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VA Disability Income Limits: How much you can earn and get VA benefits? #disability #compensation

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Information VA Disability Income Limits: How much you can earn and get VA benefits? #disability #compensation

Title :  VA Disability Income Limits: How much you can earn and get VA benefits? #disability #compensation
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Frames VA Disability Income Limits: How much you can earn and get VA benefits? #disability #compensation

Description VA Disability Income Limits: How much you can earn and get VA benefits? #disability #compensation

Comments VA Disability Income Limits: How much you can earn and get VA benefits? #disability #compensation

If you say you have no service connection, come on
Comment from : @howlingsarge

How much can you earn if you are 100 T&P for IU?
Comment from : @garypodgurski3126

A friend of mine received a letter for (Medical Treatment)because he and his wife make to munch income annually Is this True!
Comment from : @garypannett1059

there is none
Comment from : @brianharrington-ws2kj

I never got or had to do a means test for my va benniefits or health care so there is no means testing they encourge us honorable discharge vet to enroll into the va health care
Comment from : @brianharrington-ws2kj

Ok is this why the travel office keeps saying we don't qualify because we make to much money? When some of us are not on a pension from retirement, we are just veterans Travel office does under the financial part either
Comment from : @dejackson104

This was 100 what happened to me I was at Camp Lejeune in 79 I was part of the original study group I got a letter from the VA telling me I could register for VA health care I went to the local VA hospital and was sent from place to place, eventually being told I make too much money and I could not register for health care I left A year later I got a letter from the VA telling me I was registered and telling me to go get my VHIC I went back to the VA hospital and was told again that I make too much money and told to leave Eventually I met someone who told me to try a different VA hospital I did and they gave me my VHIC and told me I was in Priority Group 8 due to my income It wasn't until 15 years later that I figured out that VA Health Care and VA Disability are two different things Nobody tells veterans these things Now I am getting VA therapy for PTSD, I have a 10 disability for tinnitus, and I'm in Priority Group 3 I have a job and insurance and I earn good money I also have my PTSD claim pending Thanks so much for all you do for veterans
Comment from : @wiggyjones

I was a combat medic in viet nam, so I know that many men who were wounded did not get a purple heart it depended on the circumstancesjust sayin
Comment from : @stevez9392

Retirement income is Not "earned income" brA pension is a retirement plan you "draw" on, since you paid into during your working career br"Earned income" comes from wages or employment brEven though the IRS uses the term "combined income" for tax purposes ONLY, your retirement pension is NOT "earned income from wages or employment and should not be misconstrued as " earned income " (from wages or employment) and be used as a "catch 22" because you "make too much money"!! Retirement income, (a misnomer) is not "earned income" and should not be used as "household income", another misnomer, for the purpose of Not paying out separate benefits brCase in point Social Security does not care if you collect a million dollars a year in separate personal investments or pension plans By law, Social Security still has to pay out your monthly benefits, that you paid into over your working career brYou "draw" on your retirement, therefore, it is Not "earned income or wages" to be used as "household" income in order Not to Pay benefits brThere is nothing in the IRS code or law that says, or gives permission to entities or organizations to use "retirement income" as "earned income or wages" for the purpose of Not paying VA benefits or any other type of benefits due you brThere is a play on words here, so the language has to be absolutely clear and correct and not confused or misconstrued just because it "seems to be the case" It is not
Comment from : @Pork-Chopper

Stan needs his own channel!!!
Comment from : @kdautoks

You can make money if you start a store selling clothes branded towards your YouTube channel
Comment from : @millionairepowermoves4284

Thank you and this is exactly my situation They told me I am making too much money
Comment from : @stuartcc-g2d

If a veteran cannot get a service connected disability, how does the VA verify income? I know someone that desperately needs to get VA healthcare but can't due to her husband making too much, even though his income is still considered at the poverty level They go off of "household" income and not her income alone, which is $0
Comment from : @prohomevideos

I like your channel but you waste a lot of time Can you not just get to the point you put on a lot of great info but you go off on these tangents and side stories and I’m waiting for you to get to the point about how much you can earn while on VA disability, the title of your video please I don’t mean to sound like a hater cause I really do enjoy your channel and do great work and you take a lot of time to get this information to us but give us the information directly thank
Comment from : @nancytownsend8674

Just to make sure I get it right, is it Gross or Net income they are talking about? Thanks
Comment from : @antonioalfaro5749

That happened to me too! I was told to go to VAMC by a civilian doctor who said they should be covering this I had no idea about the VA I went and they did that whole, here's what your copay and prescriptions will cost based on your incomebrI tried going through 2 different VSOs but everybody had trouble getting my records This was during their transfer period, when national records was scanning all military records into computers brAnyway I ended up doing it all myself, writing my state rep who was able to get my records, sifting through all the copies i saved from service, hand writing every form It was a lot, especially when you have ptsd Another great video, thanks!
Comment from : @brnjones9

Intel: Served 23 years active and reserve Army 14 different Military schools Applied for my back,knees, and various other injuries I was denied on everything except tinnitus br Frustrated af the lady at VA said go through med file and file on everything (20) at once thats supported by deployments or in med file You already know what happened Hooaah
Comment from : @codis1625

John McCain was 100 and I am sure he had also got SMC additionally each month, had 6 homes, large yearly salary, et etc
Comment from : @semperfidelis6235

Stan hahaha
Comment from : @jammaho4762

Thanks for the information
Comment from : @jammaho4762

I read up on the Pension benefits and vagov says net worth limit is $155,356 What is you don't have assets outside of house and car, but your income is higher than poverty level for your area? Also, do they count VA disability into the annual income?
Comment from : @BjorkL

It depends on what benefits you are receiving from the VA and going for
Comment from : @paulfeasal6024

If you're 100 permanent you came work all you want Unemployable you can't do anything
Comment from : @ronportillo3851

Love your chanel Thank you for the information
Comment from : @ramoncruz9910

Such a REAL scenario! 6:16
Comment from : @pamsmith3872

You waste a lot of time, hero!
Comment from : @danacrooker1282

Get to the point already!
Comment from : @danacrooker1282

one minute 55 seconds of begging and advertising other channels you do good stuff just get to it
Comment from : @juleskinkead4604

I'm using my compensation to invest to protect my family if I can't work at all or I'm no longer here
Comment from : @quietcorner293

OMG, this is what happened to me 15-20 years ago They asked me my income and as a truck driver I wasn't making very much and I was told I was making too much money to use the VA Health System I never went back and have never used the VA Health Care system since I got out of the Service in 2001 I just recently came across these videos on You Tube and do have Health problems want to try to file a claim don't care what percentage it isNot too sure how to get started on my claim
Comment from : @jimmywalters3071

I have had very good luck with getting help from my county veterans service officer
Comment from : @ScottSvoboda

Wow a bunch of welfare queens Quit leaching off the government
Comment from : @Sam-f7k8i

@2:00 Well congress can be millionaires and billionaires and still get their salary and benefitsbrbr@5:45 This is exactly what happened to me I had excellent insurance at the time so I was using my work insurance to treat my chronic pain and ailments
Comment from : @krane15

Excellent video, thank you for sharing it I’m forwarding onto several veterans that need to see it
Comment from : @michaelmorefield159

I really appreciate the info you provide but these videos are too drawn out They could easily be half the length
Comment from : @chriss6154

Vets fight every day for what we deserve, illegals have a check and phone waiting as soon as they jump the border!
Comment from : @commonsenseisntcommon1776

How the fk can they limit what you earned? Some fking BS!
Comment from : @commonsenseisntcommon1776

Your description of visiting the VA is exctly my experience the first three times I visited I was turned away at the door every time
Comment from : @robertkelso1961

Happened to me just like that Wish i would have seen this before
Comment from : @asiancaucasian6955

Go Stan!!!
Comment from : @GaryCochran-t3s

4 1/2 minutes and I’ve learned this video is about compensation and pension which don’t have income restrictions, not about VA medical benefits that do Thanks, but probably could’ve done that in the title or the beginning But I guess this makes views
Comment from : @othername1000

Look i have a friend that says he I's 100disabled But he thinks the money he gets is a blank check to get richhe applied for 400 thousand dollars and was approved by the vathat is taking his so called disabled life to the extreme of taking avantagehe has no shame
Comment from : @philm7890

So can I work or make income if Iam TDIU? 100? I been told both yes and no If yes what is the max amount?
Comment from : @markvandolah7570

I used the DAV to help me get my application completed
Comment from : @freddylawson5211

You in PR?
Comment from : @juquendo

I like Stan the rooster in the background That was pretty cool Thanks for the info I didn't realize because I am in low-income bracket I want to look into the financial benefits help
Comment from : @louischirico5401

no cops collecting a police salary should be collecting any VA compensation nor any government employee this should be for those who cannot work
Comment from : @dampergoldenrod4156

??? I would rather you get to the point than that nonsense
Comment from : @barrymitchell4424

Brother , Thanks for all you do our community !
Comment from : @dfabove9108

Service connection means you’re “in” but do I really wish to be in I am 100 P&T and get96 of my health care outside of VA using my private insurance plan Do you think the Feds will ever waive Medicare Part B premiums for 100 P&T veterans over 65 yrs old? Why pay Medicare if VA is responsible for all your care? Your thoughts?
Comment from : @michaeldickerson873

What if you P&T?
Comment from : @forrisphillips1521

Good idea
Comment from : @markschulte-b4f

Thank you for helping, comments/sharing VAVeterans information,God Bless🙏🇺🇸🫡👍
Comment from : @mannyrivera7682

I get so confused with this I'm a 100 service connected P&T veteran, and the last lime I went to the base to renew my ID card (not a permanent card), they put me down as retired pension recipient instead of disabled veteran I said that that was wrong, but the Captian in the office said this is better, and it's how they were going to do it Is this correct?
Comment from : @kennethbeatty5265

Bro your goodbut is there a number to call you for direct answers to certain questions
Comment from : @HowardMcMillan-ho8rf

I used to work for enrollment I and my coworkers made it a point to direct veterans to the VBA to file for disability claims when they were ineligible for healthcare 😉 not sure if others did the same
Comment from : @sheppardecd

What if you’re classified as unemployable
Comment from : @euradelljohnson2724

If you’re P&T, as much as you can
Comment from : @timothyevans4323

Thanks for this video Huge props to Stan, as well 🐓🐓
Comment from : @teddynall4158

Stan is the man😂Rooster on que/off que 😂 Thanks for the info brother! Keep that info tap coming!
Comment from : @paultran3506

The number 1 cause of Veteran suicide is the VA Between the pills and the denials, it's a deadly combo
Comment from : @brianbytheocean

The VA has never even asked me a question about my income
Comment from : @talisav4602

Comment from : @hwfranjr

I subscribed cause of the rooster 🐔
Comment from : @carmenbit9663

Yez zir!
Comment from : @josephtucker7397

My husband Robert J Turner jr has passed away November 2 of last year and he was a US Navy and and he got VA pension and now since he had died,I get survivors benefits and I have an eviction notice and I lost the case and now I have to move and find a place to live or they will come in and throw everything out the door and put a new lock on the house and I need help and when I got the eviction notice the VA said they could not help me and I don't get that much a monthplease help me please
Comment from : @LindakTurner-c5t

Love the videos, just wish they would come with an action item at the end Meaning, what organization or group would you suggest to help someone filing for the the first time I hear all the time, 'just go tot he VFW or Legion and someone will help you" or "there are sites that will help you file and they take a percentage of whatever they help you get", etc which was would you suggest so we're not wasting everyone's time and we have the largest chance of success here? Thanks!
Comment from : @storageaddict

For VA outpatient and inpatient care no copay is required if you have a 10 or higher rating
Comment from : @larrysrandomness3237

You have to add your income to your spouse’s income!!
Comment from : @lb7wade518

If you knew Stan was going to be so voicters You could have named him FOGHORN Leghorn
Comment from : @nadinebreland7687

Keep getting the word out I have Learned so much It the service member doesn’t take it the government will
Comment from : @chrisparker2637

I have a questionbrIf you have a service connect rating already and after you got out it gets worse due to some other reason that is not related to the service circumstance, in this case can you still file for an increased?
Comment from : @lucindalu8365

Hey Jason, I had something happen yesterday at my volunteer job and it just sent a chill up my spine A Vietnam Veteran came in to finish up his claim and send off to VA We talked and he stated "yes I am VA connected for Agent Orange stuff" so doing my homework I looked This man has Coranary Heart Desease NOT SERVICE CONNECTED In fact all of his AO stuff was not service connected because he needed a Diagnosis and Nexus Here is the deal ALL PACT ACT stuff needs these two things The VA pcp is telling these veterans they are on the registry and many are taking that as they are Service Connected PLEASE PLEASE DO video on the process for claiming Presumptive service connected illnesses Our elder generation of veterans are not getting the correct word
Comment from : @lonewolfdesignsbylarry

😂love the rooster 🐓
Comment from : @rob6996war

Stan is the Man! Lolololol 😂brOr Rooster, that is
Comment from : @anomaloussapien4903

Oh yeah bring stan on for a few minutes to show that he's real!
Comment from : @theoldtruckdriver

VA Disability "Unemployability" has income limits brBest I can tell is they are the national poverty level for 1 person - no matter how many are in your familybrBUT I can never get a straight answer from VA
Comment from : @Exodus_20_Deuteronomy_5

I know federal LEO that make 150k and get their full 100 disability pay
Comment from : @davidbright8978

You can be a Millionaire CEO and get benefits
Comment from : @rorycalhoun1126

This happened to me when I signed up for VA, long before I got rated
Comment from : @thebronzetoo

That happened to me went to the VA office in my town and they told me I don't qualify Didn't know what I was doing but later in life I got it figured out Thanks for all the vidoes
Comment from : @getitwang

The important piece I think is the roaster in the background Thats is the reason I hear your chanel here
Comment from : @ashoksingh-ee8sg

On the pension benefits I have to get divorced to receive it And not able to get married again
Comment from : @juniorguilbeaux7224

Stan is awesome 😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @jaymurfield2070

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