ve got $75k sitting pretty in my emergency fund, and I’m itching to start investing This video is like a beacon in the foggy sea of retirement savings But seriously, how do you figure out exactly how much you need? I mean, do I just throw darts at a retirement calculator and hope for the best? 😂 Cheers to finally ditching the mattress-stash and getting serious! Comment from : @blissds-gi3mb |
There's no golden rule for this It all comes down to current lifestyle vs retirement lifestyle It's not rocket science Comment from : @javacup912 |
True true truer meanings decision fatigue Comment from : @IanStockwell-if7sl |
I'm uncertain if my 401(k) and IRA will secure a stable future I'm looking for an investment strategy that aligns with my risk tolerance and financial goals I've set aside $1 million for this purpose Would you recommend investing in stocks or purchasing rental property? Comment from : @HectorSnipes |
She said to invest $10k for 45 years compound interest How can we be sure that we have a guaranteed 30 years is long time just for $45k Comment from : @abdulaliakbar1175 |
I’ve never watched this program before Do the hosts interrupt and talk over other guests like this? Comment from : @ggirardin2014 |
I’ve come to the sobering conclusion that I will probably die before I am able to retire 😢 Comment from : @LanceHall-m3n |
To achieve a secure retirement, aiming to save at least 15 of your income in a 401(k) is advisable Online tools can assist in calculating the best savings strategy for you, considering factors like age and income Consistently saving this percentage can help build your retirement fund effectively, thanks to the benefits of compound interest Comment from : @sirheisenberg4459 |
Hmm I wonder why "childless cat ladies" are choosing not to have children Could it be that is the only way they can save for retirement? Comment from : @hidden-treasures |
I came across your channel through this video—case studies are incredibly valuable, and I'm eager to see more in the future! Building wealth involves establishing routines, like consistently setting aside funds at regular intervals for smart investments Comment from : @elviegoodness |
“You can be paying off student loans and also saving for retirement”😑 Comment from : @cxluan2 |
Unfortunately, I find some of this guidance so misleading Needing 80 of per retirement income is terrible guidance You start with a budget, figure out what your yearly needs are, that is what your retirement needs are I’m spending about 1/3 of my preretirement income This is simply a fact that my end working years were very high income and well beyond my living needs Comment from : @claytonspann8032 |
It's recommended to save at least 15 of your income in a 401k You can use online calculators to estimate how much you should save based on your age and income Saving at least 15 of your income in a 401(k) can help ensure that you have enough money to retire comfortably By saving this much, you can take advantage of compound interest and potentially grow your retirement savings over time Comment from : @alexstevenm6414 |
I think the retirement crisis will get even worse A lot of people can’t save because of low paying jobs, inflation, and insane rental rates And now that home ownership is out of reach for middle class Americans, they won’t have a house to retire with either Comment from : @CharlotteBeck-e8t |
I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for Comment from : @VioletJessica- |
If you wanna be successful, you most take responsibility for your emotions, not place the blame on others In addition to make you feel more guilty about your faults, pointing the finger at others will only serve to increase your sense of personal accountability There's always a risk in every investment, yet people still invest and succeed You must look outward if you wanna be successful in life Comment from : @DaliaBrown-b2e |
The Fed's talk of interest rate cut leaves me pondering what stocks to buy now and when do I sell? I'm unsure how to properly allocate my money to achieve an optimal portfolio in this present economy, my goal is $3m for retirement Comment from : @devereauxjnr |
I want to retire Comment from : @schawnettarobinson8584 |
Again forgetting Gen X just like our parents did Comment from : @MissUnderstood_Mom |
I think investors should always put their cash to work, especially In 2024, we'll start to see more market diversification I'm hoping to invest about $350k of my savings in stocks against next year Hope to make millions in 2024 Comment from : @JennaHerberholz |
So many people lined up getting their $5 Starbucks everyday and going out to eat all the time They do't want to deprive themselves today to save for their future years Comment from : @sheilacollins9434 |
I love the grounded reality of this channel!!! Retirement took a toll on my finances, but with my involvement in the digital market, $35,000 weekly returns has been life changing AWESOME GOD❤️ Comment from : @tracybodinaar |
From paying for day care and college, to managing mortgage payments I'm approaching retirement yet inflation is getting worse How can I generate more income to retire with at least $3m for long term care? I have about 750k in savings Comment from : @BradleyMaurice226 |
Self-Directed IRA's are also an investing option worth considering! You're in charge of your own destiny Comment from : @preferredtrust |
The 50/30/20 rule was very helpful They need to have a class on this in school Comment from : @abovethewaves452 |
I need 5k a month to live on Comment from : @kauigirl808 |
Time is your “only” so power…awesome advice for the common American citizen Comment from : @retireiq |
Nobody has $10,000 lying around to put into a retirement account Comment from : @tylerjrubio |
I hope these hosts aren’t really that clueless… Comment from : @chrisschulze8081 |
Not all companies match your 401k Just saying Comment from : @kona6451 |
Of course the Today show broadcasters do not have to worry about retirement with their multi-million dollar salaries🤔mmm Comment from : @jfidelis46 |
Always forget about Gen X It is hilarious Comment from : @staciamj1 |
I feel It's getting harder to satisfy Wall Street The market has gotten so unpredictable post covid Comment from : @user-zl5gn5lg6 |
Recently, I've been pondering retirement I've also want to put $800K into the stock market but i need an approach that will align with my risk tolerance and financial goals to secure our future Comment from : @shellylofgren |
The wild card is your spouse & how much money they will spend in retirement I do all our finances & retirement planning & we both plan to retire in 1 year However, last week my wife made the following statement "We are going to retire & if we run out of money, we run out of money" I informed her that running out of money in retirement is NOT an option Comment from : @Medmann48 |
I've kept much of my savings in cash for safety, but I'm unsure if it's right for retirement Contemplating investing $400K in stocks, as I've heard investors can profit in tough times Unsure about my next move Comment from : @benitabussell5053 |
I am not sure how much I will need…but I am trying to save 40 of my income Comment from : @sharonlam4964 |
I’m 55 from southeastern Ohio but worked overseas all my life I have savings of $1,000,000 and I'm ready for retirement, only concerned about the soaring inflation Is this enough to retire comfortably, or do I need some sort of money management Comment from : @blaquopaque |
Ufff🤪🤐 what a panel Comment from : @CarmenLaura-cv9os |
The key is to start saving early in like in your early 20's because THAT is money you will be retiring on Save early & often & that money will grow & grow If you think you are going to start saving in your 50's or 60's good luck with that I have worked for the same company for 43 years & will retire next year & I think we will be Ok in retirement Comment from : @Medmann48 |
Great video, Another factor to add is Do they spend a lot of time planning their financial future? The stock market is making me really worried because I've lost over $ 27,000 in just this month and I'm not making as much money as I used to This is making me concerned that I might not have enough money saved up for my retirement since I can't add to my savings Comment from : @FennaVa |
I’d be retiring or working less in 8 years, and considering this financial recession, I’m deciding to begin taking up skilled trades I’m curious to know best how people spilt their pay, how much of it goes into savings, spendings or investments, I earn about $140k per year but nothing to show for it yet Comment from : @LilianScott-dy5nz |
It is a balance Things like vacation, ATVs, boats, nice cars etc are more fun in your 29s 30s and 40s but on the flip side you don’t want to work to 80 You also don’t want to live in a cardboard box and eat cardboard and die as the richest man in the cemetery Save what you can when you can There is nothing wrong with a part time job in retirement and studies show you live longer doing that Comment from : @ehderguyyashootadeerorno2313 |
Why do they make these people sit on those uncomfortable chairs so close to each other? Why is she suggesting people spend 30 of their money on wants? Comment from : @le9051 |
Figures are so wrong Much less than 80 No mortgage, kids college out the way, downsize etc Comment from : @AG-so4gl |
With me being stupid the first 20 years of my adult life and the cost of everything with high inflation I dont know if i'll ever be able to retire Comment from : @bowhunter12561 |
harder to do than ever with Bideninflationomics Comment from : @shawnsdrumcave |
I had initially planned to retire at 62, work part-time, and save money, but the impact of high prices on various goods and services has significantly disrupted my retirement plan I'm worried about whether those who experienced the 2008 financial crisis had it easier than I currently am The volatility of the stock market is a concern as my income has decreased, and I fear that I won't be able to contribute as much as before, potentially jeopardizing my retirement savings Comment from : @MarcusJHastings |
I recommend reading the book"The Number" by Eisenberg Comment from : @zoner__ |
I've been trying to figure out how much I need to save for retirement, but it seems overwhelming Comment from : @Colbe-lx7fb |
Butter is almost $10, like I'm barely affording food How am I supposed to find extra money when I don't even have the minimum for cost of living? Comment from : @lynncarrington2744 |
pay off debt as quick as you canand saveworking until 60-65 does not sound fun or enjoyable AT ALL ! Comment from : @LJones17 |
I’m thankful I will be able to collect a pension in 6 years Comment from : @EvangelismforGod |
I bet more than 1 in 7 Seniors rely just on Social Security The average she said draws $1750 I’m sure there are a lot who collect even less Sign up asap for Senior Housing if needed Enjoy retirement the best you can Comment from : @dennistyler9852 |
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