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Very interesting Comment from : @KristyDionne |
HEB clearance section, coupons, ibotta app, and produce eyes peeled for 50 off stickers Average saving on everything I buy 50 off When I find items 1/4 the price on clearance, I load up on all of it if it’s something I don’t need to eat right away Comment from : @CynthiaC-x4y |
thanks, that’s helpful Comment from : @RonanCalloway-q1n |
2:45 juice is such a scam Comment from : @diannalynnYT |
We are so stocked cooking off stock pile for months only buybrMilk and beer Comment from : @hello-vs4me |
thank you, i’ll review it soon Comment from : @JamesWilson-k1n |
Bake your own breads, muffins, bagels Cookies tortillas biscuits etc the more you do the easier it gets Comment from : @tondamccarthy6537 |
I have significant multiple life threatening food allergies (Anaphylactic reactions which can unlife me) brI often can not substitute generic brands or vice versa People who have a true gluten intolerance if they eat something with gluten, can actually permanently damage the villi of their intestines I appreciate your tips, but some of us have no choice Comment from : @absyntheew7075 |
Many rice brands have been found to have high amounts of arsenic in them If you do a search you can find which brands have less Also, there is a way of rinsing and soaking the rice to remove most of the arsenic (I have a family member that has to be very careful for medical reasons with what is eaten and we could not figure out why rice was sometimes a problem) Comment from : @oneperson123 |
I always check the weekly sales ads and build my meals around what is cheapest and price compare with my stores nearby I also shop on days that offer extra points that save on gas etc Comment from : @originalyummer |
If you feed your kids carbs they will always be hungry I give my kids eggs, bacon, beef, chicken and lots of butter I cook lamb as well brPasta, bread, cakes are a no no in my house Comment from : @Agapy8888 |
Moved California: Eggs $10 dozen Bread $6 Gas $6/gal Moved to VA Eggs $4 dozen, Breaad $4, Gas $3 We also have access to farmers markets six months out of the year; with further savings Our local EBT office has a program that DOUBLES food stamps if they are used for produce California; concrete second story 1 bed apt $2400 Virginia, single separate family home with yard, two bedroom, $1200 Part of saving money MAY BE moving to an area cheaper to live We are now able to have a garden and a few chickens steps from the kitchen That savings, and life quality, are real NO bulk stores We occasionally buy extra if there is a sale Now, have a canning section for our own produce (In case a pesky hurricane, snowstorm, or pandemic hitnot saving for the apocalypse) NIDO: powdered WHOLE milk that can be used for all applicationsWe like to make flavored coffee creamer with it $5 a pintto about $1 Thanks for the video I can use all the advice out there Comment from : @valkyrie1066 |
“Your kids do not need ding dongs” 👀 Comment from : @AlmostSharon |
Thanks for sharing this, very useful! Comment from : @PhoebeRyan-y8r |
You know what's a good way to save on food items?brStart watching what RFK Jr is saying about the food industry You can walk the perimeter of the store, buy meat, eggs, and produce, and be healthier, save money, and help bankrupt the companies that get rich off making us sick Comment from : @trublgrl |
I shop at Costco because they’re values are in line with mine I refuse to shop at Walmart bc they are horrendous and treat the employees horribly Sometimes we have to weigh ethics and principles into how we spend our dollars Comment from : @tarakenyon8301 |
I will never pay for the privilege to shop at a store like Costco Makes no sense Its madness to me Comment from : @rhythmandblues_alibi |
I price compared Costco to other big box stores It wasn't cheaper for MANY items If you shop brand name stuff, sure It was cheaper in bulk But most of the generic items at other stores were the same or cheaper than Costcos brand Comment from : @larissaalcorn3406 |
Ready made bacon is not only a waste of money but it tastes like crap, it’s only good as a condiment But eating ready made bacon and eggs it’s nasty Comment from : @jeniferwendt9207 |
When you have 5 teenagers, Costco definitely saves money! 😊 Comment from : @blakebryan865 |
Non organic rice is high in arsenic Comment from : @calvineacademy7918 |
I've been watching and enjoying all of your videos One thing I really love & it seems like a small thing, but you don't see this on creators these days You don't have vocal fry! Your voice is so easy on the ears to me Love your tips & ideas for saving money 😊 Comment from : @daisyjanescotthomeandgarden |
Costco/Sam’s club are essentially no good for mea senior who lives alone Comment from : @alidaryerson7908 |
I'm a BJ's member Their bill is 6 cans vs 12 cans, 7 lbs vs 12 lbs It's closer to my house, so I'm saving gas Bacon at BJ's is $10 for 4 packs I buy more produce than meat My eggs are cheaper at BJ's I buy 5 dozen for about $11 Almost no prepared foods such as chips, cookies, breads, juices We eat whole healthier foods We almost never eat out There are currently 4 adults living in my house I spend $400/month on groceries My sister and her husband are the 2 other people living here temporarily She likes to buy goodies at the Grocery Outlet and Dollar Tree I do not find much in there that saves more than I do Comment from : @danicegewiss862 |
It’s not the gluten, it’s the Roundup… Comment from : @kelliprevich4323 |
Cook bacon on a cookie sheet in the oven at 350 Cooks all at the same time and cuts down on the mess Comment from : @gillianmallory5176 |
I cook mostly from scratch Grandchildren get one snack in the afternoon I find I snack less if I eat 3 good meals a day We only have home made and grown, grape juice Otherwise, only water or milk Comment from : @shirleygeiser9042 |
I deal with uti a lot i used to buy cranberry juice and water it down,now i buy fresh cranberries,blueberries,cherries (frozen) and add water and ice and blend this up into a smoothie and let me tell you tastes better and very little sugar and has helped my issue with uti 😁 I wuit buying the sugared up juice Comment from : @chrissydawn2783 |
I have saved over a thousand dollars shopping at Sam’s The cost of their membership is more than worth it Comment from : @carlcarlson4642 |
She inspires me Comment from : @ElizabethOlivar-j9v |
Organic DOES NOT mean less sprayed, it just means the fertilizer and pesticides were organic There are a lot of times they are sprayed more because the sprays are less effective for the same amount Comment from : @austinuden1872 |
We actually need kids to go into the trades No student debt and they make good money Comment from : @kathrynsamuelson1983 |
I miss idaho lived in glenns ferry Comment from : @cicibogdziewicz5735 |
lol on the bacon! I did frugal fit mom math today & was amazed ! Comment from : @janclimo2284 |
I buy in bulk and store in 5 gal buckets with twist on lid, in jars and keep a list Comment from : @siempreseagull2 |
Eat as a lot of Amish do 2 eggs a day for amino acids for brain 1 waffle equals 1 egg or olde fashioned oatmeal Lunch chili eith tomato soup n kidney beans crackers peanut butter sandwich iced sun tea w no sugar Supper popcorn as most hard eork is done Comment from : @SteveHartman-my9rg |
I've been very aware that stores like Costco do not always save you moneymade a mistake once of buying a big jar of peeled garlicnever got thru it and had to throw most if it away after several monthsmilk/eggs/butter not always cheaperfruits and veggies not always cheaperI cook mostly from scratch and that is the best way to go Comment from : @leelaural |
juice is very bad for our healththe fruit produced to make juice is developed to be very unnaturally sweet Comment from : @leelaural |
One way to save money on food is to eat less Check your BMI and you will very likely find that you are either overweight or on the hign end of healthy BMI With a lower BMI you will not need to eat as many calories And while getting your BMI down you will greatly reduce your calorie consumption at least temporarily Comment from : @frankblangeard8865 |
Always 👍 Comment from : @deannalail1974 |
My friend is an organic farmer in Canada She told me not to buy organic Here's why: The gov checks on the farmers at the beginning of the season After that the farmers can spray whatever they want on the produce Comment from : @cindyseaton670 |
I LOVE your t-shirt ❤ Comment from : @dedestaggs5093 |
If you're single, especially when you get older, it doesn't make much sense to shop at Costco or Sam's, especially on meat, daily, or produce items More doesn't mean better sense, especially when you have to toss away spoiled food Comment from : @MuzicTunes-lk6np |
What filter do you like to use for your water? Comment from : @tannerh151 |
Wine Pure and simple Do I NEED £40 of wine, no No I do not Comment from : @emmapatterson2533 |
I only drink diet 5 It has no sugar added and taste Great!!! Can things out of the garden Comment from : @williamstoker8027 |
I have to admit, I am very proud of myself because I already do all of these things Comment from : @KorahWatson |
Lots of store are more expensive than others in different areas not the case as you say in australia Comment from : @vitasolano3272 |
The bacon that is so so stupid, when organic basmati was not expensive normal bacon would be easier some people who don't have logical spending Comment from : @vitasolano3272 |
Yes, my son doesn’t eat snacks because he eats proper meal each time He also take water in a reusable container for school Comment from : @irissander5266 |
We had a Costco membership last year When it was time to renew we just decided to wait and see if we really needed it We absolutely miss it but our budget does not! We are saving a TON of money by not renewing We shop mostly Aldi and whatever we need on sale at meijer That is working so much better for us Comment from : @jillianevincent |
I need help I'm seventy years old, and handicapped My brother is 59 and he had four strokes last year, so sister is taking care of him I can't go grocery shopping, I need advice from friends Comment from : @kjgearhart9203 |
What about the Snacking HUSBAND! He will go out and buy snacks if I don’t Plus When I double or triple the recipe to make bigger meals, it’s still gone in one day! My family has unlimited stomachs! No matter how much I make, they eat it all Comment from : @MustardseedMomma68 |
Great video! Yes, we have healthier children because of all those decisionsbrI am from Bakersfield, CA It is a low cost area of CA I'm surprised her carrots and onions were not cheaper than yours Comment from : @lesliemckinley9615 |
Us coupons? Comment from : @clairepoirier2856 |
When I was young we had juice from frozen concentrate at breakfast, milk with cereal and water the rest of the day I remember when the frozen juice section of the store was huge, now hardly any frozen juice Comment from : @deliarealtor |
Twenty minutes before a meal drink a glass of water its good for u n fights dehydration and helps fill u so u wont eat as much Comment from : @stevehartman1730 |
So true, thank you! Comment from : @ShaunaLeesSnackidies |
College is fine for some careers but these days I suggest HVAC, plumbing , carpentry, or other apprentice positions make as much money and are needed for the future Comment from : @tkretchman1701 |
I always pay attention to price per weight when shopping even across stores to make sure it’s actually the best price Also, pay attention to when they start putting the reduced sticker price on meats and build the meal plan around what meat you can buy for reduced price I always figure out what things cost per kilogram before I buy from Costco and I never buy snacks in bulk If I buy the big bag of chips I’ll pay more than the small bag and eat more Comment from : @Ashley-li5yv |
"Organic" pesticides are as or more toxic than non-organic pesticides Comment from : @ej8710 |
Sorry this is so long I like the tip about the big box stores not saving you money I've only been to one once, when I went with my friend to Costco I love grapes, so I bought a huge bag of grapes, and ended up throwing 1/3 of them away because they rotted I only found one other thing to buy, and that was TP I even found that sometimes discount stores like Aldi don't save you money if you have to buy a bag of something, instead of individual pieces I just tossed out a couple of sweet potatoes that had gone bad because I didn't eat them in time, when if I had gone to Publix and bought two better quality sweet potatoes, I would have paid a bit more per pound but actually saved money So sometimes cheapest isn't the best if you have to buy a lot of a lesser quality product I am on SNAP and I have only $285 a month to spend on groceries I eat very well, lots off fruits and veggies, not a lot of meat (except I'm addicted to chicken legs) My trick is that I cook everything at home and work my meals around what's on sale I've thought of moving to Mexico, and found out something interesting They can buy celery by the stalk I can't tell you how much celery I've tossed out because it did not get used If I could buy it by the stalk, I'd be in hog heaven Comment from : @OldLadyInFL |
We just got an Aldi and I love it It's cheaper than Walmart and has most of the same things Meat is cheaper too Comment from : @mary-s2p5y |
Bulk doesn't save you $ I didn't know this but starting to see it I'm single would love to know how you can cook for 1!!❤️💯🙏 Comment from : @sonyahartley6320 |
This is how I think If there are three lbs of butter in the house which u bought on bulk cause it was cheaper, don’t you think you tend to use more just because you have it? If you only had one pound you would be more careful and use less Comment from : @teresedoherty610 |
Juice can be watered down to reduce the sugar content in your glass I also water down Powerade/Gatorade I turn a bottle into 4 bottles Electrolyte water can be used, but I use spring water or tap water It took awhile to get used to the taste but it eventually worked I can’t even drink full strength anymore brbrI also add a little water to whisky, but that’s a comment for another channel Comment from : @steadysmv |
WHOLE FOODS ONLY Make your own meals Less waste, better taste, healthier CLEANERS! All you need is bleach, Dawn and vinegar Comment from : @AshleySpeaks4U |
I took my daughter to therapy because she wouldn’t eat My husband lost his job for Christmas so I change the way I shop and as soon as I got rid of all the snacks my daughter started eating so much better it was magical 😂 Comment from : @adrianabarnard6402 |
I went to Costco and Sam’s club with a list and I really couldn’t get anything We’re a family of 3 and I easy as much as my toddler my husband bare eats too compered to my brothers who I’m used to seeing eat large portions and going for seconds I only go there with friends for fun but my tiny pantry can’t even handle bulk Comment from : @adrianabarnard6402 |
Just stock up Comment from : @judithgrace9850 |
Wish Costco posted their warehouse price online so I can compare Comment from : @lmacdonald1281 |
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