Title | : | Universal Push For A 4 YEAR DEGREE - Mike Rowe |
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F#€king elites! 🖕🏼🤬 Comment from : @TylerJones-kv3ls |
Oh please pretend that they're victims a little harder The information has always been readily available for anyone who cares to look at it They walked into their debt willingly and don't deserve a pass for making poor choices as adults Comment from : @JP-sx7fq |
Spot the F on I watch in horror the plight of young people leaving college after of 4 or 6 year degree staring at a 120-160k loan with no decent job associated with their chosen degree That loan money takes them out of purchasing a house or a decent car and a life that is remotely enjoyable The myth of college has made billions for universities that have sports programs it's a shame Comment from : @chinesecrested9528 |
Your "four-year degree" gets a hyphen--both in the video and in your YouTube title Also "Birth of the" should be capitalized thusly and "its" should be sans-apostrophebrbrIf you're going to claim that education is misguided, you have to step up your game beyond reproach Comment from : @WifeWantsAWizard |
High School USED to prepare a workforce Now high school grads come out after 12 years of "education" and do not know how to do anything useful Comment from : @RayPointerChannel |
awwww youre going to ruin the fraud Comment from : @toddwieland7664 |
Many people simply go to university to satisfy their own or their parent’s ego Comment from : @jonhill3328 |
AT 17 NO MONEY THE THE MILITARY IS A GREAT CHOICE Comment from : @billhardick |
Why does a high school graduate have to take the same classes in the first two years of a four year degree that they had in high school (English/literature, Algebra, History, etc)? Comment from : @JerryDLTN |
Amen Comment from : @christianmarche993 |
I'm 60 years old now I didn't go to "college" I learned everything I know from working it for years and getting to know the industrybrAnd yet, I can't get past the level I'm at JUST because I haven't paid half a million dollars for my name printed on a piece of paper with "diploma" printed on itbrYet, b*I*/b have had to TRAIN MANAGERS how to do their jobs, who get paid three times what I make!!! brTell me THAT is not FU**ED UP BEYOND REASON! Comment from : @mewregaurdhissyfit7733 |
Well we're not all lucky enough to end up on TV All that's well and good until you go to get a job and a skill set is required that you don't have because you haven't gotten an education For your degree gives you that skill set after that it's up to you to find the job this guy acts like nobody ever had lean times after they came out of college When in fact everybody who comes out of college goes into a period of lean times right after they graduate Including my father And my uncles who all have for your degrees but in the end They all ended up owning companies because of the skill set they had Comment from : @jbramblett |
The direct fallout from this push toward four year degrees is that we have a thirty to forty year GAP in people working in the trades, with the bulk being senior experienced employees about to retire with only a scattering of people in the midcareer stages, and only lately have we begun to try to push getting people into the trades Comment from : @ladyofthemasque |
get people in debt and they will follow anybody who promise relief Ex Student debtors will vote for the person who tells them, "Vote for me and I will work to cancel your student loans!" Comment from : @billmundell4512 |
That's okay the Democrats have a plan and that is for the liberal Elite kids to go to school and not have to pay for it or get tuition relief and the grunts who pay the taxes in this country will end up paying for the libs education Comment from : @tomcollins1441 |
True shit Comment from : @Chipwolf9 |
So if you have a four year degree and no job your just screwed and Mike Rowe gets famous telling everyone about it Their going to help people who are currently in High School and make them the engineers? Or people with no degree can go into a trade No help with student loans or training for the uppity college graduates? Comment from : @brentlackey8316 |
He can state the problem, what is his solution Comment from : @brentlackey8316 |
Don't be scared to get a dirty job Comment from : @RickRaddatz-g6v |
NOW the dogma is, a bachelor's degree is no longer acceptable, one MUST HAVE A MASTERS DEGREE! And STILL MAKING A NONLIVABLE WAGE!🥴 Comment from : @DraGnFly007 |
There's a reason for the aggressive push for warm bodies in four-year schools It's the big schools' bottom line Major universities are increasingly becoming businesses that are concerned with profit rather than providing a useful education Comment from : @rleroygordon |
I made more money from my 6 week truck driving school than I did from my bachelor degree in business Comment from : @JamesPontius |
There are zero reasons to send your child to a public school And I would pay my children not to go to these colleges😊 Comment from : @Gofish163 |
I went to a two year school, I loved it ! Best decision I ever made Had less than $400000 in student loans, Comment from : @rogerjmayer8617 |
We soon will have such a gap between those who are retiring and those coming into the trades that our economy is going to take a beating because of it brbr With my advanced degree, I wish I made as much as a plumber and an electrician Comment from : @mmeszmurrized7872 |
That’s because the goal of the 4 year college isn’t to educate you and give a degree, no, it’s to MAKE MONEY Comment from : @Tomfoolery8869 |
I am all for student loans to be forgiven but the Degree must be given back, removed from the CV and current job must be re applied for, Their CV will note that they did have a degree but gave it back, the debt is not paid back by the Govt, the Universities can absorb the cost for the last 20years of their buggery Comment from : @CheesyCrotch |
If only it was a mistake Comment from : @jefflosey1561 |
Fullyagree I ended up with not only 2 degrees but also had more hands on experience than the people who hired me Comment from : @jonking4525 |
EXACTLYWELL SAID Comment from : @lindaparshall9276 |
That is to get you into debt right out of high school and keep you in debt for the rest of your life if they gave out home loans like they give out college loans everyone would own their own homes Comment from : @JohnFarrell-jo2sw |
Filming right now in Dutch Comment from : @ulbushcrafting6592 |
Awesome Comment from : @ulbushcrafting6592 |
The education system doesn’t make mistakes It follows a plan to create a problem Comment from : @thetruthisoutthereyt |
Lends credence to the fact the colleges are little more than indoctrination centers now Comment from : @DennisLock-x8f |
Screw student debt forgiveness What needs to happen is that Colleges that give useless degrees are liable for damages If you charge nothing for education, the damages would be limited but if you charge lots and let someone wrack up debt, you wasted their potential, time, and money and you deserve to pay all that back to the victim of permissive and aggressive sales of pointless college educationbrbrAnd you know what? Trump University would be safe in that context Only major Universities would have anything to fear Comment from : @TyPhenirW0LF |
I went to a 2 year school I have been working on Wall Street since 1997 I have been making a 6 figure salary for over 15 years now You don't need a 4 year degree to be successful You just have to work smart and work hard Comment from : @SteveAll_Right_ |
No prospects, no skills no direction, no idea of their gifts & potential, no idea what to do next & NO MARKETABLE training! Good job Universitys! Comment from : @knockywigglesworth1909 |
Why in Gods name is Mike not running for President? He would clean house Comment from : @georgekisselbrock8937 |
I barely graduated High School with a low C I enlisted in the Marine Corps the day after Graduating In my 30 years I was promoted to CWO5 and went on to become a Fire Chief, all without College Comment from : @genegene5339 |
I'm proud of my diploma from a two year college Comment from : @MrHanvin375 |
Trade school Hell of a lot cheaper than $ 100,000 Touchy-feely diploma brAnd you will have a job when you graduate Comment from : @kevinhogan715 |
My degree in game art and design One semester I had to buy a $203 math book and a $187 calculator For an art degree! Comment from : @jmswillow5969 |
Far too many useless study degrees offeredbrOh I have a degree in "Gender Studies"! Really?! Is your current job in gender studies? Nope? Amazing 😂😂 Comment from : @motonut007 |
I have 3 two yr degrees and a pilots licence and make as much or more than my parents who have masters degrees Comment from : @pandaartstudios1 |
My son was in the army for 7 years as a tank commander Now he has a very high paying job with general dynamics, working on the Abrams tank and now has the possibility to participate in the design and the development of the new M1A3 Abrams It can be done And no college debt And several friends told him he would be a mall cop when he got out of the army 🤔 Comment from : @Vincentschneider007 |
It sounds to me like this guy simply had bad parents His whole personality is based off childhood trauma Comment from : @minnesotasteve |
My 14 yr old daughter said she's considering nursing or electrician I am kind of hoping she goes the electrician route She's weighing the pros and cons of each job So far electrician is winning! br!! Comment from : @pattifrye438 |
The older I get, the more I think that college is a joke I grew up thinking if I got my bachelor's degree I would be attractive to employers That degree only showed them I had the ability to finish what I start, which is valuable, but it took years of hard work to learn how to be attractive to employers School never prepared me for that, which is why 95 of people go to school in the first placebrI had to learn shakespear, music appreciation, and a million other things that had 0 impact on life The university system is broken and needs a major overhaul Comment from : @elWhiteNinja1 |
You finally figured out you wanted to be a complete thug! Lol Good for you your mother must be so proud Comment from : @MistyBurch-ww4ws |
You tell 'em Mike The truth needs to be spoken Comment from : @susanjohnson9795 |
Dude, Comment from : @timknight2605 |
But the push for 4 year degrees has made universities and student loan companies LOTS of moneybrSo there Comment from : @joeyjojoshabadoo889 |
My lazy stepson has a masters degree from Loyola University, graduating four years ago He is currently waiting tables at a diner🤔🤔🤔 Comment from : @bobbeezel2593 |
I was told to go to the 4 year because of my high grades and that happened to meI could not afford to finish Comment from : @dolliscrawford280 |
"Mistaken believe?" It's a scam nothing more Comment from : @kelly648 |
The trades can garner some good wages as well I worked in a factory with a high school diploma and 1 year of community college I made very good money I worked with a man with a bachelors in business administration and another with a teaching degree They were working at the factory because they paid better Comment from : @starrturner426 |
The demonization of tech schools in my high school was unreal The Army felt easier Comment from : @mikeaninger7388 |
I got my associates before going to university, if I didn’t have that option I wouldn’t be a semester away from getting my undergrad Comment from : @eliasbarnard9397 |
The best decision I ever made was to go to the Jr College near me I saved so much money and I liked it better than the 4 year I transferred to once I got my associate's degree Comment from : @jessicameidl372 |
I don’t think the push was a mistake! Look at how INDOCTRINATED these “educated” young people are! This was purposefully done With our tax dollars and bank loans they want us to pay off! Comment from : @vhutchins1759 |
I make more money as a skilled laborer than people with a degree They all working fast food for minimum wage Comment from : @jamesbarnicks4863 |
We are not helping kids go into the right fields So, many kids go into college who really don't have the skill set for it Some kids who have the skill set for college can't afford it and end up in a trade skill that quite frankly they don't have the skill set We need to do better analyzing the kids Comment from : @jonlanier_ |
Thanks Mike Semper Fi ❤ Comment from : @jasondavid8772 |
Every tear American colleges and universities poop out 10,000 architects and about 25,000 JD’s (lawyers) That ratio is about right 🤣🤣🤣 Comment from : @larrysorenson4789 |
Now if only the Community colleges let you build your own program instead of making you do a bunch of irrelevant crap with maybe 2 courses out of the program actually related to what you're looking to get into Comment from : @sorrenblitz805 |
I have no doubt a useless degree was the goal for most of them taught to believe they're above a labor job, rendering a useless population of baristas and an open door for millions of illegal voters to take the jobs they could have done Comment from : @jasoncooke5129 |
thank you sir for that truth bomb Comment from : @tamarascallion6720 |
THIS DUDE ROCKS Comment from : @thumperrusty4570 |
Most people don't realize that going for a four your degree was a bad choice for them until they've spent five years trying to get it Comment from : @nixboox |
This is NOT a "mistake" Things happen for a reason Comment from : @rlyle5804 |
Go to a library ! Comment from : @TheFiown |
PAYING for an education is such a huge scam ! Comment from : @TheFiown |
The problem is people don't understand that truckers' farmer ranchers utility men are factory workers and food processors oil feild workers are needed They're all working men and women that are irreplaceable Comment from : @elbeau9496 |
I agree 100 I’m a senior leader in the worlds largest company, I have a GED and military experience, no degree There are other paths forward, but finding them is very difficult and it shouldn’t be Comment from : @ammodawg626 |
Amen Comment from : @stephj9378 |
I have been going to community college off and on since the 70s I have approx 70 units in everything from Computer Science (my 9-5 profession) to Metal Arts (my avocation), also Accounting, Art History, Chemistry, Anatomy & Physiology, all kinds of fascinating courses over the years Community College is fantastic and everybody should go Comment from : @TheKrighter |
I didn't have any college training at all I started my own business at 18 I was 32 when my account ask me how it feels I said how does what feel he said your assets minus liabilities is over a million dollars He laughed and said, your a millioniare That was over 25 years ago Things just kept getting better I look back and think how lucky I was not to waste my time at a university Comment from : @user-nh4tm6hh4j |
but Mike Rowe did go to a four year college after community College majoring in communications and minoring in theater there is nothing wrong with two or four year programs, or Masters or PhDbrnone of these routes should be vilified by society Comment from : @DavidCraft-bz7ss |
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