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Leasing Vs Buying A Car - Dave Ramsey

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Title :  Leasing Vs Buying A Car - Dave Ramsey
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Description Leasing Vs Buying A Car - Dave Ramsey

Comments Leasing Vs Buying A Car - Dave Ramsey

Didn't Warren Buffet say that you should lease assets that depreciate and buy assets that appreciate
Comment from : @antking8847

Novated leases exist 😂
Comment from : @r4z0r84

These are very broad generalizations Just because you don't have $30,000 or $50,000 cash to buy a car outright doens't mean you are broke Just because you ask how much per month, doesn't mean you're broke And just because you lease a car, doesn't mean you're poor or are financially stupid I have owned cars, and leased cars I prefer to lease cars because I, and many other people, simply like to have something different and new every 3 years
Comment from : @life_with_me317

3:55 Did I hear him say he makes 125k
Comment from : @displayfireworks

I'll have to be financially stable in every sense before purchasing my first supercar The best thing to do with your money is to invest rightly because money left saving will end up with no returns
Comment from : @ClayneBanks

A 30 year old man who feels is at ease with his parents paying his student loan while he clears a annual income of over 100k a year? Entitlement at its finest
Comment from : @tonyclarke5068

I don’t like having to spend $3000 to $4000 a year to maintain and fix my old vehicle when I could be driving something nice, new and reliable
Comment from : @juliopatinopacheco9050

clear and correct leasing is most often just dumb it seems car manufacturers dont sell cars anymore, they sell you expensive money
Comment from : @Armitage574

Problem today is cars & trucks are built to fail and repairs are wicked expensive since the Plandemic I leave & I don't worry about repair bills
Comment from : @georgevue8175

Save save save brbrMeanwhile your government spends spends spends
Comment from : @da4

This video is OLD so DON'T TAKE THESE ADVICE NOW 2025
Comment from : @cilek9385

The main reason for this dude to pay his student loan is not because it's *your credit"brYou should pay the loan because you can afford it and there's no reason it should be your parents responsibility at 30 years old especially if you can afford it!
Comment from : @sholoy480

I disagree with Dave on the lease at 14 Leasing is usually cheaper than financing I sell cars and do comparative math everyday for customers On some cars, it's cheaper to finance, but the majority of cars are cheaper to lease
Comment from : @stevornrichards1380

He’s got some nice parents
Comment from : @JasperOFlanigan-fb5lv

Thank you for your opinion video
Comment from : @taladiv3415

2k down divided by 36 months is an extra 55 bucks a month
Comment from : @MrChupatwo

Whatever School that Kid went to, That School Cheated him on a Proper Education
Comment from : @heisenberg2966

Buying the reliable used car is a better financial decision than leasing, but most folks are swayed by their wants more than their common sense They have no idea the car payments are killing their journey to FI
Comment from : @dstevens518

No one saves up for anything anymore, and debt has become normalized Folks want more than they can afford, which necessitates Dave going through a long explanation trying to convince this goober leasing is worse, buying outright is best Car dealers are in the business to make money The less you have, the higher percentage they have to make from you They have bills to pay too, and the guy that pays $50k all at once is lots more helpful to the dealer that the guy who wants to pay $200/month So the dealer screws the little guy for 14, cause he doesn't understand math and is a slave to his wants Thanks little moron, tell your friends what a good deal you got
Comment from : @dstevens518

Bro wildin, he make 6 figures and expects his parents to pay his student loan
Comment from : @couchmayne4351

It’s tricky If you lease a vehicle with insane market value like a 4 runner, you can lease it and sell it at the end of the lease and actually make money or have very little negative equity That woulda been golden before pandemic shortage bc of the inflated prices as well This allows you to remain flexible and go over mileage Depends on strategy and vehicle market value
Comment from : @nicksteinberg6621

How about leasing a car through a corporation Given that you have a business
Comment from : @tomshanakian909

Teach Dave! This is good quality teaching
Comment from : @Louie914

America is really interesting place A guy earns $125k and cannot do simple calculation what's better for him? And thinking about a new toy while he has a debt to be paid?brbrSeriously wtf? The whole world is being screwd for low wages or Americans loves to overpay for anything starting from labor
Comment from : @ziomekzedzielni1

Keep this piece of shit off my feed please
Comment from : @Johnnynotsoclueless

Leasing is nothing more than a "glorified rental car" contract
Comment from : @georgekraus9357

Is the lease car a good car for him? What is the buyout on the car he is leasing? Should explore that
Comment from : @cnforeback

I've looked at how much, a family electric vehicle that's big enough and goes far enough will cost £27k for a used model With minimum 69 interest rate spread over 6 years works out very expensive A 3 year lease works out better for us Have always purchased cars and will likely in future once the used market has more affordable options in the required class
Comment from : @saulgoodman2930

The answer to this question is not that cut and dry… there are several external factors that Dave fails to mention brbrDo your own research This is not a one-size fits all solution
Comment from : @user-dk6mt2qf3x

I can afford lease and buying cash I always go for leasing because todays cars turn crappy after 5 years or so
Comment from : @kaypee1972

Buy a 2-3 year old car from some other persons lease Get a better deal by taking dealer finacing Pay it off in full first month
Comment from : @franklentz4727

Bought a new Jeep Liberty in 2007 Still have it, runs and looks like a new one and has 88,000 miles on it I paid 18k for it and wrote a check when I bought it so, no payments, I have owned it since new Probably worth a few thousand dollars but who cares, am never going to sell it Owning is always better than renting
Comment from : @mrearlygold

The part I’m stuck on is “reliable used vehicle,” as that’s been an oxymoron in my experience
Comment from : @mollygrace3068

These days, I prefer leasing because the quality and durability of new cars just don't measure up to the past I still keep my old, fully paid SUV for occasional use, but I lease a small car for my daily commute
Comment from : @tolgao

30 year old child
Comment from : @ekujj13

Is my 10k in tools count towards my emergency fund? Lol
Comment from : @denniswetzler2024

I’ve driven my truck since 2007 and understanding that you can buy a new car with 20 down and finance it for no more than 48mos is still okay brJUST KEEP IT FOR TEN YEARS
Comment from : @michaelmc608

Not everyone makes enough money to save up and buy a car straight crash
Comment from : @NorCalDubber

I know someone that pays like 450£ for an electric car lease not that much and what they claim is "they don't have to pay service" a normal service in an unlucky year is 500-600£ in UK That's basically one single month, and don't realise that after spending almost 20k in 3 years they will end up having nothing (because usually these lease have a ridicolous high buying fee) I just don't understand why people think that a lease is a good idea
Comment from : @devil88bg62

This is so revealing The kind of car he’ll get for $15,000 is a car that will stay in the shop with repairs
Comment from : @benicio1967

Comment from : @Romnecksaminano

It’s not true On all lease agreements it shows rent charge That’s the interest On a lease you are paying the estimated depreciation
Comment from : @eugenekravts1589

So can someone tell me if this sounds like a good deal? Ihave leased a 2024 subaru forester, haggled it down about 2000$ off MSRP since the new design 2025s were out Leased it for 3 years at 549 , 0 down payment End of the 3year i will buy it paying 24k$ or I can refinance that amount as well brWhat y'all think?
Comment from : @FuryfistX

leasing is really bad, if there's any damage to the car, they will charge you A LOT for it when you return the car
Comment from : @yanwain9454

Use it up Wear it out Make it do or do without! Married 54 years Made mistakes at first but followed this principle as my guide for many years I am proud to just be “normal” No house or car payment for the last 28 years Awesome life and I am a happy wife
Comment from : @pamelarust3487

“I’ve been both brotha!” Love Dave
Comment from : @mitchwilliams2037

You either save per month or lease per month what's the difference
Comment from : @janhogerwerf3427

Just goes to show the wealth gap in the US continues to grow For some of us leasing is all we do because you’re never hit with a repair bill and for me I don’t like dealing with mechanic type people or being without one of my vehicles, even with a loaner…just don’t Not saying Ramsey is wrong in any way but just FYI there’s a whole group of people in this country…that’s getting larger every day who lease just because we like a new ride every 2-3 years and won’t miss the money
Comment from : @Skyking6976

Still have my paid off brand new 2012 Camry She gonna be with me till she falls off The only upkeep I’ve done with her is change oil ❤
Comment from : @saucyisawesome

Cars just don't last that long anymore Look at Toyota and the recalls today
Comment from : @GreatSax1

Do you know that when you try to sell your car, that the stealership will try to give you less than the book value? They tried to give me less and told me it would be the same after you adjust for the tax discount deduction for a new car purchase
Comment from : @GreatSax1

I like how he say about the lease as in horrible way because either way the lease payment is always structured the dealer advantage because they have to make money But putting a large amount of security blanket money is just way too scary for common people
Comment from : @JohnDoe-mx3rr

Yeah this is all amazing advice but what about if you don't have the money to outright buy a car or have money saved up to buy a car and you need it to get to work? Sometimes it's not that simple
Comment from :

Im a 33 year old male i drive a 2001 ford explorer and im embarrassed to give women a ride in the vehichle i drive Its paid off Its not my style of vehichle to drive
Comment from : @jag4790

Ahhhhh this is overly simplistic Listening to Dave for several years Seems like he’s not willing to give advice over a third grade reading level To be fair that’s all that some people can handle there are so many other factors to consider Leasing a car could be a very good option for some
Comment from : @ethanmedley4182

Buy a reliable car, and keep it I owned a Chevy van for 18 years Very little repairs I owned a Chevy Blazer for 17 years Finally had to get rid of it because one of the door hinges broke More to fix than the car was worth
Comment from : @joliettraveler

One piece missing I've leased many cars When the lease ends, my cars are always worth more than the "buyout" or "residual" amount Like 10-20 more The last two cars I bought out the lease at end and sold the car at a 20 profit So much better than financing
Comment from : @Wtfizdat

You pay a lot more money in interest in a 5 year loan, than leasing a vehicle for 3 years Plus you have 0 liabilities on a lease Most people in America don't have the amount of money to purchase a vehicle outright
Comment from : @erickperez1901

I think it depends on your situation sometimes it makes sense to lease brIf it depreciates I will lease if it appreciates I will buy
Comment from : @bflathead

6 figures and parents paying his student loans… oh brother
Comment from : @guerrero520

Someone suggested leasing since I rarely drive but it just doesn't feel right maybe I'd I had more debt to pay off
Comment from : @skateata1

In debt to the man huh? You are that man Dave
Comment from : @BayouHotBoy1

That’s why most car people in the business lease their cars You’re wrong
Comment from : @royfoster1027

This guy doesn’t live in reality…
Comment from : @billrichards3415

How does he make that much at 30? What am I missing???
Comment from : @curatedwithsafiyya

Weird to hear Dave be concerned about credit towards the end on that one He shouldnt care about credit scores, actually he bashes the poeple that do pay attention to credit score Weird
Comment from : @redbirds2ndbase

Dave is in a really good mood today ain't he
Comment from : @d_all_in

Bro lives in a fantasy land 😂😂
Comment from : @justinlandry6916

A super simple way to know that “how much” is better than “how much down and how much per month” is this: add up the latter, subtract the former, and there’s the money you are wasting
Comment from : @johnwilburn

Buy honestly how many people have 15 thousand for a car
Comment from : @BenRodriguez-ow8sg

He said nothing
Comment from : @victorherrero4790

I think that was very good advicebrbrYour comment about people with money asking"how much" is very truebrbrBorrowing to buy a depreciating asset should be avoided when ever possible
Comment from : @waynev5097

leasing is throwing money away for something that is worth less the minute you own it
Comment from : @michaelalan1270

Buy the car? Now you own a depreciating asset Congrats Oh and you paid interest to do so Truly wealthy people understand that debt can be productive, but when that debt allows you to acquire APPRECIATING assets
Comment from : @DavidWilliams-zz7fp

I have fixed old cars and bought used ones and only paid payments 2 times years ago because I was a single dad and my life was about them not me I am still single the children are grown and I can do me I want a business and a truck I can write off and honestly I don't care about what the percentage cost me 3 years later I am likely to do it
Comment from : @TommyHawkins-l5l

This dude said a whole bunch of nothing
Comment from : @KottoKTG

Comment from : @officialshanuki8116

One of the Better Calls Buy a Car in the First Moments not in the next months or years Pay your Debt you get enough from work
Comment from : @Jakkaribik1

How much? It’s so vague of a question and answer If you can’t afford the price than you have to burrow If you could afford than what’s point of asking a financial advisor like Dave Ramsey
Comment from : @klohr311

But he doesn’t say how best to finance is a car if you aren’t leasing
Comment from : @gladiator3543

Oh…just get rid of it Ok, right Dave Easy 😂
Comment from : @jewely9757

Over here in the UK things are different We have schemes called salary sacrifice I currently own outright my BMW X5 I can get a brand new Tesla and the cost to me is the same as the fuel bill per month on my X5 However with the Tesla that includes Tyres, insurance and maintenance that needs doing I’ve cost up the yearly cost and my X5 is costing more in maintenance and repairs I also pay less tax as the cost of the Tesla is taken before tax meaning I’m getting a Tesla at 60 off the price I will never own it, it depreciates but I don’t have the surprise of unexpected car bills as with the X5 I can sell my X5 for around £19k and put it into an ISA that will give me a return based on my current ISAs at around 7-9 It’s a no brainer brbrMy pension isn’t affected and I have half a million already in the with 20yrs left of my career What it basically does is take the cost of the lease after my pension contributions and brings my salary down lowering my tax bill The leasing company does inflate the gross price, but this is money I would never see It helps recover my tax allowance brbrLeasing can work if you have the right scheme; not sure America does
Comment from : @Rambo9700

The privilege of being 30, making $125k/yearly, & still having your parents pay for your student loan(s) while you have $25k in the bank
Comment from : @KingTechHD

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