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The Truth About PROTEIN SHAKES Revealed | Dr. Steven Gundry

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Title :  The Truth About PROTEIN SHAKES Revealed | Dr. Steven Gundry
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Frames The Truth About PROTEIN SHAKES Revealed | Dr. Steven Gundry

Description The Truth About PROTEIN SHAKES Revealed | Dr. Steven Gundry

Comments The Truth About PROTEIN SHAKES Revealed | Dr. Steven Gundry

steroids are new proteins
Comment from : @SpasojeBajagic

Nonsense milk proteins in whey lower inflation, reduce arterial stiffness and increase arterial flexibility
Comment from : @UnknownUser-sc6jx

I need 4k calories a day and need some fat I'm pretty sure at 6'7" and (finally) made it to 200 lbs I am very active and pushing for 220 lbs Sounds like my extra 40 grams of protein in my breakfast shake will do what I want it to despite the dooming!
Comment from : @jonathanwhiteacre7046

Carnivore healed my depression of 35 years Type 2 diabetes and kidney disease also He is wrong about this
Comment from : @amyfarrell8799

Who paid this? 😂
Comment from : @arttuhuhtasaari

Everyone is allowed to have an opinion
Comment from : @Hypnotic-Valentino

Too babbly and slow moving People are busy - get to the f*cking point!
Comment from : @lunchbeast9899

If you speed up the video to 125x, he actually sounds believable Personally, I don't believe this guy
Comment from : @robertgaramillo9345

What about grass-fed Collagen powder? I notice smoother skin, hair, nails, and better joint mobility after taking Collagen powder per day in my coffee or water Each scoop or dose (I take two a day) has 20 grams of protein So I get 40 grams of protein in the Collagen each day, in addition to the protein I get in meat I will not stop using the Collagen You mention nothing about Collagen What about Carnivore? So many people getting relief from Carnivore diets--the proof is in their blood tests and their renewed health
Comment from :

I strongly disagree! I’m shooting for 120grams of protein!
Comment from : @lolakathol4109

I use your protein Powders in the ingredients it says natural Flavors what are they?
Comment from : @lisamarie9823

Plant protein powders are loaded with heavy metals The best protein powder is unflavored whey or vanilla flavored whey Chocolate flavor also has some heavy metals in it
Comment from : @avatarion

Protein rich foods like beef has high amounts of vitamins and minerals, so you still want to be eating more of it than you "need"
Comment from : @avatarion

Embarrassing 🤭brThat's why older people should know when to quit
Comment from : @Quietword

He said at the end what I was expected "My protein powder is better" others are no good
Comment from : @williamhiromoto6840

But i just bought your plant protein powder, and it makes me feel stronger and more flexible
Comment from : @wandakattmckinney9609

I find the 40-60 recommended grams of protein to be pretty crazy I love your content and am sure there’s evidence to back it but I also think there’s plenty of evidence to back taking much more protein in I’ve been taking a whey protein shake per day (about 23 grams), weight training several times a week with heavier weight, slow eccentrics, and I’m in the best shape I’ve been in I definitely am consuming way more protein than 60 grams Not to say that can’t work but it seems very low to me
Comment from : @richrise4065

As much as I like vegetarian diet I insist on necessity to consume excessive amount of animal protein if you want to build muscless! Plant based protein won`t get you there - period! Not a chance! Haven`t met a single guy, who would get it done with a plant based diet! It`s simply not possible, because our body is not able to absorb enough protein from plants On the other hand, we don`t need to have big muscless! We can be healthy and feel great on a plant based diet
Comment from : @RobertRaz-j2e

protein pouder is a drug like steroids in a different way , it should never been aproved , it kills the kidneys and etc
Comment from : @emersonmilimerson2622

Looks like Dr Gundry here needs some protein powder himself 😅 Hard to finish listening to him at the speed he speaks
Comment from : @samirsharma6312

I love your speaking from afghanistan 🇦🇫
Comment from : @naseebullahzwak

Let me get this straight…People consuming ultra processed foods were 50 more likely to die from cardio vascular disease…and the and the culprit is excess protein?? That doesn’t make any sense How about the quality of the food? The added sugars and omega6 oils? Seems like a lot of confounding variables here I’m not with you on this one doc
Comment from : @Lsirianni

Your protein powder has “natural flavors” what’s that about?
Comment from : @Innate47i1

This has finally solved why I gained 12kg of fat over 6 months I was consuming a cheap protien powder in my yogurt, I finally stopped doing this as a last resort to lose weight and I was shocked when my weight started dropping every week, I'm now on two whole food meals per day with intermittent fasting, I lost 15kg and in my best shape ever, very informative content
Comment from : @Paul-b1970

I am gluten and lactose intolerant I also have IBS If I take plant based protein will it cause me a problem like bloating, gas and constipation ? Thanks
Comment from : @KatiaStylianou

This advice for the most part refutes many protein experts like Dr Donald Layman etc
Comment from : @keithdesantis1976

Comment from : @georgetosounidis5545

Yes it has exploded in price as well so expensive for something that used to throw away a long time ago real men eat steak
Comment from : @skatedd2451

I see bodybuilders consume 400g of protein a day They aren't fat
Comment from : @angelmarks85

Comment from : @davidneveroski9528

Most brOf us are layman so we count on you experts for guidance
Comment from : @davidneveroski9528

Tell that to every athlete in the world and they will laugh at you, what a load of trash
Comment from : @chrismacinnes3770

I need order shakes please
Comment from : @marthasolis8998

Thank you so much for this information I have a question though, are these studies done on men or women?
Comment from : @vosgita

For those with SIBO, I think you want the fastest absorption possible, and you want the protein predigested, in the form of amino acids You also want predigested carbs In this way, you avoid feeding the SIBO that is generally in the lower part of the small intestine
Comment from : @radicalveg00

We need a video on creatine
Comment from : @nathanmobliegamer7968

Oh for god sake, I just bought protein powder
Comment from : @Smiles2U4Ever

Gee give us the short version!
Comment from : @mimigraves4850

Obviously, if you consume more of something than you actually need that can cause inefficiencies in your body systems because the body still has to process the excess
Comment from : @lucashowell7653

very informative thank you
Comment from : @quakangd0rs

Glad I found this right before my first purchase I'd stick to only whole sources Thank you!
Comment from : @EjaxPlus

Sorry about this but every organ in your body needs AA, not just your muscles His words here are very misleading and can be taken out of context easily
Comment from : @250txc

6:10 -- Lots of scientists and nutritionists all say you need more AA to build muscles IF you are working out Yes if U are a couch potato, whatever you eat s probably ok but not if you are actively trying to get stronger
Comment from : @250txc

I'm with this guy but his words are miss leading several times here Yes plants have AA but not in the same quantities as animal AA
Comment from : @250txc

Amazing misinformation!Obviously DrGuntry ignores basic physiologyProteins are not absorbed as such,but as the constituents aminoacids,which in the tissues (mainly the liver) recombine to form theproteins of the organismThe amounts he refers to,are the minimum amount to avoid severe starvationDrNikolas Papadakis,professor of neurosurgery
Comment from : @papneuro

Protein powders really arent bad just keep the dose to around 20 to 25g if your trying for maintenance I personally do around 25g protein in the morning and 25g in the afternoon Also as dr gundry said use it mixed with or after ither foods like fats/fiber to slow digestion
Comment from : @jss2889

Excellent info
Comment from : @pritipatel8624

I am so exhausted from the many different options from natural medicine doctors! Just heard Dr Berg saying Isolated Soy protein hurt your liver!!!!!! Go figure out what is right or wrong! brDr Axe has his own protein powder and he wants us all to buy it! Dr Jockers is completely okay with Vital protein!!!!! I want the truth!!!!! Can someone tell us what is the truth?
Comment from : @caart6317

Dr Gundry you mention leaky gut as a potential outcome of using protein powders, but do not mention collagen protein powder as a benefit to stop leaky gut in this video: but have mentioned the use of collagen in other videos Was this an over sight or have you changed your mind about collagen protein powders (which are definitely processed!)?
Comment from : @jonnyde

I strongly disagree with this 40-60 grams is the minimum to keep you alive just sitting there I move my body, I work out, and I like 120 grams a day
Comment from : @Freedom2FlourishCoach

Thanks for making my choice, no protein powder for me 😂
Comment from : @is2fiftyslowfsport744

Thank you Dr G for all your sage advice and research… you saved my life and I’m so grateful to you ! ❤
Comment from : @ileanacat7814

Can u link the studies?
Comment from : @Elohim-and-Marcel

☝️We have also to consider that all the the fruits and vegetables 🥦 all greens and grains have amino acids !!!!brMay we don’t need extra source out of the regular … if we follow the marketing pro protein we will end up w kidney issues
Comment from : @fabioamaral9809

I've been wondering about this for a while A nutritionalist told me a while back that there is limit to how much protein a body can digest in one sitting I'm going to cut back on the protein shakes and go for whole foods It seems like the extra shakes aren't helping me loose weight anyway
Comment from : @waltercampbell827

Dr Gundry is correct I have tested this theory out in 10 years on myself at gym 3 x a day I had protein shakes, all it did for me was make me pee and lose the protein that I drank It ruined my kidneys with exercise as exercise also reduces kidneys a bit too brbrIt's criminal to allow protein shakes to exist, as all protein shakes with Soy and whey are unhealthy for the body
Comment from : @Alucard_FahrenheitTepes

Very useful information about proteins ‼️
Comment from : @michaelotchere7548

Thank you DrGundry for the great information 💐🇨🇦
Comment from : @halimashahab6863

I’m trying to get jacked doctor
Comment from : @JD-um8sq

I mix my protein powder with whole foods in banking, Greek yogurt, oats etc problem solvedbrAlso, sometimes you want the immediate benefit of absorption like after a hard workout or training session
Comment from : @Studiovette

I love learning from Dr Gundry because he actually explains everything in detail to back up what he is saying! We live in is a land of lies and having discernment to see the truth is key regardless what the category may be!
Comment from : @UncleCharlie111x2

This doc is right and if udisagree on some of the things that’s ok but believe u me
Comment from : @anttony80

I find it difficult to have faith in someone with zero muscle mass talking about protein Doesn't mean he is wrong or right but Its like an obese person talking about how to lose weight Take your clothes off doctor, let us see
Comment from : @AcmeRocket

Can I tell you more the gut can regulate protein absorb for m 9:31 any hours I suppose you know this a mechanism too it means when you eat a lot of meat you won't absorb all meat immediately you'll need many hours to absorb it slowly because it's essential for body and your body don't want to lose it in boobs
Comment from : @wmabas

So why carnivore diet makes people thin not fat just wonder😅
Comment from : @wmabas

How about the currant group think that older people could benefit the most from increased protein
Comment from : @stephenkennedy6358

Protien powders also raises DHT in males
Comment from : @falconone7230

That makes sense that its an inflated number because if we actually needed that much protein our body would deteriorate so fast on a fastbrbrPlus on intermittent fasting it would be very hard to get that amount of protein & people would not be able to keep muscle on it if we needed that much protein
Comment from : @Elohim-and-Marcel

Put Gundry vs Kruse!!!
Comment from : @rootfit

Dr Gundry, you are accountable for your advice - you are refuting all other researchers advice on this subject You have to do a follow-up podcast to bridge/explain the difference
Comment from : @ranikdhaliwal3908

So, why sarcopenia is still a thing Rhetorical question
Comment from : @ziilux84

Hi Dr Gundry I’ve been settling into your program for about 2 months and I feel better and better Just read Gut Check as well I have a question I started going to the gym around 6am and break my fast at noon I’ve tried BCAA and protein powder but both seem to interfere with the level of wellbeing What would you suggest as a fuel source?
Comment from : @artseppala3354

Just because you have academic credentials, speak articulately with absolute confidence doesn’t mean you should be believed In this case citing one expert when there are scores of others who cite the science supporting a higher protein intake I agree with Dr Gundry on many things but can’t help thinking that he’s a showman ultimately out for monetary gain bending the facts to match his own narrative
Comment from : @Tonyclifton35

So useful for me this channel, thank you Dr Guntry! I am too thin, 175cm with 54kg, appreciate if have some suggestions for gaining weight if possible I don't have any chronic disease and vegetarian
Comment from : @Henry-Ree

Q Humble request to share some more Indian Asian raw Fruits for better Gut health issues, work as prebiotic food
Comment from : @vidyasagarkumar2650

Very bad advice
Comment from : @SF-ow5ru

As a vego for a couple of years before I searched and found you when I was trying to build my health before the deadline to have the jab before we were 'allowed' to go back to work following New South Wales, Australia's four-month lockdown from June to October 2021 I share your advice to so many because I know your guidance is valuable/life enhancing In 1989-1990 I started using protein shakes (nutrimetics) that had nutritional supplements included, as a replacement for one meal a day - I was not leaving myself hungry at all and was aware of 'fit for life' I lost two sizes in no time while also briskly walking 25 kms five days a week Up to this moment, I still have a protein shake (arbonne) to start the day - including blackberries, raspberries and blueberries because you advised the 'better' fruits to consume THANK YOU FOR ALL THE INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE YOU PROVIDE, DR GUNDRY a couple of months ago, I found that because I don't have a gallbladder, (out in 2003) all of the great things I do for myself don't have the wonderful impact that it should - I always take a liver support supplement with food which happens to have milk thistle seeds - I love Scottish milk thistle as a garden flower - had no idea of their medicinal value Thank you for doing this session when you are obviously unwell - wishing you the best of health
Comment from : @CatherineAKennedy

Hello brI have been from Poland, for a long time and I have been impressed by your lectures Our stores offer coconut yogurts with broad bean protein, is this a good option ?
Comment from : @arek404

Need more debate about this
Comment from : @nickgiannakis9705

Thanks I needed this update !!
Comment from : @ToniDJohns

If you eat 8/16 and use up your glucose and glycogen stores by morning, your liver will make glucose from protein It is a good idea to keep your protein stores (and yes your cells store protein) so that you are not breaking down muscle tissue to get that protein I don't know how much protein intake that takes, because I don't know exactly when a fasting person runs out of glycogen But, I would rather to have excess protein than catabolizing my muscles
Comment from : @bubpiper4028

What about this notion: too much protein is gonna ruin your kidneys?
Comment from : @jjhdtjnnyy7644rledg8ijbnkeeGu

This is confusing given everything that other leading experts opinion based on real research conducted by many experts vs the one you mention at Stanford
Comment from : @ranikdhaliwal3908

I just threw away my protein powder the other day Real protein for me from now on- red meat and eggs!
Comment from : @carolinemarie44

Viewers would really benefit from having Dr Gundry on a podcast with Dr K Berry (Mr Carnivore) they have opposite views of the amount of protein and EV olive oil etc
Comment from : @frankrothiz4u

I would love to see a video with you and Dr Rhonda Patrick discuss protein requirements I think she would respectfully disagree with you
Comment from : @binglamb2176

Very bad for the kidneys Took protein powder for a few months once, never again
Comment from : @awolpeace1781

Thank you Dr Gundry❤
Comment from : @jiewang5175

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