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Are Your Coins Cleaned? Identify Cleaned Coins - How To Tell If A Coin Is Cleaned

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Information Are Your Coins Cleaned? Identify Cleaned Coins - How To Tell If A Coin Is Cleaned

Title :  Are Your Coins Cleaned? Identify Cleaned Coins - How To Tell If A Coin Is Cleaned
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Frames Are Your Coins Cleaned? Identify Cleaned Coins - How To Tell If A Coin Is Cleaned

Description Are Your Coins Cleaned? Identify Cleaned Coins - How To Tell If A Coin Is Cleaned

Comments Are Your Coins Cleaned? Identify Cleaned Coins - How To Tell If A Coin Is Cleaned

You've been UNC DETAILED
Comment from : @jtu6866

Thank you for your honesty
Comment from : @johncook8238

Very informative video! Thank you
Comment from : @Gardharr

Hi there ,, I have a Proof Gold 22k coin with old finger prints 😢,, am I doomed forever 🫣
Comment from : @JohnDaly-zl9zz

The darkness on the cheek for example on these Morgan’s are the clearest indicator of some degree of cleaning Rotate the coin and when it appears dark during rotation it’s a characteristic of cleaning or rubbing that affects the surface luster Marks of different kinds may still allow the coin to receive a straight grade it seems more so than diminished luster
Comment from : @everettwhite9874

Cannot clean coins? What if the date is covered with gunk?how much can you sell it for ?
Comment from : @Airroll777

Great video from your archive Daniel I followed what you showed on those 3 different coins
Comment from : @MarkA-Coins

Wouldn’t the same thing happen during circulation?
Comment from : @Broke_Stacker

It took the wagon wheel effect the peace dollar
Comment from : @victorsmith6161

Honestly it's all hype and gatekeeping
Comment from : @SpankMyMonkey_SpankItGood

Thank you!
Comment from : @stephanieroberts1394

♻️ Enjoy your show ♻️ back in the 1960's my Dad cleaned his large cents with brasso he had hundreds of them that's the way it was in the 1960's
Comment from : @JohnnyCollins-cv4gx

Definitely only clean unreadable coins, because it does not make any value change As a matter of fact, if you clean a valuable coin to be able to read, it becomes majorly more valuable They say this to deture people, for uneducated people
Comment from : @shawnkliewer9987

They graded it au-58 because 1902-s is a more rare coin
Comment from : @prawnstar9213

How do you value a cleaned coin for resale?
Comment from : @KrisGalan

Comment from : @darrellcollins877

Is it ok to wash them in hot water and dish soap (dawn?)brbrSome are just dirty as heck
Comment from : @HaitianBlue

very helpful, thanks

Thank you Roughly estimating, what percentage of morgans do you think have been cleaned? How long has "cleaning" been discouraged?
Comment from : @kenfewell4200

Is your coins cleaned grammatically, its ARE because coins is plural
Comment from : @tonyd7342

Mildly informative, but Its odd that your second and third examples were graded by a certified service, and they disagree with your opinion It would be better if your examples were validated by third party
Comment from : @mevneutron

I sandblast mine with aluminum oxide
Comment from : @jayrowe6473

Beginners like myself are very appreciative of you devotion to teaching us It is very easy to get in above our heads Thank you!!!
Comment from : @cathypaschane2305

How about some large cents and bust halfs PCGS seems to love to put cleaned on a lot of them, and since high grade MS coins are rare the ones with light wear are often just assumed to have been cleaned if not to med very darkly
Comment from : @williammarriott6131

Good info here, appreciate it, Thank you!🙏🏽
Comment from : @DiggNitty

Clean your coins, that want change the date on them or how many was made !!!!
Comment from : @terrygmabrey3624

Acetone does Nothing bad to a coin, Acetone just removes inorganic materials from the metal, such as plastic particles or rubber/adhesives Marker marks too
Comment from : @BopWalk

I have pennies that have had candle wax on them for at least 50 years I have 58d 59d and 61d mint state with wax on them does PCGS offer cleaning like that
Comment from : @davbulla413

Can one cleaned with a jewelry cloth?
Comment from : @hopeciccaerllo_delrio126

It sort of means any circulated coin has been cleaned by wear
Comment from : @brucejensen3081

But they DO clean coins and call it restoration I call BS this is a scam for them to make more money and I call it FRAUD
Comment from : @ellen4408

Excellent video, thanks! I'm fairly new to coin collecting, and I've been fooled several times The only time I got the last laugh was when I put a ridiculously low bid on a set of Chinese gold coins, just to see what they ended up selling for To my great surprise, I won the auction! brbrWhen I got the set, the coins looked perfect, each in its own capsule nested in a velvet-lined, intricately inlaid wooden case, with lots of signed & sealed documents attesting that they're genuine They weren't of course, no one would sell some $2000 worth of gold for $35, so I knew they were fake They did look perfect, but the weights were off & so were the dimensions of the coins I notified eBay about this fraud, and got my money refunded & also got to keep the fake coins, so that made me happy- and I've used that set many times to demonstrate to others how clever the fakes can bebrbrMostly I collect Australian pre-decimal coins, and there I've only been fooled once (that I know of,) when I got a 1937 Crown that was actually steel with a silver layer It looked magnificent, and I'm really glad I only paid $25 for it, but we've all got to be very very careful when buying coins Recently I saw another video showing a handful of Mercury dimes, all were fake, so it's not only the high-priced coins that are phony, it could be any of them Thanks again, that was most informative!
Comment from : @deniswauchope3788

This guy is undoubtedly the best on you tube!I've seen so many of his videos that I should have a PhD on it
Comment from : @billyjones9045

The frostit's all in the frost!
Comment from : @billyjones9045

I'm glad I remembered watching this and watched it again I was about to dip a couple ddo Penny's in distilled water to see if I could get a splotch off them
Comment from : @billyjones9045

Can you clean a coin with Q-tips they are not very abrasive
Comment from : @johnmontoya2731

Hey Daniel, I (did) learn something from this video, Thank you Now it's (your) turn to learn somethingthe (s) in debris, is Silentlol😅 But seriously, Thanks for the vid, I had been wondering how to tell if one had been cleanedappreciate it very much!brBrian S
Comment from : @bks6095

So its possible PCGS or NGC can numerically grade a cleaned coin? i have a 1932 S quarter NGC graded AU 53 its shiny with a lot of hairline scratches and slight discoloration near the rim i was wondering if it may have been cleaned yet still numerically graded
Comment from : @JxT1957

i dont see why it matters if a coin is cleaned or not, either way it's silver
Comment from : @kalfaxplays7899

Do you have a vid on pennies like this
Comment from : @bobbymaurais3676

great video ty for some tips I've been buying coins from coins tv bu wheat pennies and some just look like they have streaks going all the way through the coin like it has been cleaned but I dont know for sure
Comment from : @williamsmith9332

Hello Daniel Have you ever seen a coin "Cleaned" with a machine, high pressure steam like gold jewelry is cleaned with??? It is very gentle Are cleaned coins worthless?? How many coins since the beginning of coin collection have been cleaned, what percentage compared to non cleaned coins Do we now buy only MS coins What do people do who own cleaned coins, get rid of them??? I still say its eye appeal!!!! Thanks Much
Comment from : @charles8081

That 1902-S Morgan in PCGS AU-58 looks polished That grader needs an eye exam! If this is the best PCGS can do, they're no better than any other grader unless it's SGS
Comment from : @emilphoryew9436

I don't buy Coins on Ebay because they have to Many Scammers and Ebay won't Do Anything about the Scammers I go to Loco Dealers to Examine the Coins up Close brThank You, I learned a lot from Your Video Very Scary
Comment from : @lipstick318

If, the Coin I buy isn't Clear, Sharpe, and Shiny, I don't Want it Coins Don't Come Out of the Mint all Dirty & Filthy???brThat being Said, if, cleaning Your Coins destroys the Finish What's that all about??? brWho makes a Coin that are Destroyed, if You Clean them, That's Stupid!!!!!!!
Comment from : @lipstick318

Will laser cleaning harm the value of a coin? Since no chemicals are used, how can it hurt?
Comment from : @timothyknight1769

I'm gonna piss people off lol but so what I think there is way to much hypocrisy when it comes to the forbidden cleaning of coinsThird party grading does it dealers so onI have gone through the course myselfYou can't tell me at times it's Def neededI think the grading process and the manipulation of value on coins due to third party grading as well as some elitist attributes when it comes to this hobby as well as the profession ticks me offYou take a look at ancient coins the must be cleaned oh sorry restored Ssshhhhhh lol I guess I'm speaking for those who simply enjoy collecting and to have the grading company's decide how and if my coins will have diminished value all the while using the same practices is kinda like today's politics
Comment from : @thomasnewman1596

My coins have went through a house fire and some are black, what do I do with them?
Comment from : @lorettawilliams1929

Great content I appreciate you sharing your knowledge I have an 1883 morgan that I'm concerned about Is there an email I can send you photos and a video to? High hopes you can help me!!! Thank you in advance
Comment from : @mattallen5194

If you like certain aesthetics of a coin and you can afford to, go right on ahead Militant critique kills the joy of collecting
Comment from : @seanchaney3086

Hello, is there a way people can show you their coins?
Comment from : @prif7800

I have coins dating back to 1800’s buffalo Indian head coins There all in the bank box safe I think How do I get best value for my coins How much do you have to pay tax on these coins? I’d like to sale my coins Who is a good dealer? I pick you bc you you like my surgeon in is Moscow, Idaho
Comment from : @michaelpass2176

I don't 100 agree with your Morgan assessment, it could've been rubbing against a pocket or purse Usually cleaned coins people use some pressure when they clean it
Comment from : @DigitalViscosity

As nuzmack has 10 lb of 90 per cent for 5500 Youst to be 3500 Best i can figer now it At 5500 it is 38 per oz Can u hhelp me Tell me what is it a good investment at thos price and what is it at this price thank u
Comment from : @erniechasteen6332

Man, if PCGS can put AU-58 on that 1902-S, how much confidence can we place in the grading services? Daniel here has shown coins previously, graded by the major services, in which the opposite problem seemed to exist: coins in "Unc Details" holders (due to cleaning) with no apparent cleaning That bothers me more and shakes my confidence It leaves one asking, "Did they goof, or do I have some blind-spot when it comes to identifying cleaned coins?" Too bad the grading services don't give the customer a verbal blurb in MP3 or WAV as to what the grader has noticed as he grades the coin Currently the customer gets back a coin in a holder with a grade that sometimes seems to lack all understanding, and there is no explanation
Comment from : @josephcampagnolo157

someone suggested to me to use Dawn dishwashing liquid can that be true?
Comment from : @mikedipaola

Could a cleaned coin still have some luster?
Comment from : @joaquinbouzas3547

I've put a coin or two in white vinegar and baking soda before I did that because a battery leaked and the acid got on the coin But I collect coins for me and not for resale so I don't feel bad about it
Comment from : @EricOnYouTube

Glad you are pointing these differences between cleaned and non Very informative Keep it up!
Comment from : @lazyboylarry4345

I have 1999 mile die clash need help how can I show you?
Comment from : @cjmack8876

Wow I found that out myself yesterday I cleaned a penny that had a very brilliant shine to it and luster ,but I thought that it could be brought out more but after I clean the coin it was a different color the luster that it first had was not there so I guess it lost that first thin layer of color that you were talking about Thanks for the advice
Comment from : @500theman52

Can you make a video about silver bath? Are they considered as cleaned? Or can they get MS?
Comment from : @nadirhatali8113

Who has the PrIvLiGeS to cleans the coin to rub the lotion on it's coin
Comment from : @threedog575

It's cursed if a human hand touched it am serous it's black magick coin
Comment from : @threedog575

If it was ever touched by a human hand it should be considered as permanently tainted and melt value Too much black coin magick if that's not the rule to follow
Comment from : @threedog575

Sounds like a dealer scam to say oh I think the invisible ridges on your coin look cleaned lol
Comment from : @threedog575

I recently got a 1921s that looks like it could be MS65 - Can you help me?
Comment from : @albuckman7676

And some are slightly bent from side to side
Comment from : @floydlovell9281

I know you have seen a little of everything, when it comes to coins and the knowledge is greatly appreciated by many ! I was going through some pennies and found quite a few that had different colors of paint, and colors of grit along with shiny ,like nickel cobwebs all over them Well the grit tastes salty, and they are stamp marks on the substance, along with letters etc etc !!! From the 60s thru 2004 so far Thanks for any info
Comment from : @floydlovell9281

Comment from : @derekbueckert7428

Thank you for the information great video and examples sir 10/10
Comment from : @danielgriffin2610

I've learned several key points here This knowledge is going to help me out in deciding how to buy coins now This knowledge is very valuable
Comment from : @whitham1961

Are you willing to show how you would be willing to "clean" a coin, aka restore through dipping, rinsing, etc? Great video, thank you
Comment from : @penniesshillings

Your videos are very helpful
Comment from : @jrodjrod4670

Got a quick question I have a copper Ike dollar from 1977 and circulated how much would it be worth I think about 150 dollars don’t know so if you see this pls tell me
Comment from : @GlobaIsss

Being a little bit generous by saying they don’t know what they are doing I think they are screwing people
Comment from : @briansarah2745

I'm new to coin collecting I really appreciate the info People that share their experience like yourself is truly a gem to the hobby
Comment from : @oharrellcoins5553

Hi🤪You have enlightened me on coin collecting in so many areas I didn't even know existed or should be something I should be watching for I'm very grateful that I ran across your site Your detail is so much more than anything I've watched so far Never even heard "plating blisters" before brAnyway, I've been saving all sorts of coine since I was a kid, that looked abnormal in my eye or stood out for some reason At this point my question to you is is there any kind of a cloth to use just to brighten them up or are you not supposed to do anything?
Comment from : @denisekay7213

Honestly I know I don’t have the skill to properly clean a coin so for the sake of future generations I leave them in the slab as they arebrbrHowever I am guilty of practicing cleaning on common coins in my pocket change Just to practicebrbrI even have some junk proof unc coins and unc coins that are great for practicing cleaning high value coinsbrbrI’ve messed up quite a few 1991 Proof Lincoln cents with cleaning practice but they’re just so common it doesn’t matter
Comment from : @blake7587

Good video I learned thanks
Comment from : @chha6439

Just watched this specific video for God knows how many times I sure don't know and I still can't tell cleaned from not Too many maybes, mights, could be, it's possible one thing you're sure to find, frustration
Comment from : @scottieb706

This has helped me so much! I debate whether or not a coin I'm interested in is cleaned or not It is sometimes really difficult to tell Your tutorial has really informed me on how to better spot a cleaned coin! Thanks for this!
Comment from : @melsinTN

Thanks for making these videos, I try not to ms70 clean nor dip any of my coins however I have As only being 3 years into learning how to grade and judge wear/details of coins your videos are extremely helpful Thanks 😊
Comment from : @chadstone6591

well I don't want my coins covered in dirt to the point of not being able to see it funny how everybody says a clean coin is bad yet the grading companies clean coins under the name of "conservation" If pcgs cleans my coin its still a cleaned coin regardless of what you call itbrthe clean coin arguement etc is all crap your video shows exactly how stupid the don't clean your coin arguement is
Comment from : @menotyou7762

I enjoy your informative videos Daniel even though I still make mistakes on my local coin purchases I am learning I keep my mistake purchases and label them as learning experiences on some they were both cleaned and polished to death the loss of details is enough to make you ask why did they destroy a beautiful coin
Comment from : @kristinebailey86

My question is how do you differentiate between cleaned and just circulation wear Circulation also makes luster flat
Comment from : @bingo7799

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