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Harry Potter REBOOT: My Pitch for a Wizarding World TV Universe

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Title :  Harry Potter REBOOT: My Pitch for a Wizarding World TV Universe
Lasting :   13.30
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Frames Harry Potter REBOOT: My Pitch for a Wizarding World TV Universe

Description Harry Potter REBOOT: My Pitch for a Wizarding World TV Universe

Comments Harry Potter REBOOT: My Pitch for a Wizarding World TV Universe

The first wizarding war would certainly be epic to be told So many interesting sub plots here
Comment from : @karankumbhar7749

Here is a pitch a spin off of ilvermorny after all of the seasons of the house founders this makes more sense it as well gives more packing to a new location and also can you theme park? There is so much that you can be able to do exploring Harry Potter’s families pass so much it is would be so OK now you talking about in the future 19 years later what if we go to ilvermorny with those two instead, instead of concentrating on England, this would be not only a good idea for the spinoff also give ilvermorny the lamb light like the series based on the UK, we have our own Canadian an American version This would actually help HBO as well and there’s so much things that can be able to do
Comment from : @kevinforeman3010

2:32 eehh these muggles calling us freaks, are more pathetic!
Comment from : @shivii3850

Teddy and victour are dating that’s like first cousins because teddy was adopted into Harry’s family
Comment from : @DanielWarwaruk-ve4ph

Half blood prince is my favorite book out of the seven
Comment from : @christopherbaker9676

Girl who love Theodore not Mattheo riddle and Lorenzo Berkshire 😂12:38
Comment from : @Hogwarts125

your enthusiasm and love for the material is such a breath of fresh air, seeing so many negative assumptions is so annoying as a fan I WANT to watch a Harry Potter show!!! I typically find tv shows to be very boring the last show I enjoyed was stranger things a show based entirely on the wizarding world would be my comfort show
Comment from : @tillycomedy2194

I always thought you could have a TV show based on the first wizarding war You can include the Marauders in that and end it with the death of Lily and James
Comment from : @Hoosier_leclere

It is happening!
Comment from : @KurdissecondAccount

0:55 💀🙏😭
Comment from : @WayneCanine45

I think that each chapter should be a episode
Comment from : @nicolarushton4549

Dear HBO, please hire this man, he is a certified Wizarding World expert
Comment from : @ksproductions3747

list of spinoffs or oneoffs:br four foundersbr dumbledore's originbr (please at some point have the duel bettween dumbledore and grindlewald)br voldemort's originbr maurauder'sbr 1st wizarding warbrsequals ideas:br harry becomes and aurorbr teddy lupin br the trios kids
Comment from : @ElitheScienceGuy416

i would love a couple of marauders episodes
Comment from : @nicolasvaldez8192

Bonnie wright as Lily Potter, I want to see that
Comment from : @felixle5761

This should all happen
Comment from : @MagicalGamer-ll9tl

A show about Regulus Arcturus Black and Kreacher would be sick
Comment from : @mariekennedy4313

im afraid they will make a woke degenerate shitfest out of it with total disregard of the books,
Comment from : @MyDenis0

Jesus Christ, this video aged like fine wine…
Comment from : @supermarine7118

Is it weird that I kind of want this new show to be animated not live action obviously have a British voice over cast to stay true to what rowling wanted, but with animation I think we could avoid problems that would occur with live action, like actors aging out of their roles too quickly or poor CGI, especially with quidditch those are some of the most egregious scenes of poor CGI in the movies It's no wonder it's stopped being played as much in the later movies, but going the animated route could prevent that I think it would be cool Heck they were even considering making the original movies animated with Steven Spielberg at the helm He was mostly cut because he didn't respect Rowling's desire for a British cast But the animation idea I actually think it has some merit I don't know what do you think?
Comment from : @ltc5032

Sorry I am late, please make a part 2 of this video
Comment from : @ankitmazumder4506

As long as Netflix won't be making it, it has the potential to be a great tv series adaptation
Comment from : @majencia2003

How about going more that the canon? Because seeing the maruader knowing their very sad end Isn't interesting to me brKnowing what we are going to see, no surprises like Fred lives or something like that Is no so appealing So I love to see that series about the future
Comment from : @mariaana6710

I think an animated series would be best Especially if they did an animation in style of the books
Comment from : @ryanm666

There's a ton of potential for what this series could do The main thing they should focus on is doing unique and different things that the films didn't or couldn't
Comment from : @thefilmwatcher1216

A Harry Potter Next Generation show would be cool, but I would especially like a show about the First Wizarding War
Comment from : @timmyxenoxeno5911

There's a lot of call for Adam Driver to play Snape but I just don't see it For me, Peter Serefenowich would be awesome in the role And I Think Lee Pace would be great as Lucious Malfoy and maybe Sheridan Smith as Narcissa My other dream castings would be Nick Frost as Hagrid, David Wenham as Lupin, Michael Sheen as Sirius Black and John Bradley as Vernon Dursely
Comment from : @Brimfulofasher

not tom felton going to be the new lucius malfoy
Comment from : @MollyMcMullen-ze6nk

It happened!!
Comment from : @Kyeeqi17

No no they need to leave the original alone and focus on the rise of Voldemort
Comment from : @mralaska2232

If I ever have the money, we are making bringing those to life, Morgan Seriously, so many ideas, it's just breathtaking
Comment from : @khrystynaoselska8390

Just let it die already
Comment from : @852tomas

I would want to see the whole series from Snape's point of view, like his time at Hogwarts, him overhearing the prophecy, him coming to Dumbledore for help, etc
Comment from : @annabeth_everdeen_granger

6:46 and to add to this hype If the show was animated Ralph Feinnes, Jason Issacs, Helena Botnam Carter, and maybe even Imelda Staunton could return as their characters
Comment from : @chadpeterson5698

In my reboot I would have Dumbledoor ask calmly
Comment from : @calebhopkins6345

Maybe for another prequel series, an adaptation of Hogwarts Legacy
Comment from : @thegraywho7657

Rank every fight in avatar the last Airbender please
Comment from : @bradleysands1758

Men who advertise manscape make me wanna tear my eyes apart
Comment from : @rickyt1658

It’s perfect I really hope this is how the tv show ends up like
Comment from : @voteforthearmadilloinMinecraft

I think that if they do a reboot for Harry Potter as a TV show, they have to make sure it’s different enough They can’t make it too similar to the movies because it’s the 3rd time this story will be told
Comment from : @TheOstrichOrginization

How the heck did he predict the entire Plan for the series
Comment from : @TheOstrichOrginization

i wanna see more of the marauders, how they made the map
Comment from : @heybrandon420

Nothing like thinking about my shaved balls before watching a children’s book adaptation Thanks Manscaped!
Comment from : @pickledpiss9522

yes, please, fix HBP - it's my favorite book and for me the worst film!
Comment from : @darajeeling

A show about auras
Comment from : @ScenariosOfDrea

You DEFINITELY need to be on the executive board for any Harry Potter comeback! You said in one video that your not a HP expert… but I have to say you are With your knowledge, all the breakdowns you’ve done and thought you’ve put into your videos, the production team could use the creative mind and outlook like yours Please, you basically went to school for this, it’s your calling!brbrWho do we have to email to get you on board?!
Comment from : @veeg4029

It should be done by the BBC
Comment from : @EPiche09

I read the books and Ginny never came across as "interesting"brPerhaps I need to read the books again In which book, is she portrayed the way you say in your videos?
Comment from : @lucaslinares7806

Can’t believe magic wasn’t over with last Dumbledore's Secrets movie!
Comment from : @MarkGalean

I just hope jk Rowling has these seasons are coming out JK Rowling starts writing sequels
Comment from : @KPLEE4

Tom riddles your favorite character???? 🤨🤨🤨
Comment from : @KPLEE4

HBO rlly watched this video and said bet
Comment from : @bigkeagz858

If they do Marauder’s stuff I hope it includes Wolfstar! That would be great!!
Comment from : @james_sabin

A spin off about the marauders and Tom Riddle
Comment from : @Queen_Springsteen

Bro topped in prophecy class at Hogwarts
Comment from : @harshgupta399

Honestly I wish HBO would hire you, you have the most in depth knowledge of the wizarding world, a show with your involvement would be amazing
Comment from : @Allthingsasian

Speak of the devil
Comment from : @robin1016

HBO Max…hire this guy now Thanks!
Comment from : @memoirsinmotion

Bro has predicted it
Comment from : @CFBVinny

I'd like an episode in the 7th season about the time ron was attacked by snatchers and got the 2 extra wands
Comment from : @aixaheredia7476

ok can someone just make this guy a seer now
Comment from : @Amatureb

Could you make a video on Smallville? It's my favourite TV show of all time If you're a fan ofc
Comment from : @emilytchuu9876

Who’s here after the HBO news?
Comment from : @sofia8574

I think I would prefer to have Daniel appear in a lesser role, like Olivander's for instance We get a shot of him almost unrecognizable and basically giving his blessings to the new Harry actor along with his wand
Comment from : @constantinopla6969

Tom Felton is going to be Draco’s father
Comment from : @madisworld

ifen frank and alice and marlene and sirius they all good play big role tv series
Comment from : @saiyanwarrior3895

This video aged so incredibly well
Comment from : @joshuaplumb9213

Literally me throughout this entire video: “YAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSS!!!!”
Comment from : @kadiejones4097

Daniel redcliff as James Potter would be great
Comment from : @aasthakashyap6789

I'd like to see Marauders TV series or story about founders
Comment from : @klaudiagrob

Who here has returnt because a Harry potter reboot Series has actually been greenlightet nowbrPS: Olso on what spin-off i would mostly have, my choice would be a Series on the first wizarding war, we only ever hear about it, we dont experience it ourself, and we would be able to see the older charekters we alredy love again, but this time see Them while they are in there prime
Comment from : @lassegrotkjr6326

whos here after the rumors my boy predicted it correctly, crazy
Comment from : @ammielclemente5637

Haha dude Warner bros discovery might be watching your vids
Comment from : @noahbeiter

In the show based on the books, in seasons 5 and 7, For Phineas Nigellus Black, maybe Simon Pegg who played him In Hogwarts Legacy can return
Comment from : @tylerseese2407

First of all, they will need a consistent writer to also maintain continuity Jack Thorne could work as he did do a pretty decent job with His Dark Materials Also if they can introduce most the kids from the beginning (especially Lavender Brown) and maybe even keep some of the kids from the other Houses in the background or acknowledge that they are even there until they do have their time to shine brbrThanks for your breakdown of Goblet of Fire acknowledging Mike Newell's ignorance of the source material Some of the kids that died during the Deathly Hallows will add more weight when introducing them from the beginning, and hopefully Ron will be done justice this time toobrbrI am excited for this reboot, given some of the details needing focus
Comment from : @FVD

and of course pls do a mini series for DUMBLEDORE--he was beaten down during so called "fantastic series" of movies :(
Comment from : @DarthOwenZ

I cant waitfor the new series
Comment from : @thebgamer712

Damn right now warner are really talking about doing one 😅
Comment from : @nerdchat33

Comment from : @CofRed403

You got your wish😂
Comment from : @omarbaba9892

Yoo! You literally predicted the future :O
Comment from : @Kak0l00kiy4m

My guy new the future
Comment from : @jediswitajewski8271

mf was right
Comment from : @censoreedd

Omg it's maybe going to happen
Comment from : @leym12

Looks like it's actually gonna happen
Comment from : @AlanAvis

Welp you were right about one thing
Comment from : @TheGameKnight

Really season for each book?! The first three books could be combined into one season
Comment from : @elafal-musawi

We need this
Comment from : @Idiot__

For the Teddy Lupin show, maybe we could see Harry and Ginny and Daniel Radcliffe and Bonnie Wright could return
Comment from : @tylerseese2407

I would actually change the length of the seasons, specially for the first and second one, as you said For example, the first season shouldn't in my opinion, have more than 7 episodes of around 40 minutes each Same with the second Let's be honest, the first two books do not have much extra information than that found in the films, it is from the third book onward that readers get showered with extra info that's missing from the films Another way to do it though, would be finding some middle ground Maybe 9 episodes each season of 45-55 minutes, or 12-15 of no more than 40 I would go with the first option They would have to cut out some less important info from the fifth book, and some other, but they would still have around 7 hours to tell each book, which I think is pretty decent (in comparison, the 7th book films lasted 2h26' part I and 2h10' part II, making a total of 4h36' to tell the entire seventh book, which means that, if we went with the first option for the series, you would still have about 2h30' extra to show things that were missing from the film) In the first two seasons they would probably have some extra time that they could use to introduce small details about the world that, though not included in the books, we now know thanks to pottermore and other canon sources Or maybe even hint some future characters and events by slowly introducing them to the audience
Comment from : @goodaimshield1115

Did anyone notice his camera was super laggy?
Comment from : @emisnotaway

Great video by the way Morgan👍, I also want to see more of your TV Wizarding World Universe Pitch because of your interesting ideas Like what changes you might made in the tv adaption of the seven books, more of your episodes of your four founders series, your own original stories in your Teddy Lupin Series (the one that I'm the most interested in) and many more
Comment from : @IdioticSurvivalSkills

They should jump on the Hogwarts legacy hype and give us a reboot, and there is no better character to make a BANG than Tom Riddle br* Hogwarts Legacy: Rise of the Dark Lordbr- They don't use Voldemort because this will be the final episode, 7 episodes to keep the magical number, making us see the journey of young Tom into becoming the most dangerous dark wizard of all time Ends BEFORE the start of the 1st wizard warbrbr* Hogwarts Legacy: Originsbr- Witness the making of Hogwarts and the descent of Salazar Slytherin into what he is known for with a reasonable excuse I would really like for someone to foresee the extinction of wizardkind due to mixing with muggles (losing their magic, not through war) and Godrick's / Salazar's friendship crumbling and becoming the eternal rivalry we know today 4 episodes (or even 7, but during the same year as the first season airs, like how Netflix splits some seasons into halves)brbr* Hogwarts Legacy: (i don't have a title for this, definitely NOT marauders, something with Voldemort versus OotP in mind) br- Here we get a fleshed-out full 1st Wizarding War from BOTH SIDES at the same time (just like in the good Game of Thrones seasons) Through Voldemort's eyes, we get the carnage of war and through the order, we see the consequences and their resistance, courage, and bonds We can get Lily and Snape along with the Marauders while the world-changing events are unfolding by using the first episodes as the "calm before the storm"brbrBy that time, I would like a remake of the films since they would be outdated but nostalgia is strong, so I agree covering the 20-year gap would be great but I don't know which characters can shoulder the season on their back, since all seasons before them had very influential figures brIdeally, the old cast should return in a revised version of Cursed Child (like your script) to give us that nostalgia boost but also end their cycle and allow another generation of actors to revive the young Harry/Ron/Hermione in a remake of the 7 books to a series (close to the material) along an important anniversary (25th, 2"7"th or 30th)
Comment from : @babrad

I would love more Harry Potter content but I don't want them to remake the movies Everyone in the original movies will always be those characters to me Between the nostalgia and "magic" of the original series I wouldn't watch the show I wish they made longer films that explained things more clearly but Harry Potter will always be special to me so I don't want to tarnish how special it is by watching new actors
Comment from : @Dwights_trash_can

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