Title | : | When Is The Best Time To Start Collecting Social Security? - Dave Ramsey Rant |
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Social Security payout is based on the average of our best 35 years of earnings If your income during the decade of your 60s is meaningfully above your income during earlier decades, it's part of the consideration for how much this will increase payout, either at full retirement age, or waiting until age 70 While the payout increases by 8 per year, automatically, between starting at age 62, versus waiting until age 70, I've never heard anyone discussing the 35 year average being impacted by increased SS wages later in life Comment from : @ericb2514 |
You are clueless Tons of ways to Save SS Comment from : @richm4769 |
People who don't take it at 62 think they are going to live a really loong life Good luck with that Comment from : @luistor4510 |
Federal government is a form of legalized fraud Comment from : @ucanon2662 |
Take SS as soon as you turn 62 especially if you don’t need it ! Because if you wait you may become too ill to enjoy it Comment from : @cathy1679 |
Take your Social Security at 62 or anytime after that, once you retirebrIf you don't need it, invest it You'll be way ahead than if you waited until 67 or 70 brAnd since none of us can predict when we're going to die, you're collecting something instead of nothing Comment from : @scottmoore3113 |
Dave tell us how you really feel brBut you’re wrong Sure SS is terrible if you are worth hundreds of millions of dollars My wife and I waited until we were 70, and SS is working great for us Comment from : @bobneedham6224 |
1 Be born to very wealthy parentsbr2 Start investing at age 12br3 Get a CPA degree and a law degreebr4 Be self-employedbr5 Blow off Social Security because you don't need it Comment from : @user-rv3yj4sn2n |
62 like we did Comment from : @bruceeigsti5274 |
My wife and I are both 64 - I'm still working though she stopped a few years ago to help take care of our grandkids and homeschool them Does it make sense for her to take her SS now? Comment from : @TomWright-gk3ko |
I can’t believe the level of Dave’s arrogance Of course social security is a great program I’m glad we have this safety net Comment from : @RonCunitz |
I got a question? If I took it at the lower rated and lifted the amount to a bigger tier and/or took it to the top level wouldn’t it make more sense to liquidate it to the stock market? Comment from : @Comeoffitman |
I figured out social security was a scam when I was 28 and would have loved to have opted out I'm 59 now and have been laughing at people that love social security for years Comment from : @BrianFolks |
the government didn't talk us into it They just don't give us a choice Comment from : @anthonyglaser929 |
No one that I know willingly paid into SS and everyone isn’t a millionaire to be able to tell the government to keep my SS benefit Comment from : @YouTubeMaster1611 |
Dave, you missed the fact that if he continues to work AND collect SS before "full retirement age" (66 & 8 mos) he will be penalized $1 of SS for every $2 of earned income So it doesn't make sense for him to take it now Comment from : @Mark-sh2ki |
The government has your best interest at heart with their money 😂 Comment from : @anamerican481 |
I need to retire at 66 however at 65 is when the company drops your health benefits Comment from : @valg3152 |
Whats your solution if not soc sec? Comment from : @jackiebean8560 |
Social Security is the greatest anti-poverty program ever You get far more back than you paid in (unless you die suddenly) Dave is wrong Comment from : @Atwater20 |
Retire at 62, you won't regret it Comment from : @Atwater20 |
You’re so rude and negative- you make me cringe every time I listen to you (oh yeah, that’s why I don’t)- “ only the federal government can talk “you guys” into doing this and you just sit there like a bunch of sheep just take it” HELLO - YOU’RE ONE OF THOSE SHEEP Dude 😂 If you think the system is so terrible- CHANGE IT SHEEP Comment from : @LorryMLewis |
Before you die you're welcome America Comment from : @MarkSchneider-e8g |
Not sure when ill claim it, since im still working at 64, but when i do im going to SE Asia or South America I can live in comfiet and security on half my SS payment in many countries Comment from : @6Minsto7Starbucks |
Not sure when ill claim it, since im still working at 64, but when i do im going to SE Asia or South America I can live in comfiet and security on half my SS payment in many countries Comment from : @6Minsto7Starbucks |
Taxation is my problem I would say take it at 62-63 Whatever I get is mine and in my handsbrbrIf you saved for retirement and you think you will take more than $25k, $34k, $44k a year in any income that provides a W-2, W-4 or 1099-X, your Social Security income is taxed on some portion 40 of people who get Social Security pay federal income taxes on their benefits This happens if you have other income in addition to Social Security Income includes wages, earnings from self-employment, interest, dividends, 401k, IRA or any income reported on your tax return You will pay tax on your Social Security benefits based on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rules if you:brbr
brFile a federal tax return as an "individual" and your combined income* is
brBetween $25,000 and $34,000, you may have to pay income tax on up to 50 of your benefits
brMore than $34,000, up to 85 of your benefits may be taxable
brFile a joint return, and you and your spouse have a combined income* that is
brBetween $32,000 and $44,000, you may have to pay income tax on up to 50 of your benefits
brMore than $44,000, up to 85 of your benefits may be taxable Comment from : @cutator |
I took at 62 I'm 69 I think it was a good decision I've spend most of it having funbrI don't depend on SS to pay my bills My investments pay my living expensesbrI don't know how long I'm going to live So I want to spend it and enjoy it Comment from : @Art3615 |
Please remind people that if they didn't have social security during their lifetimes and became disabled, they better have a good disability insurance program in place I know people who have had to rely on it Disability insurance is not guaranteed You have to qualify for it I agree that we should save earlier and invest however maybe Social Security can stay in place in the event of a disability Comment from : @marijar8638 |
but how many people have the discipline to take that money and put into a mutual fund every month? Comment from : @sharksfan32 |
People do not realize between five and seven years you get every penny you ever paid into it so taking it is 62 is not a bad idea at all Do the math Comment from : @Bob-xt2on |
I’ve been working and paying into Social Security for over 40 years, and there’s no way I’m waiting any longer to take it I’m grabbing it early—might as well take the sure thing At this point, I’m all about investing in myself and putting money into the market Over the years, I’ve learned that building real wealth comes from making smart investments Comment from : @caseybills5517 |
If you are still working do not start drawing They will just reduce your check by taxing it based on how much you are earning in your job Comment from : @christownsend3979 |
The ONLY reason my wife and I will delay is because we'll have about $120k that we'll be converting to a Roth, and we'd much rather do the conversions at 12 rather than 22 Collecting SS at 62 would push us into the 22 tax bracket if we converted at that point So, each year of delaying is a guaranteed 6 more on each of our Social Security benefits while also allowing us to save 10 on our Roth conversions We should be able to convert it all in just 3 years @ $40k/yr Comment from : @Po1itica11yNcorrect |
I thought others said SS will get a ROR of 8 every year to you delay taking SS? Comment from : @user-nx8tk1pp5o |
SS is also a tax which pays as well to people on disability, etc Comment from : @peterrichards931 |
Both my wife and i took at 62 It'll take till we are 72 to catch up Comment from : @johnlifer1494 |
Dave hates social security because he is wealthy Social Security also provides disability and survivor's benefits, so you may not get all your money back, or you may get more than your money back if you have a disability or disabled child or you die and leave a family behind Dave doesn't really care about poor people at all These minimal social security benefits are all that stands between homeless with some people Trump supporters must love this guy - that is until and unless they want or need social security Comment from : @MrToadColorado |
What’s the penalty for taking at sixty two and continuing to work and show income from investments ? Comment from : @calvinnewberry5915 |
It depends on what the difference is and your own circumstances If its $600 to $1000 more to wait a few years and you love your job there is no rush Wait a few and get that extra cashbrbrAnd don't play mind games Live a good life now and enjoy every minute Whether you leave the world while working or retired for one month, are you going to live in poverty retired at 62 or comfortably a few years later? Live a good life RIGHT NOW Make every day as great as you can, because it's sad no matter whenever you leave Comment from : @Tmidiman |
Thank you Dave am upper 50s and wasn't sure but this makes sense take it and invest Comment from : @benz287hg |
You call us a " bunch of sheep " like we have a choice Lets see if you can find a way to not pay into Social Security Dave Let me know how that works for you Comment from : @marktheman2007 |
#1- Social Security if 100 percent voluntary You do not need to participate But try to tell that to your employer And they pay in what you pay in but it does not show on your pay stub We need a truth in pay law There were county employees who were allowed out of the SS system but put the same amount into a 401K They all retired early as millionaires Comment from : @recon1071 |
THAT'S BS TAKE IT AT 62 Comment from : @jeromeperry8438 |
What percentage of people would actually invest or save it? Come on, dude Comment from : @bookiester |
58? He looks 70 Comment from : @bookiester |
What choice do we have?? Comment from : @mollygriffith2073 |
My monthly Federal welfare benefit is $4,305 and like all of you I did not earn it Stop complaining Comment from : @edrodgers4581 |
I calculated the numbers, and if I take it at 62, versus taking it at 67, I figure I'll live to 80, the difference is only less than $5,000 taking it at 67 I want to get that money in my hands earlier so I can either invest, save, or spend that money Even if I live past 80, I don't plan on doing any real traveling, or making any major purchases after about age 70, or as my health allows Comment from : @Larry_M6790 |
Dont listen to this guy He is a Trumpateer and that means his brain is mush Comment from : @Wedgewood19 |
Why do some “disabled” people collecting social security benefits for being disabled seem very normal and able to work when you see them “playing”? Comment from : @drewblue1164 |
U get a bigger check for a longer time Does not make sense U get a bigger check but you're older Comment from : @MarkSchneider-e8g |
You can't make much money working if you take SS at 62 I think it's like 20 something thousand, without being penalized Comment from : @dougblair9613 |
No one needs to retire at 62 I am 62 right now I will happily work until I am 70 People ought to be productive, as long as they possibly can be Comment from : @josephgurka8427 |
That is disgraceful that the host of the show just laugh out of insensible joke that a caller make about Social Security So INSENSIBLE AND OUT OF TOUCH, especially when in this country, more than 50 of the people needed it to avoid being in the streets and living like a third World country Shameful on these aristocratic and people who think that their shit doesn’t smoke Comment from : @johnrestrepo820 |
My Financial folks said I don’t need To take it at 62 because I can live off the interest of my retirement My thinking is with Dave’sTake that post tax money and invest it in another retirement and make more money than COLA My question is, if I put that ssi in an IRA, can I count that off on my taxes? Comment from : @WayneVining-rm4nh |
I’ve been working and paying into Social Security for over 40 years, and there’s no way I’m waiting any longer to take it I’m grabbing it early—might as well take the sure thing At this point, I’m all about investing in myself and putting money into the market Over the years, I’ve learned that building real wealth comes from making smart investments Comment from : @Greggsberdard |
he is still an idiot I feel stupider every time I listen to his arrogant voice! Comment from : @AmmoMaster |
Retire at 62 Let’s say you get $1,500 a month, in 3 years that’s 54,000 you won’t make that up if you wait until 65 to retirebrRetire early if you can afford it The system is designed against you Take advantage of it early in life Comment from : @dubehigh |
StupidbrbrbrTommorrow is not promised brbrStupidbrbrbrbrbrImmediately brbrbrStupid dave Comment from : @stephenclark8844 |
“ And you all are just like a bunch of sheep go ahead take it out of my checkBAHHHHH”… yeah Dave you went ahead and fought the federal government and you didn’t have Social Security taken out of your check or didn’t have to pay for it brThis guy is really arrogantbrThere are so many variables, even if you don’t “need the money” No guarantee you’re gonna beat the market As of now there’s a guaranteed 8 return by waiting I’m not saying he’s wrong, but there are 1 million other variables that he does not take into consideration “ And when you die, you get NOTHING!” Yeah but maybe your spouse now gets your higher benefit And she’s not good with money and a lump sum would’ve sent her into a tailspin These are the kind of variables that people need to think about Comment from : @dublinf4477 |
All well and good to do without social security if you're smart enough to play stocks I don't trust them so I guess I'll have to work until I keel over Comment from : @cathymiller4172 |
if you want to not take itjust dont file for it Comment from : @88888gerald |
Ramsey makes the frequent false comparison with social security with a self directed plan His plan would not provide you disability benefits if you became disabled, nor would your survivors get a permanent income stream Social Security is an Insurance program It’s not a 401k or private investment fund And even aside that, his numbers are true only for high wage workers who get relatively lower social security benefits compared to low wage workers Comment from : @byronbuck1762 |
I started receiving my state pension when I was 52 1/2 but after 8 months I made a decision to go back to work I use the extra income to pay for my children’s college and to pay off all my debts In September I informed my employer of my intention to retire again in May 2025 I took vacation and went to Thailand for a month Four days after I returned I was terminated and I was mad at first but I remember telling myself while I was in Thailand why was I still working lol! Best thing that ever happened I have no stress in my life right now I actually moving to Thailand in May I am fortunate after taxes and deductions i receive a monthly pension of $6,100 a month and I wont even need half of that in Thailand to live well But I am still going to draw at 62 and invest the money Comment from : @michaelwise6780 |
this is if you know your never going to die it's really better to wait! does that sound stupid to you ?well yeah it should this guy gets a large portion of his pay to lie through his teeth to get you to make really stupid decisions but people think he has good ideas well most of them will work if you are never going to check out that is! Comment from : @bernardsimsic9334 |
Do you tithed on SS? Comment from : @ericnieves1541 |
By the time I was 55, I and my employer put $600k into SS on my behalf By 65 that would be worth $19M from 5 annual earnings, and the interest is $95,000 annually…yet my maximum payout can only be like $35,000 from SSbrbrThe system is simply theft Comment from : @timmyterwillger2257 |
I just illegally crossed the United States border I've been receiving benefits from you the people 😢 Comment from : @frankcrenshaw7343 |
I know what my max SS benefit would be Right now, my investments are hugely outpacing the difference between starting at 62 or waiting until 70 Every dollar I take from SS now is one I don't have to take out of my investments for my basic needs Comment from : @evanwindom |
Dave Ramsey is an idiot Comment from : @sjclays7514 |
Dave is the epitome of a salesman Comment from : @JAY-wb2fv |
No, you can't take SS at 62 IF you are still working! WTF Over - they will deduct the amount you make from your SS until full retirement age Comment from : @MTB_Rider_96 |
I love Dave That said, no one, “talked us into” removing $ from our check for SS We, the people were bamboozled by the D party into believing there needed to be a program which would offer relief from those suffering under the Great Depression The R party opposed the program and lost Comment from : @larrypresnall5360 |
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bushbrbrI'm taking it at 62 Who knows if something will happen to me or the system if i waited longer I'm getting it while the getting is goodbrbrLove the idea of taking it at 62 and investing itbrbrI saved my entire career and never lived beyond my means It's payback time Comment from : @Ejy64 |
Does anybody actually still listen to this fraudster? Comment from : @gigglecompass1 |
Come on Dave tell us how you really feel Comment from : @nicolasargy7230 |
Your income is limited and cut when you start taking the social security benefit!!! You can't eatn more than around $20,000 or you will have a steep monetary penalty Comment from : @JeanetteMunyer-tr7sx |
Give me my money back Comment from : @edwardsmcintyre9014 |
The government is talking us into it, you say?? As if we have a choice? Comment from : @bradbruggeman6745 |
We love you, Dave! Comment from : @dcharlton07 |
What percentage of Americans do you think would have taken the money paid into social security and invested it? So, yeah Regardless of being a less than stellar system, it's probable that fewer grandmas have starved than if folks had been left to their own devices We're not talking about your audience - but instead, the general public Now, should financial literacy be taught in schools and if it were, would an alternate model work? Still up for debate, but I know many people personally who would be pretty screwed without the current system in place, like, unable to afford neither beans, nor rice Comment from : @JunkieMailer |
What happens to all the people that have no effing discipline to save that money all these years Comment from : @dougtemple6756 |
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