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How Much Cash Is Too Much To Keep At Home?

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Comments How Much Cash Is Too Much To Keep At Home?

Nix the guesswork and scrolling We’ll connect you with investment pros we trust: bitly/3hc6Pgt
Comment from : @TheRamseyShow

He never answers this question Shame on him
Comment from : @JamesJoseph-u1y

I bank like jesse james did
Comment from : @frankfitz3421

If she put it in gold and silver, it would have doubled
Comment from : @Hoosierdaddy19

I bought a brand new car in cash years ago ain't gonna say much yeah😁😁
Comment from : @jayjay-iu3wc

I think it was a legitimate question and shouldn't have been met with such a condensing response I live in an area that experiences natural disasters, which cause electrical outages CC/Debit cards can't get you anything brEven if you're a prepper, you may need to evacuate, or you may need to stock up or top off on minor supplies My rule is to keep at least 1 months worth of your normal living expenses To each their own
Comment from : @tinyspaceroadie

Now she can't get that cash in a bank account without triggering the bank reporting to the IRS She has to use it to buy stuff like groceries, clothes, pay the gardener, etc
Comment from : @1Sparkmeister

Cash app is doing 45 on savings🎉
Comment from : @johnwolford2715

I remember Katrina, and people who had no cars, credit cards, and getting to an ATM was out of question After seeing that I got a credit card and made a plan I suggest keeping emergency fund $2-3,000 or depending on size if family enough to pay essentials for at least 2-6 months This from someone who has had their accounts frozen One deceased uncle you need to keep money in at least 2 different states or jurisdictions You cash $2,000 in fireproof safe along with other important documents SS Card, car title, bank infobr7 years if income returns, birth certificates stuff like that
Comment from : @lindacathcart7414

I don’t keep any cash at home cause I never have it
Comment from : @justthisguy1948

Anybody heard of a bank debit card?
Comment from : @tamil1001

Dave has never heard of a bail in Also, Dave thinks gold is a joke, even though gold has increased in value by over 700 in 20 years
Comment from : @bobs4753

This caller is a moron
Comment from :

Taking large sums of cash into the bank or a business is going to trigger the IRS And, it also runs the risk of a greedy law enforcement agency exercising Civil Asset Forfeiture on your money
Comment from : @USMC6976

Banks are paying 4, not the 1 she keeps saying She needs to get better informed
Comment from : @Atwater20

Fire/water resistant gun safe
Comment from : @calincalina2628

I’ve got £100k to invest I want to build a nest egg for when I'm older I want to know if it's a good idea to add all my savings into a long term ETF, set and forget Come back in 20-30 years, instead of 250-300 DCA every month Which ETF would you recommend?
Comment from : @Andreavince-v

You most certainly can buy something in cash for any dollar value But, if the amount of cash is more than $10,000 the store, or dealership has to report that to some government agency They are looking for illicit cash being used for large purchases I did personally know a multi-millionaire who years ago did indeed buy vehicles, Rolex watches, jewelry, etc with cash and yes for some purchases it was a briefcase or suitcase of cashbrbrSo you need to be able to show the government that you earned or came into that money by legal means
Comment from : @perryallan3524

Keep all your cash at home In a fireproof waterproof safe vault take pictures of it and and it’s insured by home insurance
Comment from : @Albinosnake1997

How much is too much if a bank closes and won't let you get your money out?
Comment from : @fannieallen6005

Keep it away from the damn colleges
Comment from : @davidcarp5935

All of you are in a cult
Comment from : @mbrianperry

That was a poor answer to a decent question
Comment from : @alexvargo195

You can do better than 1 Look into high yield savings accounts You can get over 4 Just search online The banks are just taking advantage of lazy / ignorant people At 4 you still are not beating inflation but you are losing a lot less than a less than 1 account
Comment from : @Back2SquareOne

Depends on what is covered by your insurance policy, and how much you are willing to loose due to fire or theft
Comment from : @Tom-sg4iv

You never answered the caller’s question I keep a modest amount of cash at home for emergencies, but I often wonder what that amount should be
Comment from : @crystalfrancis3211

if someone robbed Dave: "whats your income? how much debt do you have?" 😂
Comment from : @dohnjoe735

You don't have to only get 1 percent in the bank You could get about 4 percent with a bank CD
Comment from : @joebolz

The riskiest way to pay for anything is in cash If anything goes wrong with the transaction there is no way to stop payment on cash Check or credit card are the best ways to pay
Comment from : @joebolz

Home insurance rarely pays more than $1000 for stolen cash in a claim
Comment from : @wirefly1000

one thing is certain and that is you can't trust banksthe pittance you earn in interest after its taxed can't possibly compare to the peace of mind that comes with having no outside institution in your life
Comment from : @bingochoice

Dear Beverly: high-yield savings accounts can offer 4-5 right now I'd opt for that
Comment from : @rickyiglesias5384

If you still trust Banks in 2025, you have learned nothing
Comment from : @bowieupland6112

That's true 😂😂😂
Comment from : @MrVee24

What if the Banks crash???😮
Comment from : @judysnyder4702

When I had my cab company I carried a grand on me Got a lot of deals driving around
Comment from : @campuscab

First National Bank of Posturepedic
Comment from : @lhv569

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
Comment from : @SandraGunther-o2t

Lady, keep cash on hand
Comment from : @Topjake1492

"The car store"brbrLady, it's called a DEALERSHIP
Comment from : @mRahman92

I keep a few bucks stashed in a money belt in the back of my closet just for take out, but that's it Nothing serious
Comment from : @bobfeller604

ok heres the easy answer Keep a small enough amount of cash in your hopuse trhat you wouldnt be angry if it got robbed
Comment from : @JohnSmith-dm8ly

Some real cash should be kept at home for mother of all Emergency (No power, no internet, no just about everything (financial institution aren't open) It is for situations like earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, floods,,,,,,,,,,,,,type of events My emergency fund is in an investment account but will take a day or two (old fashion way) to gain access and requires me to have internet access or be able to drive to the investment company and bank brbrHow much? I don't really know No one seem to talk much about it I am thinking $2K cash on hand should carry me through a week until communications are being re-establish
Comment from : @HHH-nv9xb

Read your homeowner's policy Mine says it only insures cash up to $500 in the event of a fire or whatever However, because of the way banks won't let you withdraw what you need without notice, you have to keep more for an emergency or potential purchase I would have lost out on buying a car because my bank of 30 years would not let me withdraw less than $20k without giving them several days notice
Comment from : @bmacattack615

I remember after a good friend of my family’s passed They found cash in wall pictures, drawers, etc Probably $50K brbrHe had saved $5 a day for years for quitting smoking He would use the cash for trips and snowbirding the winter months in FL
Comment from : @jasonthemason1971

Dave, you trust banks too much Haven't you seen what is happening in our country?
Comment from : @cherylfauth9543

He never answwred her original question If the banks don't open, how much would you keep in cash to survive until it does?brbrMy major bank only pays 001 not 1
Comment from : @pattijesinoski1958

Dont trust banks because when you put your money in a bank its theirs , keep all your cash at home be your own bank
Comment from : @henrykennedy1120

Use a fire-proof safe and make it difficult to find Also for better security, nail and screw it to the wall A thief usually only spends 2 or 3 minutes in your house and will not crowbar it loose because of the time involved Glass jars are NO GOOD because the heat will destroy anything inside it
Comment from : @davefish9296

He never answered the question
Comment from : @1966ldm

No more than you want to fight the government over if they find it
Comment from : @crewmax4240

I love cash
Comment from : @kevinsnewslotchannel

If you are worried about dooms daybrKeep silver coins To barter with
Comment from : @JamesHollinger-lt8qx

People seem to misinterpret what ‘cash’ is, there is physical cash and M1 cash
Comment from : @HarleyAverage

Dave has this to show off how wonderful he is and wastes no opportunity to let ever know how much better he is
Comment from : @carmdurso3842

This lady doesn't get it Wtf Figure it out How much do you need for emergencies or special purchases I think about 20 grand is a good place to start She sounds like a SUCKER for a con job
Comment from : @marktwo3160

Comment from : @rafaelmaravilla1628

I'm constantly squirrelling away cash even if its loose change It takes it out of circulation which is to say I don't have to tell ANYONE that I have it and no one can prove that I do
Comment from : @intheshell35ify

We recently sold a truck and he paid $15,000 in cash!
Comment from : @aliceowens7559

This is an Idaho thing for sure haha
Comment from : @ViewerRG

In a safe that cannot be taken out of your house, and as a maximum, the amount that is covered under your insurance
Comment from : @jossnoss

The “ yeah but hahahahaha” 3:21 got me off guard 😂😭
Comment from : @bdentertainment6420

He carrying 1000 dollars for tips ? lol rich people
Comment from : @brianhurtado-d7e

Invest it
Comment from : @EmpressKima

Just for everyone's situational awareness regarding cash: Please don't try to fly on an airline with a bunch of cash TSA/police can and have confiscated large sums of cash They can use almost any excuse to do so So, if you're traveling by air to buy something expensive and you need cash, put your money in a bank with branches all over the country, or just do a wire transfer
Comment from : @adamthomas7514

any cop can take any cash you have, civil forfeiture, and make it near impossible to prove it's clean and get it back from multiple agencies
Comment from : @im7254

illegal pres exec order 14067 says : THEY WLL TAKE OUR MONEY OUT OF OUR IMAGINARY ACCTS: so why the would anyone leave cash in br a bank ? you are fools sorry you are REAL-WRONG & I -CAN'T-WAIT TIL THEY TAKE ALL OF YOURS !!!
Comment from : @JACK-wh6jl

Dave’s not a prepper
Comment from : @nateleal

I’ve heard of people who take all their money and put it in a lockbox in their basement They have over one hundred thousand dollars but if they invested it they could have 5 times that
Comment from : @BronsonOrr-uf6zm

I am new to this country (uk) i have a question how much cash can we keep in home legally?? Could anyone can helpbrbrThank you
Comment from : @tomv9585

5k at home, 500 walking around
Comment from : @jandejong2430

I say about 5k
Comment from : @jandejong2430

Buy gold, no cash
Comment from : @CharlieKelly-ub5qw

I keep "bail cash at home "in my safe 😂
Comment from : @oneofgodschildren

Investment accounts My walk around money is significantly less brbrWe have earthquake money in the house, 1's, $5's and $10's We top off the vehicles with gas Around $1K In books, behind paintings, taped under a dresser drawer floor safe in our garage, etcbrbrAfter an earthquake, we have no electricity, no gas, no waterbrbrGives one a way to pay for things until everyone sets themselves up for cash business😊 brbrWe have adequate food and water and medicine for us including pets Go bag for every person and animal We have had to evacuate a few time before and knew what we needed
Comment from : @naomiemoore5725

I don’t keep more than $999999 Just because if you need to deposit in the bank more than $10$ you get questions from IRS
Comment from : @alfreka1321

Comment from : @julianparks8485

I keep very little in my bank I keep big cash, gold, silver, and a bunch of other collectables, guns, ammo, etc At my home, I locked up in multiple safes Cameras, home alarm system, dog, my safes are wired into the alarm too There are decoy safes, hidden safes, wall safes floor safes, good luck trying to rob me I feel it's safer than any bank You'll need hours to find everything, meanwhile alarms are screaming, my alarm service has called the police, your face is already corded Every safe is bolted down, a couple of them are tl-30 You dont have enough time If I am home, one of us is going to die Just get a job you can't beat me
Comment from : @johnpower8356

If you come to our house to work on our air conditioner, refrigerator, etc, you are going to get $20 or $100
Comment from : @kerwingray9386

Are we talking about emergency cash? If so, I'd like an idea on that Who ever knows when the banking system might shut down, a credit card not usable with technical problems, etc I think that's a legitimate, serious question Do you keep enough that will hold out for say 30 days?
Comment from : @kayjones6147

I don't understand why you never talk about gold and silver In the past 5,000 years gold has never been worth nothing It's not that hard to store And it's real money as opposed to the fiat currency we have today I'm on Social Security so I won't ever buy from a company that requires a minimum $10,000 purchase I' am almost out of debt and I plan to take the money I've been spending on debt to buy silver and gold There are so many ways to store it on a property so that no one would ever find it But I will need to think outside the box With leverage we can move anything That is why God invented the dollybrbrIf I had $70,000 in silver one-ounce coins today, it would roughly be about 125 pounds and fit in safe the size of a filing cabinet drawer So it is mobile if we think it through
Comment from : @MyTakeonliberty

Trump loving liar can’t be trusted to tell you the time Lock him up with trump
Comment from : @kF-mj9uz

The original question was not answeredbrbrThe lady asked how much cash was too much to keep at homebrbrI believe that People should keep at least enough to pay 2 years of bills and expenses, including food and medicine and everything people currently spend on everything, regardless of how one actually makes payment Some might need to pay certain monthly bills by autopay and others may need to pay for heating fuel in cash upon deliverybrbrEnough cash to pay for everything one normally buys for 24 months is reasonablebrbrIf one has more than that amount, I would recommend putting a good portion of the remainder in goods and materials, like household supplies and tools, equipment and a sizeable pantry Buy any building materials now for planned structures in the future to save value from inflation is also a good thingbrbrI don't recommend precious metals due to many adverse factors, like convertibility, trade/barter issues, and theft by unscrupulous sellers and nosey neighbors But some Constitutional Silver would be ok, but a few thousand face should be more than enough, as long as one has followed the above ideas and stocked up a goodly portion of ones total cash/wealthbrbrThink 'Brick and Mortar'! It's the foundation of sustainability The materials that can be used to build the foundation and structure of any business will be in demand
Comment from : @sovereignangel

So why didn’t you tell her $5000 is a good number and possibly suggest a place to “hide” it?
Comment from : @jamestone265

Let's talk carry conceal Dave
Comment from : @tommytar123

Bruh… “The automobile store” 😂
Comment from : @reanukeeves2564

CDs paying 5
Comment from : @johnjaco5544

Wait 'til the cops come and take it?
Comment from : @veramae4098

In God We Trust all others pay cash
Comment from : @mikeduvarney4874

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