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Guilt tripping parents get it all wrong

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Title :  Guilt tripping parents get it all wrong
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Comments Guilt tripping parents get it all wrong

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Comment from : @AshaJacob

I accidentally encountered this post and found this is a such false and manipulative teaching! And, is so disturbing in so many level!
Comment from : @pandahousebistro6226

Comment from : @craigbenefiel9350

Nah my loyalty is to my family regardless, always had my back now my mother is extremely ill so I let her move in with me I pay all the bills she don’t try make it her place she knows it’s my house but I strongly disagree with this unless you have shitty parents but each their own
Comment from : @MatthewArnold-ef4wj

i used to have this mindset used to think exactly like her, that's when i was super-depressed and s*icidal thankfully i am not anymore and thankfully i am not in that mindset anymore most parents do an okay to decent job so if your parents have done a below-average job one should be okay with it honestly life is so much better once we take onus of our happiness on ourselves also they did not choose to bring us to this life if you're someone who believes in spirituality you should know that our souls wanted to experience this veritable human life and that's why we took human birth, also we get to choose our parents sometimes we choose tough parents to burn off our evilness if interested read it in "Laws of the Spirit World" We took this life to do human actions, have human experiences having a life doesn't mean everything will be a smooth ride we are bound to experience sadness and pain too same with our parents blaming your parents if a very toxic, negative and self-defeatist attitude, something i was stuck in for several years of my life i was a girlfailure and a loser thank god i am not anymore or at least i am trying
Comment from : @ananyaroy97

I pray you live long enough to know honoring your parents is a God idea you can have a life and honor them too Blessing to you
Comment from : @06GabrielE

i dont even know if my parents are toxic what should i do
Comment from : @wertical771

My dad is emotionally unavailable towards his kids, doesn’t take the time to get to know us as peoplebrbrMy mom is manipulative and has a mouth on her and is constantly comparing me to other people’s kids
Comment from : @WWITF

I like your nose ring
Comment from : @moazrehman6

I have an unhealthy mother who likes to accuse me of being an influenced brat who was in contact with the (bad apples) of my family well (those people) as she likes to say it actually tried to help me foster a sense of individuality and self awareness and independence (by trying) to encourage me to go outside of my comfort zone and so many time during this my toxic bitch mother would countermand them and stop me from engaging in what i would have to watch from the sidelines be a fun experience for other peoplebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrYears later i heard her talking to a total stranger in public about how those (bad apples) had influenced me to a challenge to what she believed to be her good parenting skills brbrHer exact words were as follows brbrbrIf id had my way i would've kept people like his aunt and several other family members as far away from my child as possible and they'd never have been able to corrupt and influence him to constantly challenge his boundaries basically to ask why and or say i wanna do something differently or maybe flatout I DON'T LIKE THISbrbrbrbrbrbrEver since i stared to form (or at least attempt to) a personality and form my own opinions shes been basically calling me neglecting and abusive because I AM WILLING to stand up to her and say NO I DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS So now i know i can't trust her to have my back if i get in a tight spot because of that I truly don't love my mom i in fact hate her to my core
Comment from : @Eons381

My parents always told me that other kids love their parents they have bonds blah blah but they don't even know that it's because of them how they treat me is why I don't Have bond with them, others parents give them love that's why their kids do the same in return have bond but my parents they Treat me Like some damn idiot and that's why I have no bond with them and because of them we siblings also don't have bond
Comment from : @magicalpanda9785

Thanks for this AshabrI’m going through the new definition of “family” now… it’s so hard… taking me almost a decade to process my neglected childhood and also process how now that I am an adult my parents aren’t trying to teach me anything about life or anything at all…
Comment from : @adrianne7

My moyher is like this
Comment from : @endingalaporte

This broads point of view is what's wrong with this weak generation
Comment from : @mrbigglesworth35ify

Just hate how my father is controllingHe always does what he wants ,doesnt even ask my opinion once or my interests, all he cares is about himself and his perspective Always makes me do things forcefully even when i strongly disagreed to it
Comment from : @ayano6792

I made the mistake of spoiling my children and giving them whatever they want Whenever I ask them for help they are always too busy Whenever they need help I drop whatever I am doing to assist them I do not ask them for much I just ask them to do well in school and clean up after themselves They have no responsibility and never help How can I keep asking them to just pick up after themselves? I have tried everything They only clean after I get mad This is not how I want them to clean Why does it always take yelling to get them to clean up their mess?
Comment from : @mocheen4837

You owe your parents respect Obedience Once you are old enough to support and care for yourself, move out and move on if you want
Comment from : @bonniewilliamson110

Wow, this is sickening listening to the disrespect to parents You kids will learn when its your turn
Comment from : @jimg5797

I have PTSD from rape My mother guilt trips me to attend holidays with people who upset me Im shocked at how selfish my mother is I usually go to all holidays I miss a few
Comment from : @MarkytheCat73

Dear asha jacob i was at my sister in laws house for dinner but i lost interest because my dad is sick but improving but i cried over it i managed to talk it out with my mum and to be honest i needed to hear that voice or that opinion on what i should do and my mum said to me asha its okay 😢❤❤❤❤😃😃😃😃😀🫠 as i work on different emotional patterns on one side i_________/i sad and the other side i_____/i happy so on one side i_________/i daughter and on the other side i___________/i mother so whats going on from ashley but i m okay now
Comment from : @Ashley-yb9nj

Dear asha i watched jingle all the way on and sat up in bed and it was a great experience just to get that hotel experience it did me good just to be away from the parents or no parents i dont blame you for wanting to try and get in touch with your mum you did the best that you could for her and not have a life of your own put on a good dvd asha try not to think about it and you u just keep going and try and keep happy and asha merry Christmas ❤❤❤ enjoy the season good luck from ashley
Comment from : @Ashley-yb9nj

Hi, I am 15, and from the young age of 8, I have always been getting guilt-tripped, beat up for small things like school work and or "disrespecting people" and sometimes even at home they act really weird to say I am not respectful though I am I can't even talk to them informally like normal families do that's just how bad it is am always keeping my thoughts to my self and when I get the bad grade they bring up things saying they'd take me back to a certain country they think am not good enough brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr2017
Comment from : @shemmyshirtsoficial

I am 35 year old single woman Earning nd living on my own I have been struggling in my career My father has never been proud of me He never said a single word of appreciation nd he never will😢 He's just ashamed of having a daughter like me because I'm unmarried He even compared me with rotten fish To support his advise of why I should get married before it's too late He gave example of how some people sell the fish at low price because if it gets rotten it is not going to be worth anything It was very hurtful,till date haven't forgiven him😢
Comment from : @snehagautam5125

Ma'am you're so full of it and you're lying The Lord says to honour your father and mother He didn't say only if they were good toSo you're speaking lies about not owing your parents anything, that's the most disrespectful thing to say you,
Comment from : @KittyT-wz7wm

All the people in the comments telling on themselves We see all the people who force themselves on kids manhandled, manipulated, abuse, and dehumanizing their kids or defending their actions done to children are pure evidence of just how rare good parenting is
Comment from : @Avocadocat-qo2tb

I wish this was more objective There are parents who were loving but who have kids that aren't, rather that's due to mental illness or outside influences Just like some parents harm their kids, some kids harm their parents but parents are treated as scapegoats, rather it's the single mom or the coparenting father I won't add the absent fathers or the drug addict parents But some kids will even honor drug addict parents over parents that gave you everything they didn't have growing up and say it still wasnt enough and because it wasn't everything they absolutely needed, you're a bad parent or not good enough to be in their lives Why aren't those viewe added? Are adult children never responsible for how they treat or treated their parents growing up? If so, which videos about that have you done to balance this out?
Comment from : @sammy_lynn

What an entitled self-absorbed narcissist you are I am so grateful for my wonderful adult children
Comment from : @rmh691

I know that its not our obligation to pay back to our parents but I want to help them someday not because I feel obliged but because of LOVE
Comment from : @ReynaldaBermoy

Comment from : @debbiewilhelm6018

😢Currently Im going through mental issue becoz of thisbig love to you ❤
Comment from : @rajeshkumar-ps1et

I am a mother of a teenage girl We are a middle class family She want to go to a private high school which costs $30,000 a year but it is too expensive for us She take many extracurricular activities I am proud of myself that I can afford the classes that she wants to try I provide transportation to the classes I manage the schedule But I sometimes feel frustrated because she doesn't appreciate So I told her I want her to appriciate more She act like I do not enough I explain to her that she is surrounded by friends who have richer families But she disagree She said we can provide her better She studies hard and she is all As student She is a good girl and she deserves betterbrActually we agreed to her and she apply for the private school I worry because we cannot save for her college I don't want her to struggle from studrnt loan I don't want that I have no retirement Yes I choose to have a child But I never imagine I feel this way I hope my daughter feel the way you brexplain I try very hard to take care of her
Comment from : @himawa7841

Thank you :)
Comment from : @weniserwenx933

Today, I had my parents try to financially guilt trip over severe contact with them They say that "it's because of their financial assistance that I got ahead in life and that without them I'd be working at some low wage job" As if their financial help absolves the abuses they've inflicted on me
Comment from : @japethspeaketh7034

If children and parents understand what appreciation and self worth is there wouldn't be any thing like guilt tripping
Comment from : @cytoproct6250

Kate Plus 8
Comment from : @rcinematic

You are speaking garbage and not biblical you should be respectful to your parents this is what's wrong with the world people like you telling them they don't have to owe you anything you're a troublemaker an ungodly
Comment from : @Mary-ux7pp

I need to listen to this again, thank youbr11 Nov 2024
Comment from : @BracerJack

I literally got a call from my dad and stepmother yelling at me as if I owe them something in the middle of me watching this 😢
Comment from : @Kitty-Katastrophe963

yeah but it does creat some amount of pressure and anxiety of making them proud and give them a better life it is i have no word to describe what it feels like
Comment from : @skh-lb7nj

It’s sad how some piece of shit mothers can have kids because it’s their choice and make them fend for themselves after like if we asked to be born Some mothers are really pieces of shit
Comment from : @IMorgan-jd6rm

This video is satanic! Paid by George Soros 😤
Comment from : @Maggie-nv7ds

Ahh another bull shit video appears randomly
Comment from : @jaiyingnewme8813

I wonder how many kids the author of this video brought up
Comment from : @alexbclarke

No we don't owe, but its our responsibility
Comment from : @Mikeedawson

Imagine im struggling to pay my own bills , im sickly and they demand money from me and watching at the things that i purchase for myself 😒 I cannot wait to move out and cut all ties
Comment from : @violetchanel438

How sad!
Comment from : @marshamagic8551

baFteR aLL i'VE dOnE fOr yOu/b
Comment from : @mikeanthony589

You're a selfish little brat You're absolutely stupid If you're parents feed you clothed you and loved you You should absolutely be great full A lot of children didn't have parents that cared or loved them You think you're smart but you're not
Comment from : @ClarenceMcgee-w4q

Everytime i want to move out of my parents house, my mum always tells me 'living alone is costly and when you go, NEVER COME BACK' and this just scares me thinking that she does not fully support my decision and just wants me to stay with her and abide by her rules
Comment from : @moneyforthehustle

But you can still help them duh 🙄
Comment from : @pelesia5188

Better not to be born
Comment from : @liemhauwliang7064

you are a devil
Comment from : @user-co8uf1mj6c

My parents kept the hospital bill from my birth, and as I grew up, they never missed an opportunity to remind me of how much of a burden it was to them
Comment from : @Himmelgrau68

Your a piece of crap saying that you dont owe your parents anything This is the entitled generation of children who are worthless and play the lifelong victim Being a parent is tough and is never perfect, yet I see a-holes all over social media shitting on their parents What a loser
Comment from : @NelsonReyesJr

True it was the parents choice but I think the child should be appreciative if the parents did the best they could for them
Comment from : @TheMrBobC

Comment from : @tsizzle5308

I'm inSubscribed
Comment from : @Deployable-

It would be nice if my Filipino parents can understand how damaging guilt tripping is
Comment from : @silverwindspirit

I don't know if iam wrong to think about my parents like that i overheard my parents talking about my academics behind my back that i have no interest in studies and what not i feel so bad about it i really 💔
Comment from : @Swrungchi_34

Crazy thing is that they are so incapable of understanding the fact that how they raised me determined who I became as a person I once told my father in a fit of rage that I wish I was never borne to parents like you and he replied that he wishes I was never borne to them as their child That hurt so much, still does Like how do you not understand it wasn't me who made who I am (someone dealing with anxiety and trauma)
Comment from : @timidsore7933

I’m currently an 18 year old high school senior and I want to move out so bad cause of my mom I’m literally joining the military for my career so I can leave as soon as possible
Comment from : @starfy5411

This is spoken like a true atheist
Comment from : @Anna-ww4pv

Thank you - very helpful
Comment from : @pelhamh

Parents yes they are things to learn and teach control to right from wrong not that means you do have to be firm you do have to be controlling but you have to be loving and understanding you have to that's called tough love all the stupid text to speech app I keep fighting with it it only lets you do so much
Comment from : @ljsmooth69

{وبالوالدين إحساناً}
Comment from : @LivingChad

I dont take advice from unhappy people
Comment from : @Gawd-z3c

You explained it really well, thankyou :)
Comment from : @aqua0452

This generation is a bunch of spoiled brats
Comment from : @rachelogden8557

That’s a bunch of shit
Comment from : @rachelogden8557

My mum is dis functional she has never really been able to get me “new” clothes/toys/food she’s never guilt tripped me through her own mental state she was manipulating throughout my childhood but has never dragged me down with her shes forever putting me infront of her and wanting the best for me ill always be indebted to her
Comment from : @darrenm342

But i want to give my mum everything
Comment from : @darrenm342

Is it ok to never visit my parents?
Comment from : @happysky7964

Narc parents water their "plants" so that they have enough to live but not enough to thrive
Comment from : @renticat

with all do live and respect for you opinion my lady
Comment from : @benyahya7251

If I became a servant for my parents all my life, I would not be able to give them their due right, love, care and attention They carried me, raised me and gave me all the love, all the care and all the attention How could I not be grateful to them?
Comment from : @benyahya7251

The Gift from friends comes from interest Benefits me, and I benefit youbrBut The gift greatness from parents comes from mercy, love, and care It comes without conditions or reward
Comment from : @benyahya7251

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