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This Is Why You Could Feel So Lonely (THERAPIST EXPLAINS)

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Title :  This Is Why You Could Feel So Lonely (THERAPIST EXPLAINS)
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Description This Is Why You Could Feel So Lonely (THERAPIST EXPLAINS)

Comments This Is Why You Could Feel So Lonely (THERAPIST EXPLAINS)

I can feel your pain, and am understand what you are really going through Same here, i feel so lonely and feel like no one understands what am I really going through Your struggle may sound not a big issue to someone but it is a big deal for you, and their struggle could be laughable to us but for them its a big issue Therefore, i try not to judge anyone, instead try to understand and feel a sympathy for them brYou are not alone, and as i watch your video, i can tell you are amazing, smart and really sensible higher soul Sending you lots of love and good vibes
Comment from : @betty0247

Comment from : @kristiefish7041

If you have friends that you bounce ideas off of I don't know what you're doing making this video
Comment from : @FerndaleMichiganUSA

Thank you for sharing this I always feel like I have to prove that I’m worth showing up for I don’t ever feel good enough But hopefully I won’t always feel this way It’s truly awful
Comment from : @ChloeLynchComedy

It’s hard to but if we all share our thoughts our self more we might have better chance ending lonely ness 💎💙❤️
Comment from : @claudiaisabelcberglundtim6752

So glad I found this video! Didnt realise but parts of this has been how im feeling for a few months or more Just couldnt put my finger on it thank you!!
Comment from : @je9026

Can someone explain I don’t get it ?
Comment from : @icanbestronger

Thank you for your transparency 🫶🏽 sending love 💕
Comment from : @JoyArab1

I have been so lonely it hurts to be aloneat 69 it just get harder every year
Comment from : @janieblu

My wife is so emotional, and, as a men I didn't (don't) understand But, he'll ya, i love my wife My partner in life
Comment from : @JuanCastillo-uu8lq

Loneliness is not the same as being alone and so many people do not understand that I love being alone and I enjoy my own company But everyone in the world deserves to have that one person they can lean on and talk to
Comment from : @cherrysIushie

Any men here that are dealing with wifes mentapause anger?
Comment from : @rvadventures

I have a dog now and I it helped a lot my loneliness I walk him regularly and I started to bring him to cafes and even restaurants that have an outside area to serve food
Comment from : @McD-j5r

I am proud of you!brbrI cried with you because you explained what I'm feeling so well, I didn't even realise fully what I was going through I feel extremely sad and sorry for myself that it took me 30 years to start loving myself Kind of feels like a grief of years I've lost brbrThank you for being so vulnerable
Comment from : @Likemonikafromfriends

Brings to mind that even therapists have issues and need other therapists to help them
Comment from : @oscarrulz6551

Thank you so much for this…100 of everything you’ve said 😢
Comment from : @Sophia-vx8gj

I'm isolated 😢I got fake family
Comment from : @AkramBaig2689

Why do you feel alone? Cause you are? Or are you talking about marriage?
Comment from : @glen4326

You’re not messy You can FEEL, and that’s a good thing You sound like you’re introspecting
Comment from : @glennelfer5390

I love real people like you You are so relatable to who I am in many ways Thank you YouTube for recommending this to me
Comment from : @SportsCardQueen

I’m sitting here crying and feeling this Thank you for sharing
Comment from : @nicholejames6354

Thank you so much for this video finding its way to me I've been feeling so alone and lost, and like I don't even know who I am anymore Please make more of these, it was so relatable 🙏🏻🫂❤️
Comment from : @daisynadal6909

I think suburbia is dystopian when it comes to loneliness The suburban model is isolating
Comment from : @ryanking2254

I don't want to do this anymore
Comment from : @olivejuice2024

Isn't this video supposed to be about overcoming LONELINESS???!!
Comment from : @christ7957

I m feeling alone
Comment from : @luckygrewal4421

Simple you haven’t found the right partner
Comment from : @FiASKO_EnT

As you cried sister , I also cried like my tears which i was unknowingly holding inside came out all in once Its so heartbreaking that we all are put in a way that we feel like trying to prove our worth to the people surrounding us 😢
Comment from : @peachrii4558

i feel your pain it’s all about sharing with right at the beginning you doing a great ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤sending you a lots of love
Comment from : @hananeaddou945

I am also totally isolated except when i go to the gym and i am around people for that amount lf time but when i am alone i am feeling suicidal and have found exit international and a place to buy nebutal and part of me is ok to go and part of me will miss all the nice people i met, i never married and no kids and i have flaws and regrets
Comment from : @TrackProbe

Reading these comments make me feel so understood, i wanna tear up
Comment from : @mxclerissa

I’m lonely and I’m afraid to love I feel like I’m too much of a loser
Comment from : @KennyQ9109

I need to have someone in my life to feel fulfilled I need a partner, and once I got, everything is about him I need him to feel safe, to feel loved, even maybe to breath When he didn't meet my expectation, I feel like my world is falling I depend on him like too much and I think that makes my relationship always fail I'm single now and I just break up in a hurtful way I feel super lonely now it hurt so much
Comment from : @avoinne2162

This really helps to hear
Comment from : @johnstupid25

I feel so much love for you right now❤
Comment from : @SydneyWetmore

I feel this a lot but for now I stopped crying because I gave up on people I don't like not having control and never could have it because my life was always so difficult and hectic My partner doesn't get me, he always says I whine and I don't let go It's hard when he doesn't get it I don't know what I want either I always took care of others I still do My mother died last year, my brother has a tumor As the youngest I have to take care of everything because I eas somehow that perfect child that could do anything And I have a lot of severe trauma 😢 I feel alone all the time
Comment from : @siwa242

I am such a scardy cat, and I struggle with talking about this topics with my loved ones, but this video shows me how you can do it This is so courageous and I thank you for this, even if you will not see this, I want to send it just in case All the love and the appreciation and respect ❤❤❤❤❤
Comment from : @merykim7795

You are so brilliant and so beautifulthe world is so lucky to have you I turned 70 this week and identity is now a mysteryxo Much Love, Susan
Comment from : @LittlePoet

I can definitely relate
Comment from : @RoadRunnergarage8570

I love being alone & I am very reserved I thoroughly enjoy time to myself But lately, I have felt so alone So lonely It hurts
Comment from : @kyli1204

The best therapist, is the one who has went through what they now are helping others with
Comment from : @aciddiver1978

I hope you have found some peace ❤🙏
Comment from : @peterdaly9989

32 year old male Had a breakup 18 months (still haunted by my ex gf) , had to move back to my country and move back with my parents, havent been able to find work, my relationship with my family has basically gone, cant find a place to live, all the gym has not helped, making future plans has not helped i honestly dont think i will ever get better
Comment from : @thomas-q1y3g

Just wanted to thank you for this breakthrough that’s exactly how I’ve been feeling and you shouldn’t feel like you have to say “I don’t want to take up anymore of your time,” I think that’s just how we allow ourselves to feel small Your channel is a safe space for YOU and you deserve to take up space ❤
Comment from : @shaydarosalie

Comment from : @MichaelJack-e1p

Can’t cope with loneliness 😢 3:25 😢 😅😅😮
Comment from : @MichaelJack-e1p

Can’t cope with loneliness 😢 3:25 😢 😅😅😮
Comment from : @MichaelJack-e1p

Can’t cope with loneliness
Comment from : @MichaelJack-e1p

Can’t cope with loneliness
Comment from : @MichaelJack-e1p

I hate me
Comment from : @MichaelJack-e1p

64 year old black male, Emotionally neglectful single mombrLonely since I was was 5brNever had a good relationship with a womanbrI don't know what's wrong I'm kinda affection smart as Fuubr Stable, but I got rocks
Comment from : @JonasBlaine-x7n

How much it hurts when you have bad experience, and you can't find even words to express those experiences 😢
Comment from : @bhatrameez1834

thanks to capitalism, fascism, modern technology and our love for war and killing people for profit here we are today
Comment from : @erichumber3831

I was in the waiting room of my therapist's office, and a man emerged weeping after his session My heart just went out to him, though I said nothing But I knew for certain I had a good and kind therapist
Comment from : @richardwilliamson1639

Someday, you'll realize that you are perfect There is no need for self-improvement But we who are ahead of you in the journey of life really appreciate your efforts to adjust to an oppositional world We start out as babies fighting gravity, and we end up the same way Gravity wins in the end, but the fight to stay upright is beautiful Bless you, beloved fellow human!🥰
Comment from : @richardwilliamson1639

I feel you, everything you said is 100 right I’m with you 😢
Comment from : @FatinAbdul-d5s

Hugs ❤
Comment from : @sylvievachon1020

Hugs ❤
Comment from : @sylvievachon1020

Yes alot were like myself unable to return to who i was before covid Lack of feeling secure and many shifts collectively
Comment from : @sylvievachon1020

When the therapist needs a therapist ❤
Comment from : @jennyscorner3942

My own sad story follows below if anyone wants to have a look Life is hard and nobody has all the answers because it's hard for them too Sometimes people make it look easy but that doesn't mean it isbrbrYeah, my dad passed away when I was in second grade A stroke occurred in his brain stem and he was paralyzed in a hospital bed for two years straight before passing That's a long time to feel a severe lack of control as a child He was finally recovering towards the end but passed anyway because a doctor gave him the wrong medication by mistake I'm 32 now and I still see the effects of this experience showing up in my lifebrCan't commit to people because they might be taken away Can't trust people because if a doctor can make such a severe mistake, anyone canbrCovid didn't really effect me Sometimes people notice this and ask me for advice but I have none to give The only reason it looked like I was fine is I was actually never finebrI've been to therapy so many times but it never seemed to be very helpful for me No amount of therapy can undo what was done I need to become friends with a very compassionate and understanding person for quite a long time to learn that there are good people in the world but expecting that to happen is a fallacy On the other hand, being alone for me is not a fallacy It's objective reality People tell me to learn how to be comfortable with being alone but I find it strange that those same people tell me that humans are meant to be social creatures So I'm supposed to be happy when I'm alone but also be social and I'm supposed to ignore all my lived experience before now as if it never happened and had no effect on who I've become at all?
Comment from : @technocraticarchification7973

I feel exactly the same, I just found your video I'm 61 and I don't know what is going
Comment from : @christinewallace7107

Honest ❤
Comment from : @robinsahota1571

My heart hurts 😢🥲
Comment from : @om1431

Kati, I am so sorry that this is what you feel Believe me, I understand I am 90 of the way to totally giving in
Comment from : @IanMorrison-o2b

I am lonely I feel like I have failed I always thought I'd have a family and a house and a job I have none of these things I came on holiday and it's made things 10x worse I feel incredibly lost, and disconnected I look at happy people and think, that used to be me Now, and this is very difficult to explain, I feel like I'm only coasting, like a leaf blowing in the wind I get spoken to like I'm an idiot, ignored, demeaned, like my opinion doesn't matter Time is going so fast, and I'm just surviving I bury feelings, I don't have the vocabulary to explain the deep hurt and pain I feel a lot of the time
Comment from : @IanMorrison-o2b

I’m crying soo much cause I hustle for ppls approval of me and to know I’m worth something to them Omg revelation thank you so much
Comment from : @pennyphillips9880

People are not interested in social connection nowadays
Comment from : @JS-xs5hq

Glad I listen, I'm a control person, people pleaser, perfectionist All this has made me lose in three marriage so now I'm try to over come these and find me and way I can't make a marriage work and I know it is not all me but now I feel so lonely and lost
Comment from : @gwengill5356

The facts that, you cannot cut your heart and make people believes That you having a different color and shape of ❤ is So frustrating and sick, Until i can find a better way of proving that, I really hope My Spirit is supporting me unconditionally and wont Be leaving me! I dont want to be Sad and God please take me from this Sad world, But if your Will turn to be What Best of me Oh God, Trust me I need you Alone and not this world
Comment from : @Monajib-j8r

I am so sad, i thought i am the only one felt this sadness and pain
Comment from : @Monajib-j8r

I am feeling very lonely as well
Comment from : @ALVEENA_10

I am struggling with the same reasons I tried too hard just to feel I am worth showing up for Until now, I've yet to see anyone who will be there for me despite my efforts and it made me question myself like "Am I worth anyone's time?" or "Am I even worth committing to?" all those deprecating thoughts are beyond loneliness and it's unbearable that sometimes I wished I don't exist Right now all I feel is exhaustion, I can't even form a connection to someone without worrying that I might just exert so much effort again
Comment from : @ldyrtdyrt8872

I wish i get a girlfriend
Comment from : @rishu1357

I want a girlfriend
Comment from : @rishu1357

My loneliness comes from how cruel and annoying most people are all the time I would rather spend time by myself It is soooo frustrating never having anyone in my corner I'm surrounded by old mean people, and it is frustrating having to work on myself while at the same time I have to mind full-grown adults as if they are children
Comment from : @CowToes

I'm always lonely Tried to have friends but in the end, I realized they were never friends My blood family were never their the times I had cancer twice and never there at the hospital for me So I'm always alone and feel lonely
Comment from : @PatriciaFalcon-u2m

Mam I feel like we are feeling the same feelings I want so desperately for the medical field to crack the forever sadness/depression, easy to cry, rumination, loneliness and hopelessness I would give my entire wealth to have that cure
Comment from : @R12-x3z

This looks like you are talking about me I have lived so many places with different people Whenever i move to new place i think it will be different, a new start over but i always stuck with this loneliness feeling and depressing thoughts I always stuck in loop I am not a bad person but if someone come cleser to me I push them away I actually changed my country as well and I am still feeling same shit brbrI am really stuck here It's miserable 😢
Comment from : @rutvimungra755

I don't what this to sound so cliche, but have you spoken to God?
Comment from : @deejay4837

I'm lonely period I have friends but no "ONE" and I need herbrI've always been alone never felt emotionally lovedbrI'm now old and so sad it physically hurtsbrSome times I just want it all to be overbrThis hurts worse than getting shot
Comment from : @JonasBlaine-x7n

6:50 I cried with you
Comment from : @ArtHearts

So brave! You are doing now what you did as a child with trying to get your dad to care about you because it was as if he didn't Your inner child still feels that Time to process all that pain You have intrinsic worth already!
Comment from : @lumpyspacecadet

You make me cry watching this because I was struggling with that situation but its getting better 😊
Comment from : @cristiephotography

Thank you for your vulnerability I feel this So much <3
Comment from : @hank_430

I'm going through the same 😢 I been ok since the New Year's came in but now I'm just falling back into that depression I don't know what to do I don't want to talk to anybody I want to be by myself I'm tired everybody wants wants wants but nobody stops to see if I'm okay and I'm just really tired of feeling lonely
Comment from : @NENA____650

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