Title | : | Minimalism, The Aesthetics Of Wealth, u0026 The Limits Of Buying Less |
Lasting | : | 1.11.11 |
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Views | : | 99 rb |
I’ve tried to learn from these guys for years, but they continue to be fatphobic and healthism and I end up having to shut it off And yeah, they come off as condescending at times Comment from : @lisadubreuil9384 |
Yes, let's privatize schools so parents have more choice, rather than fight for quality public education for all Americans - not just those who live in the right zip codes And let's also blame the poor for having too much fun at the expense of financial literacy and responsibility As smart as these guys are, their critical thinking skills need some honing Most of our social problems are systemic, not a result of poor choices on the part of individuals Who knew the "suburban" guy would be the most out of touch I am seriously embarrassed for him It's pretty painful And I'm sorry, but no billionaire made their billions based on a reasonable and fair exchange of money for good/service They made their billions off the backs of people who didn't have the same opportunities to exploit the labor of others, and it trickled, or rather flooded, up Billionaires should not exist, especially when they don't even pay taxes It's grotesquely immoral Comment from : @skeptik-ci5xo |
Tres boludos hablando una hora de boludeces sin decir nada 😂 Comment from : @julianaalienigena2299 |
Each of the guys need to say something for every question - even if they don’t really have anything to say Comment from : @jpj0123 |
These guys just keep talking in circles without actually answering any of her questions!brAnd her questions were really interesting and O would have loved to see more discussion on it Comment from : @rew2133 |
Jesus 😂 how to hit the word count 101 Comment from : @catscats4427 |
Also, in a culture of renting, you learn to live with the minimum and thing like decor fall at the bottom of priorities :( Comment from : @AlisonWhyte-u9j |
TK is really feeling himself…good points but sometimes the soapboxing is a bit too much…keep it minimal! lol Comment from : @kjoy2215 |
SoWhy they sound like a cult? They're dressed (and lit) like a cult as wellI met the concept if minimalism in my first year of architecture and yes it's absolutely a concept of exclusivity and luxury Comment from : @ClaLu |
Ok I have changed my mine these guys are total as* hol*s they are not real minimalists Comment from : @butchnoneed4883 |
Half of what they had to so was total BS, Some people do not want to entrepreneurs, I have no desire to have my own company I just want a freakn job that puts a roof over my head cloths on my back and food in my stomach A freakn liven wage Comment from : @butchnoneed4883 |
I started following the minimalists years ago I like them well enough, I think I have read all the books they’ve released With that said, I think that they have a very simple message, and have to really stretch it to turn this into a career haha brbrMinimalism is different for everybody, and it’s something that ebbs and flows within ourselves The concept has been very powerful for me Comment from : @michaelvincent843 |
Also i have a full calendar that I'm totally in control of It's how i make sure to make time for things that matter Comment from : @alabasterpalace |
Taylor Swift can fly whatever she is THAT UNER RICH!brAnd also, she absolutely needs to fly private so she can recover and get ready to give 100 to the next concert brbrAnd she absolutely gives 100 at every concert… more power to her Comment from : @andratoma9834 |
They sound like they are in a cult Comment from : @beetlebum1 |
Low key An-Cap propaganda Comment from : @TatexLy |
I’d like to have a longer conversation with TK because I was getting a “respectability politics” vibe Also his focus on entrepreneurship came across as very narrow All in all there a more many good things to take from this interview but an indictment on capitalism was not it The fact that I heard corporatism and cronyism as the issue rather than talking about the rotten tree they from was a bit disappointing Comment from : @laxdemon13 |
Even people who are against overconsumption and glorification of money feel the need to establish credibility by telling us how rich they were and could be if they wanted Comment from : @cwilliams7017 |
Consume what you need, and not what you want, and you will probably have enough brbrThe privilege of discipline Comment from : @danielturczan2485 |
Capitalism is the root of the hyper-consumerism that is killing the planet Income inequality is one of the greatest injustices of our time Most of the population are struggling workers and not successful entrepreneurs Class hopping is the exception not the rule If they can't make a point to acknowledge these things and point out their privileges, we can't be friends I need some hard political stances from these guys for how to change major structural issues Individualism is a disease Comment from : @bunnyisarider13 |
The guy who said "The layer cake of consumerism" and described it as having "dragged our habits from childhood forward", what he's bactually/b describing is an example (just one of many, many more) of what's known as b"the hidden injuries of class"/b The idea that you have to have the "right image" (ie be young and preferably male, not be physically disabled, live in the "right" neighborhood, have a college degree from a "target" school, drive the "right" car, etc) in order to be "worthy" of the good-paying job you need in order to NOT be poor, homeless, starving, without healthcare, etc is classist, ableist, ageist band/b male supremacist at its core Comment from : @JacquelineHoman |
funny how all these late 2010's b s aged like milk Comment from : @danielromerosol4158 |
Thanks, TFD comments, we're all on the same page Comment from : @samanthanewport6709 |
I smell Libertarian on these dudes…brbrAlso, reminder that minimalism has its roots in fascism… Comment from : @katyjane23 |
Fabulous video! Really enjoyed it ❤❤ Comment from : @elizaollett |
Planned Obsolescence Consumerismbrbris not really materialistic I asked a PhD economist to explain how an automobile engine worked He could not even start But he drove a white SUVbrbrNotice that economists say nothing about what American consumers lose on the depreciation of automobiles every yearbrbrWhat is Net Domestic Product? Only the depreciation of capital goods matters 😮 Comment from : @psikeyhackr6914 |
They are definitely for a demographic of people who have significant (six figures or more) means It’s not really for the masses of Americans who are low income But the problem with America is no one thinks they are poor or rich, they all think they are middle class unless they are billionaires or homeless and living in dire poverty Comment from : @ying_Ram0824 |
These guys give out the most canned, scripted responses I've ever seen It's like if a robot tried to become a self-help guru Don't think I can reach the end honestly Comment from : @Luumus |
Minimalist living looks different for everyone I personally cannot practice minimalism with every consumer good That said Minimalism is a very sound lifestyle practice and philosophy Less is more Comment from : @mrgiraffe7076 |
They want so badly to talk of consumers as a group but retain a concept of “individual consumption” Certain resources are FINITE so any individual’s consumption of them affects our global and local community especially when we think about our air, water, and earth Comment from : @Yentiiiii |
Also its ok not to consume because it hurts your community and that is immoral We can dance around mega mansion purchasers with a smallbrCity behind their fence so the minimalists don't isolate their base but yes privatizing beaches, giant boats, private jets, hurt our collective environment Comment from : @Yentiiiii |
This kind of "minimalism" is a capitalist favoritebrbrIt's an excuse as to why poor people are at faultbrbrAn an excuse for rich people to hoard their moneybrbrIt's a vehicle for rich people to act as if predatory means of making money are good Like renting properties for a lot of money That's minimalist in their bookbrbrbrThey dance around any discussion of actual poverty, class dynamics, areas of life in which being minimalist actually pays off or doesn't, etcbrbrIt's literally meaningless words Comment from : @sawyerbass4661 |
This feels really culty, doesn't it? Comment from : @MarielaInojosa |
Aren’t these the guys who make 80k a month off Patreon or something, total grifters, obviously that money is being spent on stuff Comment from : @kyla8386 |
Hadn’t met our suburban Chicago-ite before this video and I LOVE him I would like more content from you, sir Comment from : @takarasights |
I hope they read these comments Comment from : @eclairtreo |
I have been Western World poor for a good part of my life, and I can tell you, that a more intentional way of purchasing and a different view on stuff in general is something everybody can benefit from, disregarding of their income or the lack of it Comment from : @TGBahr |
I like the message of minimalism, but I can't stand The Minimalists because they constantly sound like a sales pitch and never get to anything under the surface level story they've been preaching since they started Comment from : @SarahJo |
Lmaooooo do these guys not speak normally? What is this influential evangelist talk Like chill with your dialect bro Comment from : @deadbutworking |
One participant speaks in arguments, the others in platitudes😮 Comment from : @mwhite212 |
I am into MinimalismbrI tried to like these guys, even followed them a few years ago for a little bit I unfollowed, I can't get into them Comment from : @jessicaspencer82917 |
Actually, the working class needs more money, more job security, more doctors, more therapists, more means of productionbrbrThe rich can and shall enjoy the minimalism of not having a villa anymore, of not having two cars, of not flying with a private jet, of not eating caviar and of not having the ownership of the means of production brbrThat's the good minimalism we need Comment from : @mortalkomment8028 |
these guys and konmari were very quiet during lockdown Comment from : @gijose83 |
I'm so glad the manosphere never got to me deep Unrelated this this, of course ;) Comment from : @CaptHB |
They're unable to speak about anything but themselves, no analytical abilities whatsoever or will to put this in the bigger context The most they can do is look at themselves or go between 2-3 of the exact same topics and try to turn it into a self help quote Yet they have an audience somehow I'm sad for the people that fall into those traps when there's so many people they could actually learn a lot from Here they're just selling some "concept" (being very generous with the wording) Comment from : @capucnechaussonpassion14 |
I like both channels and overall they both have similar objectives Comment from : @aileechristian3653 |
youtube/YAvs-RqTIhk Comment from : @christinab5778 |
didn't this episode come out a year or 2 ago? I could've sworn we already heard from the minimalists Comment from : @floweryfiend |
I’m getting real tv evangelist vibes here Comment from : @Darthlauralou |
They sound like salesmen reading from a script Comment from : @hannahretel1073 |
I’m confused These gentlemen expound on the virtues of minimalism, yet here they are, based out of LA (of all places) using what looks to be highly expensive A/V equipment, and earning $$$ at speaking engagements They have in essence learned how to turn a profit off of the backs of individuals struggling with the emotional, physical, spiritual and financial issues of trying to lead honest lives I feel about these “bros” the same way I do about megachurch leaders like Joel Osteen preaching to the masses about how you should interact with god, all while stealing from his flock Comment from : @to1620 |
Every year for poor people is a no-buy year Minimalism for me has more to do with figuring out what hobbies I want to have or what hobbies I can have There is a difference between what one wants and what they are able to get The fact of the matter is I don't WANT a minimalism life Comment from : @emmalouie1663 |
I lived in the city for years without a car but I am very tired of that lifestyle It had serious downsides to it Comment from : @emmalouie1663 |
Really enjoyed this convo I saw the documentary a few years ago and enjoyed parts of it, but it to me felt holier than thou and didn't tell too much of the backstory of the dudes from growing up poor It seems like they've matured and I also enjoy the new addition to their discussion Feels a little more well-rounded Comment from : @jackukay |
I feel like the thing that is missing in this discussion of t-shirt elitism is what anthropologists call 'embodied cultural capital' or 'habitus' People who remove the traditional visual markers of success are flaunting their ability to get by on enculturated class privilegebrbrThey also, particularly in tech, were originally (it's been a bwhile/b now) flaunting their status as part of the youth culture, as a way to denote that they were building a new world There's a stereotype in tech of the brilliant young prodigy who will work themselves into the ground building something brilliant, and it is an instrumental myth in the exploitative, high-burnout work culture in tech and in startups Not that all people with this aesthetic belong to those camps, but they are definitely trendsetters, particularly on the t-shirt wearing highly paid employee front Comment from : @habituscraeftig |
you're hairdresser hates you more than God does Comment from : @rosemarynguyen9587 |
This comment section is so real and I'm totally happy that people can see through these guests' bs Comment from : @indrinita |
The questions are good but these guys just don't answer them Instead they go on tangents Comment from : @laurakoby806 |
I can’t stop commenting This is giving suchhhh 2010 vibes Comment from : @autumnelaines |
Culty preaching happening here The practiced cadence The canned answers So glaring I think they didn’t do their research about who this audience is Comment from : @autumnelaines |
You should invite Marie Kondo as a guestbrI feel more motivated with her philosophy of “sparking joy” than the “getting rid of things” vibe with these guys Comment from : @ThePerksdeLeSarcasmeSiorai |
1:11:11 what a minimalist video time length!! Comment from : @Sophie-db1ko |
I think Tk added substance to the convo Comment from : @anchoredsoul09 |
Someone needs to minimize their commercials I can’t even tell what this video is about Comment from : @lbrowning2543 |
To me it seems like they're offering an individual solution to a systemic problem This could be a good thing, if they would simply acknowledge that this is their intention It's impossible for any one person to fix capitalism but it's possible to alleviate the burden it puts on a person Comment from : @bluedreams7558 |
I feel the guys sidestepped the sociological aspects of the movement Comment from : @llkoolbean4935 |
Well, i feel like i listened to 3 dudes narating a "self-help" book, with empty advice on how to become rich Comment from : @spirou55 |
Dude should have kept those books, man! 😂 Comment from : @SmarandaC |
Yeah they introduced me to minimalism through the podcast, but after making some jaded comments about mental health and who they would be friends with based on that, I no longer support them Dodging questions seems about right Comment from : @HelloDarling09 |
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