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The Chomsky Skinner Debate: How Do Humans Acquire Language?

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Title :  The Chomsky Skinner Debate: How Do Humans Acquire Language?
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Comments The Chomsky Skinner Debate: How Do Humans Acquire Language?

The First spoken Language begin in the Animal-Kingdom,bralmost all of the First words is Warning-soundsbrCampell-monkeysbrIt is the same monkey-logic in use of the so called modern brhumans, but even much more Illiteracy and Superstition,brDead mantras and lingual rubbish
Comment from : @holgerjrgensen2166

Me and my fellas is in mentalistic gang
Comment from : @valhatan3907

Chomsky's perspective, like a significant portion of hypotheses churned out by some cognitive psychologists, assumes that all children -- once accounting for genetic endowment -- have identical prenatal chemical environments, postnatal chemical environments, classical conditioning histories, operant conditioning histories, and traumatic histories It assumes that all children are born with identical brains that are capable of acquiring language due to some "innate" ability, which Chomsky has, many times, claimed is guided by some sort of "spirit" or force in the brain that is "in" the brain but not "of" the brain Skinner did not respond to his argument because doing so would reinforce his response Put in another way, I don't think that anyone is denying that there is a genetic component to behavior (Watson may have strayed away from that argument, but Skinner definitely never did) In 1959, when "Verbal Behavior" was originally published, it was IMPOSSIBLE to be able to observe what was going on in the brain because we did not have the technology to be able to do so Skinner's perspective was clearly a product of its time
Comment from : @Kerrymoynihanintellectual

If you read both verbal behavior and Chomskys review, it’s clear that Chomsky either misunderstood skinners stance or misrepresented it in his review Approaching the phenomenon of language and cognition from differing scientific worldviews Skinner was a pragmatist, Chomsky outlines one possible narrative about how language acquisition might work Posits some, IMO unnecessary, hypotheticals along the way If you’re interested in hearing another perspective without having to read through the tome that VB is, I’ve included some citations below brbrMacCorquodale, K (1970) On Chomsky's review of Skinner's Verbal behavior Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior, 13(1), 83brbrPalmer, D C (2006) On Chomsky’s appraisal of Skinner’s Verbal Behavior: A half century of misunderstanding The Behavior Analyst, 29, 253-267brbrPeace and love
Comment from : @theman3483

Comment from : @dilminethmini00

This reallllly helped me on preparing for my university exams
Comment from : @Soufiwiwi

Studying for uni
Comment from : @unknowndes1re

Really? Unlimited variables?
Comment from : @zchularoceribfjan

high quality vedeo
Comment from : @KathyLu-bi2xg

Chomsky is cheeks
Comment from : @EricDenette-uj5hx

High quality summary of the debate Thanks for creating this well informed and entertaining video!
Comment from : @psicologiajoseh

🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:brbr00:00 b🧠 Behaviorist BF Skinner's work focused on conditioning animal and human behavior through rewards, influencing psychology and education/bbr01:14 b📚 Noam Chomsky's critique of Skinner's book "Verbal Behavior" highlighted fundamental flaws in Skinner's theory, particularly its application to human language acquisition/bbr02:30 b🧒🏽 Chomsky argued against Skinner's stimulus-response model, pointing out the complexity of human language and the inadequacy of conditioning theory in explaining it/bbr04:21 b🤔 Chomsky's "Plato's Problem" posits a gap between a child's limited linguistic experience and their vast linguistic knowledge, suggesting an innate, biological basis for language acquisition/bbr05:05 b🔤 Chomsky proposed the concept of universal grammar, suggesting that all humans are biologically equipped with an innate understanding of linguistic principles, which underlie the diversity of languages spoken/bbrbrMade with HARPA AI
Comment from : @sebsirop4289

I really like your video
Comment from : @OmhaniBashir-tw9vi

Yeah Chomsky's critique was poopy brbrLike, really badbrbrHe goes off on rants about stimulus-response psychology but doesn't seem to understand that Skinner & VB are not related to S-R psychologybrbrbrIt's pretty ridiculous at timesbrbrNot that he doesn't raise any interesting point It's just that most of them were addressed in the years that followed
Comment from : @Niall001

this dude deserve more viewers
Comment from : @srinathshrestha3899

Chomsky s giving people to much credit It may be his wishful thinking
Comment from : @Hotscrotum69

Additionally, behavior learned in a trained context emerging in untrained contexts (generalization) or a novel behavior emerging that contains components or sequences of other behaviors/behavior chains (contingency adduction) has been shown empirically to be a common phenomena across many different speciessee Pryor et al (1969) doi 101901/jeab196912-653 and see Neuringer (2004) doi 101037/0003-066X599891
Comment from : @chochoproductions5720

Chomsky's critique made it obvious he never read Skinner's Verbal Behavior
Comment from : @chochoproductions5720

the question is do you need reward to grow a pair of legs
Comment from : @fokusdeutsch3672

Julien Combray would know that everything between the first reinforced speech sounds to all kinds of behavior being reinforced in all kinds of settings in all kinds of different ways is acounted for, he just has not read Skinner Like Chomsky Skinner does not have to read Chomsky because Chomsky has said nothing relevant to the issues at hand
Comment from : @joachimmikalsen1676

If you see this yes I was researching for our IBT discussion
Comment from : @YUKI-dx8fm

what a surprise to see Watson's little Albert there!😂
Comment from : @CPPCUK

These are just observations, not an attack If you're going to learn a foreign language, you're going to use Skinner's approach, not Chomsky's If Chomsky had been able to provide more detail about the specific brain structures involved I suspect Skinner might have incorporated it (I believe he posited the existence of a language centre in the brain that would perform functions like those assumed to be provided by universal grammar) And yes, Skinner's conception was inadequate, but research along the lines he took has continued and more sophisticated approaches have developed Chomsky would be better off collaborating with behaviourists, as would behaviourists be if Chomsky were willing to collaborate
Comment from : @johnfitzgerald7618

Completely unrelated, but hey you remind me a bit of that great novel by Proust!
Comment from : @trig2mc6

Thanks boss helped alot
Comment from : @ahmadmhamadz3468

I am also trying to learn more about this field Thank you for making the video
Comment from : @SheikhAhmadShah

a very well made video! kudos
Comment from : @SaumyaSharma

Great work
Comment from : @kaleemullah323

Kyle Kulinksi sent me here from a tweet, not disappointed Thanks for the cool video!
Comment from : @SpikeTFA

Love that turtle kid
Comment from : @wdf1088

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