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When Narcissistic Mothers Use GUILT To Control u0026 How This Affects Relationships in Adulthood

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Information When Narcissistic Mothers Use GUILT To Control u0026 How This Affects Relationships in Adulthood

Title :  When Narcissistic Mothers Use GUILT To Control u0026 How This Affects Relationships in Adulthood
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Comments When Narcissistic Mothers Use GUILT To Control u0026 How This Affects Relationships in Adulthood

Comment from : @isabellaregina8392

Coming back here after the lastest episode, bless you
Comment from : @srivenus

A narcissistic person is satanic, pure evil It took me 22-23 years to realise this
Comment from : @mandolaa

Thank you video bless Yu others
Comment from : @donnachavez9696

Nooo not happening that to me cause I never was doing what they want me to I am a rebel But but but I transform it into anger, detach from them and it might look like I don't give a flying shut about them And yeah I am angry oh so 😡
Comment from : @stephanievulcheva8125

Thank you for making such a good video brGod bless you brIt helps
Comment from : @GenLaprise


Comment from : @GenLaprise

Yes hunter dezerea
Comment from : @DezereaHunter

Thanks só much! You are describing here something that gives me ongoing pain It is so comforting to hear that
Comment from : @YehoshaPickett

Its hard to do anything atm bc im living at home as a university student I’m trying to hang on but I want to leave so bad The control and abuse has gotten to an all time high It’s suffocating, it took me years to realize I was being brainwashed to think like her It opened my eyes to alot and as an adult (22 young adult) i cant even go out, meet people, without being treated like a child and not as an adult that knows better and can do as she wants
Comment from : @Subllama

Why are we talking about toddlers so much? Most of this type of abuse happens during teen years imo
Comment from : @ElectricCopperhead1997

I hate narcissistic mothering I was raised by a PSYCHOPATHIC NARCISSISTIC WOMAN who was not my mother To this day, these women gross me out more than anything I ran from their home and found rapists to be easier to be around than their religious hands on my body which were much more brutally abusive than any man has ever been Not to bash all women I just think that a lot are disgusting pigs who hate to see others happy and doing anything but what they do or what LOOKS GOOD (image) in their family These women are honor violent, traditional, selfish anti- woman pigs in general who are "humanitarians" in love with their own image i don't go near them They scare me more than anyone They take up so MUCH SPACE it's so toxic to be around, i find relationships with women this type (and narcissists) impossible and can say TRULY that I relate with none of it and didn't inherit any of it They're 100 alien beasts who I avoid like I'd avoid a poisonous spider I avoid ALL types of religious women the same way Unfortunately, I became feminist and avoid these beasts all together and can;'t make sense of a word they say
Comment from : @robinfoster9287

I absolutely REFUSED to allow my mother to control me I started therapy in early 20’s… even when she had Alzheimer’s she pretended not to know me until she was on morphine in the hospital and finally called me by my name in a drugged stupor But, of her children only two of us were there to hold her hand and say our final goodbye I love her and I am so sorry she had such a hard life❤😊❤
Comment from : @ChinaSu-i3k

My mother actually gave away my dogs to strangers absolutely without my consent coz she’s sick of me being unemployed for almost 4 years
Comment from : @jewelseng9900

It is damn shame
Comment from : @appletherapy

Sending love to moms and daughters needing healing All things are possible through Christ ✝️
Comment from : @LoweringEntropyNow

My mother is trying to play the guilt trip on me because I told her I’m getting married and she doesn’t agree at ALL! I’m 37 years old GROWN MAN ! Smh ! I’m marrying my beautiful soon to be wife mother of my child soon 💯🙏🏾🥰IM HAPPY 🙏🏾she’s a great woman and has never disrespected my mother!
Comment from : @carlitot5388

My mom use to take me to places with her adult places she said it was to keep and eye on me verses thinking mature and saying I should stay home it was always about her and never my happiness
Comment from : @arethaellis6506

My mom guilt trips me to send her money for the last 10 years And she does this in a way that she doesn't even have to tell me to send her money For example, she makes me feel guilty about me buying myself a new piece of clothing and than she starts talking about how bad her financial situation at that moment And I get caved to send her money But I've noticed that she's been doing this for so long, and I'm trying to not fall for it anymore It's a horrible form of abuse Just making me live my life miserably, but whenever I do something nice for myself (for example drinking coffee in a nice coffee, etc), she starts making me feel guilty about having money to spend outside of my basic needs I've never thought that my mom was a manipulative person, but she's so good at it that it took me 10 years to realize that she's a manipulator I hope I save myself from this
Comment from : @toramancan

“I gave you life!”
Comment from : @sponkmcdonk3898

Only child between parents ,brMy father had 3 kids before
Comment from : @ChristineAlderman-he6wc

GirlbrOnly child syndrome
Comment from : @ChristineAlderman-he6wc

Bless you for doing these videos Natasha !brWish this knowledge was out there for myself many moons ago brSo glad for others today that this awareness is out there and wonderful gems like you to help us
Comment from : @RoxanneSchmidt-c9t

My experience is you can never say yes to these vampires stay away and distance is the best
Comment from : @annesullivan7646

The narcissist mother is extremely neglectful yet extremely controlling I was so confused growing up I thought this control was a sign of care but it wasn't
Comment from : @nataliexrd256

This is my situation perfectly! I’ve never heard it like this before But I have recently stood up to my emotionally manipulative mother after 39 years and while I feel a lot better , I have this guilt and I also don’t feel great at the same time But I want to live my life the way I want to And not feel bad about it
Comment from : @nickjones8596

After my mom’s divorce, she was with her new bf and them and my brother and I were going out to eat The bf was strict on manners and told me to chew with mouth closed And the next bit i took my mom slapped me hard across the face I ran to the bathroom and cried It was the ultimate betrayal and I was so young I still will never forget that and don’t know how a mother could do that especially in a public place in front of everyone
Comment from : @jennaholt5293

Dated a girl with a narcissistic parentbrThankful to God for taking me out from that relationshipbrPraying that He leads me in the next, that I be aware of these "red flags"
Comment from : @carterwillis6624

Lost me at map of consciousness New Age woo woo doesn’t need to be attached to this
Comment from : @Window4503

Great info but I can't finish it with all the 'riiiigghhttt?' thrown in Idk when or why that's become so popular but the uptalk, vocal fry and riiigghhtt is just too distracting
Comment from : @garnetandgold07

Oh and hang up on the phone Tbe only person in my life wo has ever done ✔️ this Such rage from her unbelievable
Comment from : @shelleygibbons1065

This is absolutely amazing! ✨
Comment from : @TheFocalProject_Beats

My sons mother says things like you don’t love me or sorry I’m not a fun mom but will also blame him for things, she blamed him for why her relationships fail She also blames me for when he doesn’t behave like she wants Nothing is her fault ever
Comment from : @karbon-sgs3350

My 2 older adult siblings were totally childlike every problem, my parents are there to be the superhero And until now they are still broke and kept asking money from them plot twist is my parents are jobless so they ask money from me for my adult siblings 😅😅 my siblings are @ 30s already I already told my parents , just leave them and let them handle their own problems so they will grow and find a way to solve their problems brBut my parents will start guilt tripping me that i should help them because i have money and they are broke😅braside from that they will say that we are a family and we should help each other😂😂brMy parents are very toxic 😂
Comment from : @albertsguppyadventure4293

Do you do personalized consultations?
Comment from : @arias839

I hate to say it but right now I’m in a situation like this It’s really hard to set even basic boundaries
Comment from : @smagerlakk

My life for 65 yearsjust now seeing the truth narc mom is still alive but i am finally feeling realizing the resl abusebrThis segment is spot on!!!!!!
Comment from : @donnarobbins4316

Get my confidence up Physically i lost alot of self -esteem this time that infection destroyed my teethi helped it along the way But im set up ofcourse i was born to use!
Comment from : @benwil1715

The silver lining thus far is all this narcissist shit i watch has paid in divedens Made me a little more confident in me trying to get close to someone thats the way i look at it atleastmy perspective of recovery info and education has paid offthanks you- tube!😅😅😅
Comment from : @benwil1715

But its good to fish them out nowwithin reason
Comment from : @benwil1715

Comment from : @benwil1715

Plus i attract them like flies in my life
Comment from : @benwil1715

If complex ptsd is very hard(but rewarding) to lets say a standard one or two emotionally challenged narcissist what if 5 bred into your clan 2 parents 3 kids( one by default) plus,their raising you,"you dont have a choice" so whats already hard to do(i agree, although its a work in progress thus far so farlook im not a wimp,but my intuition tells me i got "even more" hurdles to jump"alli see are dead ends) First time this happenedi always weaseled out of the abuse thus farthese devils trying to murder me!!
Comment from : @benwil1715

As a kid I use to wish I would wake up in a different family Wishing I had a different mother Wishing that insecure fat slob never gave birth to me
Comment from : @pleasecarryon6261

My mother was my original trauma dumper Throughout my life, I notice I attract immediate trauma dumpers I never knew why Maybe theres a subconscious energy I give off that signals to these ppl that Im used to it?
Comment from : @rubycubez1103

I allowed my parents to meddle in my relationships, career, disrupt my college experience because I “wasn’t mature enough” even though I was the first in my family to apply and make it…they’ve ruined a lot of good opportunities for me trying to keep me in a childlike state Im 34 now and am completely independent with my own life, but the impact is lifelong
Comment from : @BrittanyHunter-f6w

It's not empathy that makes you feel guiltyit's conditioning and emeshment Empathetic people can still have boundaries and not take responsibility for others feelings Children of narcissists aren't always empaths and can even inflict same toxicity onto their own children and perpetuate intergenerational trauma just saying
Comment from : @ReemTahir

Thank you so much, you've put this in a way that makes a lot of sense to me and is just very validating Thank you brbrThis is the first video I've listened to of yours and I'm highly encouraged to listen to more brbrI know I've thanked you twice but I feel the urge to thank you again, so once again thank you very, very much
Comment from : @Puppies-z9h

I’m in the next stage, of being great with myself by still physically/psychically drained of energy by these parental maneuvers
Comment from : @KiKiQuiQuiKiKi

Shew this is my babies mother's mom Still can't get it out of my head seeing her hold my daughter and say she doesn't know what she will do when she doesn't have this baby here anymore ( we lived with them for a lil bit to save for a house) well her parents had the bright idea, let's split up and we can help with a house if mom can live with yall I was so not on board with that Bm and her mom went back n forth trying to convince me it wouldn't be that bad well today baby momma, her mom, and her dad all live in "our" house And all of a sudden we aren't a good match and I was made out to "not like her family" simply for trying to run my household as a man Sorry but I'm the breas winner, my bm and I paid everything no way I'd stand by letting my household be ran by people who pay no bills Needless to say that didn't work I live on my own lol
Comment from : @antilag8837

What do I do if my parents claim that what I'm doing or who I love is ungodly Even though my own priest has informed me that they aren't
Comment from : @TheLoneWolf-wu8lp

My mother always told that I was born and destroyed her life I had unbelievable enormous guilt Nothing I was doing was enough to pay for the fact that I was born
Comment from : @tzeniblond9091

All true but the key is to get out of the toxicity Staying enmeshed because everyone says “After all the ARE your PARENTS,” is SOCIETY’S way of keeping us TRAPPED in TOXIC relationships I’m also a parent, but that doesn’t automatically make me entitled to disrespect and demean my child It’s not the child’s fault if parents are emotionally abusing the child We must learn to walk away I’m no Contact with my parents for 7 years now over stuff like this
Comment from : @ankurdave7784

This is one of the most insightful videos on this topic I have ever seen in my 33 years of life
Comment from : @dearest_camille

I hate that I don’t get to see my father as much as I’d like bc I can’t deal with my mother’s guilt tripping and snarky comments I always leave feeling I will never be enough Im a horrible person She even guilts me for loving my father as much as I do
Comment from : @ChristalMoon9

Comment from : @drrachnaarora4498

It’s like why did she guilt trip me endlessly, I don’t understand what’s the point ? What’s the goal ?
Comment from : @lisasilenzi

My parents excuse everything by saying they watch my kids They always guilt trip me I have not talked to my mom since Monday She is very controlling I’m 32 years old
Comment from : @katherinegruber499

Amazing insight and your example of being able to do what you love and narcs being angry about it is so accurate My mother gets triggered every time I do something good for myself like travelling or hiking , etc As you mentioned guilt or whatever is used as a reaction and if I'm not present, what's scary is my mom uses also my kids as her supply I'm a single mom and though I've successfully been healing and managed to live in 1 roof with my covert narc mom My true aim is independence and moving away from her permanently with my kids
Comment from : @birthinfluenceembrace

When you counted examples and everything fits in with my life with my family I'm currently at quiet war with them
Comment from : @Seriiko

As a parent If my toddler is biting or hitting me or my partner I have no shame in telling him off
Comment from : @PopsicleSponge

I’m no longer ashamed to say I’d rather take my o levels again than suffer another Mothers Day, it’s right up there with Christmas and birthday
Comment from : @FHRider-o1m

extremely accurate
Comment from : @carloslucena4978

My mother keeps using my grandmother to make me feel bad for not making plans during my weekends When I tell her that I need space, I need to nurture myself and also take care of myself in order to not feel angry and trapped When I try to set my boundaries they are guilt-tripping me, and playing on my kindness When I tell them that I have plans to do nothing this weekend by myself in order to recuperate, she pushes plans on me What do I do?
Comment from : @theguynextdoor4978


Comment from : @shopkinsarts

Maybe you can explain why I'm such a big hugger Like sometimes I'll hug three or four times before leaving
Comment from : @jasonroman3639

You are doing a wonderful job dear
Comment from : @sonalijootun1712

It's mothers day and my mom stopped putting her hands on me when I was 22 but she still uses manipulation to control me and I'm 23 Truthfully I don't care for this day at all because all she does is guilt trip me on a daily basis whenever I try to do things for myself or don't do what she wants me to and I'm tired of feeling like if I don't listen to her she's going to find ways to hurt me again Mothers day should be used to appreciate the moms who really care about you not the moms who pretend too in public and abuse you in private
Comment from : @solanaszoo

This is really well explained Perfect Thank you, Michelle
Comment from : @jcm5171

This is wild, everything she explained is exactly on point!!
Comment from : @danielihlenfeldt3580

10 years later my ex wife still tries to guilt trip me with our 2 kids Has a very codependent, unhealthy relationship with our 10 year old son Our 12 year old daughter is beginning to see her for who she really is
Comment from : @MRW21783

Thank you very much This really opened my eyes I was always afraid to ask my mother for permission to go out with friends, because she would get extremely irritated, especially if I needed a ride The second I was old enough to earn money, she told me to give to her to keep track of, and she always asked me to buy her things, and I felt like it wasn't an option to say no Even now, as an adult, she lays guilt on me to agree to things that are hurtful and unfair My mind is blown right now
Comment from : @andreawaibel3584

Ok , I'm 60 now but my girlfriend of 5 years wore a swimsuit showing her pussy lips and pussy hair I objectedby you mind I was wrong asking her to change cloths
Comment from : @Dayjob351

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