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Great video :)
Comment from : @shesoverit2302

Very interesting topicI do have a question thoWhy giving them the money? once you give them the money they will ask againI personally think that if someone really treasure my friendship they would put me in an uncomfortable position at least i wouldn’t do it with no oneI rather help them with stockpile items or food
Comment from : @rossliss16

I have given coupon products You two make a cute couple Whoa sam and Joey look like dad
Comment from : @shoppingwithmichelle9077

Can I borrow $1000😂
Comment from : @SabySSsssssss

I do the same thing If I have the money, I’ll give it It is just too uncomfortable when esp family members owe you- they either avoid you or try to explain why they spent some money while not paying you Makes my life happier 😊
Comment from : @terijackson2010

Very relatable!!!!!! So annoying
Comment from : @alisonfern8151

Hi, excellent topic I work hard for my money, I get up at 4:30 am to be at work 6:30 am to work 9hr & overtime when available Money doesn't grow on tree, I safe my hard money for unexpected things When the government shut down for almost 35 days I didn't get paid not even a penny I survived out of my savings I had to be wise and pay the important Bill's and survive with the food I had in stock If I didn't had my stash safe nobody was going to help me So, I don't lend money or sign for a personal loan, if they don't pay it come back to the signer
Comment from : @gerie5462

I have borrowed money from family & friends I ALLWAYS pay it back because I knew if I ever need to borrow money again and I didn’t pay them, they would’t let me borrow again Now that I have been more responsible with my budget I don’t need to borrow money The same people that lend me money I have lend them money Now I haven’t had a bad experience with money But My mom has, it make me sad because It was her own sister after 5 yrs she still hasn’t pay her $5k she borrow In my family we say “that person just closed that door 🚪 and will never be reopened to them” if they don’t pay back what they borrow
Comment from : @madij3155

I've been burned by this all my life Ive seen family buy a Rolex 2 weeks after borrowing money or go on vacation when we never go on vacation I'm the same if I can give them 100 or something I will I just assume it isnt coming back With some family who claim hard ship I will pay a bill directly to a company(gas cable rent ECT) or buy them groceries ECT bc I've seen them going out and doing harmful things My other half and I are so similar on money I think it makes us really compatibleThanks for the video guys I appreciate you both!
Comment from : @Hufflebear

I have given money to family members, but it wasn't because they asked I saw the need and knew I could help The money was given with no expectation of return, but they paid me back anyway To me, that is what family does
Comment from : @sillykitty8797

Following Dave Ramsey we have decided it’s never a good idea to lend He quotes this verse a lot brProverbs 22:7 (NIV), “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender”
Comment from : @Kat-sp2je

Just say no There's too much tension Give a gift, but not a loan
Comment from : @jeffreym68

Thanks for all you do!!!
Comment from : @stacykafer2898

I can't lend money to people who always need money That 10, 20 dollars add up
Comment from : @winteriscoming1700

I have very little to spare, but if my friends truly need me I am there Always
Comment from : @sarahpauline4904

"Neither a borrower nor a lender be For loan oft loses both itself and friend" Shakespeare's play, Hamlet Good words to live by
Comment from : @Pastel_Pistol

Sorry, Luellen - it's "lending or loaning" money to family members, "not borrowing money to family members"
Comment from : @bbjo787

First, I love that you say borrow money lol We have borrowed money from relatives but have always done our due diligence to pay it back We make it clear up front that we aren’t able to pay it back at once and maybe only $50 until paid and we always have Not everyone is that way though I personally don’t loan anyone money (for family I would just give it to them) If someone needed money for groceries I would just take them to the store and give them a limit My husband would just give because he’s like that I don’t ever expect to be repaid the favor but sometimes it would be a nice gesture though right? I am a stickler with money my husband is a spender but I have been teaching him and he is learning We talk before making big purchases I totally agree with you both Loved seeing Anthony and seeing him in good shape this time (last time I seen him he was having an allergic reaction) Great video!
Comment from : @MistieH_90

You two are so cute together
Comment from : @karenrosansky6715

Love how you look at him! So sweet And great advice!
Comment from : @carleyh8898

Not a good idea
Comment from : @mamachicken1548

Comment from : @pimplepopper5098

You two are a cute couple😍
Comment from : @belindamotamedi8724

😑Lending to a family member is sometimes a big mistake,6mths turn into years and you wondered if they forgot about it 🤨
Comment from : @escobar8548

If I have the money and wouldn't need it back soon, I would totally help someone out If it wouldn't get paid back, it wouldn't effect me Life is too short and whenever and whatever I can do to help people I care for is just something that's natural Whether that may be naive or not, I firmly believe in you reap what you sew I choose to sew kindness and hopefully I will be remembered for that
Comment from : @aHavenForTheLost

I've learned my lesson not to lend money to family as you rarely get it back and friends are the same Just don't do it!!
Comment from : @lindanewsome5352

We all have limited money Many times we buy generic foods/medicines to save some money Couponing helps a lot as well Lending money isn't simple for mebrIt's all based on the situation If someone lost a job or some emergency happened, i would lend without thinking twicebrAnd I agree, the moment you say 'NO', you become the bad guy But it's not easy to lend money and forget about it
Comment from : @mashalahmed5269

I just want to say God bless you and your lovely family! I love that you mentor not only just couponing but so many honest topics like this You are a jewel to the world and such a heart for serving the world around you Love love love this session❤️❤️❤️❤️Keep them coming and sending multitudes of prayers for blessing upon blessings for you and your lovely family!
Comment from : @cc2603

Great advice I feel guilty when I ask people to give me the money they owe I need to learn to just say no I end up hurting myself financially
Comment from : @christinepelfrey7573

My family knows they can shop out of my stockpile if they really need to, but we don't give loans out, unless we are able to give it to them as a gift Great day to you!
Comment from : @clenaghen123

Loved the video! One topic I would love to see is how you discussed finances prior to marriage?
Comment from : @Booine949

I genuinely have lost so many friends over money, at one point my husband sat me down with this piece of paper in his hand & said he wanted to show me something It was over 6,000 dollars that i had lent out and he said i had such a big heart and that was what he loved about me But, he wanted me to do one thing for him- he said you call each person on this list & you tell them your daughter does not have any pull ups (12 yr old special needs child) and whoever is willing to bring you just 20 bucks is the ppl you can continue to help, but i work to hard, to long, for you to just give it away to ppl who simply wouldn't give a damn about you or your children So i called each person on the list (ready to prove him wrong) bc of course Nobody would let her do without surely, especially if they owed me hundreds of dollars & i only asked for 20 right?? You know who show up?? Not one single person It was one of the most painful brutal lessons I've ever had to learn To this day, i have never spoken to anyone on that list
Comment from : @amandakay789

Thanks for your advice It makes great sense Bless you and your family
Comment from : @Anappleaday11

Great video 👍 Enjoy your Friday 🤗 Amazing couple ❤❤
Comment from : @dorachavez7325

I still don't understand how people can feel offended when you ask them to start paying that money back I mean, they didn't have problem asking for it! But if you do decide to lend, put it in writing and have them sign it!
Comment from : @mariorozco8908

Don’t loan family or friends money the worst mistake I have got burned one time somehow I became the bad person if I have to loan money now it will be different everything written down on paper notarized copy of license date that it will be paid back and if I have to take them to court you pay the lawyer fees it’s awful to say but that’s how we have to do it now me and my husband work hard
Comment from : @jacquelinemedina9753

My significant other lent money to a co worker "Oh hes good for it" yeah still waiting Never again
Comment from : @kimdobruck939

You're husband is a cutie!
Comment from : @higdon100

God Bless you guys wow the kids look like him especially your daughter wow you both make a very nice couple
Comment from : @EvelynVittes

I did borrow money to a friend many years ago I did not say here you don't have to pay me back but I did have the attitude that I may not get my money back She did pay me back! I did not keep track of the payments I was lucky!!
Comment from : @kimchristensen9496

I buget my expenses I make a lot less than family members, but still give & do wo God takes care of me I get more back w gods help So i dont bother w asking 4 the money back
Comment from : @howdydo7320

I will lend the money if they need help, i never expect it back nor do i ask for the money back Pay backs r hard 4 ppl who borrow
Comment from : @howdydo7320

How do you keep your skin looking good? Idk but to me your skin looks healthy and moisturized
Comment from : @abbygarcia2952

LOL Anthonytake the compliment when it comes your way!! Luellen thinks the world of you and nothing can be sweeter than that!!
Comment from : @kimchristensen9496

NO never lend money in 2019
Comment from : @SativaVerte

Thank you for your videos ❤
Comment from : @tiffniortiz9947

Beautiful couple!brLove to see you both in a video, also great topic! 👍👍👍👍💸💶💵
Comment from : @FlorecitaHappy

Great video!
Comment from : @angeewells

Lending money is you won’t see that money back So if you have extra to lose go ahead and lend the money
Comment from : @Ojewels65

One I give the money they need if I have it If I don't have it I don't have it to give If the person keeps on coming back for more and are not helping themself no more money from me Before I was married my boy friend and I lent my brother a big amount of money will we are married now for 35 years now my brother never gave it back I am over it but my husband to this day is not Money bring the worst out in people
Comment from : @margaretpetrie4879

I love y'all ❤️ super cute you and your hubby AND AGAIN THE KIDDOS LOOK LIKE DAD BAD
Comment from : @jennifergongora9727

Never lend any more than you would be willing to give and can afford to lose because you are probably not going to get it all backbrI don't lend money but if I can afford it I will give you what I can
Comment from : @S_H9260

Nice to see ur husband! You are a beautiful couple 💜 thanks for the great advice! We need to think outside the box sometimes Your ideas are wonderful!
Comment from : @kimber-leighdomiano901

Don’t you mean lend money? I’m confused
Comment from : @ilovemyskittlesbaby


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