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Dr. Stephen Krashen, a Conversation About Language Acquisition

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Information Dr. Stephen Krashen, a Conversation About Language Acquisition

Title :  Dr. Stephen Krashen, a Conversation About Language Acquisition
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Frames Dr. Stephen Krashen, a Conversation About Language Acquisition

Description Dr. Stephen Krashen, a Conversation About Language Acquisition

Comments Dr. Stephen Krashen, a Conversation About Language Acquisition

The man himself
Comment from : @j2shoes288

This is stupidFluency is StrengthI've heard both of you try to speak another langaugeYOU'RE NOT FLUENT!!!! You have no strengthStop kidding yourself
Comment from : @PaulDelker

I’ve always thought fluency was when you could automatically switch back and forth between the languages without consciously making an effort to do sobrbrFor example if someone starts speaking to you in Spanish, you would automatically switch over to and start replying in Spanish The first time this happens, halfway through the conversation, or after it’s ended, you realize oh I’m speaking Spanish now
Comment from : @Aikano9

OhI love this conversation!
Comment from : @WenPeng-yr3js

Loved most of the discussion; I would like to go over having teahers with little knowledge of tghe language leading the class I mean we were just able to get a lot of input from these two giants of foreing lnaguage adquisition This is definitely going to impact our classes by far Nevertheless, the non-proficient teacher who cannot understand even when using CC is in a very disadvantegeous position to improve his/her lessons Another thing is, how is he/she goingto be able to assess what is leanred and what is not? There;s a bunch of questions However, I feel that new foreign language teacher do get better as they teach; I feel they can help under the guidance of someone or a team who is indeed proficient; otherwise, we may have a blind guide leading blind followers
Comment from : @sabinomorlaortega4748

Shadowing is for mastering pronunciation in a low anxiety enviroment Think you guys got confused with the purpose there Cheers
Comment from : @GuidedNova

Respect from India ❤
Comment from : @user-kx8jn9gj6y

Thanks This is super helpful I’ve just started using LingQ for Spanish No experience in the language Someone close to me gave me a book (la Ciudad y Los Perros) and I took it as a challenge Enjoying the journey so far! brbrI liked how the other Steve was modest in his answers You don’t see many “experts” say “I don’t know” Or even better “I hate this issue, let’s move on, next!” So refreshing in this day of blowhards and hot takes
Comment from : @Headhunter_212

They are look a likes!
Comment from : @mahamoutalgonidoud9558

Steve you are our man 🙏
Comment from : @selah2273

The actress who has a great french accent might be Jodie Foster
Comment from : @rufofrancois

It's great to see these two gentlemen having a conversation Both are a big inspiration to me in my journey to learn French
Comment from : @dispassionateobserver

Wait, Malcom Bilson was his piano teacher? Be is one of the best fortepianist's in the world
Comment from : @ryanpmcguire

inhibition is not measurable and cant be compared to anxiety
Comment from : @NOBENGLISH

hats off really 😍
Comment from : @NOBENGLISH

Chomsky's seat is empty in this interesting session, unleash yourself for more creativity 🎉
Comment from : @مرتضىالجبوري-ي6ي

Мы верим в тебя) Делай и дальше видосики с такими безумными заносами))
Comment from : @MeaganHaaby

"Culturally weightless" is the most beautiful phrase
Comment from : @trevorwcurrie

Hello sir I don’t understand your Whole English conversation so you Write it pic when you say something
Comment from : @swapondasDas-f6h

Hello sir
Comment from : @swapondasDas-f6h

whoah! Now I've seen Dr Steve KrashenI heard and read about him when I took my TESOL at Arizona State University through Coursera I thought he was an ancient manI think I encountered your name, Mr Steve Kaufman, I believe you were also mentioned by Ms Jessica Cinco or Dr Shane Dizon
Comment from : @infjstardust4357

23:10 I love the fact that when Stephen start saying he has a joke about french, Steve immediately starts asking if it's clean
Comment from : @VainoOtsonen-hu2mq

In what time talk about Mr Salas?
Comment from : @PayiloGonlo

agree with u about shadowing😀
Comment from : @zaraghenglish

Comment from : @zaraghenglish

It's Jodie Foster and she went to school in France so she's semi-bilingual She speaks French almost natively (with mistakes though) - she wasn't just acting
Comment from : @dancroitoru364

Almost 90 of the questions that I heard sounded like coming from someone who is thinking more and doing less No wonder they sounded so familiar
Comment from : @piyushsharma3233

Mis grandes ídolos junto a @LucaLamparriello
Comment from : @Junniorcardenas-du3kz

It's so precious to listen to the olders! Learn to listen to them and respect them even more!
Comment from : @Edu-Coimbra

Thanks you both great conversation
Comment from : @CosefXose

Comment from : @炒粿条-b1d

Fantastic conversation! Very useful and insightful!
Comment from : @look4sh

22:40 Steve Kaufmann said "childrens" May I use this plural form of a word "child" or I have to get the special written permission from some native speaker?
Comment from : @alexanderoverchenko5770

Oh guys you´re so inspiring! Thank you so much for this conversation, so smart, and humble and open at the same time! You relax us and makes us want to be even more curious and confident, all the best and thanks again!!
Comment from : @agustinalarriera4993

I exactly do that when I want to learn a word when I'm reading a book If I don't understand the context as you said because I don't know the vocabulary or verb I read it back and try to figure the meaning word out, if I read it back like two or five times I can learn it without looking up the word definition because I got an idea and it's the same in my native language I don't know all but I can get an idea all jajaja
Comment from : @angelbautista136

Thank you, Steves! 😊 I love languages, too, and my own personal experiences pretty much agree with the theories stated I studied French for 8 years in school I struggle to speak, and I have an accent I learned Spanish through a self-imposed immersion, and I work as a Spanish interpreter in the courts People ask me if I'm a native speaker because I at least know it well enough to make them wonder😊
Comment from : @Sarah_Eva

links for books sir krasha any have?
Comment from : @Kyojuruzi

Really surprised at the view on accentbrbrAccent in essence is simply the vocalising of the syllables of the language or dialect and it's rhythm appropriately Attuning to that makes it far easier to interact with the native speakers Why would anyone not want to make it easier to understand and be understood It's not about faking it It's about proper assimilation That assimilation makes it easier to make sense of the native speaker and to speak and be understood by the native speakerbrbrTry speaking to a broad Irish or Scottish person in English without assimilation Good luck on that one A foreign language is no different from that perspective Assimilation is a natural thing It's just the whole social construct and relationship to it that gets in the way You should want to get your body & brain around that adaptation for that reason alone
Comment from : @fuzzywuzzy599

Hablo Español, y quiero hablar pronto English🎉
Comment from : @stellaballesteros6978

Excellent!!!!! Quelle chance pour l’humanité !
Comment from : @LauerCommunications

As for using the personnel who does not speak the target language to that target language, the school needs to be very careful That personnel should be well educated in language acquisition theories and at least is fluent in another foreign language, has personal experience in successfully learning at least one foreign languageSteve is thinking from an adult's point of view From students' point of view, especially students from elementary, middle school, even high school students, a coach who does not speak the target language the students are learning cannot help them at all! And the students are not like adults who can control their behaviors, have extreme strong motivations I have witnessed that even with teachers who speak the target languages, with the online resources, language labs, the immersion foreign language programs collapsed
Comment from : @graceyoung2632

Licking each other's boots - makes me cringe BTW, open access journals tend to be used by people whose papers are deemed not worthy of publication in serious journals As for the 'who cares if we make mistakes?' approach, monkeys can make themselves understood perfectly well without speaking one word of English These conversations are just so one-sided And when you do criticise other people, it's always behind their backs, never in their faces brps who would ever have guessed that Steve owns LingQ - never passes up on an opportunity to plug it
Comment from : @TheHaining

I spoke to a guy once that spoke fluent spanish and english He took spanish in highschool and failed
Comment from : @Dan50

I'm learning English and this great video is comprehensible input for me Thank you
Comment from : @kathiaponcefausto7825

They are such sweethearts, both of them Love, love the video!
Comment from : @gnostie

So what about schools like MIddlebury that totally make you go out of your comfort zone and refuse to let you ever speak English Its a total immersion and even if you make mistakes you are forced to learn and use the languate you are learning despite you sucking at it It seems like its very successful No English is allowed and there don't seem to be exceptions that you have to eat, live and breathe that language for 7 weeks Its really intense What would be your opinion about such programs?
Comment from : @michelleg7

Best greetings from Vienna!!😊 everyone seems to have started with French although the French are infamous for correcting everyone who tries to speak French, sacre bleu!!😂 as a mother I didn't correct my daughter but repeated it correctly or in a context brought up the correct version this is even more important today as there is (speaking as a European) no language homogeneity anymore in the kindergarden and schools and this together with the massive use of social media has taken a heavy toll at the average citizen's language proficieny
Comment from : @squaretriangle9208

Spelling is more important than pronunciation?🤔 I would agree because for me the knowledge of the literary language is the most important dimension of a language but pronunciation is very important if your aim or your task is to be in constant contact with native speakers because eg you live in the native's country
Comment from : @squaretriangle9208

I'm so glad ( and blessed) for finding this conversation here on YouTube And much more that you've mentioned Rubem Alves !!! Our beloved Professor Gratitude and greetings from Brazil 🇧🇷🙏🏼💖
Comment from : @andreagoncalvesdossantos5087

This is so informative, interesting, and funny!
Comment from : @Koffee42

What are your thoughts on graduated interval recall and do you think that has a place in education?
Comment from : @DanielBanks-x5d

Probably the most helpful 48 minutes I've ever had to help me understand how to learn language
Comment from : @Dave-zg7cr

Fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing your conversation with us :)
Comment from : @avantibygabriel

Comment from : @TELESPEK

Can you learn two languages at the same time? Let’s say my native language is Spanish, l’ve been studying English for a long time and I think I have an intermediate level I would like to learn Italian also Do I must dominate English first?
Comment from : @jrenaudcourtney

I would love to know more about your thoughts on language acquisition and barriers to learning, such as dyslexia brThank you!
Comment from : @melanieschryburt2872

Wow great to hear your experiences in Ethiopia Thank you for learning our language Amharic and discovering our coffee as well
Comment from : @wakumannewbeginning6116

I am learning English, and I was listening to this video while I was playing Fall Guys I think I am at a B1 level or something, and I enjoyed this conversation very much I became more motivated to continue studying English in the early part of this year when I discovered the LingQ platform There, I came across "Six Minutes English - BBC Learning English" (someone had posted it there) and I loved it
Comment from : @lucasoliveira9834

That was such a pleasure listening to so lively and bubbly but such intelligent men The refrain of the video is we can't understand why everybody can't be as smart, well-read and experienced, motivated as us? The answer is simple - we are not
Comment from : @oksgry

💯 I love your interviews ^_^💯❤
Comment from : @nicoleyoshihara4011

When you learn a foreign language, even when you cook dishes from a country you are learning language from, the food tastes better I believe learning languages open your mind in different levels thank you both, cause your are heroes in the language field
Comment from : @fvazquez64

14:53 "Correction just creates more tension; more Prozac" 🤣
Comment from : @tharrrrrrr

The answer to your question as to why Teachers don't take the role of the "coach" probably has to do with traditional teaching methods taking precedent, but maybe also profit driven For example it probably is more profitable to market a school which gives the impression of having "exclusive knowledge" than to have teachers teach from outsource knowledge and sources brbrAlso the common consensus of most parents or people paying for education is that the teacher's job should be to "teach" Even if the more effective method is to allow people to explore on their own via different online sources, the person paying the money for a "teacher" may think the coach is not doing anything to help their education From a marketing perspective this is suicide because it could be easily misconstrued that these teachers aren't doing enough work brbrHaving teachers that aren't certified may also create political issues for a particular school too even though it may be extremely helpful to students because it is a point of possible contention others can use to discredit an educational organization Unfortunately the problem is there's not enough public understanding on unprecedented teaching methods even though they make intuitive sense and is in some ways quite obvious brbrLastly, the general public probably does not believe in the efficacy and idea of "language coaches" To the public it may seem like a gimmick or scam even though it makes sense after you've explained the concept For there to be more language coaches available, there needs to be a market for it For there to be a market for it, there needs to be bdemand* Demand will only come from the understanding that there is a *need/b for it If people do not think they need it, there will be no demand and no market opportunities, thus no language coaches The clear solution would be to educating the public about the benefits and efficacy of language coaches vs teachers Unfortunately this topic is rarely talked about which is why there is no market for this occupation
Comment from : @babynugget706

What is the ideal way of improve students' speaking skills? Should the emphasis be laid on more on listening or reading?
Comment from : @maheshkumar-vp6cb

This is truly a meeting of the minds How’d I miss this one
Comment from : @Sophiatardis

Clicked in cause I think I remember this name is on my textbook or something 😂
Comment from : @Esthers2411

25thJune,2023brAbundance of resources allow for immersion of language that quickly teaches the language but to be a master of language with minimum resources is actually a goal ,realizing that interest,motivation,intellect & focus are essential resources but how to learn in the absence of many essential resources
Comment from : @ayeshachouhan3251

Comment from : @thinktankdonahue

This is so interesting Especially the discussion of "speaking too soon" I was skipped a grade so when I was in 7th grade I didn't go into the "aural aural" language classes that were started at that level (My schedule was crammed with a lot of advanced courses and my mother was so upset I coudn'g take Latin!) So, I had to start French in the 9th grade, standard "book work" with a French grammar book (from France) and a French-Canadian teacher I had this teacher for 4 years through high school Eventually the classes "petered down" and it was ME and the aural aural kids I was scared to death to speak! But, the teacher told my mother (who also taught in the school) that I wrote like a native and comprehended very well and that she considered me to be her best student! She urged my mom to get me to France over the summer to solidify the speaking skills Unfortunately my father refused to let me go!
Comment from : @secretariatgirl4249

Comment from : @valentina_fantasy

Without getting into the details, I obtained a high level in French and German through listening and reading, without any inclination to communicate That took care of itself when I moved to Germany, but nowadays I can converse and write very well in French as well, despite the fact that I've hardly ever had occasion to speak it -- when there is a very rare opportunity, they're astonished when I tell them that I've hardly ever talked The language establishes itself in your brain, piece by piece, simply from exposure Strange as it may sound, we don't necessarily have to speak, to learn how to speak
Comment from : @robertalenrichter

sure it's very eductional, but also very wholesome can you name a more iconic duo?
Comment from : @Marrebrylle

شكرا جزيلا
Comment from : @عثمانبنعليطموح

Comment from : @naserrahman1877

For some reason I think these two are the same person
Comment from : @μήλο-τ7υ

This is such an important video for both language learners and teachers Thank you so much!
Comment from : @ttien13

Dear sir, I am very appreciate your theory
Comment from : @คุณนายหญิง-ซ5ถ

Thank you Steve for a great interview!! What's the book of Dr Kashen's that you refer to at 48:12?
Comment from : @matthewwoo6684

Stephen Krashen is so funny xD
Comment from : @zakjey1299

Thank you so much for this conversation! You're both great 🥰 As a language teacher and language learner I can't agree more with everything you say, particularly about language mistakes That's what I've been saying my whole life to my students and young teachers: our mistakes will not kill anyone!
Comment from : @perlita119

This is very interesting and he’s certainly passionate about his research 30 years ago I lived in Montreal I spoke French with colleagues at the university Once colleague kept correcting my French, hentold me not to speak like Quebecois, but to speak like the French He told me not to say J’sais pas, but Je ne sais pas I was supposed to not speak like locals I gave up as I was demotivated The main mistake I made in Canada was not to study grammar and vocabulary, I thought I could pick it up naturally, I couldn’t I’m afraid I have to do some conscious learning alongside comprehensible input, otherwise I don’t learn
Comment from : @StillAliveAndKicking_

How about Esperanto Language? Will this language die out eventually?
Comment from : @Drajr34

Comment from : @rodericksibelius8472

I watched a BBC documentary on language acquisition featuring Dr Krashen when I was in my teens I was never the same He gave me not just a passion for languages, but for good science too
Comment from : @valq10

I think the duo Steve & Stephen has hit on an incredibly important fact about language acquisition!brSure, being a very young kid probably helps to learn a language for "neurological" reasons, but I think that a very important factor that differentiates the outcome between, say, immigrants and their children , is that those who moved in the country when adults consider themselves as living in a foreign country, while their kids consider themselves as full and natural members of that community I think that is the main reason why adult immigrants invariantly keep a very thick accent but their kids do not, even if they speak their parent's language perfectly
Comment from : @Tech_Publica

a reasonable definition of fluency is being able to speak and understand on a consistent level without "translating"
Comment from : @Tech_Publica

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