Title | : | How to Regain Trust in a Relationship After Lying To Your Partner |
Lasting | : | 6.22 |
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Views | : | 108 rb |
I caught my wife lying a month ago, once confronted she lies even more Once confronted with that she gets really offensive, rude and creative in blaming me for anything that "might" have happened Even though true evidence exists, she still doesn't admit to lying The problem is that we have 2 kids together they are 8 and 5, a second problem is she is a lawyer, she is a professional when it comes to presenting lies, facts and twisting the truth to fit her goals she uses her super powers in communication with me, the third problem is despite that, I still love her, we did everything together, So basically I think I will be stuck in this situation until the kids grow, because i dont see a way to explain to her that it is she that did something she want admit, and because if I leave now who knows what will happen to the kids and to her Comment from : @TGSSMC |
Help me win my husband's trust again Comment from : @Mercelinechitechi-n3k |
Wonderful wonderful content brother! I agree with you in every way Comment from : @staceysmith5587 |
Sometimes people are not meant to stay in your life anymore Like I said forgive and move on from people who hurt you in the most evilness and wicked way Sometimes you shouldn't fix what is broken and just move forward Comment from : @AmberHarris-e8v |
he keeps lying to me, he says it’s because he’s scared to lose me so he even lies about small things he keeps saying that he promise he wont do it again , and he does it again and again , i tell him that i wont be mad at him if he’s honest with me but it keeps happening im tired but i want him to fix it for us Comment from : @soso-st8vh |
This was really a good a one n I hope I can hve one on one talk with u🙏 Comment from : @NchuoVanesa |
My last relationship with a liar destroyed me Now I'm strict in my dating life Slightest lie I leave It's not worth it Comment from : @pist251 |
What is considered a “small acceptable lie”? Comment from : @haiyaaaa |
I recently lied to my bf about a clumsy mistake I made It has nothing to do with cheating, but I knocked something down in his house on accident, decided it was better to lie about it We are still talking, I'm working on myself building my confidence and to not be scared of telling the truth over a small stupid clumsy thing I have done Thank you for your video! He has pumped the brakes on our relationship Comment from : @lourhicard6383 |
I don't say nothing to him cause he still call me a liar im just fed up 😢 Comment from : @shirleyherbert7291 |
omg omg omg 👏 Comment from : @dreams5672 |
Thank you I lied to my bf of 7 years about a past relationship when we first started dating He recently found out I apoglized and explained why I didn’t tell him the truth I also recently lied a about situation because I was trying to protect him but, he doesn’t believe me And thinks I’m living a double life Comment from : @kandela75 |
i’m here because i want to be better for my partner i haven’t been honest and i have to realize that you only get far by telling the truth i am regretful for my actions and i want our relationship to work, because he’s the best thing i’ve ever had Comment from : @loveabblepostion1 |
Well today my girlfriend texted me and told me that she found out I said somthing to a friend that wasn’t supposed to be said at all and she was not okay with it I apologized multiple times and she told me that I was a liar and that she’s lot trust with me the issue is I really want to regain this trust with her but I don’t how to go about it Comment from : @LanndonBreen |
My GF dumped me after I graduated High school and starts trys to date my bestfriend and took him into prom she lied about coming to prom as a guest, he said he will never take her away from me I still trust him Since June, I found it out and I was crying in pain to my best friends on the phone who knows my Gf since, They've been there for me and supported me they all said none of this isn't my fault and done nothing wrong which I thought it was and blaming myself My Ex just said "I know it's not" which sounds like she doesn't really care Idk what I could do to fix the relationship with her when I loved her so much but she likes to talk negativity about me Comment from : @MonkeyRay4Gaming |
I’ve lied so many times to my partner about my finances, my debt, to trivial things like hiding snacks from her I’m so disgusted with myself That I have allowed my own selfish pride and desire to be seen as a good person, that I became the exact opposite Now I lost her forever and only have myself to blame Comment from : @RealTalkJB |
me and him have only been together (not really official) for two months I’m really really scared he’d be fine to just let it go because I’m really attached before he’s met me he’s been through a lot of shit and wasn’t fully healed so I’m scared of being rejected and cut off right now I’m just being patient to see when he’ll reply to my messages and hope for the best🙏 Comment from : @qmjrq |
i don’t know why i thought lying would be better than telling the truth i guess i was afraid of the short-term consequences and never thought about the long-term consequences for my lies thank you for this video Comment from : @karlirosek |
My fiance lied about some things to get me into the relationship and some things that were serious to me once we were in it and i had moved states, but he didn't cheat I'm finding it hard to keep my new found insecurity and trust issues in check I feel allot of lingering hurt and I feel that I've switched from the victim into the one hurting my partner emotionally things are really unstable with us and I'm finally seeing on my end how I'm doing it wrong but I just genuinely need guidance along the way so I can be accountable for my side and learn how to respond appropriately when i am feeling these terrible ways I just don't want to keep making a bad situation worse I love this person dearly and I don't wanna be the reason anyone hurts like that especially my partner Comment from : @ravenshugart2000 |
I had hide my previous relationship with my boyfriendI had no intention to hide bt was waiting for time to say him bt my bad luck its disclosed by my ex and now my boyfriend is not believing in me and saying that u played with me n my trust and now wen I convince he Is not ready to come back and restart the relationship he is saying it's impossible if he is with me he will remind of things happened bt I need him back and need to restart please help me out in getting him back Comment from : @vaishnavik9223 |
I don't even have a partner am here because I lied too much I can't be believed anymore by my family Comment from : @davidn7761 |
I got lied to for a few months I have no idea what I'm feeling anymore I'm probably just scared to be lonely I should have ended it when I found out, but I'm too much of a forgiving person I've forgiven my partner, but I don't know how to rebuild lost love The shock was just so great that my heart now feels empty I'm not having these feelings anymore Comment from : @MikeBrown-ov2ol |
I lied to my husband to be about pregnancy, I was afraid he would leave and to be honest I made so many mistakes calling several people to plead with him which pissed him off, I’m sorry, wat do I do to amend my mistake I don’t want to lose him Comment from : @luchikalu9759 |
I fucked up and I hurt the girl I love the most in my life, the only girl who made me feel happy I didn’t cheat on her but I still hurt her and now I don’t know what to do I just can’t leave her alone even tho Ik she needs time to heal , I feel like it’s gunna be impossible for me to fix this Comment from : @gustavofraga1254 |
What if you tell the truth but she still doesn’t believe you Comment from : @goodwillmokone8231 |
I had lie my parents many times when i was in relationship with my boyfriend Comment from : @richari_dev7483 |
I have an issue with lying about the small things with my girlfriend I have found out it came from a place of low confidence and losing my religious faith I have to change to be the prince that she has always wanted Comment from : @tjsample01 |
I didn't lied to her intentionally it was totally unintentional and suddenly I was in the wrong side that lie is hurting her how can I make these things ok plz tell me plz i really don't want to lose her at any cost she still talks to me but vibes are not as good as it use to be Comment from : @meraj-ul-haque4883 |
I want to get back to normal don't want to loose her 😫 Comment from : @seanlugo4806 |
I also gave a old women my phone number who was in the clinic cause she was talking about God I wasn't thinking please help Comment from : @seanlugo4806 |
My name is Nikko and I lied and I want my partner to trust me she is so Important to me Please help me not loose her Comment from : @seanlugo4806 |
Thank you😊 Comment from : @octaviasmith3068 |
I keep promising my wife things that are going to come like me changing more and more which I am and her getting her life back and also a car among other things but I’ve been promising for over a year I keep getting told I’m lying which I want these things to happen for her/us but they never seem to happen and I just keep getting myself into a deeper pit promising I really don’t know what to do anymore and our relationship feels as though she’s about to leave me help if you can please Comment from : @christoursavior8845 |
I did not cheat on my partner but I did lie to her brbrWe were engaged to be married and there was aspects of my past I neglected to tell her about This has all surfaced and I feel terrible about what I have done brbrOne of the things I neglected to so was inform my sons mother of this change in my life I did arrange to speak to her regarding this but unfortuney things caught up with me before I could I need help advice I know yiu are busy man but please help me to win back the truest love I have ever felt Comment from : @jokeer45 |
I lied to my friends saying I'm going to her house but I wasn't and she found out that I said so and now it makes her look badgiven the fact that I didn't tell her that I said that and she had to hear it from one of her friends We've been talking for a few weeks and everything was going well until todayi can't get over the fact that I hurt her and I really love this girl and never wanted to hurt her I'm 15 years old and my dad passed away this year so I started smoking weed and I have a bad reputation at school for it and she has always defended me and now that I lied to her it makes her look like a fool to everyone She says she forgives me but she also needs time and I'm so upset rn that I'm hurting myself by puncing walls and my hands are bleeding if there's anyone that can help me or give advice on how 8 can regain trust between please Reply Comment from : @quivings |
THANKK YOU Comment from : @TheRealOgSleek |
I lied to my partner and wish I never did im broken and devastated that I have lost her trust and want my family back we are about to have a baby and iv made a consouling meeting and am willing to do wants needed to get her back I love her and her son like he's my own and I'm struggling and I know it's my fault I'm in this situation, I'm going to show my actions and that I will change but how do I get her to meet me halfway Comment from : @blakedivett3296 |
Hey guys Is there someone who lied and managed to regain trust in the relationship? If so, could you please give some advice🙂 Comment from : @anakotyk9452 |
Hi team,brWould Adrian do 1-to-1 sessions? brWant to make sure that I understand why I cheated (root cause) and considering the pain and destruction, change sustainably Comment from : @captaincoconut457 |
My story is too long but thanks for the advice Comment from : @wendysmith5996 |
I lied on my bf idk y i did thti love him so much i can do anything to get him backi can even change myself but he doens't trusts me anymore i don't blame him it's my fault who'd trust me after what i did I'll try my best to make myself better For him i will make myself worthy of his love i hope i can do it Comment from : @Hashi321 |
I’m guilty of lying to my wife on multiple occasions I have lost her trust, my childrens trust, my in laws, all of the people that I have in life brI am at rock bottom, living is almost impossible, except for that undying hope that I can perhaps win my family’s trust back I lied for years, about smoking and how I got the smokes Lies upon lies told to her, point blank in her face brI know I did wrong, and I have accepted that, and I am willing to keep myself accountable, but I’m afraid I’ve hurt my wife to the point that she sees no other way out other than divorce Comment from : @talbott357 |
I’ve lied to my child’s mother for 2 years It was white lies, and I never truly told her how I felt A situation happened and now I fear I may lose her forever I thought I was being empathetic but looking back I never really put myself in her shoes I am ashamed of what happened I really want to unlearn all of the negativity that accrued in my life, and get my family back together I am willing to do anything Comment from : @wallstreetquan9123 |
I knew my boyfriend before we got togetherFirst he hooked up fee times he hurt me and i shared some dark secrets about him with my two friendsIts a very dark trauma he has and i had a urge to tell someone about itLater we got togheter snd he found out i told that stuff to my friendsI feel terible,i love him so muchI hid so much from him to that i shouldnt,(English is not my first language sorry),i dont need a tip just to went what i did is horrible and i wish we can be happy again but with trust Comment from : @milicastevanovic9962 |
I've cheated so many times now my partner don't trust nor believe in me I need to fix what we have need to go back to been happy need bk my partners trustthey dnt believe nothing I say anymore even when I'm telling the truthI NEED HELP I NEED TO GAIN BACK THEIR TRUST Comment from : @latoyacoward9646 |
So I’ve never lied to my girlfriend before but two months back I started smoking again without her knowing and I meant to tell her and ask her to help me quit again but I couldn’t get the courage to tell her and she found out on her own and now she’s upset that I felt like I couldn’t come to her about my problem and lied about it Comment from : @keaganbraun1682 |
I lied to my partner I was in hospital but I was with my friend,he has silent for me for five days what do I do Comment from : @lucywanjiru8289 |
Great video In the past, my fiancée had a horrible affair behind my back and it was rampant with gaslighting and manipulation My new girlfriend has done some things to break my trust but no necessarily regarding cheating, more a loss of trust because she sometimes does and says hurtful stuff and has 0 accountability Recently I caught her lying about something totally innocent but I was shocked because I genuinely felt that she’s really honest and transparent before When I approached her about it, I even told her that we can talk because I know the lie was about something innocent and I felt bad that I likely was doing something to make her feel like she had to lie about something so innocent Instead, she gaslit me for days about it and that’s the part that really concerns me Not sure what to do because the small lie is not so concerning, but the heavy gaslighting terrifies me Comment from : @javednarain2677 |
My partner cheated on meI am in a process that how to over come from the situation,also my partner is telling me that everything is gona fine asking me time to make the relationship betterplease help me SirI want to regain that trust again Comment from : @subhashdowrla7658 |
One most understand how his or her actions affect the relationship You can't fix it yourself and it takes two to make things work Comment from : @damwaterthomas1980 |
I've been lied to and my heart is been broken for years and I always try to fix things but it is hard when the other person doesn't even try after hurting and lying to doesn't matter what I do he still will not come clean and it hurts or even communicate I been with this man since I was 18 and now I'm 41 really don't know if he love me or if he ever did it's hard for me because he'll watch me hurt and cry and stress from the things he did and says he's not trying to hurt me lm so stupid at times because it's hard to just get up and go I want to go but I don't know what's still keeping me here maybe I'm just stupid Comment from : @dynastyhollman620 |
So i lied to my gf about how i met her in a party She’s disappointed because it was a made up story She’s not sharing her pain with me and i want that anything that bothers her she’s not addressing me She’s overthinking which is making me anxious about our relationship What should i do coach? Comment from : @brokebiggie |
I could really use some advice, mentally exhausted with this exact subject in our marriage Daily struggles 😓 Comment from : @SkyWalk3rAF |
I am willing and ready to mend trust for some of the trivial lies I have told too, that broke my partner's trust And show her, that her trust matters to me so deeply Comment from : @amyj4992 |
Well! I never lied Just that they are not worth of my Trust 😉 Comment from : @drdoll259 |
I have lied to my wife alot and now I'm coming clean with her and getting myself cousler Comment from : @gamerfan81 |
I did what you call it emotional cheating My fiance broke up with me and I'm trying to win her heart back I was helping someone who I was involved in the past that I have remained friends with I GAVE HER A FEW DOLLARS SO SHE CAN HAVE FOOD FOR HER KIDS AND SHE FOUND OUT Comment from : @gerry12250 |
I lied to my girlfriend about my past, name and background (bad experience with discrimination) and it was the biggest mistake of my life as I regret it so much and wish I could go back and do it better I love her from the bottom of my heart and I told her everything yesterday and it broke my heart when she cried and at the end she gave me a big hug but I don’t know what she’s going to do I swore to god that I will never never ever lie again to her or possibly a future partner no matter how difficult it is Just be yourself no matter how difficult your past has been, be yourself and be honest, it’s the best advice I can give Comment from : @orientalboy86 |
My husband lies, but he refuses to accept that a little lie is huge for me brHe says oopss I made a mistake ""brNo he lies, I don't understand Why? Comment from : @maricelaborges422 |
You also need to learn to forgive Never allow yourself to become bitter or to nurture a grievance, otherwise the only person you are really hurting is yourself Comment from : @ste6826 |
I lied to my bf because I was insecure that maybe he leave me after he find out what I had done but after I cleared everything I told him everything clearly and I apologize he forgave me but he did something that was not expected by me and he broke my trust by telling my mom about what I was ready to tell her or never wanted to tell her but he told her that brokes my trust and know we are not talking to each other I wanted to talk but he don't I don't know why he even doesn't reply my messages what should I do? Comment from : @sunnybikk5313 |
Sir i want to talk to u Comment from : @sreelakshmins2584 |
Great speech sir Comment from : @frederickkingshott2003 |
please help me what to do because my boyfriend how many yrs cheated on me Comment from : @jedelynbonajos5769 |
The “blaming the victim” part is how I knew my wife was cheating on me I forgive her but it hurts knowing she did this while I’ll was at one of the lowest points of my life 😞 Comment from : @Ur2ez4me81 |
Hi Comment from : @rushikeshnavsare775 |
I need some advice I lied to my partner an nothing I can do could fix it Comment from : @kellonchichester3492 |
I lied to my girlfriend about a lot of thing’s and I’m trying to stop myself and not lie to her again and regain that trust for each other and she means the world to me and I don’t wanna keep lying to her Comment from : @jonah4594 |
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