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Talking With Stephen Krashen: How Do We Acquire Language?

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Comments Talking With Stephen Krashen: How Do We Acquire Language?

Funny story: this interview happened because Krashen randomly replied to one of my old tweets! 😅 twittercom/skrashen/status/1303011485367427072
Comment from : @mattvsjapan

You know someone is legit when they can admit they don’t know something
Comment from : @speardjinn5085

But babies start learning their first language when they don't really "understanding" it yet, but by first just repeating what they hear we don't teach babies grammar and give them vocabulary lists to memorize
Comment from : @coconoir6187

Comment from : @Elmeloireines

A man who says “I don’t know” and that “spider-man is GOAT”? <3 <3
Comment from : @lewisfitzsimmons1271

We studied Krashen sooooo much in grad school It's fun seeing the guy as a person, and I'm delighted that he's as kind and humble as I would've hoped
Comment from : @shanemichaelneal648

God made that Device in the brain to acquire language
Comment from : @royalblood22

Comment from : @jirok3973

14:10 I don’t necessarily think the theory of language acquisition based on grammar is badbr This is because considering the context of that time, it was quite difficult to create an environment immersed in the target language Using printed materials was much easier, and despite that, it allowed people to learn a language in their own country and communicate with foreigners in relatively less time compared to the immersion methodbrHowever, when it comes to fluency nothing can beat the immersion methodbrbrLastly this is just my opinion but it’s impossible to completely avoid wasting money when studyingbrIt’s like trying to buy only the winning lottery
Comment from : @kukkuru6519

Thank you both so much! ❤
Comment from : @mariagraziapirrello4916

my mester talking with his mester video:
Comment from : @randonfhing2833

I love that ending Yeah dude Man spent too much of his time on Epstein’s plane to read anything
Comment from : @LedZeppeli

I can just hear the European establishment language teaching has been going on for hundreds if not thousands of years and this man comes along and tells us that we have been doing it all wrong Well how have people learned other languages using those old outdated memorization methods? I like respect his work and was exposed to it and university, and I realize that he’s up against the monolith and when teachers use his method, they are up against a monolith
Comment from : @teachone2261

Great until the end How's that "walls don't work" idea going now? If reading enables acquisition of all kinds of knowledge, what is the effect of talking only with people who agree with you?
Comment from : @intjmikepearson1350

Comment from : @toyoashihara6242

If you've never heard of Anki, you are not an expert on language learningbrYou are an expert in staying in your own language learning bubble
Comment from : @stevencarr4002

I came for the thumbnail I stayed for the stories!
Comment from : @Koggelxander

Good job
Comment from : @alielmoudden1605

What an incredible video with really unique and fascinating talking points! Loved it! Will be coming back to listen again
Comment from : @tripik426

Comment from : @jirok3973

I kinda agree with both of you when you discuss accent: The brain does discard not needed information, many bilinguals have an accent even though theybare completely fluent from childhood but rediscovering sounds you don't have in your native language seems to happen more often with whom becoming part of the club of the speakers of language X and assimilating in their culture
Comment from : @Anna_Leis

Bro had lunch with Stan Lee and Matt didn’t even bat an eye
Comment from : @alexh3158

Coming back to this interview years after I started learning myself and have been doing more output Incredibly insightful interview
Comment from : @ProfKisuto

This is EPIC
Comment from : @hunterwinslow780

When ever I see people talk about this ‘acquisition’ method, ‘comprehensible input’ they never give specifics What would a language class actually look like with this method? What would the students actually do?
Comment from : @patdainel9037

Felt amazing listening to this talks
Comment from : @RajibTalks

Sounds to me that acquisition is about input, but refinement requires output
Comment from : @jackobite1000

I don't know I don't know I don't know
Comment from : @NullByte-z8j

input input input input input input
Comment from : @NullByte-z8j

Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky
Comment from : @NullByte-z8j

though this doesn't have anything to do with learning a language, Whenever I play this game , osu a rhythm game, and my mind just turns off I always play better, but when I get concious about my playing, Like I'm actively forcing my self to pay attention, my accuracy drops
Comment from : @sinusoidalKant

Matt's English is also very good
Comment from : @tehn00bpwn3r

Why the hate for Trump? He did a grate job as precedent
Comment from : @magatow1906

58:28 Even smart people commit dramatical errors, he says that people who read more are more empathic, that is refuted intermediately when you see Hitler in a train reading, and having a 16 thousand books on his library and having reading around 6000 (according to Baldur von Schirach, another nazi) , and not only that, a lot of people before 18th century (before "industrial era"), didn't know how to read, and however there were a lot of people that were humble and empathic, obviously there are exceptions, but saying that a man is empathic or not if he reads or not is an error Of course Trump had his bad things, but his good things as well There is not need to stigmatize like that, instead lets try to analyze everything better with a skeptic point of view and do not use ever a fallacy (in this case ad hominem) unless we don't know that is a fallacy, in that case you simply repent from your intellectual error and keep learning
Comment from : @PhilipposIII

someone's smoke alarm needs a battery lol great video otherwise
Comment from : @dinsfire8489

I think I understand what you are saying about a person who retains their native accent (eg German) after learning and speaking English I have 2 friends who are brothers I have known them for 63 years The elder brother has no accent The younger brother does Has the younger brother retained his German accent (coincidentally so did their parents, mother German, father Polish) because they learnt English faster or slower?? Learning French, I must admit after listening with rote learning, and told not to try to remember the words, I have retained French words better Unfortunately, with a hearing impairment, I find it harder to correctly pick up the spoken french word, in attempting to understand what is being spoken How do you jump the hurdle of understanding the normal speed of a foreign language being spoken that you are learning?
Comment from : @judithtaylor6916

The problem is when and how do I get comprehensive input? I’m just now learning hiragana and katakana If I listen to 1000 hours of anime, I don’t know I am going to have any comprehension because I know zero vocabulary only basic kana
Comment from : @1984mrdale

Comment from : @アキ-g3q

How do you get started understanding anything at all from scratch when it’s 0 comprehensible?
Comment from : @drivers99

Que sea tan interesante que olvides que esta en otro idioma ❤
Comment from : @kathiaponcefausto7825

14:47 That's the answer
Comment from : @bea1737

Anytime I watched Dr Krashen, I feel heartwarming knowing he's getting older I always wish he remains good in health Ameeen
Comment from : @fauzistudentofknowledge

Thanks so much
Comment from : @SnakeAndTurtleQigong

It is still not clear to me the “reading comprehensible input” in a language you don’t know yet How should I start?
Comment from : @anaclaudiaberaldo9695

this man is so good at talking, that I don't even care that much what he's talking about, I will like it anyways
Comment from : @Hrummjke

When you are an adult, you usually already find yourself having a cultural identity so transitioning to a language with a different identity probably is more difficult than a child The "club" identity makes sense My mom is Korean and lived in Korea for 30 years before coming to America She is culturally Korean, and even though she understands English very well, she doesn't speak it super well and I imagine it us because she still maintains an outsider perspective
Comment from : @Entropic_Alloy

I hope he changed the battery on his smoke alarm 😂
Comment from : @InappropriateShorts

Comment from : @Tyler-Alvarez1234

Comment from : @Tyler-Alvarez1234

I don't know 😂 I really don't know
Comment from : @Gregjm-v3t

Interesting conversation
Comment from : @petyapetya2795

Awesome!❤❤❤brSir Stephen Krashen, Thank you so much❤❤❤
Comment from : @shiningstar5408

Language acquisition is not that new I have a small book on language learning printed in 1992 This little book is a gem and talks about everything you guys are talking about today There's nothing new under the 🌞 sun
Comment from : @gandolfthorstefn1780

Someone's fire alarm needs a new battery
Comment from : @seekthuth2817

Comment from : @Tyler-Alvarez1234

I learn whole sentences saying them aloud 5 days - 300 repetitions per day at least Later I don't need to translate I know the meaning of words straight away like in my native language And also I remember the meaning longer than by learning separate words This method is called: chunking It was a real game changer in my learning process and communication skills in English and other languages😊😊
Comment from : @FrankKimono744

Comment from : @Tyler-Alvarez1234

Haha sacré steeve !
Comment from : @AlbertoSanchez-wd4jr

18:55 Reading is a key for comprehensible input
Comment from : @TheGoodOldNas

The liberal anti trump nonsense at the end was unnecessary and lame
Comment from : @idkybutwutever

16:30 - it's funny, now that AI has exploded, do we have this tool already? 😄brbrgreat interview by the way!!
Comment from : @fmaylinch

For acquiring pitch accent Just treat it as a new language And apply the acquisition methods
Comment from : @justinstorm

I couldn't hear the name of the town in Ukraine
Comment from : @metorisharp2901

how does language acquisition work for the autistic mind?
Comment from : @Saotic

If you close your eyes, matt sounds just like Derek from Veritasium
Comment from : @DBoone123

I just cannot express how much I resonated with what being an avid reader means to one's personal development
Comment from : @JiazeZhang

I wish he wouldn't bring his zionistic commie politics into the convo Now I don't like the guy Not everyone is anti Trump We're not all libtards
Comment from : @frankserpico9450

It's like a conversation between a professor and his student Great!
Comment from : @sebastianschmidt3869

I think that aktively speaking a language on a regular basis can 1) boost your confidence in your language skills and therefore indirectly improve your fluency b) improve your pronounciation (because it activates your mouth's muscle memory) Just a hypothesis :_)
Comment from : @sebastianschmidt3869

As a black man, I totally understand the thing about accent and club membership Because, I can speak perfect intellectual school taught English when I am in a formal setting, but when I get around the community that I am from and my family, I speak perfect Ebonics without thinking about it I can switch between perfect standard English and Ebonics on demand without thinking about it depending on the setting
Comment from : @vwnclubb7591

Perhaps I missed it, but I was really looking for an explanation concerning the science behind "comprehensible" input Krashen's view that it was linked closely to psycho social "belonging" was insightful although the mechanics were not explained so it was not clear whether it was necessary It appeared to me that the "belonging" was like a golden key that alone could open the second language He also mentioned that reading pleasurable and compelling input were also golden keys, but I must admit, I felt a disagreement between what he was saying and what you had experienced, concerning the earlier stages of second language acquisition brbrI think there are clear benefits to both reading and listening, but Krashen seemed more fixed on reading while you tend to value listening, particularly actively Krashen also seemed to dismiss passive and background listening suggesting he "didn't know" and it was "hard work", I found the tone slightly didactic and dismissive Ideas about "output" remained unexplained, I found this a little confusing too All in all, I think there are differences between your approach and Krashen's which are probably worth exploring more deeply and academically brbrOn a side note, I felt your discussion was extremely valuable, but your personal experience of second language acquisition, feels more intuitively correct, understandable and practical, while Krashen's seemed to have gaps (based on that conversation) I think you are on to something Matt, and should write your own work I think it would stand academically along side his
Comment from : @ShaneMorris0n

thanks dude
Comment from : @Deibi078

I hate French
Comment from : @Deibi078

Gracias 🫶🫂
Comment from : @ramlawarsame2952

To commenters saying Chinese is easy, I challenge you to this monstrosity: 人要是行,干一行行一行,一行行行行行,行行行干哪行都行。要是不行,干一行不行一行,一行不行行行不行,行行不行干哪行都不行。
Comment from : @bluevisor

Just tell chatgpt to write you a story in level X of language Y Any subject in any genre of any length With dialogs or narration
Comment from : @dafreakingusername

Love an exoert who is willing and open to lead an answer with "I don't know" before moving into their own speculation Makes me want to listen to them more
Comment from : @edkittens75

absolutely love that man😅❤
Comment from : @nadyakarmolog

Does anyone understand what krashen said at 3114 seconds? Says something in Spanish I need to transcribe this video, but I never understood this part
Comment from : @Hannigramy

Fascinating discussion, Steve's story about the French caricature was a real epiphany for me
Comment from : @chrisschneider3873

What a human being!!!
Comment from : @margo6133

What an amazing conversation! Thanks, Matt!
Comment from : @vinirodzzz

I'm an ESL teacher and this information is amazing Over the years I've come across random people who spoke incredible English, learned exclusively through input, be it gamers, avid readers, music fanatics My question would be, how do I bring this into the class?
Comment from : @lucanthunder

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