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6 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Lend Money.

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Title :  6 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Lend Money.
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Frames 6 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Lend Money.

Description 6 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Lend Money.

Comments 6 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Lend Money.

I stopped lending money to get rid of the broke energy around me It worked perfectly
Comment from : @kertuibo9158

Comment from : @Rainandpetals

If you want to keep your friends never borrow never lend
Comment from : @growlingleapard7868

Yep its true, dont lend more than you can afford to lose In short dont do it I learnt the hard way DONT DO IT
Comment from : @mazcontrol3589

I never lend money to my brother anymore, because he is making bad choices, and I never ask anyone for money unless I have no choice, but I will always find a way to pay them back
Comment from : @philipcearley1992

What annoys me about borrowers: they get annoyed when asked for it back, they act surprised for being asked for it back and some even deny that they borrowed
Comment from : @paulcrewe3125

If you take the emotion out of the decision making, you would NEVER lend anyone money Because if you’re low/middle income you really can’t afford to lend money If you’re rich/wealthy you’re obviously smart enough to not be frivolous with your money! 🤷🏻‍♂️
Comment from : @Kell4088

NO! That’s a complete sentence… 🤷🏻‍♂️
Comment from : @Kell4088

Cause your gays scrougesmy sister wouldnt loan me two euro at xmasand shes bentand my dad wouldnt loan me for a pack of ciggarettes for fifty minutes just now and hes bentyour benders
Comment from : @troyhayder6986

This Lady is TOTALLY right! I just went through this today (AGAIN) I lend money to a female friend I did a quick little "friendly follow up" over text She took offense to it We got into a big argument (over something so Stupid, miniscule, and mi-NUTE) And she blew up, CUT ME OFF as a friend, and told me: "Now, I'M NOT going to PAY YOU BACK!", and Blocked me Smh L&R It was SO ridiculous I'm just like Smh L&R (and I'm pretty “evolved and conscious” actually) The minute you lend money, you have CHANGED the Dynamic of that Relationship
Comment from : @xmangel6052

A friend of mine brWe have known each other for years brbrRecently brHe asked me to lend him 2000US DOLLARS brbrHe promised me brHe will pay me br200 US dollars each month brbrbrBut two years ago brHe borrowed 666 us from me brHe said: he would pay me some money each month brThe first 3 months brHe did pay me brBut after that brbrHe stopped paying me brIn a nutshell he still owe me 200 brUs brbrIn this case brShould I lend him money?brbrThanks
Comment from : @Johnson-fe4ts

Never give anything away you can’t afford to lose
Comment from : @mercedeswilkins9085

Never co-sign for anyone
Comment from : @mercedeswilkins9085

Don’t loan money to people, you are not a bank 🏦 or 🏧
Comment from : @mercedeswilkins9085

Never loan money to anyone especially if the gainful employed
Comment from : @mercedeswilkins9085

Humans can be disgusting
Comment from : @mysteriesoflife540

Comment from : @peterharris6604

How about avoiding such people in the first place A good friend never does that
Comment from : @harikrishnanchandramohan4209

Don’t do it!
Comment from : @Dana_inc

I have lost around 10000$ by lending it to friends and relatives in a year, I am from India, and for me it is almost 15 months of my pay
Comment from : @freetimealways2023

I'm surprised how important money is over helping others once or twice and not really expecting to have the lent money back right away
Comment from : @madisonlunedeblaire2611

I never lend money, after learning the hard way when I was younger Probably most people that borrow have no intention of paying it back: they insult your intelligence with excuses when asked for money owedbrWhat annoyed me in the past, people that owed me money never mentioned it when I saw them and they avoided the situation brNowadays, I give a straight no or a blunt no to persistent people that ask to borrow: I owe no excuse for not lending I don’t get sucked in by sad stories from these rogues: their downfall is not my problem
Comment from : @paulcrewe3125

Its dangerous lending money to family
Comment from : @martinmusokem5765

A lot of times they have money to pay you back but don't pay back because they see themselves losing money not paying someone back
Comment from : @newmexicoballer3867

I learned long ago never to lend money to "friends" I found I spent my time chasing them up to get the money back! Lending money to friends give them amnesia!!!
Comment from : @moirahurley2862

Happened so many times Never lending again
Comment from : @alexanderharries6738

Yes lending money to people it cause problems I can’t lend money to my brother He sucks at paying people back People had to wait for months for him to pay it all back to them as well as me
Comment from : @untitle161

Lending money friends means we lost one more friend
Comment from : @subinsuresh9167

Great video!
Comment from : @AnxietyMentor

I was searching for this topic and have to genuinely compliment you yhe way you describes the topic in the video Thank you 😊
Comment from : @RahasyaAghorTantra

What do you think of loaning money with interest? If a friend offers you to pay with interest
Comment from : @andymanland

This video is the truth!
Comment from : @theofficialnikkisnews

I shouldn't have given money to my coworker I pitied her because she was a poor single mom Recently she got a bf, got pregnant again (in like 3months),and now he left her I should cut ties with her because I'm sure she's gonna ask for more money, as a single mom of 2
Comment from : @minna1997-

I lended a family memeber 1600k Pakistani rupees but no i only regret upon it
Comment from : @thefaketech2518

A friend of mine has just asked to borrow $200 but I have decided the answer from me will be no Over my life time I have lost hundreds of dollars by "lending" and have never been paid back I feel this particular friend has failed to take the steps necessary to change the course in her life that will enable her to be in a better place with her finances
Comment from : @moosefactory133

Once a friends asks you for money the relationship is screwed either way because if you say no they’re gonna question the friendship and if you say yes they’ll never pay you back But in the end the fact that they’re in debt is not your problem so screw them if they don’t want to talk to you
Comment from : @dannyinguadala5696

Thanks you madam
Comment from : @richarddagadu

the money that comes back after lending is lottery for me because not every time that happens 😂
Comment from : @viveknairp492

I have lend so much money to my friends and relativesbr Now I don't get back and I don't know what to do
Comment from : @Chezhuto

I have helped them several times since last 3 years but they are still taking advantage and keep asking for money
Comment from : @artisticthings7843

So I’m actually very financially sound and have a good house and a nice car I paid for in cash One of my friends is always struggling financially and recently asked me to lend her $1,000 I don’t mind giving it to her as a gift entirely with no expectation of repayment, but I’m afraid this will open to the door for her to continue asking for more going forward Is it better to just decline now even though I want to help her?
Comment from : @theiceman8190

Soon as you lend money or give credit to someone you never hear from them they avoid your calls or msgs they get aggressive when you ask them for your money back brPeople that borrow never have money brThey may have issues gambling drug’s drinking or just tight and don’t like spending their own money
Comment from : @paullynch8316

I lent someone money They were my cousin I grew up with Never paid back He has 2 more kids since I lent him money and I have seen them gone to Disneyland for a week but when I ask for the moey back, always an excuse Oh I had cancer
Comment from : @BobbyHo2022

Comment from : @Thomas-me7xf

Comment from : @Thomas-me7xf

Great brbrI give and do not lend
Comment from : @judithgrace9850

I can totally relate I wanted to be seen as a hero as helper coming to someones rescue well that didnt get me far Never got my money back
Comment from : @rvw4819

I don't feel comfortable lending a large amount of money I'd rather be a cheerful giver or not at all!
Comment from : @mariac6280

I once lent money to a friend in Mexico that needed money for three days in order to buy medicine for his dying aunt It was a really stressful decision but I decided to trust him He paid me back three days laterbrOne thing to take into consideration is that Mexico is largely an honor society, family values are the glue that hold the social fabric together My friend did not ask me for the money without his family’s knowledge, the entire family was asking for the emergency loan, and I knew their family honor was worth more to them than the moneybrIm here now because my best friend just asked me for money I suspect his wife and mother don’t know I told him I’d gladly lend the money with the permission and blessings of his mom, who is the matriarch of a large extended family
Comment from : @Zach-ls1if

disappointment all the timereally disspointedso many text until i ask back for some and no more text messages since
Comment from : @theblurmetalhead

I'll answer this in the first 10 seconds hell no it's a bad idea to lend money to friends unless you want to see a leach
Comment from : @BCBenny

Good lesson for everyone
Comment from : @singhkn

Definitely, don't lend money that will put you in a bind, if you don't get it back I learned that by loaning to my own father
Comment from : @Informationuncoverd1603

💯 percent I agree with you brThank you 😊
Comment from : @kuldeeprockstar7758

I've been in this situation for quite a while and I'm now finally putting an end to it I've heard the phrase "I'll pay you back" so many times but haven't gotten one cent back They think they're entitled to YOUR money
Comment from : @JazzGaming26

Don’t allow adults to use you as a bank 🏦
Comment from : @ADXTechnology

I loaned money to a coworker in the past to help out their relatives As soon as, I was expecting to be repaid (as agreed) I was immediately made out to be the bad guy When I finally was repaid ( less than agreed) I was scorned I let it go; time passed I loaned again, as the same person had been out of the country, not working and seemed to be in a bind I feel like a fool and am now, presently, awaiting the aftermath 🙄 fml never again
Comment from : @z_ed

What can I do if my boyfriend borrowed money and I feel guilty I don't know what to say and I feel he is disappoint I can't help him what should I do?
Comment from : @melaniegonzales7648

Some even borrow every month, same amount 😆so they budgeting with your money now
Comment from : @JesusisLord1103

Will never ever do that If I lend money to someone for eg $1000 I expect it to be paid back to me in the same total of $1000 and not $100 at a time untill it's fully paid up I ain't a bank, cos you won't like the interest I add on top of what is owed if any
Comment from : @TheViolinRoom

Oh God if I would have known 🤒
Comment from : @lisajrocks8310

I really like this perspective
Comment from : @Kue57

hey my nanny borrow abt like money from me 2 times and have not returned it??? she also said dont tell my mom cause she shy she said she doesn’t have money but my dad gave her
Comment from : @antispiralking0

I am a professional I work 5 days a week to get my salary I get annoyed and irritated when a few of my friends who don't work , just sit and enjoy their life, gossip, keep sticking to their phones come around and ask money It has become a daily thing So frustrated and annoyed with this Even if I ignore their calls they keep on calling And the most annoying this is that once i say nothey would disappear for a few days and come back again asking money This process is repeated
Comment from : @rahmantv6354

Some friends return the money without even reminding them back but some never return even after continuously reminding them Every time they come up with some excuses or stories Do they even have self-respect for themselves Totally cheap mentality I'm financially not so stable and still lend some money to some friends out of pity and kindness but they turn the deaf ears while asking them to return brbrWhatever my conditions are I never ask for money from someone rather I dwell in my own necessitiesbrbrI will never lend money to those kinds of people ever in my life It only gives the mental trauma
Comment from : @TarunKumar-nt4hr

It's always can you ^ help^ me ALWAYS
Comment from : @The-nichole

What if I lended the money to a woman? Am I screwed?
Comment from : @alejandropacheco7832

Waiting for my $1000 from my father in law, as he had taken for his business purpose and had told that he will return soon It's been 7 months now He doesn't talk abt it M in such a weird situation now, can't even ask for it and keep smiling everytime we meet How to handle this situation? Had told this to my wife recently n she's like "would you ever take money back from your own father if he had taken it?" Now that's really complicated for me Should I move on and never think of that money ?
Comment from : @ashishavi1991

This video is helping me with getting over being cheated because I lent some money and became obsessed after realizing it wasn't a good idea
Comment from : @Me-ll6kn

Yes I am facing same problem when my friend asked money I blocked them or I deactivate my social media
Comment from : @aakashkarki

I always say I don't have it Period
Comment from : @donnabennett5454

A friend of mine would group text his family or friends for money even though he didn't need it He actually did it on purpose so they would think he was broke and wouldn't ask him He wouldn't take the money if someone offered either
Comment from : @TheMajinvegetadbz

I started lending siblings money out of love and faith and all I ever received back was disrespect (by the lies they made up to suck me financially dry) getting yelled at (for not wanting to give them more money) and being abandoned by not wanting to return the money
Comment from : @MariaPerez-sb1xp

Great respect to this women what she said is 100 correct in my opinion
Comment from : @vicehaiti914

Exactly what happened to me I loaned someone who I thought was a friend money, I never saw my money ever again He was full of excuses and we fell out over it I swore never to do that again BUT I did do it again Just recently another friend hit me up for $50 and that blew out to $300 over the course of 2 weeks So now the relationship has soured I never ever ask anyone for money Now I feel like an idiot for doing it
Comment from : @scottdavey3804

How can someone pay you back if they have no money in the first place?
Comment from : @TheAMBULOCETUS

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