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Stephen Krashen and Language Acquisition

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Title :  Stephen Krashen and Language Acquisition
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Description Stephen Krashen and Language Acquisition

Comments Stephen Krashen and Language Acquisition

This was super helpful! Thank you for dedicating your time to help (future) teachers!
Comment from : @user-ot5vw8kb2u

Good work
Comment from : @JesseBucheche

Krashen was a fraud
Comment from :

I'm here bcoz of sir jandy HAHAHAHA igat😭😭
Comment from : @SunshinePamat-b5z

Love u so much mr Kaufmann
Comment from : @Hanni_2001_H

Meu sonho de vida é ter um óculos igual ao do senhor kaufmannkkkkkk
Comment from : @oilucas7760

Those glasses are lit 👌
Comment from : @lyn170

Thanku sir, very useful video
Comment from : @madhurimamrmadhusoodhanann3416

How can I convert this video into a text please?
Comment from : @meriemza

I appreciate your efforts
Comment from : @YunusKazi-xw9hj

Thanks for your summary!!! Best wishes!
Comment from : @GGboy12-34

You need to learn the HOW before you learn the WHY
Comment from : @Dan50

Comment from : @satchycollins3985

Totally true!
Comment from : @thomasbayer2832

The best Professor ever! Gratitude 🙏🏼💖 I hope you are well! greetings from Brazil 🇧🇷
Comment from : @andreagoncalvesdossantos5087

Too bad many elementary school teachers use Krashen's ideas incorrectly Krashen talks about learning a language, while the teachers apply his ideas to teaching reading and writing By skipping grammar and phonetics, they produce million upon million of high school graduates who cannot read in their native language, English It is like "Why Johnny can't read" has not been written
Comment from : @TinLeadHammer

Thanks Steve
Comment from : @LiveWellUkraine

thanks a lot
Comment from : @anhkiettrang3699

You need a great deal of practice to learn language
Comment from : @mrezayaghoubi6065

He ignored or at least underestimatrd the role of practice in learning a second language
Comment from : @mrezayaghoubi6065

Those glasses get my ADD triggered 😂brI think I missed few points, thinking how they are
Comment from : @dafreakingusername

Like si venís por el recuperatorio de didáctica y ya te tomaste 3 monsters jaja
Comment from : @enzosanchez5956

Comment from : @omarcosve

thank you sir Very helpful
Comment from : @JesseCuoi


Comment from : @yassirsaidi2964

Comment from : @valentina_fantasy

What's easier, Steve; total physical response, gesture, mood or looking it up in the dicionary?
Comment from : @johnjustice8478

چۆن قوڕت کردە سەرمان
Comment from : @Sevar_S_Sallaey

Hi i am learning englishbrOK no se como decir esto así que recurrire al español señor yo vi el método del imput comprensible con mr salas eso me ayudo a conseguir un buen nivel de inglés pero me siento estancado quería buscar otros métodos el de mr salas si funciona aprendo palabras y cosas nuevas todos los días aveces busco gramática etc eso es una ayuda a el método del imput comprensible para hacelerar el aprendizaje y entender más rápido las cosas lo que pasa es que busque otros métodos lo malo es que no encuentro nada más útil siguen aviendo clases tontas o videos tontos dando recomendaciones por que si, ver videos etc eso es imput pero no explican el por que así que decidí venir a ver su video y usar el poco inglés que se y tratar de entenderlo considero que el mejor método que hasta ahora e usado a sido el imput comprensible es un salva vidas lo malo es que igual tarda en aprender uno osea en clases y solo clases tardaría 10 años en adquirir el b1 pero con el imput eso se consigue en 5 meses dependiendo de que tanto le dedique al día eso es muy bueno pero yo busque mejores métodos y no pillo ninguno mejor xd si no pillo nada me quedare con el imput comprensible y que al imput no se lo quita solo se le suma para ayudar al aprendizaje más rápido
Comment from : @therick9451

That's it Totally agree😁 works for me and my students as well💪
Comment from : @anthropolingua1977

Learn by age seven, or give up
Comment from : @LesserMoffHootkins

No Just no
Comment from : @LesserMoffHootkins

I am not sure about the natural order concept, what is natural for some languages is not natural for others, just saying
Comment from : @paulapedrosa4867

You guys are amazing
Comment from : @morgianaetienne618

Steve, I subtitled this video in Portuguese for my grandmother who's trying to learn English Do you think you could maybe add my subtitles to your video, so I could more easily share it to more people?
Comment from : @almapenada8528

Does this theory applies to other realms of learning like math and science ,or it's only for language ?
Comment from : @sonGOKU-gy7rg

awesomeI am learning mandarin with much DISCIPLINE
Comment from : @OscarWrightZenTANGO

In the language acquisition we have two independent ways of developing language ability One is a subconscious process and other deliberate effort First one is primarily naturally as a subconscious process and that we learn at school, do not help us very much Second hypothes is the natural order which we are going to acquire the elements of a language Natural order is not based on simplicity and complexity, it is immune to deliberate teaching Third one is that monitor hypothes is that the monitor our knowledge of grammar can make only a very small contribution to language acquisition because there are so many rules on the grammar And so few of them know all of these Forth hypothes is that is input compression which is the most significant one and works one There is no individual variation We can learn once we have acquired sort of the previous things we learn from the context You cant output your way to language acquisition It is input
Comment from :

The process of learning any language!
Comment from : @arseneousmanemethods

I really like listening to you and to DrStephen Krashen and I only wish one thing which is meeting on Zoom to talk to you and to DrKrashen it would be a great honour for me and to every single person interested in languages Thank you so much
Comment from : @ReZNoV9

Really need Vietnamese on LingQ
Comment from : @genxman7211

Perfectly put It should put people at ease for language learning
Comment from : @mariotaz

nice glasses : )
Comment from : @umidaubaydullaeva2111

Steve, eu acho que se você falasse um pouco mais devagar você poderia ajudar mais as pessoas e teria mais seguidores Às vezes, mesmo com legenda fica muito difícil acompanhar seu raciocíniobrO seu conteúdo é rico, mas possui vocabulário avançado
Comment from : @Edgar2023ES

I'm following you from Algeria 2nd year master student- Didactics -
Comment from : @dzairmonamour1306

good job men keep going 👍
Comment from : @BenAhmed0077

I had to study some of his SLA theories and other language teaching methods and approaches years ago, while also having learned a few languages I think all of these methods or approaches have up sides and down sides In a real teaching scenario nowadays, some teachers would apply multiple theories and approaches to one single class based on communicative language teaching (CLT) Comprehensible input is about acquiring the language from materials that are slightly higher than one's current level, and that one learns the best though people or things they can understand I don't think it's discouraging speaking or writing
Comment from : @HingYok

Hello from Taipei! I will use one of your videos about French learning to present in my B1 class!☺️ (The one you said listening is important!🤗)
Comment from : @sophieliu3290

We were making our first Mandarin Chinese podcast, and we thought: let's introduce Stephen Krashen's theories as a start!
Comment from : @TeaTimeChinese

Estou aqui tentando colocar inglês na minha cabeça! E estou conseguindo!
Comment from : @mileidedossantossilva4654

Thank you for this video everything you said is so true, I will start reading Stephen Krashen’s books
Comment from : @roloduarte3100

I really like your channel and the job you do! I'm a language teacher and I've been getting a lot of good insights here!
Comment from : @fredlss89

Love hearing you review and break down Krashen Keep it coming!
Comment from : @chadbailey7038

My problem is how to find material that are either interesting and comprehensible in the early stage of learning
Comment from : @sergiorodrigues6694

Thank you Sirit was pretty useful
Comment from : @mbilgincakmaciftci

That is such a fascinating topic! I wonder (perhaps you could make a video on it?) whether there is a more effective output: writing or speaking If there is, how effective would each one be and how can one go on practicing them? Thank you!
Comment from : @TeacherPauloPontes

Bizarre seeing this proponent's name I've only seen Krashen's name in my textbooks and related literature
Comment from : @faintsherin4468

Comment from : @leonoldfield9765

Thank you, Steve, for your videos They are so helpful for me I need learn Academic writing in Sociology, can you help me
Comment from : @mohamedbayoumy7376

Cool glasses 🤓!
Comment from : @JEspin2024

Steve Kauffmann is talking about Stephen Krashen! Loved it! It couldn't be more perfect Thanks for explaining clearly something that many language tutors learn but easily forget when they start working I believe in Krashen's theory, and your experience and LingQ are the proof of it!
Comment from : @lightspanish

I have taught ESL in the US, Taiwan, and Thailand Mostly I taught levels 1,2, and 3 I used at least 5-10 minutes of TPR each class period It was so great to see the students who couldn't spit out a word confidently picking up a pen, pointing to the clock, etc For higher levels, "strut", "grimace" got the language across just as well It does take quite a bit of prep time to keep the lessons progressively meaningfulbrTau
Comment from : @jeanwashington307

Krashen was/is one of favorite linguistic theorists since my days at the School for International Training master’s program in teaching back in 1981
Comment from : @stephenbouchelle7706

No matter how useful Krashen's method is, the way you use your glasses is just awesome
Comment from : @ivan-pr1co

These are like the coolest glasses ever I'm not even joking
Comment from :

Your videos give me hope!
Comment from : @lowercase_limell

I've never seen glasses that break apart in the middle like that before
Comment from : @StellarJustinJelly

Hi sir !!! Hello from Antony !!!))
Comment from : @RaD_CaT

I find the natural approach that you suggest amazing, and it works very well to my French (as a student) However, what I notice teaching English and Portuguese to immigrants is that most people simple aren't able to commit to spend time with the language they are studying It is a bit like dieting If you want to lose weight, you don't need some doctor monitoring you, but some people aren't able to reach a goal unless they have to show progress to some third person So how can I help them?
Comment from : @anahhungria

Thanks!! This helps
Comment from : @tracyevans-gilbert1810

I have a question Is input the solution for those who already use wrong forms because they learned it wrong? Because it seems to me that it isn't I mean if I think of native speakers who make certain mistakes even after 30 years despite the fact that they hear correct grammar all day, every day, I become unsure that it works
Comment from : @szsz220

I learnt english by just watching gaming videos, all day as a kid I didnt knew any grammer
Comment from : @user-og9nl5mt1b

Well said
Comment from : @YuserAlhaj

Hello, Steve, thanks for this remarkably great video and short-review brIt is always useful to hear this explanation from You connected with personal experience brbrWish we could see more detailed explanations of Krashen's theory in next videos! It would be great for all polyglot-societyhaven't you thought about it yet?brSuppose you should write a book about Your personal experience and essential features of languages You've studiedbrThanks a lot, anyway, best wishes!
Comment from : @ДмитрийОгцов

Hi Steve, at 8:28 you say Krashen has a lot of research to back up what he says I think it is only fair to mention that multiple academic linguists have criticised Krashen for not supporting his claims with empirical evidence and for relying on studies that are not academically sound
Comment from : @adiands850

Please colab with him sir, hope you can colab with him Is he languanges learner guys? I haven't about him, i spoke english everyday at home and on What'sApp group called English4all wanna to join guys?😊
Comment from : @ariohandoyo5973

After living in Taiwan back in 2015-2016, I have been back in Arizona and continued my education in Chinese before switching my major at ASU to Spanish (my second language) However, about two years have passed since I was dedicated to learning Mandarin like I once was I am ready to get back to it with exposing myself to the language and not putting too much pressure on myself and will continue to gradually work each day Steve, you always have the right videos ready for the right time 太感谢了! 加油!
Comment from : @adamlark8631

Thank you, Steve, for your videos They are so helpful for me
Comment from : @Comingwings

"The brain is a pattern recognition machine" We've just got to keep feeding it in the right way I guess
Comment from : @Tehui1974

when I learned about Krashen's theory, it all made sense! 😍 I learned English as a kid, but not really at school, but through music, media and books My pupils asked me to explain certain rules and I would often not know the rule but know how to apply it Everyone would be like "you have a talent for this" But I do not think I did, I think I was focussing on the right things 😄
Comment from : @CouchPolyglot

Comment from : @josmith5419

I respect your experience as a polyglot as well as Krashen's research, but I find that this "comprehensible input is the only God of language learning" approach to be quite dogmatic Certainly the bulk of your vocab and feel for gramar will derive from input, in a subconscious fashion, let's say But having bsome/b conscious formal study of the basic vocabs and grammar structures not only makes you more aware of the way the language works (and saves you a lot of deciphering time) but also cements your previous unconscious gains from input brAs for speaking early, it indeed does not help with acquisition, but repeating words and phrases in the language does make for a good mouth-training, not to mention it helps with recall Just my 2 cents
Comment from : @gabriellawrence6598

I want the same glasses)
Comment from : @konstantinparnikov3388

Thank you
Comment from : @nizarraguine2244

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