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20 Ways I Save Money on Groceries

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Title :  20 Ways I Save Money on Groceries
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Comments 20 Ways I Save Money on Groceries

1 person $357 a month on food cheap you must be rich
Comment from : @philliploco5037

I work long hours as a driver I make my road food in advance in batches that last me 3 days It's oats with ground almonds, flaxseed, sultanas, prunes, milk, yogurt and frozen cherries Best food ever and cheap too
Comment from : @rasklaat2

great video I hope to see more
Comment from : @jessicamendez2282

As I am in line at the grocery store i notice people who are buying tons of processed and expensive foods dont look very healthy Whole real foods are cheaper and healthier Potatoes are cheap, fill the gut, and pretty good for you
Comment from : @RussellCambell

Excellent Thank you
Comment from : @mikemiller4718

😂 the seeds growing inside the tomatoes too funny That cracked me up
Comment from : @missreynolds3637

how much beans and flax are healthier than beef and eggs is literally written all over her face 😆
Comment from : @maxtkachuk7139

I would love to reduce my eating to reasonably priced nutritious foods
Comment from : @turbyoulance

I got myself a few chickens and I get fresh eggs as well as a few rabbits for fresh meat even if you don't agree with me I do have three dogs and four cats as my furbabies
Comment from : @Kq4hcuDan

I used to like drinking silk till I found out they put seedoils there finding out it causes heart issues, oatmeal with Glycophaste and I was plant based for a few years A year ago I stopped eating plant based and went animal based and my health improved and issues I had being plant based was cured, whatever preference you have is cool
Comment from : @Kq4hcuDan

Hunting and fishing a way to save on meat
Comment from : @KentPetersonmoney

I love that you have Ro-Tel on your revolving shopping list!
Comment from : @eddyrapide

I only go into grocery store to buy meat, eggs and milk and butter I bake my own sourdough bread which I limit to one small slice with my eggs in the morning Occasionally I have an avocado with my breakfast I feel amazing No bloating and tons of energy
Comment from : @mariamagma-k6q

Fake meat is processed food Very unhealthy Just eat the meat Obviously you crave it You don’t save money on vegan diet There is a lot of waste and too much time wasted cooking You think you save money but you have to take a lot of supplements as a vegan which are synthetic and expensive “Save” on food and you’ll pay for medication
Comment from : @mariamagma-k6q

If you do want soda and want to save money, DIY soda with a seltzer bottle, charger, and soda syrup It's astronomically cheaper and costs about 20¢ per 8oz
Comment from : @millenniumcat

Rather than having a certain amount for treats I like to only buy my treat items when they are on discount or heavily discounted That way i have a double win—i get the treat and I get it cheap but not too often :)
Comment from : @Thalestin

I do a lot of these things but also have started buying store brand more since this high inflation Not all items are as good, but many are as good as name brand
Comment from : @ValerieLeader

I do all these things as well as making my own bread It’s easy, healthier, cheaper and less plastic bag waste The best one is no animal products though 💚
Comment from : @sparky9839

Buy your spices at Bulk Barn - only get the amount you need and way cheaper as you don’t pay for packaging
Comment from : @maryt9375

I guess it's not groceries, and maybe you have covered this in another video, but I mend my own clothing whenever possible I don't own a sewing machine, but I will mend with a needle and thread I've even gotten a little creative and used a visible mending method to make unique designs and thus learning a new skill
Comment from : @Mialuvsveggies

My air fryer had a dehydrate mode I have started the d to dehydration spinach and Kale when it is on sale I keep it in a jar When I’m making soup I will put some of the dehydrated mix in You can also powder it for smoothies or put in an omelet
Comment from : @beagee3

One more thing that really helps me save on food is that a few years ago, I made a game of finding the smallest food budget I could survive on, for about six months Turned out to be mostly oatmeal, rice, brown rice, pasta, a bit of oil, and lots and lots of dry beans Plus some cabbage, greens, carrots, onions, and a bit of dairy Cheap spices made it tasty enough But the constant mushy texture got boring Anyway, now I keep that diet in mind as my baseline I spend more than that now But I'm always clear about why I'm spending more and what I'm getting for the extra money
Comment from : @fpassow1

For premade, packaged foods, I like to use the "steak test" Look at the weight and price Convert to price per pound Compare to the price of steak It's amazing how many "cheap" foods, especially snack foods, cost more than steak And the shock of that stops me from buying them
Comment from : @fpassow1

A bonus from stocking up on dry staples and other long lasting foods when they're on sale is that you always have that supply You can make a meal from only those staples if you have to Or you can buy any one fresh thing that happens to be on sale that week, and use your staples to make a meal out of it
Comment from : @fpassow1

I think a lot of this greed these days comes from both Wall Street and Silicon Valley They want to monetise everything but people can now see through it because it is just so obvious they try to normalise their greed We are all aware of the phrase don't buy into it that's the answer If Ticket Master had a few empty venues and their business model became a bit rocky maybe things would change I also find the live venue thing a real disappointment Queuing for hours to get in, security, rip off price for food, merchandise etc, poor view, poor sound quality and waiting hours to get out of the car park to get home Why not support some local artist at a local venue and keep that money in your community Just a thought
Comment from : @JM-jd7yp

Shop alone! You’ll get in and out faster, you’ll stick to your list easier, and you’ll spend a lot less money
Comment from : @HeronCoyote1234

Cost per unit is so vital to saving money I don’t even look at prices initially, but look at cost per unit You just have to make sure you’re comparing the same unit measurement per type of product
Comment from : @HeronCoyote1234

Foodsaver/generic vacuum sealer: one of the best things I've ever bought ever and when it dies, I will run out and buy another without hesitation That's my #1 food waste preventer
Comment from : @samuelbrainsample

Amazing! Thank you!❤
Comment from : @carolynstewart8465

If people want to switch to increased or total plant based diet, I am encouraging them to do a lot of research and learn how to mix foods to get their daily need of the 10 necessary building blocks of amino acids…
Comment from : @carolyneastman6095

Visited whole foods for the first time yesterday because they sell white miso paste Uncommon in a lot of stores but common in a lot of Dr Gregor's recipes
Comment from : @acidityliquidity211

I make little noteooks with a4 paper cut down n stapled for my shopping list Wen im out of something i write it in the notebook, cheap n effective
Comment from : @marias8007

"I'm afraid of sprouting tomatoes Ewww" lol
Comment from : @BelleonyAnneCheese

I made my own ricotta the other day n it came out amazing 💛💫💚 I like ur ideas thanks
Comment from : @amandaclark2340

Wish I could give up soda but I need it 😂
Comment from : @aussiedad2587

Thank you NicoleAs a Senior I appreciate the knowledgeCost per unit confuses me tho
Comment from : @cynthia216

Did i hear you talk to sirsi? Thought u don't have those apps 😊
Comment from : @DebbieKeirstead

lol stop playing, you threw those creepy tomatoes away😏 lol
Comment from : @bl4ck0blivion

You should find Jesus
Comment from : @carldamacion3740

If you love eggs and you don't buy for saving, I totally disagree Egg is very important protein especially if you don't eat meat ❤ Have some eggs
Comment from : @PanChristodoulou-go8pq

Oops forgot vegan - they have The Impossible slider patties but not frozen Sorry!
Comment from : @edwardmoran1739

White Castle frozen cheeseburgers !!!!
Comment from : @edwardmoran1739

Wow I'm a vegan and live in the UK I think I spend about £100 per month Good old Aldi! :D
Comment from : @mazzab1970

Imagine having three teenagers and a husband
Comment from : @ForeverintheQ

You shouldnt be cheap on food IT'S YOUR HEALTH!!! Don't eat crap!
Comment from : @cristina7317

Homemade Hummus actually tastes WAY better than premade I usually leave out the tahini because I personally prefer it without Red pepper hummus is the best, but it’s also amazing with poached garlic
Comment from : @rubyrocks5

Eggs are extremly healthy Eat them! 😮
Comment from : @seba9591

That’s probably not nature messing with your tomatoes… They’ve probably just been altered if you know what I mean
Comment from : @gloriat8427

Nice Vid Nicole, lot of helpful things I bought (Amazon) clear acrylic vegi containers and found that they preserve produce 10 times longer, even better than the frig crisper drawers
Comment from : @SilverCloudMusic2012

😂😂😂😂 coke here in Ontario is 13$ on sale
Comment from : @meggo329

The seeds in the tomtoes fertilized and are growing using the the ripened tomato to feed on
Comment from : @meggo329

former plant based eater here You are bound to be hungry if you omit meat Canada wants people to believe meat is bad for you So we all are aging too fast Also Nicole, nutmeg is literally a poison so you need to look it up I got sick from it already be careful!
Comment from : @darlinspaces

Add to list as you run out and don't buy extra, spend only on how much you have in wallet and don't use credit cards
Comment from : @joaquimrodriguez8961

Tomatoes in Canada last a couple of WEEKS 😮
Comment from : @sinajasminhess5004

You are such a pretty girl You should be looking for a nice guy to share your life with Get married and have a family Sharing your life with someone is much better than having a pet He will have a income and you will have an income You won't have to worry about spending money or budgets 2 incomes for example will help pay the mortgage down faster Kids, though, cost money You have to have a TV Kids need to watch the kid shows You have to buy kids clothes and toys It will change drastically how you have to deal with money You will have to buy your kid the latest toys even when they are not on sale, especially if all the other kids in school have it You should be focusing on that instead of a life alone looking at saving money
Comment from : @chriskatranis3755

Did you know that you can buy “misshapen” vegetables? We live near large greenhouses that sell to supermarkets We can buy the odd shaped veggies at deeply discounted prices The cukes aren’t as straight as they should be, the bell peppers aren’t a perfect circle…things like that Thoughts?
Comment from : @analogconversation

My favorite kind of video Cooking and grocery shopping!!!! Not only will i watch it immediately but more than once
Comment from : @bc101ful

Um…UNIT prices HAVE been on ALL products for OVER FIFTY YEARS, DUMBBELL!!!
Comment from : @Tryp-j9d

Shop ON the cusp of the end of the sales flyer! KNOW what stuff WILL cost TOMORROW!!!! BYPASS if it’ll be LESS!!!
Comment from : @Tryp-j9d

HOW can ANYONE GET to YOUR age and NOT KNOW how much a LOAF of BREAD should cost???
Comment from : @Tryp-j9d

Make your LIST…on FLIPP!!!
Comment from : @Tryp-j9d

Do we ALWAYS have to LOOK UP YOUR NOSE????
Comment from : @Tryp-j9d

"Just drink water"well, we do (a lot), but sometimes life has to be enjoyable
Comment from : @JoaoSilva22222

Tomato seeds do sprout inside the fruit Weird huh?
Comment from : @sarahpauline4904

Eggs are very healthy
Comment from : @mariancooke1736

That's alot I spend £50a month just me😮
Comment from : @mariancooke1736

Damn 12 cans of coca cola for 7 dollars is pretty cheap, in EU 6 cans of coca cola costs 65€ in EU the most expensive groceries are veggies and fruits
Comment from : @tacajanko

Stay out of the aisles as much as possible Shop the outer aisles Your food will be healthier and cheaper
Comment from : @61britchie

A side of beef
Comment from : @Joseph-pq7id

I love goat milk
Comment from : @Joseph-pq7id

Vegans are food fighters
Comment from : @Joseph-pq7id

Probably a gmo tomatoe
Comment from : @Joseph-pq7id

I put food in my garden
Comment from : @Joseph-pq7id

i think the problem with your tomato is that it wasn’t “nature” at all…it was a creepy gmo version of a tomato true fruits and veggies are almost nonexistent in grocery stores these days if at all possible it’s best to grow as much of our own foods as possible dried herbs, rice…almost nothing in the stores is safe always test your rice to be sure it isn’t plastic and avoid things that list “natural flavors” as an ingredient buy only block cheeses with NO natimycin try to buy farm eggs if they’re in your area do not purchase anything Great Value brand…not a bit of it is real food, not even the marshmallows, meat, pie crusts, nothing, stay away from it
Comment from : @sonialoves444

Great tips I'm using most but learned a lot in this video! Great content thank you, and so cool to see a fellow Canadian!! 🇨🇦
Comment from : @FreshWaterWindsurfer

Sometimes I wonder if it’s good to also go daily by foot and just buy stuff you need for that day and get reduced stuff 😊
Comment from : @lemonteapot1061

I'm new to this channel and I like it very much Nicole, I think you have a very good head on your shoulders I haven't read through all of the over 400 comments so I don't know if anyone has addressed this topic regarding grocery shopping Actually two things: The App or membership card for the store you're shopping at will save you a lot of money if it's an item you would normally buy anyway The downside is that you're giving away your personal information, not the least of which are your eating habits brbrThe other topic that is top on my list of saving money at the grocery store is to make sure to check your receipt before you leave the store to make sure you weren't overcharged for anything Nothing is more frustrating than being very disciplined when shopping and keeping to a budget at the store, only to go home and find out that you were overcharged for something I buy a lot of items that are on sale, but the markdown isn't always programmed into the cash register system when you check out Without exaggeration, I find mistakes about every other time I go shopping Ironically, the mistakes are seldom in my favor Saving money takes work as you so ably point out
Comment from : @tom2754

Hay, I just watched a video of yours and said you would never get Siri, and here you are talking to Siri now in this video, How can we believe anything you say now It all about the subscribers and money, I thought you were different
Comment from : @macs4887

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