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How to REBUILD TRUST in a Relationship After LIES, CHEATING u0026 AFFAIRS

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Title :  How to REBUILD TRUST in a Relationship After LIES, CHEATING u0026 AFFAIRS
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Description How to REBUILD TRUST in a Relationship After LIES, CHEATING u0026 AFFAIRS

Comments How to REBUILD TRUST in a Relationship After LIES, CHEATING u0026 AFFAIRS

10 years together 5 years living together 3 kids together I cheated a lot I never became the man I needed to be I’m finally taking the steps to be the man I need to be for her and for my kids I’m going to prove myself I can be what I should have always been for her
Comment from : @Sryv

I feel so lost My fiancé left me after 4 years together, and I don’t know how to move forward I just want him back
Comment from : @KirstenFarrar

Just hoping he watches it nowbrReally helpfulbrI think diving deeper would be a good thing
Comment from : @tessmiles596

When people justify cheating what they are saying, "You weren't enough me, so you need to understand and forgive me for lying to you and hurting you It was okay that I went outside of the relationship"
Comment from : @traditionalwoman5648

It was helpful
Comment from : @jocelynabarquez2579

I mess up bad dawg I ain’t mean to cheat I was just caught up in the moment , and was being dumb I can’t lose my baby dawg in willing to do what every it take I finally got caught today why I’m here , man it’s heard bruh I been crying all that but I look at it like why cry when I wasn’t crying about cheating anyway But it’s hurt when your relationship on the line It hurt when you got kids and they love you call you daddy all that and no matter what you go thur they bring you up Mann I can’t give up on my girl ima fight till the end dawg I go to war about her man I just need some help like what can I do … I did some mess up junk like mess up big time
Comment from : @the_gunguy

Thank you so muchhh i will do all these methods, but for now, I need more time to reflect on what I should do next 😢
Comment from : @chelldalagan3588

This was pretty insightful I will certainly put this into practice I am currently trying to get my girlfriend back I'll keep you updated
Comment from : @alibattle166

What if it has happened more than once And now the sight of him repulses me Is it time to leave so I can heal?
Comment from : @gloriahui3490

To a narcissist, there’s no win win because they never change They don’t know how to admit that they cheated, lied and broke promises They have no conscience and never repent about any of their crimes By Amelia
Comment from : @arthurbalcita4851

Cheating destroys families for the rest of their lives and gives their children a mistrust with everyone they end up dating as they grow older
Comment from : @Phil-j7t

Leave There’s no excuse for the betrayal, and you don’t deserve to put up with it
Comment from : @coopersheridan73

I made a mistake by my baby dady finding an ex s txt in my fone he loves me so much and i love him i jc cant do this lify without him now he is expecting me im cheating help me pls but we do talk but trust is hard nw
Comment from : @ForstinaSheyavali

I’m still hurting and chose to stay and work through it hope it works out been together 14 years and gave a 3 year old daughter
Comment from : @mattedwards1808

A mistake is in the moment, very very short term2 years is a choiceits all down to choices
Comment from : @moobs6863

Is there a video about this topic bit after a break up already?
Comment from : @ryanmoffett6788

bFolks, Life is too short to get hung up over a cheater in any capacity/b Cheater don’t care about your well being so it’s in your best interest to know and understand that wholeheartedly It’s really that simple brbrThe idea that someone would refer to a cheater’s carefully executed plan of betrayal “a mistake” is an insult to their hard work, dedication and best efforts to avoid detection The mistake is them getting caught Cheaters are nervous, embarrassed, trying to escape, not poised, not confident or articulate when they’re busted I bet they don’t exhibit those qualities while engaging in their infidelity Cheaters are likely excited, poised, confident, enjoying themselves, passionate, etc, while betraying their significant other Therefore, the mistake is them getting exposed and they’re probably sad that they’re no longer able to do so, but they’ll attempt to convince you that they’re sad because they wronged you and they’re remorseful, lol You can’t help but give cheater credit for their ability to deceive, bit’s almost masterful/b Either way, forgive them and move on with your life They can find redemption and become a better person in their next relationship
Comment from : @standground7956

I will master this I choose to I will overcome my toxicity I will be better for her I choose to
Comment from : @gatsbyhotjacks6711

It hurts I thought she was the one
Comment from : @Its_IsaacCarbajal

I work away from home, treated my spouse poorly and avoided talking about our feelings/problems every time she brought them upbrShe was exhausted, but still wanted to be with me, and it lead to her having an affair with someone that I used to call a friendbrI’ve been trying so hard to rebuild trust and to make things work it has been like just over a monthbrSome days I’m fine Other days are absolute chaos in my head 😞
Comment from : @TnorSkates

My fault is lying about stuff I shouldn’t Please guys try your best to tell the truth even if it might hurt because it’s only communicating
Comment from : @apolloyoung8653

Is the Facebook group no longer available?
Comment from : @u13e12

I completely broke trust with my foster parents and I’ve never been taught how to rebuild trust Or be a child
Comment from : @rubyrizen3115

Man I lied to her and it got so deep I couldn't get out Now she knows and my world is falling apart God, help me to be a better man
Comment from : @thejakelegion

I have hurt her so bad can you help me please she found females on my TikTok and she counts it as cheating and she said she doesn’t feel the same way abt me and she has no care she’s giving me many chances and she’s decided to give me one more chance help so I can rebuild what I lost
Comment from : @abrahamcazares5466

Should I skip this video cuz I never cheat
Comment from : @justintimbersaw3934

What if you caught them cheating, have the evidence and she hasn't confessed Do I confront her about it when she claims that we're separated? We live in the same apartment and in the same bed with my 3 year old daughter
Comment from : @rebuildingdad3010

Does going no contact after your partner lost trust for you work?
Comment from : @donnymarquis7484

I didn’t have the tools Eventually, she couldn’t get past it and left I hate myself for the hurt I caused
Comment from : @albertodeulofeu5277

I talked to my ex behind my girlfriend's back I don't know why i did it
Comment from : @khoakdoan

I made a huge mistake and I wish I could take it all back I apologize and praying he gives me a second chance As hard it is for me to give him space I am I pray we can make things work and work through it
Comment from : @patriciacoyne1926

Thank you so much I will be better
Comment from : @khoakdoan

I wasn't the one who cheated I found the cheating, and I have filed for divorce already, despite my residual feelings for her I dont want to be alone, but she needs to find help before I let her back into my life
Comment from : @az678910

I cyber cheated and she forgave but she broke up with me eventually Toward the end she was very cold and would cancel on me She sent me a txt that it wasn’t gonna work out and that it was over She didn’t even want to see me
Comment from : @Dakessian

Youre a great speaker
Comment from : @TheRaNetwork

Im soo sorry for what have i done I cannot live without her
Comment from : @anshhunn2495

I still feel horrible after I was caught texting another girl we talked about why I did it and we both decided to give each other space and work on ourselves because my girlfriend still really wants to be with me so I’ve asked her different ways I could improve the relationship and she’s been asking me how she could too It’s been a challenge getting through this especially since this is both of ours first relationship and we’ve been together for 3 years now and I can never be more grateful for a person as special as her I just hope I regain her trust and give her the life she deserves
Comment from : @christopherolivo3747

Need help staying busy and growing as a person in a genuine way I’m stressed out in this time of space I’m afraid I hurt her so bad we won’t be back together
Comment from : @JRPTheKid

I need help with regaining trust with my wife
Comment from : @NicholasSantiago-n6s

I broke up with my soul maté because we couldn’t move pass the things I did early on I love and I miss her dearly and I wish I could’ve became a good man before I made those mistake
Comment from : @tyleraguilar2474

Comment from : @recheilmaeoraiz6995

My new Mantra:brFarming NOT Hunting
Comment from : @victoriaoshea4865

Comment from : @jeremyzee2155

What if her best friend kiss me in front off her and I keeep denied it and she snaps ask for spacewhat is the right move?
Comment from : @kritapaspetchana1237

Caught cyber cheating How do I make Amends and move forward if family does not want to talk? Or do I give them space and time?
Comment from : @Jmcrealtor

So every guy needs to become a wifes or girlfriends psychiatrist? With this crazy world we gotta live in What guy is going to have time to become a girl's psychiatrist? Sounds more like an art of manipulation Once she says "i don't love you anymore" Thats it They just simply say that eventhough they keep calling you saying more lies Its way more better to just move on Especially after her cheating
Comment from : @johnathangreay987

Guys just don’t ever cheat please , I did that mistake and I truly regret it and I feel like a piece of shit and I think I lost my soulmate forever and am trying to fight but he doesn’t want to and I want to fight but I can’t force him and just accept my consequences
Comment from : @Vanesavicente23

Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!!
Comment from : @stevenmowbray8573

I love the way he connects this topic to sales and business As a salesperson, when I learned to let go of outcomes and focus on process is also when I became most successful it’s so interesting how that applies to relationships as well
Comment from : @peterfichtner1

What uf she goes and cheats back and is stonewalling and bringing up old things to justify her actions
Comment from : @toniabrightly3143

Do you do personal confrontations?
Comment from : @heatherward5798

oh dang what a handsome marriage consultant
Comment from : @EmpressHsiao

What is the definition of Cheating?
Comment from : @kurpal8904

Comment from : @GoodnessOdinaka-fe8yg

This is amazing content Thank you for making it
Comment from : @tecnogram888

The worst part is her blaming it on my past 3 years and I still don't want to live anymore I have been going to church now to ask for my life back Not sure how to find myself again and trying anything at this point
Comment from : @jeffproulx3388

I've been with my girl for 6 and a half years 3 weeks ago she accused me of cheating for the millionth time of cheating, because I could not answer her call while in a meeting I video called her back while in the meeting, but she hung up after 10 seconds I always fall to my knees trying to convince my innocence's to her, but I was so exhausted of the accusations this time that I just texted her "ok" after all the accusations It's been 3 weeks, and she just blocked me on social media today, even though all I have said to her since was "merry christmas" Fun holiday season for me
Comment from : @zodiac909

To everyone here in the comment section : Don't give up
Comment from : @smekiloper1294

I didn't physically cheat but I was messaging people I shouldn't have for pics and running my mouth I never acted on my actions, I think I had trust issues from stuff that happened in the past, low confidence at times and so I looked for validation from others instead of my partner Is there anyway I can prove myself back to her? not currently on speaking terms but i'm still working hard for her and myself daily, I know the trust can be rebuilt, I know I can be better and never go back to making a huge mistake again
Comment from : @KevinLavorgna

I was wondering is being friends with the ex cheating too? It's is it okay to be friends with the ex while you're with another partner ? I ended up bumping into my ex in public a few days ago and he gives me dirty looks I just feel scared telling my current partner saying hey I bumped into my ex he's giving me dirty looks 😢 and making me uncomfortable My ex's new partner followed me on social media tiktok After my ex blocked me
Comment from : @kristenfuller9168

Hello! Idk if this message gonna be too late cause the vid is old but im having problems with my wife, we've been together for 7 years and she broke up with me for things I did wrong in the past wich seem she kept them and also cause I mistreated her and ignored her by not giving the attention she deserved , I've been watching all your vids to try to understand and I have at least most of it but while I'm trying to work on my self to prove my self I'm worth and can fix things up by my action while letting her heal and giving her space I still feel like it might not work and like you said before she can see through my stuff according to her but im being as unique and honest as I can be what am I doing wrong???
Comment from : @tadashikiritonora4858

My wife said she only wants to talk When we are with the therapist!
Comment from : @ronniebaker3826

I want to know if you can clarify on the part you said root of the problem
Comment from : @jesussilva7526

Geoffrey you were so on point about how these communications should take place that I almost started answering back to you on your video It is SO HARD when two people are on two different wave lengths and trying to get our points across that it gets exhausting and the hope nearly gone Thank you for your insight 🙏 and I hope I can show my spouse without it looking like criticism I would want us both to apply these strategies It helps having somone on the outside understand both sides Thanks again! Signed hopeful and ready for a change
Comment from : @vjaygee5878

I cheated on my partner but we r not married and now he is saying that he could not trust me anymore and can’t even marry me…but I am totally changed and will not repeat those mistakes and cheating again
Comment from : @sukhjitkaur5389

Once the trust is broken its over Like trying to restore a shatted vase back to one peice
Comment from : @kennywilliams5939

Thank you for the insightful video…
Comment from : @stixxnyx

Thank you! You really help
Comment from : @rubylamson936

I'm sorry I'll never do it again never in my whole life I'll try my best to make myself worthy of my bf 🙃
Comment from : @Hashi321

Find someone new, problem solved
Comment from : @edwardblodgett605

Hadn't cheated on my girlfriend, but I want to I don't know what happened but I don't desire her any more
Comment from : @sifugurusensei

Listening to your videos has given me a tremendous insight however I need much more in depth guidance in the situation the course is expensive but I'm saving my money soon as I get the bucks I'm signing up looking forward to it
Comment from : @SawaCheroke01

You touched on it a little bit, but what if the wife is the one who had an affair and we are trying to open up to them
Comment from : @jessesmith8431

I was accused of cheating and I didn't, my husband has lost trust and told me so many hurtful things, I'm very mad also and trying to understand him as well
Comment from : @mugf1880

I went to my wife with the information from this video and she was like are you trying to be my counselor?
Comment from : @kencoleman200

So i am the one who got betrayed Can i send his to my gf, because it seems shes not on any comprehension of my pain, disgust and distrust And this is 2 week in after i discovered about the cheating
Comment from : @oyeahjoh

Dosent trust me Got back together after seperation but says dont want me
Comment from : @Sadzsh

What’s the name of the Facebook group?
Comment from : @glenzeray

You are the only person I've seen address the need to find the root problem and discover a fix for it to establish self trust I love my wife but after a relapse that broke her trust, I found myself struggling with deep self-doubt I realize from your content that this doubt and mistrust of myself will be fixed as I address the root and discover win-wins with my wife Excellent content
Comment from : @ChurchWorshipandvideo

My relationship is over, I too am here for wisdom
Comment from : @generalguts9721

Thank you so much for this I needed to hear actual advice on how I myself can change after my mistakes and not become them
Comment from : @jordanmartinez533

Ima women and would like to register for your class is that something I can do?
Comment from : @melissavaldez1239

very helpful
Comment from : @d33d19

How should I start a conversation to her and how do I calm her when she is getting angry, what should I do if she was thinking to break up and start again should I stop het
Comment from : @ark2736

Hi JeffrybrIs it possible to ask you few questions privately on the phone or by email?
Comment from : @limormorris8263

I’m have cheated on my boyfriend and he said I’ve lose his trust and love
Comment from : @sandrabemaowusu9918

Thank you so much for this video Watching this at a point in my life I needed this the most so that I can be the person that my girlfriend deserves and the person I want to be ❤️
Comment from : @lukeshepherd9623

I lied 3 times but this vid helped me and her tysm
Comment from : @f0rk496

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