Title | : | How To Legally Earn Money And Keep Your Disability Benefits In 2022 |
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I am on SSDI and I’m legally blind I have an autoimmune disorder that attacks my nervous system my optic nerves have deteriorated I’m completely blind in my right eye & losing my sight in my left eye I do not receive SSI I worked enough to receive my full SSDI benefits but $1600 a month is not cutting it I cannot make it like this and I need to find a part-time job doing some thing, but I am terrified that I’m going to lose my medical benefits I do not get Medicaid nor SNAP/TANF I have Medicare I pay $207 a month for my medical insurance so that leaves me with $1400 to live off how much can I make without affecting my Social Security disability benefits and my Medicare…? Comment from : @brittyluvzruben |
I have a question for you if you don’t mind… I’m on disability and I am at the high end of the payment amount Do you know if I’d have any problems with social security administration if I were to monetize my YouTube channel to make a little extra income? I don’t file taxes anymore, so I’m trying to figure out how to do this without getting in troublebr Thank you and God bless you and yours!brSincerely,brDonnie Comment from : @StandingGoatsRescue |
Does this apply 2025 Comment from : @RachelPhillips-ol7yu |
Is it 20 Hours a week or 20 hours a month that you can work Comment from : @Kevin-l1f |
I know people who drive Uber who get very generous mileage rates for tax deduction on 50mpg cars I know 80 hours triggers a trial work But if you only count the hours you're physically driving that's what you're actually working so it might be doable Comment from : @TheBrettMizer |
97000 still true for 2025? Comment from : @aliciamilliken5487 |
I’m a single mom of 4 😢 I get 400$ a month I tried working couldn’t get payed couldn’t apply for taxes I’m not on the tax disability I’m on the ssi disability I can’t have a savings my kids can’t get a job w out it effecting my income I’m so stuck n it’s hard to get a under the table job because it’s illegal n I live in South Dakota a right to work state so nothing is in place to protect disabled ppl in the work place Comment from : @brigitblu3828 |
Can anyone tell me if ODSP is allowed to take dollar for dollar from your EI benefits, seeing as it's federal Comment from : @kimberlymcd6898 |
hello im trying to figure out if i can work or not my disability is under 1000 an my judge was supposed to be back with me in 4 years and well it’s been 5years and iv been waiting since covid 19 hit and im tired of being stuck can u help me im 25 years old now an i really want a job Comment from : @VideoGamesAtHome |
What if i eork for juat a month Comment from : @BillyCollins-u5h |
I was told if i worked at I would lose my disability 😢 Comment from : @darleneseetramprince |
My daughter is 11 and receiving Disability I would like to bring in more income through an online business she would also like to start a little online business Would that be $970 a month between the both of us? Comment from : @Msdivinebeing |
Can you make $970 after trial work period ends on ssdi Comment from : @SK2ET |
That ticket to work was the most confusing thing I ever went through living hell, 😢 Comment from : @Leannot35 |
thats 20 hrs a week Comment from : @user-hc5zi5pn6w |
My son is on ssi disability due to him being autistic He was getting $829 a month Now with working part time on weekends at McDonald's He works like 8 hours a week And he probably makes around $112 a week before taxes So now ssi took about $455 a month from his ssi check Should he drop some hours so they don't take more money from his check? I welcome any comments or suggestions I need to send his paystubs to them Comment from : @jacklepisto1082 |
And if your over the T period Because of age like 65 it only takes it once No saftey net Your out Yes you can file for ss but if your making a couple of thousands per month on ssdi its a hit Be careful in 2024 1110 you make a buck more YOUR OUT Comment from : @BigPoppa-t3z |
I plan on becoming an entrepreneur but I want to do it legally because I'm on social security disability what can I do? Comment from : @brandongovreau9218 |
Hi Comment from : @afriyiedazietv4033 |
Mannnnnn I need help my mom put me on it when we was little so we can have a Roof and food over our head now I'm 20 I can't even get a penny because it goes towards that I just need something so I can start my Vending machine business I'm really starting to lose my mind I'm really trying to not sell Hard drugs I'm a black boy trying to do something positive it just feel like i gotta go negative Comment from : @otgsloog3004 |
Assalamu Alaikum brother, I am a disabled person, my two hands are immobile, I am in a lot of trouble with my family, if you help me, I could live for a while Comment from : @s8multimediatv895 |
Is that 20 hours a week or 20 hours a month? Comment from : @patdunn1909 |
I've been on ssi for 15yrs, too young for ssdi, no work credits when it happened, been scraping by with help, can't physically work (cidp) and eBay sales turned to nothing I need some kind of cash job Comment from : @NinjaLawnGuy |
Two questions: 1 is that $970 a month , gross amount? 2 I’m turning 62 this year so does my benefits automatically turn into regular social security? Or not until FRA?( full retirement age) Comment from : @lupitacarrasco9348 |
NobrWant hire because on disbilty what should do Comment from : @rosaliagambino-xz6ek |
Hello sir I have a question is it safe to use TikTok to earn a little money while on disability and what should be limited I just want to know since I have TikTok Comment from : @savagekitkat |
What would be your limit for 2024's SGA which is for 1550 for those who are not blind?? And are the 20 hrs by week or month?? Comment from : @shaleniavanorsdale93 |
I applied in February and was approved 3 weeks later Now i have to make it 6 months with zero income i actually can’t work at all right now but hoping to go part time one day Comment from : @Madden-gp8vh |
I made $98 a month through 2023 through DoorDash does that effect my ssdi Comment from : @garydennisjr1838 |
I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for Comment from : @queenidowu13 |
You can't because of sdr Comment from : @luckspell |
Hi 👋 i decided to sell some things on ebay while on supplemental income I made alot of money since it was Christmas Im i going to get in trouble for making more than i make a month Comment from : @IamVintage72 |
I appreciate your insight Comment from : @krissaxon46 |
Hi does this work for Medi-Cal recipients too? TIA 🙏🏻 Comment from : @1206kila |
What if you are selling music that you have created on your own or with collaborators? It's hard to determine how much work goes intoa composition as it could be years before it comes to final fruition as well as others are working on the project Comment from : @brianmacleod3295 |
How can i get maximum disability Comment from : @Hanifaandtoys |
Thank you for your advice, sir but I have a question to ask and hope you can answer it for me I'm on disability but I am interested in starting a shop on Redbubble or Zazzle to sell my artwork on their products, but I would like to know are royalties considered income since I'll possibly be taxed from my earnings? Thank you for your advice in advance Comment from : @Ghostrob2023 |
How may hours can you work in a month? Comment from : @ErenJaegerTheRealOne |
I only get 1100 every month I know because I’m young and they don’t believe too much of my disability but due to working so many different jobs and getting treated like shit I ended up giving up on the workforce life and just going on disability and helping my fiancé, but the problem is I can’t even afford simple things with only 1000 a month by the time the month comes I owe money Comment from : @TheHighClubSociety |
I am epileptic receive no monthly check and I’m only provided insurance for my medicine if I make under 600$ a month ( my medicine cost around 100 dollars a day unless it’s bought with insurance as they get a discount) Comment from : @redhog8419 |
U said we could work 20 hours Is that per week? Thanks for your help! Comment from : @ja1239 |
How do i go about doing this 🤔 i want to make more money since the inflation is highly rising while my ssdi is slowly increasing which put me in a tight spot Comment from : @XxLaShayIsraelXx |
Rent is 3,000 plus factor in food nessaties and SSI payments are still below 1,000 a month east coast I think all payments should be 3,000 a month same as seniors payments that's only fair, to many homeless, poor can't afford things even run out of money way before get paid, bc of cost of living Raise payments to 3,000 a month so we can afford to rent and other things Comment from : @tiktokfamous45 |
What is considered gainful employment? Gifts from tiktok? YouTube ad revenue? Selling digital products you made a decade ago? Or only things that trade time for money? Comment from : @anascancerjourney9922 |
in 2023 its $1,41000 Comment from : @417plasma6 |
🌹💙 I have a couple important questions, any advice would be greatly appreciated: (1) Is it true that as long as you stay below the monthly trigger amount ($970 as of this video), and/or don’t exceed eight trigger months, you’re allowed a 60 month trial period? (2) During ticket to work, would taking a community college class to become employable count as SGA? Would the same class “online” be safer so as not to trigger SGA? I know everyone’s situation is different, but even a general idea would help Thank you kindly 🙏 Comment from : @MojaveDaemonWitch |
The amount now is $1,470, not $900 and whatever You can make more than that for 9 months, (not necessarily 9 months in a row) I had a conversation with the SS office about this Comment from : @cheryllakin3077 |
How would things like Twitch work? I just got my disability and make far less than what my bills are putting a hug financial burden on my GF as she has to cover my shortcomings on my portion I started streaming on twitch (have done so 2x the last couple of days) Say I start to build and can become an affiliate and ake money However all im doing is smoking my medical canabis and playing videogames online It's not exactly "work," and idk how it may affect my ssd which makes me concered about becoming an affiliate if i do manage to get viewers/subscribers etc Comment from : @arielbarber3246 |
CLARIFICATION for SSI receipent out there! 1 Work 20 hr or less per week and make $97000 or less per month OKAY Question! Lets say your ssi monthly income from SSA is $900 and your ticket to work job is $700 Per month Will SSA deduct mony from your SSI monthly $900 Income ? Comment from : @misshelloareyouthere |
Is it 20 hour a week or 20 hours a month? Comment from : @willownaturewood |
srrlanken people ? Comment from : @slelakirikandy9538 |
Excellent Comment from : @monjop2622 |
The rules are different based on which tyoe of disability you receive I would have liked to hear both There are two types, SSDI (social security disability income) and SSI (supplemental Security Income) Comment from : @rexluongo6470 |
Ssi took money out of my checks each money for oil royalties If I make money gifts on live TikTok streaming will ssi treat it as royalties and just deduct it out of your ssi or will they treat it as a job? Comment from : @lisarobertson4485 |
The money you make off of TikTok live you make will ssi be cut off? Comment from : @lisarobertson4485 |
It kinda like reporting earnings during while getting unemployment in Alabama I worked part time and got a supplement check I reported online with no problems Comment from : @johnnydillard9953 |
Does this bullshit law really exists? Does government or people dictate how much money can poor helpless, sick disabled person can earn or keep? Change that stupid as soon as possible Comment from : @saeedsobhani1981 |
Does an LLC work as a corporation? Comment from : @VagaBumAdventures |
What u do want get married but u and your spouse had benefits from government that won't affect it Comment from : @animegirlhaven |
Hello Brian! Can I travel long distance to visit my kids in another country while on disability? Please let me know what to do Always thankful for your helpful knowledge Comment from : @jetbisayaadventures1437 |
Bad neighbor hood leave lights on in every house at 🌉🌙🌃🌌 Comment from : @hildebertocarreiro9232 |
Can I make money with Stocks or have 5k in my webull account Comment from : @tunesmithdainfinitytunegat1691 |
I got a letter by mail and I won like ,10k in cryptothey want all the paperwork forms from all my platforms Will I get my SSDI taken away? Comment from : @RudyG210 |
I trade EFT’s and I will be getting a 1099 from a prop firm I wanted to set up a LLC I think the fact I’m getting paid through the prop firm with a 1099 that I will need to report the monthly payout Comment from : @giglehart |
Use to work under the table jobs, mainly in restaurants but once people find out you're on disability you have to quit right away and leave I started doing jobs online for crypto, as long as I keep a hardware wallet I don't have to worry about the ssi administration finding out Comment from : @d2lover88 |
So what about investing in any other passive income? Does it matter what that passive income is? For instance, investing in a restaurant Comment from : @davidjeski948 |
Thank you Brian I have joined and gotten a call from your organization that was very helpful I watch your live shows as much as I can and am sifting through old videosbrThank you for being patient as I understand you have explained some things previously brbrThis is helpful Comment from : @shakescan |
can you own Bitcoin or Polygon if you are on SSI-SSDI Comment from : @DoubleAboveChaos |
I am disable and look online worked Comment from : @muzaffarali6838 |
Did not disappoint! ❤ Can you do a video on using the using the gig proceeds to fund a retirement account like a Roth? What about LLC to SEP IRA? If one wants to avoid Fed income tax on their check, they’ve got to stay under 25 K It seems there’s a pretty tight needle to thread What do think?😮 There has got to be an avenue to build wealth for those who are older than the ABLE account qualifiers Thanks! Comment from : @ladylyonteeth3952 |
What if you are on Permanent Disability and get income from housing investment years ago?? Are they going to tax the extra income?? Other problems?? Comment from : @mikestroud9969 |
What about doing 1099 work Is that a no no ? Comment from : @randy1896 |
Anyone that collects SS Disability & is able to work, is stealing from the American workers who are retired after EARNING their money Comment from : @rossmartenak5517 |
I am legally blind just got on disability in November and I was told I could only make the $970 but when I research it says over $2000 and it’s hard getting info from social security they seem to treat you like you’re a deadbeat not sure what to do because what I get and trying to work isn’t enough to survive Comment from : @davidc523 |
It's the elites in Washington They want us poor and dependent on the government Welcome to the Democrat plantation Comment from : @immelting9834 |
What would happen to my California short term disability if one of my stocks raised 15-25 and I wanted to sell that stock can that affect my short term disability Comment from : @yoadrian9808 |
I have heard good and bad things about the ticket to work program, could you explain the program in one of your videos please? I appreciate you for breaking things down in a way that is understandable Comment from : @roxmarie535 |
Hi! I have a question When you first apply for disability online, Should I put my test results as a prove in the remarks area of the application or is a total mistake? Comment from : @auracaban4673 |
Do you have a referal to a CPA that knows disability which can help structure a business Comment from : @bradfranklin-j66co |
I havf 5k worth gold necklaces and wonder if I sold this if it would trigger anything, I also found a antique sword worth 3k but I've had these objects for years , when I call they said it would not be counted but the next time I callec they said it would , what's your opinion Comment from : @ewokmyweewok |
Would you please cover PASSIVE INCOME from a lump sum if its invested? Comment from : @sylvie5894 |
I have a severance payment for a remainder of 55 weeks or so, question do I have to report the earnings while I’m on SSID? Or do I just wait till the end of the year and claim it as income and pay the taxes? As mentioned, this will end in January of 2024 Comment from : @michelelibbrecht931 |
what about income from renting out my home? Comment from : @nicolegonzales6201 |
I started working for Uber and need help with this so i can stay on ssdi? Comment from : @matthewvance4277 |
$970 a Month is not working that is tap Comment from : @stephengiacobozzi7785 |
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