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Why America’s Gold Reserves Are Forever Trapped - They Can’t Buy More Or Sell Any

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Information Why America’s Gold Reserves Are Forever Trapped - They Can’t Buy More Or Sell Any

Title :  Why America’s Gold Reserves Are Forever Trapped - They Can’t Buy More Or Sell Any
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Frames Why America’s Gold Reserves Are Forever Trapped - They Can’t Buy More Or Sell Any

Description Why America’s Gold Reserves Are Forever Trapped - They Can’t Buy More Or Sell Any

Comments Why America’s Gold Reserves Are Forever Trapped - They Can’t Buy More Or Sell Any

slight correction It should be Congressman Ron Paul and not senator It's Rand Paul, his son, who's the senator Love Ron Paul, a true defender of sound money and a principled individual
Comment from : @SeanFooGold

Is there gold sitting in the Fort Knox?
Comment from : @tschoong3897

Is gold that valuable China has lots of gold what are they doing with it?
Comment from : @asuncionmaldonado3382

China has a long history with FIAT MONEY paper money, beginning in the 7th century CE During the 11th century, the government established a monopoly on its issuance, and about the end of the 12th century, convertibility was suspended[17] The use of such money became widespread during the subsequent Yuan and Ming dynasties
Comment from : @elimlinrr6898

There'll NEVER be 2 fundamentally different monetary systems In fact, there'll be WW3 when it comes to that point! All wars are central banker's wars
Comment from : @sustainablerenewableintegr8311

Any gold the USA has was stolen from Iraq, Libya and other countries they invaded and raped USA is modern day British empire
Comment from : @Dragon3514-m9u

This is very relevant today 2024 It explains everything
Comment from : @RedLav-y5c

Do they actually can anyone confirm it ?
Comment from : @benimrmacovski1418

@SeanFooGoldbrbrRecently,brI saw the headlinebr"Saudi Arabia sides with China, upsetting The USA"brbrI have only just watched this video, of yoursbrbrDoes this change of Alliance by Saudi Arabiabraffect the Petro Dollar ?brbrI am new to your videos, only learning
Comment from : @FunnyBunny-pd5xx

What gold? Fort Knox does not have any gold Or any amount the matters When was the last time it was audited? Really audited Not something done in secrecy and without witnesses
Comment from : @EmigdioFrixione-c5k

Brics is coming
Comment from : @mathewclark6971

Haha, America's vault is empty
Comment from : @mengsiongkheng113

Their reserves is nothing compared to the debts
Comment from : @hylimm

Everything smacks of economic collapse and recession The good thing is that people are starting to learn that cash/fiat is pretty much stone age at this point, it's designed to fail eventually The TOP 3 Surprisingly Easy Ways to Double or keep Your money in This Economy; Physical silver, Gold, who can guess the third?
Comment from : @AnnieHolsen

007 Gold Finger - Ian Fleming knew the gold at Fort Knox has been stolen by the Fed
Comment from : @7pinky791

Thank you so much for this video It clarifies so many things about USA’s gold reserves and why the dollar is at risk in spite of having the highest reserves in the world Changes the game totally in my mind This was a crucial piece of data that I was looking for Thank you again 🙏🏻
Comment from : @vaishalimehta5588

This video explains a lot!!
Comment from : @ZazaLiveTV

Comment from : @zakkhoo3019

Iam happy with this exposition, want to see America in total collapse Excuse me, rather American neocons - globalists Love the average Americans people, they, are also victims of the globalists machinations which are fast collapsing And no body can stop it!!
Comment from : @abdulqadirabulawal8158

It is said that the US invaded Iraq and Libya in order to seize their gold so that they could cover withdrawal requests from NATO countries who held their gold on deposit at Fort Knox (but the vaults are, in fact, empty)
Comment from : @johnhernlund539

A woke culture that corrupts with its toilet paper currency, the world is hostage and in great danger
Comment from : @MML-gk5xc

The US even refusing giving Germany their gold back… because they don’t have any brIts like letting dogs guarding a meat pile 😂
Comment from : @markobakovic627

USD is already dead RIP
Comment from : @veijolalli326

US is damned if it buys gold US is damned if it does not buy gold "Bye-bye, Miss American Pie Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry Them good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye Singing this will be the day I'll die! x x x"
Comment from : @carmelovirgiliolim2984

What if gold is held by foreign powers, eg Britain, in behalf of the USA? Remember how Britain sold most of its own gold? Who did they sell it to and why?
Comment from : @view1st

I was taught in graduate business school that gold is a system hedge The higher the value, the more perceived risk in the system The new gold is Bitcoin, the same theory If the government, the owner of the system, is hedging the system, it's an admission of weakness Thus the government will continue to pretend it has no interest in gold
Comment from : @MrDayinthepark

Comment from : @zubairmushtaq7912

The recipe to make gold is calcium oxide with lead heated with radio frequency no commodity can be a currency because it can be created from dust and gas sucked and spun through a hole and charge separated Oil can also be created from the dust and gas in the air
Comment from : @omegafile

Agree, the world is actually burdened by the USD
Comment from : @Msoja8

MY PRbr my preDICTION the dollar is bankrupt with trillions in debtand the USA wil soon go bankrupt
Comment from : @spymaine89

"Every monkey in the zoo knows that the US dollar has been debased" 😂brbrPremium content
Comment from : @aytchess

No one even knows if America has goldno one has seen it Great Britian shows thier gold off to the world all the time The USA might have spent there's off
Comment from : @jimmynolet3752

I don't understand why loans issued in USD must he settled in USD, especially loans that are not issued by the US regime's government or US banks Why can't such loans be settled in any other currency equivalent to USD
Comment from : @stephenlock7236

It makes real sense to use a barter trade approach to determine the equivalent exchange value on goods That will work out the surplus or deficit earnings of the country which will determine the strength of the country's currency I have always looked at Fiat money like using a credit card That's why the US debt clock never comes down That's why I have never recognized the USD as a true representation of their currency value When US has been in deficit for more than 2 decades, boy, this country is too much in debt Trouble and just trouble economy 😂
Comment from : @ronaldphoong

Most of the existing US military assets are big, inefficient, slow & clumsy iron pieces with outdated military tech When comes to real performance during war it is lacklustre!brExample, (Quote) Former Aussie PM Paul Keating says - those US aircraft carriers, Subs, frigates, etc in the SCS are like sitting ducks that can be easily sunk by the latest high speed, very quiet, stealth & tracking hi-tech torpedoes with precision hit, already developed & put in place for effective actions there by the Chinese & Russians (Unquote)
Comment from : @siewkonsum7291

They might not be wanting to buy Thats because they stole enough gold from Iraq and Libya
Comment from : @johnbutler3141

Bro can you explain about blackrocm company and GIP
Comment from : @daretodreams7691

during 9-11the gold vault in the basement is gone
Comment from : @hussinabdulrahman6869

Who ever see that Store gold and is alive?
Comment from : @bobwilk5155

IF and WHEN the US dollar hyperinflates, the US will have no other choice than to peg their digital currency to gold
Comment from : @cybair9341

Real end value is the "trust" people place on the management underlying Garden of Eden's currency wealth in potable water clean air and essential staple food produces as dividends divided by the nations population as lives to nourish as the divisor
Comment from : @kahhowong3417

He who holds the spade must be aware the hole he digs to bury his I'll gotten gains can be his grave too!
Comment from : @yangmeng7820

Sean look at the Fed balance sheet, they loaned the US 10,000 tons of gold on day one They can not repay it to the Fed, they are short
Comment from : @labandonaldhock80

Sean can you make a video on the "Pros and cons" of having physical Gold to investing in Gold And last but not least, a video on investing in a countries Gold supply? Thanks
Comment from : @jackblakk8761

They can steal more
Comment from : @adamsikenit3225

The US has little to No gold, last audit done of the US gold holdings the Auditors weren't allowed to go up to the gold and count how much was actually there,
Comment from : @andrzejd5301

Their gold has not been audited since a long time ago Is it even still there ? All or only some, no one knows It's all blurry
Comment from : @JCSY1

Do you really think an ounce of gold is worth a spot price around 2300 an ounce Gold hasn't gone up or down much in hundreds of years The value of the dollar has shrunk So it gives the illusion gold has gone up in value I see it as the dollar going down in value
Comment from : @jimlewis5477

Mmmhm bought gold, more like invaded their neighbors, and many other countries around the world to steal their gold
Comment from : @tevandorkin7402

Gold will be revalued up A new trade and monetary system will be here America will stop drinking everyone's milkshake The Anglo America powers will steal the gold from another source, religion
Comment from : @mmartinez9764

All points about dollar at the start of the video - one year ago, may be Nowadays - it'll go down the drain
Comment from : @M00ZEL

Yes, it's call financial colonialism The USD is indeed America's most powerful tool and weapon It lies at the foundation of their economy that allows their society to spend way beyond the limits of what they can produce, in real goods and servicesbrbrIt's also a very powerful weapon But like nukes, it can only be used once before everyone will try to find a way to get off the boat
Comment from : @gelinrefira

The US dont have this gold!brIf they had it,they never ever had "loaned" other countries to be able to keep the "gold specullations and sellings running"brbrThere a lot of countries gold that have been "taken,loaned,stolen,faked to exist and the virtuallisation of "gold""brbrWhen this no longer was easily possible to continue,the newest "virtual gold" in form of "bit coins" or similar entered the sceenbrSo now the US dont have the gold even to repatriate the taken loaned or stolen gold from others!brAnd even more, no gold for the US existsbrSo by creating a tokeniced "nothing" , the leaders of the movement "to keep at least one nostrel" above the water surfacebrSo what happens when the holders of the tokeniced "items"will interchange these to gold,silver,oil, copper,euros,usd:s aso?brbrThe US will have to create a new outback way,f ex tokeniced "virtuals"?brbrSo what happens when one of these so called "assets class" falls down in the cellars?brbrA domino movement troughout the "dollariced" world and markets?brOr a total meltdiwn ,as when the european Thaler broke in the 1500- hundreds?brbrWe will see
Comment from : @PerNilsson-i2c

We are never going to get rid of the despicable US BLACKMAILING?!!!
Comment from : @marialuizagaler7674

The beginning of the collapse of the US dollar system
Comment from : @emkaytang7101

Question ❓ brWho see this American gold? 😮
Comment from : @bobwilk5155

Did somebody see the American gold, or are only lies
Comment from : @xcc154

Even when the two trading systems evolve the West will still have to buy gold if they need to purchase goods from the countries using the alternate system, unless they allow their people to live in poverty This will continue to erode the USD and swift until it eventually fades out
Comment from : @harold18659

Bernanke was lying His job, like Yellen’s, was to defend the illusion of the US dollar value US government statistics about their gold reserves are garbage – it is a secret tightly kept US gold reserves are likely far greater than ever suggested because gold is the inevitable US fall-back currency The USA is actively accumulating more gold by stealing the reserves of other countries such as Libya’s, Venezuela’s and even the gold of foreign ‘allies’ like Germany’s, kept in the US for ‘safekeeping’ The US forced Britain to sell its gold in the 2008/9 financial crisis The quiet buyer would almost certainly have been a US entity Now Russia's gold has been confiscated, as was Afghanistan's, so India has just withdrawn its 100 tons from London Gold is money!
Comment from : @morepork559

It's US lies
Comment from : @andrewhao2675

They sh use Gold to pay their creditors instead
Comment from : @Knoxt-maetrya

Two things,brFirst USA gold reserves are deliberately inflatedbrSecond, USA is increasing its gold reserves through third party buyingbrRemember, the USA still owes Germany half the gold it stored and a lot of countries stored gold with the USA, which they have been fighting to get back
Comment from : @GalileonPrime

This is exactly why Bitcoin will run the entire world Nobody trusts the dollar or gold anymore
Comment from : @philfortner1805

Its buyers of commodities and energy that determibes wat currency to use Not the seller And currently china is biggest buyer br
Comment from : @syedputra5955

Trading in surpluses of commodities valued in terms of gold is the alternative barter system of new economic order against US dollar which would ensure fair play for any country
Comment from : @pintux3315

Crazy times indeed Thank you for the clear insight 😊
Comment from : @iyibu01

One year on - and I think that it would be good to revisit those percentages Good bye USD - Hello BRICS (and AU)
Comment from : @CosmicSeeker69

Sean this is your best ever 😂
Comment from : @FolorunshoAdechian

You brought up a good point, but I do not believe amount of gold in reserve US has to go against the grain, full of deceitbrGold reserve is more like the lost gold reserve, lost to the powerful ppl who covet it
Comment from : @bhmcrumbs1348

Gold will not save anyone People will throw their gold and silver in the street
Comment from : @sammyd7857

West is evil
Comment from : @etisamkhan3673

Your best podcast yet I am glad I found it Cheers in 2024
Comment from : @peterkogl1329

Unless they transfer some to a "very close ally", usually at a price bcough/b "war on terror" bcough/b 9/11 buildings falling down
Comment from : @Lee_303

Its been encumbered?
Comment from : @WTHH2


Comment from : @TaraSalgado

🤫 Ssh, do you mean to tell me that true 'price discovery ' would sink the American economy and the dollar? You bet ! 😲🫣🤒
Comment from : @FWIS

It was stolen back before 1950s for sure They took a photo back in 1940s of a so called wall but not one allowed to go look behind it nor audit shit This was after fdr stole the sheepoeple
Comment from : @dr-rexmangrca113

Can't wait for Brics currency to hit the global market
Comment from : @Erebus369

Us has plundered all the gold from the countries they tried to "democraticise"😅
Comment from : @user-bg9ws7ys4k

I’m wondering how gold’s value as money would be affected if:br1 Very large deposits of gold are discovered in the US and other countries Wouldn’t a higher supply of gold deflate its price or its buying power?br2 Same question but with a different premise: What if very inexpensive means of manufacturing gold from mechanical and chemical processes (🤣 with or without a philosopher’s stone🤣)?
Comment from : @mttaylor129

I heard they have none left
Comment from : @johnlay3040

Perception, smoke and mirrors how you manage your resources will out compete the cheats In the long run The cheat may win at first but the branding recognition as a cheat will stick There is a limit how much prestige could fill a mans stomach A need of scharlatan brother of Jesus may rise, thus a need to suppress it from time to time, but will doing it too much might break the human spirit of hope?
Comment from : @Zenith121691

i see 👍
Comment from : @TanuKart

The US can just print more money and buy up physical gold from the gold market The sellers won't know the money has nothing to back it The US will have the metal while the gold exchange will have lots of paper
Comment from : @Zerpentsa6598

Sudan's gold has been colonized Congo's resources are getting colonized
Comment from : @eliash9956

1:34 Not for long…🤷‍♀️
Comment from : @marilynnschroeder4436

The vault is empty!! Gold stolen from Germany
Comment from : @jsyo9639

Whose gold is it anyway? Stolen from Iraq, Libya, Russia and many other places
Comment from : @kubhlaikhan2015

The US dollar is like the crypto which is vapourware You cannot keep on printing forever
Comment from : @greaterbayareahero1401

More likely they don't have the Gold they Say otherwise why wouldn't you count it
Comment from : @OmniAtlantic

Ha ha ha Sean the US are stuffed don't kid yourself , China and Russia will dump all US dollar, BRICS nations are following, the SWIFT system will collapse, and we will see the US as a BANANA REPUBLIC Put your money on it
Comment from : @rogerdepretto440

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