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Time Is Money Is A Very Expensive Lie

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Title :  Time Is Money Is A Very Expensive Lie
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Comments Time Is Money Is A Very Expensive Lie

money word here is just metaphorical way to describe something very valuable
Comment from : @eattheprogrammingcookie3957

Thank you for your wisdom and godly perspective I’ve heard this podcast twice and this time it really resonated Looking forward to the day when I will be able to attend your live session God bless you and your family😊
Comment from : @georgeannatraceynewmones806

Comment from : @NkechiGenesis

Right on I am getting ready to retire and can’t wait to have my time back This is by far the best vidio I have ever seen
Comment from : @jimmycarter9099

In my opinion Mr Golden is one of the best youtubers along with Codie Sanchez They share life changing information that actually benefits when applied brbrI'm at awe
Comment from : @IssacBenAvram

just spend less money to save and have more time
Comment from : @sirgigglez

Time is definitely more important than moneyTime is a limited resource, while money is actually an unlimited resource
Comment from : @humphreymadlala4462

I'm LEVERAGING my money scalping the stock market to buy back MY TIME
Comment from : @QLOVELIFE

You can make money at any time doing almost anythingbrbrbrBut you can't get back time at any time doing anythingbrbrBasically he is saying time and money are both equally important however they are not the samebrbrbrOne of these things you can always get at any timebrbrbrAnother one of these things you can't get back at all
Comment from : @mrcollins2590

First have money to pay for convenience
Comment from : @CaliVibe4U

If time is money I sure wasted lots of it
Comment from : @EveryThingIsFake-m7

When you begin to value your time your time becomes more valuable 10:23
Comment from : @Nobaddays99

Awesome video
Comment from : @CristianIntriago_

Everyone wants a raise, but for some of us, we understand that soldiers, teachers, and most essential workers need to work We don't value that sacrifice by allowing our taxes to be handled under our federal government Imagine if majority of our taxes went to the state government and the federal government only funds foreign policy Every state government will have their own incentives and pride, much like the federal government that has hyper-specific focuses Maybe they wouldn't allow intelligence agencies to lie and keep secrets even when put in front of congess How is it possible that you wrote into law that government agencies have more power than the elected government Anyway, we know we're paying those interest payments on the federal debt They want to force the banks and IRS on us so they can get more and spend more Way more of us should be living more comfortably right now Way more of us should be in the middle class right now
Comment from : @jamesphipps8657

Comment from : @Jayb3e

Comment from : @Jayb3e

Myron Golden makes humanity to appreciate the applications of the Bible in our livesbrI'm always blessed with Your approach to explaining the Bible SirbrThank God I discovered your videos since 2021
Comment from : @Jayb3e

Thank you kindly sir
Comment from : @jayvoe7275

Bruh I ain’t cutting your grass anymore
Comment from : @Mikemanny416

people dont have time to think about time they need money
Comment from : @martinlamoule7006

I agree
Comment from : @angelahunter5954

Value my mind
Comment from : @ShermanMarchand-qi9ln

If you have that much money
Comment from : @ShermanMarchand-qi9ln

Comment from : @shupaman

I find you to be a truly amazing person God bless your soul
Comment from : @MTAfrankie

Trying really hard to understand how to apply this philosophy to my life So I just take less work?
Comment from : @heyzeus6149

Absolutely Powerful brThis is why I pay attention to very smart people even though I may not totally agree with everything the preach or teach When I saw this brother for the first time 60 of it I disagree with However, 40 was great and informative brThis right here 100 a blessing! brLesson: Be open to learning from anyone who is obviously smart No matter your beliefs or what you think of them
Comment from : @Iwilldoyes

Louis Vuitton is expensive too 😂 like that fancy belt Lol
Comment from : @chriscreates4300

Why didn't I discover this man years ago!? Brilliant!brSo happy I did now!
Comment from : @joker12661

Just hearing thisbrGod bless you for ur efforts
Comment from : @rotninnocent669

Thank you 🙏🏾
Comment from : @DJNANA

Wow! This is so hard hitting I'm trying to add value to what you said sir and I'm failing! So I guess you cant add to anything that is full So your message is full!thank you sir
Comment from : @justinnyawera8804

Thank you exposing this very expensive lie You are doing a great work I am glad that I met you in person
Comment from : @josephjoshua

Incredible insight
Comment from : @ocubex

Not sure who this man is, but I’m glad I stumbled with his channel This is only my second video watched and it is bone-chilling how he can narrate people’s behavior and relationship with time and money New Sub!
Comment from : @estebanhenriquez3491

brother; You're good br💎💎💎
Comment from : @mulagsa96

Yes, time is more valuable indeed!!! Once taken away it can never be earn or bought backbrWorse people are the time wasting idiots that not only watse their own time, they want to waste yours
Comment from : @Ming1975

Being a forklift driver, this hit me hard
Comment from : @quentinwooten30

Poverty is as a result of lack of skills Thank you sir for the insight
Comment from : @chiomaokonkwo9046

But, when you bill out your time, you think of time as money When I first started practicing law, partners set my hourly rare at $175 an hourbrbrSo, I figured that time spent doing home repairs was taking time I could spend at the office or working on files at the dining room tablebrbrTwo hours doing a home repair meant $350 in lost billings If the repairman cost $150, I'm up $200
Comment from : @kentfrederick8929

Mixing carnal understanding/knowledge with spiritual teaching/revelation is not wise br brAbout "Time is Money Is A Very Expensive Lie", actually it isn't brI am referring to Gold and Silver not FIAT currency, as FIAT always goes to zero and Gold and Silver either gain some value hold their value or lose SOME value but they never go to ZERO brGold and Silver are present preservation tools to hold on to future 'Time and Effort' for a time when you need to redeem them, such as old age, illness, financial struggles or a well-deserved vacation
Comment from : @MrM4N777

Thank you
Comment from : @hlaleleni

always agree with that, we waste time in the pursuit of money
Comment from : @incognito96

That was enormously insightful, thank you
Comment from : @MikeHawk-zh3yl

"I was poor because I didn't have the skills to create wealth" 💯
Comment from : @JessieJussMessy

Realist sh!t I've heard any youtuber say
Comment from : @QLOVELIFE

Fisherman and businessman story
Comment from : @avelinileva

Many people just can't fathom the thought that your time is more valuable than the pursuit of money Live within your meansbrbrGreed is the root of the phrase time is money
Comment from : @tmayberry7559

time is our nemesistime is woven into all the cities of refugetime is only precious in the cities of refugein the eternal world it is life that is preciousthat life is only granted by the Grace of God
Comment from : @jabulaniharvey

Thank you MyronI think that corruption of the truth is the biggest problem we havethe love of corruption is the root of all evil
Comment from : @jabulaniharvey

This is the most ignorant thing I’ve seen on YouTube in a week (And I watch prank videos)
Comment from : @neusikesho3438

He speaks in circles and doesn’t say anything Of course time is money Just take a look at your paycheck You get paid PER HOUR If you land a salaried position, that just means you have given away an unlimited amount of your time for a set amount of moneybrbrNow, if you are doing “piece work,” you would get paid for each piece you finish In that case, you can make more money in the same amount of time by not wasting time (Hourly employees are known to slack off and waste time because they are being paid by the hour
Comment from : @neusikesho3438

Circumspection is probably closer to 'awareness' So "Walk with the awareness of a wise person and not of a fool"
Comment from : @poprockssuck87

I never heard this before, am not the same person any more
Comment from : @jacobtolopa7030

This video got me ready to call in and work on my own business that I neglect thinking I need to work to fund it
Comment from : @dalenaezell4206

This is devil's teachings, not God's He exposed himself when said, "we don't get another life???? We need to live with the sense of urgency "???? Is that what Jesus said? He completely misunderstood meaning of "buying back your time" from scripture, he takes it out of context, just read whole Ephesians 5 and you will see it is about spiritual growth and not about making money In same epistle Saint Paul warns about Greed!
Comment from : @sototajer7744

I cam to the same conclusion when I was watching extreme cheapstakes who put numerous and hours and effort into saving money when that time could have been used to work and make way more money than they have saved
Comment from : @kaptain1477

You can’t buy back time
Comment from : @Rudy4759

Comment from : @nesimiyasar4274

that is not always true about coupons my wife would hard core coupon, and we would never buy anything more than normal, she would make us 1500 a week, easy you do need to spend that 5 or 6 hundred on food for the family but would make an extra 1500 we still spend the same now but she has an actual employer now and has no time for that, we probably make 500 a week less than b4
Comment from : @josephbeauleau420

The man is just brilliant
Comment from : @JjBlack-gz5zv

Slavery is going to cost you triple or 4 times, someone doing your things , I do it almost perfect n not fraud scams even wasting time n health waiting for them to show up on time right day n not wasting their time your time micro management cutting corners , unless hire ex con drug addict alcohol helping them support their habit crimes damage themselves or others
Comment from : @8x8snooptracing48hr-mz1do

It is true for honest people, more customers more money , that is saving not time is money, not stealing or pirates , goonies thief of thief's, manipulation ,lying , what !evil is good vampires in Brooklyn huh , they way we came to this world is on your own hunting fishing farming doing your own clothing shelter that is what is ment
Comment from : @8x8snooptracing48hr-mz1do

So if I am in construction and I quote a job for say 10k The faster I get the job done the sooner I can get paid and onto another job How that not time is money
Comment from : @MrNickcrush

I just found your content today sir you have blown my mind I love it followed on all platforms THANK YOU !!!!!
Comment from : @THATBARTENDER

Can't decide if this is a sermon about living your best life now, aka prosperity gospel, aka no saving gospel at all, or if it's just a money management with a Bible verse thrown in I sincerely hope it's the latter but I think you're presenting as the former
Comment from : @JacopoSkydweller

Me thinking about maximising my time instead of studying for a class i will most likely fail
Comment from : @CanadianSpaceBoy

Food is alsobrCan't eat money
Comment from : @aFreeman0409

Your channel is by far one of the most valuable investments I have ever spent time on! The returns I'm getting from watching these videos is amazing Thank you brother!
Comment from : @jonathanjames4232

He need to come here to Africa, he will immediately change his mind
Comment from : @goblack2africa54

Stopped watching 1:18 minutes in This has never been my understanding of time is money… The saying time is money means exactly what it says, and has nothing to do with wasting time to save money Thats never been my understanding of that phrase Time is more valuable than money, but if you’re using time for money, it’s to earn, or make money You can never get time back, so it’s a trade off Time and whatever you choose to be your payoff for the exchange of it Family time, unforgettable experiences, or actual income producing activities
Comment from : @Dave-yy2ts

I literally read the same Bible verse he read yesterday I even looked up the definition of the word "circumspectly" I've never seen Myron before and I randomly clicked on this video today I subscribed when he said he was going to read a Bible verse I believe that wonderful coincidences like this are a way that God communicates
Comment from : @jordanmunk3041

12:01 - 12:23brbDING!/bbrSo i'm not the only one that's gotten that! Sure seemed like it with the way few, if any, companies actually did what they need to (pay properly) to get, much less keep, quality employees!brI always kept saying into the void 'if you want quality, you're going to have to pay for it! That's not just for when buying things!' however it seemed like I was the only person on in existence that got that!
Comment from : @TENNSUMITSUMA

Love this! I spend so much time cleaning, I want to hire a maid and this was my sign to do so
Comment from : @Kimmygotbank

I tend to trust muacular men more than weak ones
Comment from : @isabeedemski3635

Comment from : @josephrohland5604

I'M so happy I made productive decisions about my finances that changed my life forever, hoping to retire next year Investment should always be on any creative man's heart for success in life
Comment from : @rosvelmelong1613

What are the skills to create wealth ?
Comment from : @eMillion100

I know that I don't have a lot of skills, that's why I can't make a lot of money, and keep getting frustrated watching other people with millions living their life and not having to go to work or waste their time on things that they don't like to do
Comment from : @eMillion100

Great Class! Inlighting! Time is great! Many Thanks!🎈🎈
Comment from : @williebrooks2982

Comment from : @Alukadub

Tbh i always felt time isn't money Think about it like you working at a hourly job, they're honestly a waste of time to get money
Comment from : @Hedgehog3342

Wow--This is my first time watching your lectures--I have now subscribed
Comment from : @paulbrungardt9823

I agree with you that time should not be wasted I disagree with you when with the slow driver, taking care of your lawn, and the dedicated worker comments brbrThere is nothing wrong with being safe You don't know everyone's situation and chances are there is a reason they drive a little slowerbrbrThere is nothing wrong with maintaining what you own in fact I would think it makes me more knowledgeable and reliable for those around me brbrIts hard for us to understand this coming from a wealthy country Those forklift drivers helped build this nation I have worked a lot of those jobs that get no respect I find it insulting the way you talked about the dedicated forklift driver We could use more people with that kind of dedication Its just to bad companies don't promote or support that kind of dedication now daysbrbrThere are things in life you can only learn by taking time to do menial things You don't seem to care about them but it really does help build character something this nation desperately needs
Comment from : @troyelisahughes1505

This was a roller coaster ride of me nodding my head in agreement and utter disgust at the points being made brbrMy major takeaway is that about valuing bdifferent/b experiences and less about how many years of experience Keep gaining skills
Comment from : @ItsCioffi

Another lie is save your money (US Dollar) You pay a heck of a lot more tax trading your time without cost basis to earn the currency that is being deflated away brbrSo you end up having no money, no time, and savings that are losing value brbrYou do get that bitter taste of life in your mouth People on welfare are smarter than middle class America
Comment from : @prednosttrake

Money don’t last long enough for me to consider it to be anything other than what we need to buy things I’ve never been the type to place money in a higher position bc of the fast it takes no TIME to spend
Comment from : @Kee_Skee_Wee_Skee843

I do not agree about the part of living your life with a sense of urgency It defeats the purpose of having time
Comment from : @Leprutz

That’s not what “time is money and money is time” means lol brbrThe true children of God have power over time because God can slow down time and speed up time! Lol brbrThe enemy can steal our time if we are walking outside the will of God because his investment and our inheritance is linked to our purpose and destiny it goes back to the prodigal son! Our time is highly valuable and it can cost us if we waste it because it is linked to your life force and energy!brMoney can also be used as a weapon! If we understand these fundamentals we can stop trying to de bunk without coming into this ourselves can lead to error
Comment from : @Shamilaselma1

This does not negate the fact that time equals money
Comment from : @joshcraddock6109

Um time is money more money than you understand
Comment from : @joshcraddock6109

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