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How to Pick the Best Cruise Line - Try at Least Two

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Comments How to Pick the Best Cruise Line - Try at Least Two

New to cruising We've tried Royal Caribbean, Carnival, MSC, Princess, and Norwegian We can't choose a favorite yet We haven't yet tried Celebrity or Holland We're also looking at some European cruise lines Emma uses We have managed to climb the loyalty ladder on a few lines and those perks are enticing
Comment from : @arlenemaxwellcopeland1644

I'm a budget cruiser, while my husband is a "new experience" cruiser It's challenging for me bc I want to jump on the next great sale rate, while he wants to book that expensive NCL balcony to Alaska So, my loyalty follows price/value, while his follows new ships, new ports, new cabin types, etc I'm fine with a 3-day itinerary living out of my suitcase, but he's not interested in least We're slowly working our way up the loyalty ladder on RCCL, NCL, and CCL But I have to "sell" him on each new booking
Comment from : @laurahenshaw3590

I just found your channel and I am really loving your videos! 🏝❤
Comment from : @sasfishadventures9729

we crused on 3 lines so far that 2 day one out of west palm was fun and good val fro the price and yes we will do it again for a quick getaway Carnival is a fun line the food is hit or miss the last one was bad food the first one was good food the enterment was good on all of them so far oue favoret is Priness great food ent staff all around wonderfull, we want to try MSC next
Comment from : @frankde58

Truly believe it's better to try other lines & ships
Comment from : @carolfrank9645

Will you and Jenny ever try Disney? My older teen boys and I love Disney!
Comment from : @priscillaulland1263

Celebrity and Crystal i think
Comment from : @valiantpramana

I also wanted to know if your doing a food video from yor last cruise?
Comment from : @karenglaicar5486

Thanks Tony You also look like you have lost more weight Good for you!!
Comment from : @karenglaicar5486

Great topic Tony We've done three cruises with three different lines, P&O Australia, Princess and Carnival We'll be taking our fourth cruise next year with Holland America Line so we're not very loyal so far P&O and Princess have a joint loyalty program here so we have gone to the gold level there already and I would be happy to cruise with either line again and maybe advance further in the program Our Carnival experience was pretty good too They all have pros and cons One of our dreams is to take a cruise on Cunard as that seems the pinnacle of ocean cruising but there are other small lines out there that would be good to try too
Comment from : @lisamorice4701

I have only been on one cruise and loved it I want to try other line but when I start looking I know way we did it the way we did It’s not cheap with other lines Will you do a video talking about what you get with each line and what it cost and around about way
Comment from : @SINternetEntertainment

I have cruised with Disney 4 (2 with kids and 2 without) times, Royal 2 times, Carnival 3 times and NCL 1 time Out of all of those Disney is my number 1 and I will be completing the Disney grand slam (all four ships) October 2020 Royal will have to be my number 2 I have gone with a friend of mine on 2 cruises with mariner of the seas and majesty of the seas and I really enjoy them so I have a cruise coming up in October of this year on the Navigator for my 17th wedding anniversary as well as one again on the Navigator on February 14th 2020 with my wife and three girls I cant wait to see what trouble you get into with Don!!! Enjoy Asia!!
Comment from : @raphsky

Hey Tony! I've been on two lines that are now defunct - Premier and Fathom We've also been on Royal Caribbean, Celebrity, Princess, and MSC Our two favorites are Celebrity and Princess out of those Hope you're doing well! Chris
Comment from : @ckbcustomshop

We’ve cruised Carnival, Princess and Royal Caribbean multiple times We have our personal likes and dislikes for all three lines Will cruise on Holland America in a couple weekshave heard many, not so flattering opinions for this line anxious to check them out for ourselves We love cruising and look forward to many more sail always!!
Comment from : @janreynolds3794

I am loving this video because I agree that it's very important to try various types of cruise lines to see the variety in each company
Comment from : @temmietaft2552

Over the past 50 years I’ve been on six different cruises each one has been good different lines each one has pluses and minuses I haven’t cruised on all the cruise lines but I do like Norwegian
Comment from : @andycensus

Hi Tony On the Serenade of the seas now First time with Royal Been on three NCL cruises So far very unimpressed with Royal Rooms are much better with NCL We walked out of Giovanni's the food was so bad They totally messed up our shore excursions Also way more activities on NCL I don't think we will cruise on Royal again
Comment from : @josephmartin8031

Comment from : @debbie2663

Been on 3 Carnival cruises, 2 were fantastic and 1 was meh (we've learned that we are not fans of 4 day cruises) and will definitely cruise with Carnival again We are booked with RC for January and are excited to see what they're like
Comment from : @CrestviewScott

Great thoughts Tony! We have not been on a cruise we haven't loved yet
Comment from : @travelscoutsunplugged

I've been on 2 ships, both RCCL I enjoyed both ships, neither was a megaship, but both had plenty to do and we kept active I cruised twice on one ship Majesty of the Seas We did a 4 day and a 3 day We found the 3 day more crowded and more of a party atmosphere, almost to a fault My third cruise was a 7 day I've decided if at all possible, I would continue sailing at least 7 day cruises, especially, since I gave to add air travel into the mix If I'm going to fly, I want to get as much out of my trip pool as possible brIn November, we'll be on the Celebrity Equinox I know Celebrity and Royal are sister lines so I'm expecting the same, if not better service It's been 15 years since my last cruise, I know a lot has changed, but I'm looking forward to sharing the cruise experience with my husband It'll be his first time cruising
Comment from : @rickthibodeau9172

We've only done 2 cruises, both RC We definitely are loyal to RC However, being fairly new to cruising the curiosity of another cruise line is strong, but which one has been the big question After watching all of your vlogs and vlogs of other cruisers, I believe Celebrity is going to be our first non RC cruise
Comment from : @JKPDawson

Sailed on most major cruise lines and prefer RCCL Need 80 sail days to get Diamond benefits and once you reach Diamond you qualify for Elite benefits on Celebrity and Discoverer benefits on Azamara, cruises are much more enjoyable when you can enjoy these benefits, especially use of the Diamond Lounge Only need 75 sail days to get Platinum benefits on Carnival but prefer RCCL Diamond benefits
Comment from : @randy120

I started with princess with the ruby and carribean I was 25 at my first time and had such a great time Whoever said princess is boring is not correct I have only been on RC for comparison I liked both cruises
Comment from : @chriswood5510

I haven't been on a cruise, but I'm positive I'll love it and it's something I want to do I live 45 minutes from the port of Galveston Carnival and royal leave out of it (Disney too, but I don't want to cruise with kids and the $$$ is a bit much) Thinking about loyalty, I have planned 2 cruises, one on car in Feb and one on RC in Nov, to see which vibe I prefer I figured that would be a good starting point :) I'll build a little loyalty with the one I prefer As I venture to other ports and ships my view might change, but it will be fun finding out!
Comment from : @pvillelde

I don't have loyalty to any ship and have been on several different ones We do not like the big ships being in our 70s we don't want climbing walls ect We are going on P and O Ventura tomorrow and am looking forward to it Excited
Comment from : @jeanettecarpenter4437

Nearest cruise port can be a choice criteria For example Carnival does not Sail out NY too frequently while Royal and NCL do Driving to a port instead of flying can significantly reduce your travel bill Also Princess seems to be more present in the Western part of the country
Comment from : @carolgrace3086

I’ve been on Carnival, Norwegian, and Royal Caribbean I rank them in order of favorites: NCL, RCL, Carnival I want to sail MSC next, already got my status matched to Gold on MSC
Comment from : @naomieg1041

#TeamTony, WOW!! Brother, you are positively Skinny now! Congratulations on the weight loss All of your hard work is showing and I am so proud of you both!!brbrAs to the topic, thanks for this video! I need help in this area because I've been on five cruises, all Carnival Because I can only do one cruise per year, gaining the loyalty points is important to me That's why I haven't done another cruise line yet I want my cruise days to "count" as it were Does anyone have suggestions? Also, I cruise solo so that's another consideration (ocean view or balcony only) Please help! :o)
Comment from : @drbraxygilkeycruises1460

I like RCCL my primary cruise line, Carnival is fun and budget friendly for group cruises I will in the future book NCL and MSC to honestly provide a comparisonbrHappy Cruisin 🚢
Comment from : @ladybug7791

I have been on 4 different cruise lines I really liked HAL but due to their higher cost and their port locations, my favorite has been Princess to which I now have built up some loyalty rewards :-)
Comment from : @gailabert7976

I love NCL
Comment from : @phillipwilmoth3993

Royal Caribbean ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Comment from : @missi9802

I’ve been on 5 cruise lines Princess, Royal Caribbean, Norwegian, Carnival and Celebrity My least favorite was Princess My favorite is Celebrity Would love to do a Disney cruise I think that if it’s in your budget it’s good to try different lines and different ships within the line
Comment from : @dkavinsky

You are absolutely right How can you choose your best cruise line if you have no comparisons to make? It also of course depends on what type of cruise experience you prefer as there are a few After cruising a few different cruise lines we have chosen Celebrity for all of our current and future cruises
Comment from : @cliffnorman178

wanted to say i have missed several videos and you can def tell you are thinning down keep up the great work sr great videos
Comment from : @TBCOML

I've sailed on Carnival Triumph, Carnival Victory, Celebrity Mercury, NCL Sun, NCL Jewel, Celebrity Summit, and NCL Jade With two upcoming cruises on Celebrity Eclipse and Summit (again) Yes I prefer Celebrity But I am in my late 50's so I don't need the party atmosphere anymore
Comment from : @paulvoelker3801

Looks like you lost a lot of weight good work congrats
Comment from : @rizkaba2990

Our family has only cruised Disney We have nothing but praise for the cleanliness, customer service, shows, activities We absolutely love Disney! They've hooked us While theres lots for the kids, theres also lots for adults Beautiful adult only areas, clubs And our kids LOVE the kids clubs They spend all their time there, and Dad and Mom get lots of relaxation time Its perfect for us!
Comment from : @amandacarroll9611

Tony, Wonderful video and great discussion item Disney, Carnival and Princess are the three I have been on with Princess being our favorite Next cruise will be number 26 in 24 days We would like to try Holland, MSC and Celebrity in the future Thanks
Comment from : @dennisdalessio8238

We’ve been strongly considering a Disney Cruise lately Been on two carnival cruises so far, but want something less basic
Comment from : @billrockey5108

This makes good sense We've only cruised Carnival so far and none of the biggest ships But I'd like to try MSC and RC
Comment from : @kennethbarnhouse7462

Agree We tried RC, HA, NCL and Celebrity Celebrity is our favorite overall and RC was my least favorite Princess is up next for us Although RC is at the bottom of my list, it does have the best internet of the group Really like the Haven on NCL HA had the friendliest staff Celebrity ships take the top spot for best food, ship design and their live music programs Best cafe goes to HA with Celebrity in second spot Best cabin for me so far is a tie between the Haven on NCL and the sky suites on Celebrity
Comment from : @668_neighbor_of_the_beast6

I have only been on one cruise so far and it was with Carnival We had a great time but I do want to go on some of the other cruise lines at some point
Comment from : @bjfan011965

I might consider bDISNEY/b because they don't have a casino that allows smoking to pollute 10 of the ship
Comment from : @kentrobinson7479

We have tried Royal Caribbean, Holland American, and Princess Royal Caribbean is our go to, mainly because we are Diamond Plus members and the perks are too good to give up I wish they would have some new itineraries, because we have been to the islands in the Caribbean many times, Canada and New England many times, and would like to go to Turks and Caicos with Royal Caribbean, but I don’t know that they go there
Comment from : @nancyzahradnik6021

I want to try a few different ones as well! Booked on the Harmony of the seas next spring Counting down Thanks for your information and vlogs Love you and Jenny! 👍🤗😎
Comment from : @aprilsomers4973

My 1st cruise was on the defunct Premier Cruise Lines in the mid-1980's I started cruising again in 2014 and my wife and I started with Carnival We alternated between cruising with Carnival and Royal Caribbean since December 2015 Why? It is always nice to experience something different, especially the decor and ship layout
Comment from : @TheRiverPirate13

We did royal and now we're doing carnival I wanted to switch it up for port and scheduling options We primarily went on royal because of cococay Royal doesn't go to ochos rios so we went with carnival
Comment from : @LaysiaRayne

Been on Holland America, Princess, and Celebrity Princess and Celebrity are pretty much tied for me Have been on both more than once Found the experience to be one I quite liked on both brbrThough I certainly have my preferences when it comes to ships especially with Princess loved Emerald Did not like the layout of Coral Have not been on the newer princess shipsbrbrAm looking at either a European River Cruise or Norwegian Fjord Cruise for next year Either of these will be a different experience for me as I have not done a river cruise and the route I like best for the fjords is on a line I have not cruised on yet
Comment from : @sandrarose881

Love, love, love Holland America Food, service, entertainment, itenary and value for your dollar Yup, for the more mature cruiser who likes a more elegant and regal cruise
Comment from : @mikeeno104

I love cruising I have only cruised on RC and Carnival So far I love carnival But I would love to cruise Norwiegn
Comment from : @pchoice1

Hubby and I havedone 7 cruises- our first was RC- not a great experience Took us many years before we were willing to try cruises again We changed to Disney and have done 6 Disney cruises Super loyal - expensive yes but get what you pay for
Comment from : @Thetaylorsonthego

At times it seems as though Holland America is seen as some kind of red-headed stepchildlol They rarely get a mention on popular cruise blogs Maybe it's because they don't do Caribbean itineraries in the summer, I don't knowbrbrHaving said that, I understand folks cruise looking for different things and tastes vary from person to person (or family to family) But for a simple laid-back getaway, it's hard to beat the value HAL provides
Comment from : @oneijoe3363

I've tried five and have liked them all Celebrity being my fav, carnival my least favorite But they are all fun even Carnival Carnival has the best value right now
Comment from : @Siora-sp2do

I am all for trying new lines, I have only been on 7 so far have one planned for next year on a new one for me NCL I have been on Carnival, Holland and Princess so far Open to others too!
Comment from : @ExploreTravelTV

Hey Tony, I've been loyal to Royal for the last 13 years Once I reach Diamond level I plan on trying other lines MSC because of their program match, and Celebrity also because they are in the same family as Royal and they match
Comment from : @ondard

Great points I think your taste for cruise lines change as you get older What I liked at 18 is different now that I’m older Everything changes overtime , and it’s good to try new things Maybe you’ll find something you actually like better
Comment from : @SM-sy5cd

I have sailed on 35 cruises Royal Caribbean, Carnival, Holland America, Princess & Norwegian I think everyone should start with Carnival (the fun ship) but l agree compare branch out & find the ship & cruise line that works for you
Comment from : @marlenekelleyrisner1766

Like many I have tried different cruise lines I used to think that they were all just floating buffets with an evening show After a bit I discovered that Princess seemed to have more of what I wanted and more importantly less of what I did not like Princess is my line now and I think I am what they want in a customer Leaving again for Italy and the Baltics in November on Pacific Princess (their small ship) By all means, shop around and try different lines if you can
Comment from : @michaelinarizona1403

I’ve done 3 on Carnival, 2 on RC and have another RC booked in a few months The first 2 Carnival I was on were great, but I feel the quality has gone downhill lately The vibe has turned into more of a cheap, spring break drunken party So far, the 2 RC I’ve been on have been good, but I definitely prefer the larger ships to the smaller I’d love to do a Disney cruise, but those prices $$$$ You definitely pay a premium for the Disney name and I haven’t decided if it’s worth it yet or not
Comment from : @QuintessentialStefie

I agree, Tony I would never want to limit myself and I feel like if we never try anything different that we are limiting our experience
Comment from : @jamiehirschi2361

I've been on two Cruise Lines Most of which were on Carnival I have two more booked on Carnival I think I might try Norwegian or Royal after these next two cruises on Carnival I like how Noregian comes with alot of perks for booking balcony cabins
Comment from : @treyatl2006

I just finished my first cruise ever and I chose Princess to Alaska and that too the Royal Princess, it was great, love the experience, that said I want to try other cruise lines too in the future
Comment from : @reddy2travel492

Norwegian, Royal Caribbean, Celebrity, Princess, and Carnival I do not want to rate Carnival yet as I was on an older ship, the Elation, and compared to all the others the ship did not measure up, but since the others were higher class ships going in, it would not be fair to compare the Elation to them Of the remaining lines I'd say Celebrity and Princess tie for first with NCL and Royal tire for second, but I'd sail any of them again! I just love cruising and can find enough to suit me on any of them I do prefer a bit more reserved experience than Carnival seems to Providence, so my expectation is that it will be in third place after I go on a higher starter rated ship Having said all of that, my next trip is on the Royal Caribbean Majesty of the Seas This will be my third cruise on a Royal ship, so other factors weigh in to which line I sail other than how well i like the line, like port, schedule, price, destination I will likely not sail another 35 star Carnival ship after the Elation, so Carnival, bring another ship to Jacksonville, FL
Comment from : @rumbleyd

I've been on four different cruise lines Least favorite, Carnival Holiday, most favorite, Disney Wonder Disney is now out of my price range Cruised on RCCL, Navigator of the Seas, in 2017, and the Norwegian Getaway in 2018 RCCL and NCL are almost the same in my opinion I'm almost burned out on Western Caribbean itineraries I'm a senior and not interested in the "party till you puke" scene
Comment from : @williamadam3888

And look at different ships in the same cruise line because they can also provide a different experience
Comment from : @noeinroad7294

It all depends on what you want from a cruise and your lifestyle
Comment from : @daxgirl1121

We have done 1 princess, 2 Disney, 2 Carnival and 1 Royal Disney is by far the best but a lot more money Princess was good and had the best food We really enjoy carnival for a cheap trip Royal was aweful on so many levels Not in a hurry to ever go back on Royal Our next cruise is Norwegian so we will see what we think of them br1 - Disneybr2 - Princessbr3- Carnival brAnd last by far Royal
Comment from : @disneytraveler6823

Our first cruise was our honeymoon on the NCL Norway in 1994 We loved it and decided to choose a line that had the ships we liked the best and the best repeaters perks system Royal Caribbean won and we went on the Voyager next one year after it was built We have stuck with Royal and have been very happy After our trip on Harmony of the Seas in 2 weeks we will be diamond in the perks system We can't wait to book on board the Harmony for the newly amplified Oasis as diamonds for November 2020! Love your vlogs Tony & Jenny all your tips are so helpful even to experienced cruisers Hope you like the little trinket I sent you in appreciation of all your great tips!
Comment from : @MisBunnypics

My first cruise ever was February 2017 In 4 days I will be on a B2B for 14 days It will be my 7th and 8th cruise with number 9 booked for March 2020 Loyal to Royal from day one
Comment from : @puppythecat4009

I have only been on RC so far but open to others One thing I think is that there isn't really good lines and bad lines, just different lines for different people One who enjoys RC may find Princess boring Or one who likes Princess may find Carnival too noisy You just need to look at what we like as individuals and find the line that best you
Comment from : @kevinhamilton1211

At this point only carnival just because of the price for a family! Next one though I want it to be wither Mardi Gras or Royal Caribbean oasis class ship!
Comment from : @nicolesamazingvacations5064

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