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Abolish the Dept of Education?! Vivek Ramaswamy PROMISES to ELIMINATE Bureaucracy

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Title :  Abolish the Dept of Education?! Vivek Ramaswamy PROMISES to ELIMINATE Bureaucracy
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Description Abolish the Dept of Education?! Vivek Ramaswamy PROMISES to ELIMINATE Bureaucracy

Comments Abolish the Dept of Education?! Vivek Ramaswamy PROMISES to ELIMINATE Bureaucracy

Nice, keep the promise!
Comment from : @Phamyunx

Low-income students depend on federal funding and these students are poor including the ones with disabilities it's sickening to take away their funding
Comment from : @aaliG777

He shouldn't do that you know how many students depend on federal funding cuz they're poor, do I have a huge impact on college students
Comment from : @aaliG777

What's to stop the voucher system from becoming like our college system? Also I'm opposed to people without children being forced to pay for other people's children
Comment from : @DillonCarbajal

What are people saying our education systrm has fallen? We had our peek scoring in 2012? Only in the last 3 years My issue with private and public schools is that theres no significant benefit to private school academically, even with their lower standardsand there's a community aspect of schhok choice, which is more of a bandaid for those who can afford to do itbrbrAnd international, south koreea, China, and western Europe were not competitive
Comment from : @marengoczar5035

The leftist media will say that this means conservatives hate people having educations
Comment from : @waynebollman

The tone & speech pattern of Robby Soave's voice is so similar to Ben Shapiro Even some of his arguments are similar
Comment from : @hannibalwilmetcalf8363

1980's, so 40 years ago And now we rank 50th in education How did that work out???
Comment from : @tomstevens7452

This segment should've been 10 minutes longer
Comment from : @carhur3757

An adult, informative, productive conversation What country am I in?
Comment from : @mikeottersole

from what I remember when I studied abroad for college in Germany and what I've read although correct me if I'm wrong at all they have a similar system of education to what Niall described in Northern Ireland at the secondary school level they have two different types of schools - Realschule and Gymnasium Gymnasium is the more academic focused secondary school, while Realschule is the more trade focused one I've always thought a system like this makes SO MUCH SENSE and should be implemented asap in the US this is coming from someone who also has a background in teaching and am now working in workforce development, soon to be focusing on youth you definitely can tell pretty early which route high school students can take
Comment from : @vatefairefoutre0

OMG! Do you realize that in France, for example, all schools are equal until age 14! So a small village school gets the exact same things as a school in Paris! This includes private or Catholic schools as well!
Comment from : @maryrenee3622

No matter the reason for a development of a department, if it doesn't work GET RID OF IT!
Comment from : @bwasman8409

Tbh im kinda missing nomiki 😂
Comment from : @juniorxInnovationAcademy

It should be cameras in classrooms, but ONLY parents, school officials and police, should have access to viewing at any time
Comment from : @slavik7781

America is behind across all subjects and therefore it is logical to conclude that the Dept of Education is partly to blame
Comment from : @michaelknight2897

Niall highlights the case for local over federal control, citing climate and other federal programs as examples The evidence shows that federal control often leads to bloated budgets and minimal value for the end user Many assume a federal bureaucracy is better at decision-making, but I find the opposite to be true Issues affect people differently based on their location and social context For instance, an environmental law protecting wolves might benefit a federal reserve but devastate a rancher’s livelihood Bureaucrats in Washington, DC, are far removed from the challenges faced by teachers in rural Texas—and worse, they leverage money to push their agenda
Comment from : @gunnerflann7072

Schools should not bear responsibility for 'behavioral' issues, as these detract from the learning experiences of others This reflects a larger problem in education today: we've offloaded not only the education of our children but also their moral development onto these institutions When the system inevitably fails to meet the subjective and variable standards society sets, we blame an underfunded system for society's broader failures
Comment from : @gunnerflann7072

Let the Irish lad speak the opposing view logically as he does Half the population in US thinks differently than the other
Comment from : @DirtyLifeLove

“People know better” I wouldnt be so positive Without SS, 50 of elders would have nothing Most people make bad choices or ignorant choices
Comment from : @DirtyLifeLove

ALL countries who score higher than US on student competency have stronger and more robust public education system We are just doing it wrong That doesn't mean we should totally pivot to a system (school voucher) that NO country has tried with success
Comment from : @WooShin-s2b

Close dhs, too
Comment from : @DavidGBlair

👇🏻👇🏻 brDeliberate Dumbing Down - Charlotte Iserbyt
Comment from : @freedom2noisemedia

What about school choice in Scandinavia? The government that governs best governs least
Comment from : @daffidkane8350

The DO Education as it stands today should be called the department of indoctrination
Comment from : @jeteagle1457

USA has lost ranking in world since feds got involved
Comment from : @ruthietreselan

Conflating "anti-DOE" with being "anti-education" is EXACTLY why that department needs to be dismantled
Comment from : @Wilky2526

Education is NOT an Enumerated Power of the Federal government The 10th Amendment makes it a State responsibility
Comment from : @BigPictureYT

So wait Robby, we just have kids go to specific private schools that align with their parents political beliefs? What a great way to keep our country unified……
Comment from : @Dnrjr969

Comment from : @brandnewage1

Get RID of the DOE NOW
Comment from : @jstenberg3192

Love it! Reduce the size of the corrupt cabal by 80 would be a great start Also I have a better idea than cutting me a personal check to decide what school to spend it on Abolish the IRS and that being the case, We all would have loads more money in our pockets to put towards school Maybe the Pentagon needs an 8th audit and this time they will find the billions missing Fact is until the Government can legitimately show an ongoing record of success and honesty for an extended period of time i'll continue to view it as illegitimate and unworthy of my support
Comment from : @treebrother

I can't wait for people to get exactly what they voted for This is going to be so funny Between the deportations; tariffs; etc This is what I've been hoping for, for these folks You're going to find out, finally!
Comment from : @Phoenix-J81

i think giving money is probably too trusting give them like a stamp that can be used on education
Comment from : @blueorangesun

Is it me or Robbie is swinging full right wing since the election ??
Comment from : @laStar972chuck

God, Vivek should be POTUS nominee in 2028 ❤
Comment from : @nakshtrasingh4892

Having a "for" profit operation only lowers costs in terms of materials and labor However, it's offset by ensuring that outside shareholders and CEOs make a lot of money off of it Ultimately, it's a wash and for education, I can see students shorted on the outcome Make schools not for profit and just do away with the DOE
Comment from : @ernietbone4168

Teachers with with degree and at least 1 years of experience Canada has openings and the pay and benefits are great Lifetime health insurance with nursing home coverage Easy peasy fast track to Canadian citizenship Highschool graduates with 30 and better Canadian colleges want you get a teaching degree in Canada Jobs jobs jobs
Comment from : @joeearley3351

Comment from : @Arconsend

Crazy how the solution to public education was literally discussed right here and yet all I hear about is this ludicrous and quite frankly moronic discussion over culture wars
Comment from : @TexasRoast

"Just give money directly to people People know what to do with money" <--Sure sounds like someone is university basic Income to me
Comment from : @jonathanm6764

The idea of two tracks of Grammar school or Secondary is very interesting and I think there is value there Excellent conversation here, sir
Comment from : @jimh3500

Wrong call I live in MN the last thing I want is this state having more control over public schools The reason the left wins so often is that they don’t relinquish power The right needs to consolidate as much power as possible and use it to beat the left agenda
Comment from : @Graplernapler

Some good faith debate on education policies and priorities brBoth are correct that it is NOT a simple issue to support broad education accessibility and support for all childrenbrbrpromoting private schools also has a risk of pushing more commercial/capitalist tendencies into education Few private schools can pay teachers more, or provide better resources for students drawing better teachers but only for those who can afford to enroll at the higher price Private schools already exist but diverting limited public school funding into that path can further undermine funding to keep schools open and meet staffing demands brbrTeachers in the US are already modestly paid (from my limited understanding of salary scales vs median national incomes) brIn many regions, it has felt like an increased push to handle more students per class and also manage behavioral / educational accommodations by teachers directly, along with parents having less time to engage with their own children and their learning This isn't a fault of parents, but possibly more demands on working hours for parents and changes to curricula overall versus working with their children and teachers together to help the kids succeed brbrI also agree that not everyone should be expecting to go to college/university -- but the image of that being the only way to possibly get a career that pays a decent wage and lifestyle re-enforces that mentality Yes some Tradespeople can make a very good living, but are often looked down on -- this shouldn't be the case There is a wider socio-economic issue with general working wages that should be considered also as part of providing alternative paths for careers beyond 'must get a college degree' There are fewer 'unskilled' jobs available, and economics drives everything to be done 'cheaper', that many delif not most/del people look to the dream or promise of higher paying careers even if they may not be attainable
Comment from : @Wranardris

Dumping the DOE would force the states to compete to have the best educational programs, catered to what the state needs
Comment from : @mudbucket1650

Send these feds home Crooked DOE
Comment from : @shreer7771

The Dept of ED should remain in place We need the agency to maintain standards ensuring every state provides quality education Left to themselves, I’m sure states wouldn’t uphold this tax-funded promise Also, there should be an authority in place that scrutinizes this move I’m sure there’s more here than just leaving it to the states I’m thinking this guy wants to purge some very important records regarding his educational institutions
Comment from : @elainemarylee

Our education system was better off before the DOE
Comment from : @HalcyonDaze33

Big saving, big advance in education States will compete to achieve the best
Comment from : @meisievannancy

Educated people make shills like you look dumb eh
Comment from : @cdes68

I would rather have no Department of Education than one run by Trump cronies It’s less damaging
Comment from : @ElSantoLuchador

GOOD I hope they abolish the CDC too It's nothing but a political organization that refuses to do actual scientific research
Comment from : @paulthomas963

Get Pearson out of our education system We do not need private corporations having all our kids information from kindergarten through college Next, quit letting the Texas Department of Education decide what goes into textbooks Get Schwan's out of the school food programs Go back to cooking food in the school kitchens Lastly, maintain some function of federal learning We can't have 50 different forms of education
Comment from : @Coats2112

The Department of Education has been a dismal failure The test scores of children across the country are abysmal Can't read Can't write Can't do arithmetic
Comment from : @nottobebelieved8608

Jane Doe, Angel Baby Doe and Norma McCorvey Yes it's time
Comment from : @MsNerdsRevenge

Let's do this
Comment from : @patricksullivan7140

Alot of women going to be unemployed admin jobs are bloated in America
Comment from : @johnnyfive9815

Maybe the solution should be not to eliminate the DOE but to curtail its power and reach Maybe it should be a department that handles grants and finamcial aid for students, and as an overseer against any type of discrimination
Comment from : @antonnee

Look at the Baltimore school system They spend near the top I The country per kid and the grad rate is abysmal
Comment from : @bmoondi1

Haha, I was going to comment that I like this guy, he listens, and comes back with good arguments…but, a lot of people already beat me to it brbrBeing left does not mean you have to be irritating, condescending, and hard headed
Comment from : @emerson-sheaapril8555

Before 1979 the US ranked high in education around the world Since 1979, the DOE makes our students worse Data shows students perform better when there isn’t a DOE
Comment from : @portlandbaker

Lol not that anyone cares but technically, I think the correct abbreviation is ED, I think DOE is department of energy
Comment from : @afree1500

If ED is closed, does that mean student loans will go away, too 🤔
Comment from : @afree1500

So, state taxes will go up to fund the education, but will the federal taxes go down?
Comment from : @jeanneelliott7243

To everyone praising this: what do you think will happen to PBS and PBS Kids for example, if he does this?
Comment from : @BrowncoatGofAZ

Niall makes fair points in a respectful and clear manner to counter points Robbie makes Great to see The DOE is too far separated from those it is supposed to guide and needs to go Let parents and local officials sort out the best way to spend money by looking at academic outcomes
Comment from : @zeitgeist888

Every agencies should have a thorough review to see if they are carrying out their functions in an efficient and effective way
Comment from : @billmoretz8718

The guy with the glasses doesn’t have kids does he?
Comment from : @toryanderson9452

Get rid of this English guy He is ruining the show He's such a leftist It's ridiculous At least be moderate
Comment from : @dsrouillard

All of the three-letter agencies are destructive and a waste of taxpayer money
Comment from : @thomaserdmann7446

Can't reform it when it never worked in the first place
Comment from : @mrb152

Take all that funding an increase Teacher's salaries That will attract well qualified and bright candidates interested in teaching into the system instead of the barely qualified people in the mid 20's who couldn't get a proper job because they don't yet know what gender they belong to and unload their trauma and fantasis onto the children
Comment from : @georgythomas8451

This is a big win What works in one state might not work in another Let the states control their education
Comment from : @JUGGERNAUT____

wow Robbie your worst take yet!!
Comment from : @jefforious2000

I'm pretty sure this is just a ploy to prevent people from having FAFSA assistance in the future
Comment from : @alephnot000

Public schools have been the most effective mechanism for reducing wealth inequality and giving oppurtunities to All children in the US The right wing and segregationist have been waging an economic and cultural war on public schools since reconstruction Dont let people like Robbie and Betsy De Vos ( who is a Christian nationalist) destroy education and allow private equity to profit off the corpse
Comment from : @BrendaMarais-g4r

Getting rid of the DOE is a smooth brain move
Comment from : @CAS53507

Best idea in years
Comment from : @lindencamelback2305

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