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Navigate and Embrace Change | Simon Sinek

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Comments Navigate and Embrace Change | Simon Sinek

how do you find the early adopters?
Comment from : @ShortDigitalMarketingTutorials

You are essentially a motivational speaker for the corporate world Notwithstanding, you have a bevy of admirers and followers ( myself included) in the average population, reason being that you present basicbr 'human' values (which apply equally to the family or social unit) in a smart logical way, spiced with a great sense of humour and charisma brHowever, in this particular clip i feel change too has its boundaries or should There are certain absolutes which hold up the social moral societal structure brTo give an example, in my recent visit to SF i was horrified to see locked up soap bars, tooth brushes As a foeigner i had the leverage to be wide eyed Same answer every time The new felony law So how would you rate this change? brTwo, not all changes are progressive, but the process of experimentation shifts mankind to a new level of thinking and behaviourbrWould you agree?
Comment from : @saniyakhan8793

Change is a direction, not a destination brNo Big Change Suddenly Happens It Incrementally happens and, can happen in a long term way life also, incrementally
Comment from : @VitoCorleone9

Without changes there are no adaptation and learning
Comment from : @SuccessMindset2180

Wise words Simon 👏🏻brbrThank you! Much needed! 🫡
Comment from : @nonameneededd

Nice video ❤❤❤
Comment from : @MDALMIHADHASAN

Theres always an opportunity to improve something, yes but being confident enough needs data to change the direction of a project to the same goal brass and graphite
Comment from : @beautifulsmall

4:24 Aren’t you pleased with your little scheming model? 😃 That’s not leadership, mate, that’s herding
Comment from : @claudiamanta1943

Comment from : @shrinivasanl3432

I'm invigorated by this content A book I read with like-minded themes energized a significant life transformation "Adapting with Aging" by James Crescent
Comment from : @CandyLemon36

Is the video sped up, or do you just talk that fast? Kind of distracting…
Comment from : @scottgodkins2017

I wanted to take a moment to recognize your exceptional ability to navigate and embrace change Your resilience and adaptability in the face of uncertainty are truly commendable Your willingness to embrace new opportunities and challenges sets a remarkable example for others Remember, change is not just a part of life; it's an opportunity for growth and progress Keep embracing change with confidence and let it lead you to extraordinary achievements
Comment from : @ChillingwithDil

you are the hero of your life
Comment from : @salamchetori5022

Glad to see the emotional dimension given importance I bring it up when I do corporate consulting and enchantivism work For people to change, their emotions have to get behind it, and that can take time and preparation and guidance
Comment from : @drchalquist

A lot of information for thought And so very true!
Comment from : @joancollins6207

"Only one thing remains unchanged - the change "
Comment from : @azizaazizova2252

Buddha says " Embrace the change Change is never painful Only resistance to change is painful Life is a constant flux Changing is growing Hence embrace change all the time"brTRUTH Buddhism is TRUTH
Comment from : @shubhamchande4360

Hello Mr Sinek Happy to see you 🙂💛
Comment from : @enaukara6266

We always should see ourself as a tree, every time changing and growing, but remember a good wood will always be the same
Comment from : @Rheasound

Great video (and great comments below) The PACE of change is irrelevant People fear change that they have NO OWNERSHIP OR PARTICIPATION IN You need to ASK your people and see who might be innovators and early adopters in your change process as you likely do not know who they all are Give everyone a chance TO BE HEARD in A SAFE WAY (which for most organizations will be anonymous) BEING HEARD means feedback and questions needs to go BACK to the change managers and organizational leadership Third party employee assistance or counselling isn't enough because employees won't feel heard by their leaders The ANSWERS (hopefully) and CONCERNS should be shared with everyone (safely) so employees KNOW THEY ARE NOT ALONE
Comment from : @CyndiLH

How would you deal with a team that doesn't embrace change, because the change in question (automation of simple tasks) means they have to tackle more complicated issues, that requires them to be more active in the team?
Comment from : @vtp9192

Thank you for bringing up this hot topic The world is changing fast nowadays People don't know how to deal with dramatic changes I Ching, the book of Changes, has been shining light for human being for thousands of years If you want to master your life, you have to learn about changes
Comment from : @GraceGuo

Well said, it's sudden change that is scary, whilst gradual change and having a heads up as to why its happening helps!
Comment from : @beatriceredi5251

@simon please read the questions before answering, I listen to you a lot while driving and can’t look at the phone 🙏🙏🙏
Comment from : @veredkadosh8336

Change will happen whether we like it or not As leaders, it’s our responsibility to bring the entire organization with us and motivate them to embrace change It’s essential to paint a compelling vision of the future to see the advantages that the transformation will cause
Comment from : @howardtiersky6939

S/S Change is like a solo mom with six children to three different fathers mista ! It's not improving, rather like spiral that's circling downwards instead of up sir ? V
Comment from : @vincentpoole7588

I don’t know why listening to this keeps me wanting to resist my company’s vaccination mandate caving to government contract terms I should resign with bunch of my coworkers who came forward in this regard
Comment from : @krnxemb

bTHIS IS ONE OF THE BEST SET OF ADVISE l HAVE EVER READ ALL MANKIND NEEDS THIS ADVICE!!!/bbrbrb1/b iTake risks in your life If you win, you can lead; if you lose, you can guide/ibrbrb2/b iPeople are not what they say but what they do; so judge them not from their words but from their actions/ibrbrb3/b iWhen someone hurts you, don't feel bad because it's a law of nature that the tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets maximum number of stones/ibrbrb4/b iTake whatever you can from your life because when life starts taking from you, it takes even your last breath/ibrbrb5/b iIn this world, people will always throw stones on the path of your success It depends on what you make from them - a wall or a bridge/ibrbrLet's Motivate me by subscribe I really like 😚😒,,
Comment from : @Tarotreading1122

The most intelligent or the most naive dont survive the crisis The one who adapt to change make change
Comment from : @bachmanity_

Hi! Who's the author or professional you were referring too re: the bell/concept of generating demand? Thanks!
Comment from : @JustGrownUp

Comment from : @romicacolegu8677

Love this I often work with my clients to determine if they see change as progress or if they see change as loss For those who see it as loss, it helps them get perspective around their feelings
Comment from : @ChristinaHolloway1205

Absolutely true!! Thank you
Comment from : @izawaniek2568

Follow your heart and intuition no one can stop you you are unstoppable you are undefeateable keep going 📚📚🦅🦅💯💯🦁🦁🧠🧠💯💯💯
Comment from : @Tarotreading1122

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to persue them keep going your on the way to success 🦅🦅📚📚💯💯🦁🧠🧠🧠
Comment from : @Tarotreading1122

bTHIS IS ONE OF THE BEST SET OF ADVISE l HAVE EVER READ ALL MANKIND NEEDS THIS ADVICE!!!/bbrbrb1/b iTake risks in your life If you win, you can lead; if you lose, you can guide/ibrbrb2/b iPeople are not what they say but what they do; so judge them not from their words but from their actions/ibrbrb3/b iWhen someone hurts you, don't feel bad because it's a law of nature that the tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets maximum number of stones/ibrbrb4/b iTake whatever you can from your life because when life starts taking from you, it takes even your last breath/ibrbrb5/b iIn this world, people will always throw stones on the path of your success It depends on what you make from them - a wall or a bridge/ibrbrLet's Motivate me dears I really appreciate when I get notify when someone subscribe me 🤗😊❤️💯📚
Comment from : @Tarotreading1122

I was in agreement in the first 20 seconds! ✅ Nothing’s as constant as, change! 😎
Comment from : @jacksbackable

Continuous change is not synonymous with consistent change Rate of change should be expected to vary Expect fits, bounds, and lulls Don’t get angry with the lulls Similarly, progress isn’t consistent Expect big steps, little steps, and occasional regressions
Comment from : @jimallen8186

Really enjoy listening to you 💓😊
Comment from : @AuthenticAna

Incredible person reading this, you have everything there is to succeed in life, whatever that is for you Go after the life you truly want NOW! ✨ brI believe in you! Love - Nat ❤️
Comment from : @NathalieLazo

Comment from : @poonamgiharshorts

My anecdotal evidence, just one company in a niche market, is that lately we have about a 7 attrition rate and 5 of that is the balance between retirees and first year students That means 2 of our customer base just says "Nope, I'm not upgrading because I don't want to learn anything new" Hopefully as more retirees retire and students graduate we'll see an upsurge of happy users who embrace new tech
Comment from : @craash420

Question change
Comment from : @bendeco

Gratidão por compartilhar conosco Simon! :)
Comment from : @toinspirando7591

True 👍change is the only thing which is constant
Comment from : @springwinds7208

I once heard someone say, “People don’t fear change, they fear loss” What a gem of wisdom!
Comment from : @scottpeterson9450

Josh Blue does a bit about "Sticky Change" and it's a little different than your thought on it
Comment from : @RealBurgunfaust

Can you translate your videos into Arabic?brPlease 🙏🥺
Comment from : @shahdkhaled2959

Thank you for sharing 💫
Comment from : @elviratukaeva5650

I agree that all of us have the potential to improve, and that requires change I think it's an often over-looked fact that sometimes we need to stop, take stock and consolidate what we have in order that we can gain perspective That allows the next phase of change to be more effective
Comment from : @MikeRenouf

Life is ALWAYS changing There is no “normal” The more we can embrace these constants the less stressful our experiences will be
Comment from : @DrRebeccaHeiss

Thanks Simon
Comment from : @sagarsatara

Thank you for this reminder to focus on finding the early adopters I know my products have value to a certain group of people (concerned with the environment and willing to pay for repurposed goods), but was becoming discouraged when the so called masses were seemingly completely uninterested! Your insights shine a light in the right direction!
Comment from : @sheenphoto

Thanks master
Comment from : @nestorreveron

b"Only I can change my life, no one can do it for me" - Carol Burnett/b
Comment from : @DemetriPanici

b”Some people don't like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster“ - Elon Musk/b
Comment from : @DemetriPanici

Two most decent humans on earth for me:-br1)Simon Sinekbr2)Jacinda Ardern
Comment from : @sagarbhattarai8161

First view
Comment from : @Manoj12118

Love simon loyalty and honesty 💪💚😘😘
Comment from : @Tarotreading1122

Those who can walk alone have the strongest direction those who can fly alone have the strongest wings 🦅🦅🦅🦁🦁💪💪
Comment from : @Tarotreading1122

Simon sinek you're good speaker go forward
Comment from : @diiriyefaysal1231

Be mature enough to accept failure and rejection 💪💪🦅🦅🦁
Comment from : @Tarotreading1122

Don't stop until you are proud keep going you are on the way to success 💪💪💪🦅🦁
Comment from : @Tarotreading1122

Is your life an inspiration?brbrIf you are leading a truthful life, you are leaving a legacy for others to be inspired and benefit frombrbrLegacy is often referred to as the material objects or wealth that one leaves behind Wealth and material objects can be lost, but what can truly help someone is the knowledge and experience shared with them Knowledge gives people the ability to understand life and experience to overcome situations that they may face in their lives brbrLead your life with optimism, truthfulness, and positivity, when you leave, you will remain alive as an inspirationbrbrLet's motivate me really like my dears 😊😇
Comment from : @Tarotreading1122

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