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Are The Rumors Of The US Gold Reserves True?

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Title :  Are The Rumors Of The US Gold Reserves True?
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Comments Are The Rumors Of The US Gold Reserves True?

I thought China got most of it
Comment from : @adelecounter182

This guy doesnt get pie charts or procents
Comment from : @kasperrasmussen1127

A plus! 😊
Comment from : @duff16oz

Apmex rocks
Comment from : @M1NIhaha

There has been an audit and it's been done several times in the last 50 years so let's stop at this nonsense it's just more conspiracy theories from you idiots
Comment from : @johnmccarthy7195

DOGE should AudiT this
Comment from : @JohnInvest17

Probably I was born in '57, just around the time when the US switched from the gold standard to the oil standard
Comment from : @q09876543

Canada has sold all of its gold They openly acknowledge that
Comment from : @petewick8627

Handing for safe keeping is like trusting Barabbas to keptTheivery is at its best
Comment from : @corazonbautista7322

High treason by the Bankster gangsters
Comment from : @brettwayne4583

The gold was stolen by the corporation government pretending to be the real government Is being held in the Philippines and was taken there by the military, for the private bankers and the IMF
Comment from : @brettwayne4583

Jeffrey Cristian says there's a n Gold Audit every month, published information on Government page?
Comment from : @johngordon880

Hello ever hear of the petro-dollar my man? All oil transactions were done in us dollars That's why they're useful Not for anything we've made since 73 lol Seriously Hello? Went to war in Iraq because they were about to stay taking euros for oil Not to mention assassinating Gaddafi when he was trying to put together a Gold backed currency to use for oil trade and thus evade our "tax" Anyone who believed wmd stories should reevaluate them That's what nixon accommodated in order to take the $ off the hold standard We told Saudi Arabia that we would protect them in case of any threat if they would refuse to sell their oil to anyone without us dollars And you know, when you're done counting all that oil money, maybe buy a few hundred mil in treasure notes, eh friend?
Comment from : @Argonautica8

per cent only goes to 100
Comment from : @1J_R

African countries aren't getting their gold back
Comment from : @tevandorkin7402

Us has tungsten filled gold
Comment from : @nobody00777

You confuse "money" for "currency" Gold is money Dollars are fiat currency All paper is currency
Comment from : @andygonzalez9025

The amount of gold in Fort Knox is a national security issuebrbrThe US rolled out trucks loads during the 1950’s propping up African governments…brbrThere is no need fir an audit: an empty room is emptybrbrThe US mint buys 100 of its bullion requirements every year from the open market Because the US government had to stop minting silver when it ran out in 1964?brbrAnd the US had to stop pegging the dollar to gold, when it didn’t have anymore in 1971?
Comment from : @DougAnderson-tv1jd

People have underestimated the value of the dollar for decades What they don't understand is that when you want to buy stuff from the US, you have to pay in dollars US don't make normal goods, they make big things They make weapons What do countries around the world need? They need weapons to defend themselves How do they get the weapons? They traded their goods and cheap labor for the dollars Even Kim Jong Ung understand this concept Why do you think he sent his men to foreign countries to work and take nothing back but US dollars? When he couldn't get enough of the dollar, he printed them Go out of the country and see it for yourself People only accept US dollars Some countries, they don't even like their own currency So, stop making the gold standard case It doesn't matter whether we have the gold or not It matters only if we stop making better weapons
Comment from : @medusaskull9625

in the end, the US was only a house of cards (an a lot of weapons)
Comment from : @pacosantino1049

America has to go bankruptcy for America charge they bad habitsbrChinese are America customers
Comment from : @stevenworton

I do not know nor will I probably ever know if the US has the gold they say they have I believe Texas has a depository now for gold and they are stacking it Other states should do the same thing
Comment from : @jimlewis5477

We need something Saudi just dumped the petro dollar for brics😖
Comment from : @lannybrasher2452

Did you guys know about gold laundering? (Technically precious metal laundering)
Comment from : @roelsvideosandstuffs1513

Chase Morgan has been shorting the gold forever hence lowering the interest rate is near impossible
Comment from : @AverageGuy916

Oh boy, oh boy how fake is American dream
Comment from : @somaloignoto2988

Ask yourself if Theirs Gold I America the dig it up man I really believe it's been going on for years and you know I damn Skippy some body struck Gold miners Let's be honest would you say I got unlimited source no
Comment from : @AnthonyWooten-wc1we

Im guess it's gone 😊
Comment from : @daviddavis9727

I have posted on this many, many times
Comment from : @rogerfossette2097

Thats been sold off decades ago,Fort knox is being guarded because its empty and they dont want anyone including senator Ron Paul to see inside
Comment from : @johnblack6161

In the 70s and early 80s, the USSR claimed to have one of the largest stock of gold in the world However, when the USSR collapsed in 1991, the gold disappeared and was never accounted foracco
Comment from : @maxykma4122

When storing gold at Ft Knox you have two choices allocated or non allocated If it’s allocated it’s caged and marked but you pay a high storage fee Non allocated means Ft Knox guarantees you get your gold back but they can lend it out for a fee Bullion banks borrow gold at low fees they sell the gold and deposit securities as collateral for the gold they arbitrage between the securities yield and cost of borrowing gold If the price of gold rises they are exposed so they dump gold in the futures market to stabilise the value of gold However the physical gold is gone the Chinese have been buying it up and shipping it to china What Ft Know has is a promise to pay gold and a bunch of securities as collateral for a gold loan brbrNow the problems 1 A lot of the precious metals in the comex futures market is Russian they are under sanctions and told to remove it meaning less liquidity in futures markets If a call position demands physical delivery there is less and less physical metals in the markets 2 The USA is printing $1 trillion of money every 100 days which is pushing the price of gold up as against the USD 3 The collapse in the Chinese real estate market means Chinese investors are now putting their money in gold 4 After the USA confiscated Russian US dollar reserves a number of BRIC countries are liquidating their US dollar reserves and replacing them with gold At some stage something will break and people will realise the gold has gone Prices will skyrocket just as in the 1970s the Bullion banks will go bankrupt and FT Knox will have to go into the market to buy back their missing gold at any price
Comment from : @AnthonyBrennan-v2e

This is also the reason that the US is always trying to suppress the price of gold; however, the game is up because this suppression is causing massive losses to the manipulators Moreover, the East is taking physical delivery of the gold that they are buying
Comment from : @anupamsircar111

only gold the US has is what they steal from countries like Libya Ukraine two examples
Comment from : @snotslop

Geraldo couldnt find it even gho he milked it for all it was worth
Comment from : @RonaldSkancke

It's all in Vietnam
Comment from : @michaelwebb1939

Mark it is on the Feds balance sheet At formation the owners of the Fed loaned the US 10,000 tons, we owe it back The 10,000 tons disappeared in the 70s from Fort Knox
Comment from : @labandonaldhock80

The real tell was Germany wanted their Gold which had serial numbers on them and when USA gave them their Gold back the gold we gave them had no serial numbers, so looks like USA has been confiscating and either selling or melting down other countries gold to add to our supply
Comment from : @12345meb

The gold was stolen during 911 everyone knows that
Comment from : @jamesvengren5316

Comment from : @jessiemartinfostersr6067

Comment from : @jessiemartinfostersr6067

live in scotland great vlog you are spot on
Comment from : @KEVINMEIKLE-k7x

Other countries storing their gold in the fed >>>>>>>> HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAA 🤣
Comment from : @Lee_303

Umm, 25 is less than 30
Comment from : @jeffclark1744

Most of the gold was not theirs During WWII Eurpopean countries, UK/France etc sent their gold to the USCanada for safekeeping in case the Germans invaded and stole their reserves After the war the US kept looking after the gold as a "crdit line" for future purchases (mostly weapons)brFrance asked for gold back during Vietnam warUS spending too much money; devaluationbrGermany asked for exchange od $ for gold "we don't ave any" I bar was sent, turned out to be "FAKE" !
Comment from : @alerner8468

It doesn't matter because the US gold reserves cannot be sold I dispute the notion that the US has no gold reserves, in fact, America probably has far more than estimated but much it was confiscated from other countries after WWII
Comment from : @CraigAnderson-h2h

Comment from : @georgeszilva1223

You cannot audit something you dont have!brWhy did it take 7 yrs to repatriate Germanys gold from " safe keeping" in the US
Comment from : @georgeszilva1223

dont carebri dont like gold its uglybri prefer silver and stuff i dont like starts going to shit
Comment from : @610MARYAM

And the responsible do not have to snswer to gov or any national lawsdumbest system ive ever seen
Comment from : @tokotong2455

NO - Get it straight Mark The US had 20,00 tons on gold in 1950 Nixon closed the gold window at 8100 tons When you say America had 8000 tons in 1944??? was probably around the 20,000 ton number like it was in 1950
Comment from : @wooden5c

The US probably has no Gold reserves The last pictures from Fort Knox show Gold stacked higher than possible Gold is soft, you can only stack Gold bars to about 2 feet high Higher and the Gold would deform under its own weight
Comment from : @marcbjorg4823

Australia asked the Bank of England to count Australia's gold They did a sample of 10 and said it was all OK Many Australian financial people want a 100 audit not an assurance
Comment from : @mckaypaterson2519

Oh yeah the gold's been gone for over 40 years, it was looted and ganked long ago!
Comment from : @georgepbriles696

Those goods are weapons of war
Comment from : @wadefryman3090

Haven't had gold in yearsbrOld News here
Comment from : @CarlLeith

they have only 2 walets in the cards but will bluff and playing as have 4 kings in the hands and play poker Who turn the table or tell them "I will check your cards, you lier"
Comment from : @tomaszser470

There is no point in doing an audit of empty shelves
Comment from : @fogbullit1000

America has always speaks with Fork Tongues and the history has seen it as Proven many times over
Comment from : @darcymunro8930

When your boobs and asses are fake, don’t be surprised if you gold are also fake
Comment from : @MRT-co1sd

US does not have enough gold reserves to pay off its bond debts The only gold US has is stored in the gold exchange as most of it belongs to other countries These countries now want their gold repatriated!
Comment from : @williammuir638

China has 300 000 000; workers who produce most of the world’s manufactured goods for the world 🌎 Even if it is not profitable they will take the hit just to get productivity even if it is illusory in capitalist terms brInterestingly the number 300 million may be significant as the Dalit population of India may be also 300 million They do all the shit work such as clearing sewers and all the jobs essential workers do
Comment from : @harryegden3696

At this piont our government is more like a mafia and has been for some time, nope not even a lead penney left in fort knox
Comment from : @markedid5818

Ft Knox is a B&B
Comment from : @jamesneveaux4892

The USA itself has no more gold… The elites took it alll …the elites will used it to control all countries including USA thru IMF, WEF and all the international organization that officials were not elected…
Comment from : @chengsgroup2518

The Frikken Chinese don't want their own Yuan Forget Russia So who has a currency that is large enough to foster world trade ? Without manipulating it ?
Comment from : @stannowak5086

My guess is that the reserves are a lot lower than everyone thinks They were depleted in the 60s and 70s
Comment from : @Cobalt-88

The US exports weapons
Comment from : @goodguy7420

Murica died 9/11 Decaying since!
Comment from : @AnthonyTolhurst-dw1nc

If they had the gold, they’d shout about it Like the oil reserves, I bet they’re depleted
Comment from : @AnthonyTolhurst-dw1nc

What gold?
Comment from : @em4736

Comment from : @stuchambers297

Yes they stole it from ferdinand marcos accounts that's how they hostage our president now
Comment from : @danjal1280

China and probably soon all the BRICS will dump dollars, China has started selling there US treasuries and been buying gold and now silver which will both hold their value better !
Comment from : @richardallen503

Natural logic says they most likely DO NOT have most of the gold they claim to be in the reserve Why refuse auditing otherwise?
Comment from : @josephdewuhan

The problem for the world to disconnect from the US dollar is what to do with it It is true that in the past owners of the US dollar could come to the US and buy our products That is not the case anymore, products people need are in China Depositing it in the US or buying real estate in the US is not a solution because the US government can decide to sanction owners of those accounts or real estate and confiscate it Getting rid of the US dollar as world currency is therefore difficult, not impossible but difficult To divorce from dollar the world will need time and be ready to offer, buyers in the US I'd say nice discounts
Comment from : @goranvujasinovic2888

Stolen by the all the bankers and cabalist
Comment from : @WTHH2

US 8000 metric ton Gold Reserves equivalent to 800 billion Dollars, the same amount owing to China, in short it belongs to China 😂
Comment from : @IceCream-8668

United States used to be the largest producer of alpaca wool! Ain’t that some shit Why would they have gold when you can print
Comment from : @DavidLawrenceDaley

Roosevelt y Nixon son simples rateros a nivel planetario , uno robó el oro de los norteamericanos el otro rbó presupuestos a los pueblos y resta saber ¿ donde está todo el oro ? , porque cuando reclamaron entregaron lotes defalsos lingotes de oro , debe ser de un lugar del que nadie sospeche ,¿ Israel tal vez?
Comment from : @LuisCisnerosRamos

Probably an IOU replaced it
Comment from : @brucetopey8071

Comment from : @jason-us8pc

Since Tricky Dick pulled the plug in 1971
Comment from : @storm-rider67

Tin foil hat stuff
Comment from : @IAm-NotHear

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