Title | : | Banks, the Root of All Evil - History is a Lie |
Lasting | : | 28.26 |
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Views | : | 78 rb |
Go to buyrayconcom/skeptic for 15 off your order! Brought to you by Raycon Comment from : @armouredskeptic |
Mass immigration will take care of those empty houses why give to your own when you can give it to the cheap workers and mercenaries just in case the locals protest the colonization of their homes Comment from : @killeasykill |
accidentally slept on this video for two years via the Watch Later industrial complex my bad brotha Comment from : @KoKoKen |
I already knew this… this is just regurgitating unpopular facts with a lot of satire Comment from : @noworneversoulbeach |
Hmm And soon the new reset coming
brSo they can start all from scratch again with new lies and a new rewriten history
brWonder what it will be And how it will be
brFor those who survive Comment from : @jaybenjamin9996 |
there was a country once that got money right, but the banks didnt like it because they couldnt milk it Comment from : @leongashwig |
Doesn't the mayor live in a 20 million dollar luxury house the black guy😢😢😢😢 Comment from : @jameslatimer1432 |
I was going to get a £30,000 indemnity loan on my flat 25 years later I have to pay them nearly $400,000 with the interest something doesn't add up😅😅😅😅😅😅 indemnity loan 😮😮😮😢😢😢 try not to do it😮😮 Comment from : @jameslatimer1432 |
Look into Australian Army versus the Emu bird if you think I'm joking Comment from : @andrewgilliland6975 |
Voldemort Hitler hid the Ark of the Covenant Horcrux in the world Bank Gringotts in London Comment from : @andrewgilliland6975 |
Remember that Gringotts never cut off Voldemort Comment from : @andrewgilliland6975 |
Who are these people? Gringotts bank in Harry Potter Comment from : @andrewgilliland6975 |
Hitler just copied the Democrat style to do what he did Look at BLM and Black Panthers screaming "keep Harlem Black" the exact way the Democrat KKK did Comment from : @andrewgilliland6975 |
Abraham Lincoln fought this with Greenbacks That's why they killed him Kennedy tried to fight too and JFK Comment from : @andrewgilliland6975 |
I was raised by the kids of that generation's kids Comment from : @andrewgilliland6975 |
Actually the money does come right out of thin air Money is not real Comment from : @esekay3648 |
I hate when people compare the number of vacant houses to the number of homeless people Homeless people aren't the only people who would like to own a home, hell a huge percentage of them are drug addicts and schizophrenics that couldn't maintain a home anyway Half a million homeless is the obvious though How many adults still live with their parents or have roommates? Those are the main people missing out on these vacant homes, not the homeless, and I would bet there are a lot more of them than there are vacant homes Comment from : @markalexander774 |
Lol got to love it , America government screwing over the citizens Comment from : @lostgorgorth1754 |
I wonder if that will be the straw that brakes the camels back A western world leader (Uk, OZ Maybe?) will start a "for the people" bank but manage to pull it off in time Comment from : @kyrusinek |
They really control everything and with technology we are fully trapped , god please help Comment from : @vishwasraj7346 |
Clown world fr Comment from : @giggabites7079 |
Most of those empty homes need an owner who can repair the home and pay for the utilities Nihilistic junkies tend not to have the means or the will to do these things Alot of empty homes in america are dilapidated or will become dilapidated if you put homeless in them, they will probably strip the home to buy drugs Most homeless are not the perfectly innocent and decent victims you imagine them to be Perhaps they should be provided with simpler challenges to overcome first, so they can prove themselves Comment from : @TheAdekrijger |
Money is the way we keep score Calling it evil is like blaming your lack of game on the ball Comment from : @dzhellek |
This is why we have to abolish all forms of hierarchy Comment from : @cariyaputta |
Legendary Comment from : @parkerstroh6586 |
Slavery didn't get abolished it evolved into a ticket system Comment from : @ryanvalley1893 |
What religious faith are most if not all of present and past heads of the federal reserve ? I'd say they are demons or jewels Same thing really Comment from : @dominicjoyce1194 |
All the people opposed to the Federal Reserve just so happened to die on the Titanic Coincidence? Also, the Federal Reserve was created on December 23rd 1913 after the 1907 financial panic The Federal Reserve was not created in 1970's I live in the UK and I know that is way off base 1913 23rd December as I stated earlier Your his story is a lie or a clerical errorLOL! Comment from : @Hermes-Quadmegistus |
The root of all evil isn’t with money itself, but within the man who wished to control it Comment from : @Jackson-l3r |
FYI, Jesus said “greed is the root of all evil” Comment from : @m0nsterman902 |
I remember living in a village Comment from : @Christherealone666 |
I don’t care what anyone says this is my house because I’m on it and I’ve been here for years Comment from : @lukaswalding4458 |
Homelessness isn’t only the banks……brDude don’t make me defend the banks ffs Comment from : @lukaswalding4458 |
You’ve fallen Comment from : @lukaswalding4458 |
Bro you left out so many facts at the beginning Comment from : @lukaswalding4458 |
That affected voice makes watching your video unbearable for me…just saying How about talking like a normal human being instead of a game-show announcer 🤔 Comment from : @mikebennett3432 |
Bitcoin Comment from : @CryptoRancher |
While the message of this video is correct… I don't think the details are well ironed out Comment from : @alexmipego |
27:20 when I was in the military we would go to a shooting range gets tons of ammo and even if we all shit and qualified we would shoot all the ammo to say “ hey we shot all that ammo we need more “ and we didn’t need to shoot it all 😂 they gave us more money for ammo to shoot more ammo hahahahhaha Comment from : @IamGod-o8b |
16:00 just shared this with my dad I hope he watches I’ve researched this stuff before I found it on your channel over times it’s amazing to see how many people are doing the same thing In some of your videos you say you feel alone Na na bro we right here Comment from : @IamGod-o8b |
Lol I hear heckalopters Comment from : @IamGod-o8b |
9:02 did people ever own that house and that land tho? Stop paying taxes see what you own Comment from : @IamGod-o8b |
6:22 runs to do whatever you just said Yelling “ no balls” Comment from : @IamGod-o8b |
4:04 I mean the first video I watched of your coming back to YouTube you popped this one up on the screen and well here I am Must be a rule 😂 Comment from : @IamGod-o8b |
Your videos are so interesting and compelling, and when you break an issue down you’re fully correct (and let’s be honest, I’m probably reading too far into this), but your frequent repeating usage of calling things and people “a lie” sounds a little paranoid and concerning brI noticed this especially in your Winter Soldier video, a topic which you’re interested in but you don’t seem to find of vital importance Sometimes I become hyper fixated on a concern and begin projecting the paranoia onto everything and everyone I think aboutbrbrAnyways man, I hope you’re doing great! Please remember to take care of yourself!brbrThanks for another thought provoking video! Comment from : @paigehansen8944 |
4:20 What is really valuable is property This is why in my country we prefer to use our money to buy property (land, houses, stores, etc) rather than having imaginary numbers loosing value every day in the bank (or in our house) due to inflation Comment from : @rydiavalentine |
Hey, cool it with the antisemitism Gregory! Comment from : @blakejarvis6526 |
So what are we supposed to realistically do? Comment from : @davidsirois9164 |
I'm looking forward to your "government is evil" video Comment from : @emanonymous |
10/10 Comment from : @gubbasgubbas |
Now tell us who owns the banks Comment from : @jaircool2 |
Maybe you should acknowledge it was actually the silent generation that reinforced the system you hate so much Comment from : @kfo7413 |
Look up colored money and law Ucc-301 Comment from : @Descyite |
The wall street and global banking system need transformation, as they now become the foundations and roots of evils These greedy demons are true sources of all human suffering, virus, war and all the worldly conflicts We should not deny the power of economic development, but some social systems are totally destroying good human nature, and encouraging empirical bad human nature The ironical liar to the whole human world! Comment from : @rosannemao5812 |
Strange game The only winning move is Not to Play Comment from : @dreammirrorbrony1240 |
There's nothing funnier than "This is all bullshit! I hate money, money is bullshit now a word from my sponser" Comedic gold Comment from : @maxtyler8993 |
Greg, please Cool it with the antisemitism, it's not okay Comment from : @_Harvestman_ |
There is one remedy Nobody wants to hear it Instead we will ride this false system until it implodes It already has imploded We are like the poor souls on the beaches in 2004 standing in the wet sand wandering what happened to the water We are too stupid to realize the tsunami is gathering strength and speed It’s already over, we just haven’t seen it because we are blind, stupid, self-centered creatures who would rather argue about petty nonsense than see the truth It’s coming down I’m glad I’m living on high ground Comment from : @themicdfiles1865 |
18:40 I think all cities SHOULD die Comment from : @whenimmanicimgodly4228 |
let's not forget that your credit score GOES DOWN if you pay off your debt The banks WANT to do be in perpetual debt Comment from : @Coldsteak |
your homeless count is way low my dude Comment from : @summerwatson3416 |
Right on, man, right on So, are you going give back or give away all the money you made when YouTube was ireally really/i profitable for creators? I mean- all of your videos from that time are still up, so That's just kind of a weird and hollow message to me, that money is evil, except for your large amount of YouTube money that's still okay; that and your Patreon Hey, remember when you were on the news because you and your videos became so popular so quickly but they had you on as an authority on something but didn't bother to vet you like- at all? Wild times Anyway, take it easy Comment from : @Israfel36 |
Shit Comment from : @grahamdixon1699 |
You dont say Comment from : @glorbojibbins2485 |
Yeah the use our SSI money to pay off the debt And the sad part is, is the we are still in debt😅 Comment from : @richardmadonna5886 |
That was the most poetically suitable transition into "Entry of the Gladiators" I've ever experienced brbrBravo Comment from : @mydogbullwinkle |
I fucking love you man But you Go down the "He punched himself in the face and shot himself with 3 bullets in the Back of the head " Type of Road Be careful Brother Comment from : @talianhuawei1944 |
also the government subsidized the banks owning the houses and people being homeless, by bailing out banks instead of bailing out home owners with money to pay off the mortgage so the banks get bailed out and the people would keep their homes so they can keep on grinding away to keep the economy going Comment from : @ThomasAndersonbsf |
the root of all evil is the LOVE of money, ie worshiping money, which by the way would subvert anyone digging and figuring out what you maybe exposed in "the riddle of the sphix solved" video, because they would have fallen away so far from religion that they would not even bother observing it from a step back to see that, instead it would be so far in their rear view mirror that they would not even remember anything about it anymore than they remember what the bumps in the road looked like the day before Comment from : @ThomasAndersonbsf |
For anybody wanting to keep the bank out of purchasing your home, look up seller finance or subject-to agreement Am a real estate investor, everyone thinks you need a bank to buy a home, you dont Before centralized banks ruled the world, people did contracts person to personits legal I promise I hate banks and their history of subjugation and elitism Just found your channel Greg, kinda a crazy coincidencehave researched into the things you talk about for years Religion, ancient wisdom and technology, and everything in between Stay cool man Comment from : @SocietyofIdiocracy |
I got an "Deutsche Bank" add for this videobrI am German but I have lived my entire life in Spain, never used that bank, never talked about it Never got thid add eitherbrFTW? Comment from : @janbaltes2863 |
There’s only one ARMOURED SKEPTIC …and I’m waiting for ARMOUR SKEPTIC weekly podcast Comment from : @jttylor5088 |
talking about evil are banks and than make advertisment for raycon just fucks up the message Comment from : @JohnDoe-696 |
if I don't work they can't tax me if what do make is in crypto they can't tax me again because it's not money, if I trad it for ART and old wine that go's up in value I don't get hit with inflation and devaluation of money SUCK IT! Illuminati bank system Comment from : @Spartacus547 |
Easy way to fix a lot of problems:brKeep exact census records and only allow 300 people in a city Cities right next to eachother is finebrbrA person can only have a functional relationship with 200-400 people Lets use that knowledge to split people up a little and have people focus more on living in small towns Comment from : @ryla22 |
Homelessness in America is treated as "laziness" The higher ups essentially use the class above homeless to validate it by telling them their hard work is being taken advantage of with welfare and homeless centersbrbrAfter all, if you're only homeless cause you don't want a job and hate warm showers, no one has to think about your situationbrLayoffs, mental illness and things like house fires and physical injuries take a server back seat when presented with "I gave a homeless guy $20 and he bought alcohol" brbrSince that is something that happens, it must be uniform, and now the working class has a constantly present enemy that's almost defeated but not quite yetbrbrThe higher ups present them as a lazy, drunken class of leeches that only want the easy way out Perfect motivation to keep the wheel turning Comment from : @wolveraspeaks |
A part of the societal collapse is actually due to the collapse of the nuclear familybrWithout both parents the children are left to be raised by the school system and the internet This usually doesn't end well for the individual, let alone all of societybrbrAlso, children without an adult role model of the same gender as them usually end up not doing as well as they could've been Comment from : @ryla22 |
You trusted your government?brbrHa! brbrHAHAHAbrbrHHAAAAAAHHAHAHAbrbr-'Merican Comment from : @Manoichan |
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