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Mike Rowe: Finding Your Identity Outside Your Work (FULL TEACHING) | Praise on TBN

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Information Mike Rowe: Finding Your Identity Outside Your Work (FULL TEACHING) | Praise on TBN

Title :  Mike Rowe: Finding Your Identity Outside Your Work (FULL TEACHING) | Praise on TBN
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Frames Mike Rowe: Finding Your Identity Outside Your Work (FULL TEACHING) | Praise on TBN

Description Mike Rowe: Finding Your Identity Outside Your Work (FULL TEACHING) | Praise on TBN

Comments Mike Rowe: Finding Your Identity Outside Your Work (FULL TEACHING) | Praise on TBN

Mike Rowe should have been made the host of Jeopardy!
Comment from : @MM03248

The first 5 minutes needs to be played for my over barring employer when it comes to safety His argument about how many people die on the roads is the exact same one i use for people who are too terrified to get on a plane and explore the world beyond the boarders of the United States Been in different trades my whole life and it’s been rewarding I also have a 4 year degree that just collects dust 😂 great video so spot on👍
Comment from : @aaronbugaiski2487

Comment from : @tammishappylife

11:08 I graduated high school in '92 and my guidance counselor had a similar poster on his wall I wanted to be a mechanic but both he and my parents were against it telling me it's not "woman's work" which was and still is infuriating now I was inspired by Mr Rowe and went back to school in my late 40s and learned how to weld I been working in manufacturing and I love it! Way more satisfying than my IT office career and pays way better Thank you Mike Rowe! ❤
Comment from : @TaldrenMGMoonGuard

I enjoy my work When clients appreciate the craftsmanship I share when bringing their visions to reality, it's very rewarding Having a physical example of my effort is very satisfying
Comment from : @glundgren2097

Mike Rowe secretary of labor
Comment from : @mrdemascal

13:10 “All things are on a micro/macro level, I’m Mike Rowe” Hell of a joke! 😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @haydenmarks446

Whenever I bring up "what happens if you're in a crash?" Everyone thinks about how insurance will handle the repairs and medical bills but no one ever seems to worry about the the physical recoverybrbr Because accidents don't happen, mistakes cause crashes
Comment from : @rinyotsu20

The music is distracting
Comment from : @Boaters_hub

23:23 Did you read mine? I read your mom's This is devastating
Comment from : @nuagor

Comment from : @robertamador2370

Looking at this video after all the devastation from the hurricanes and seeing how hard and skilled labor is so important 💪
Comment from : @Mychellechic

Mike Rowe: The epitome of "Variety is the spice of Life"
Comment from : @JakCough99

When I was in school I took every shop class available and all vocational classes I went on to on the job training as a heavy truck mechanic I did that job for 24 years now I’m a millwright at a paper mill I’m self taught and I couldn’t be happier in my life
Comment from : @alanhuhta6189

When I first started my business, I vowed to myself, never to go bankrupt and never will
Comment from : @kimzdyb4125

I graduated public high school in 1989 and was told I would not amount to crap without a college degree' Not bragging but I am one of the biggest net worth pupils of that class
Comment from : @wyatt12358

I drive a truck and live in a nice house and am able to pay my bills on time and eat good I am clean shaven and well groomed, I have good manners and am a gentlemen and am courteous and have a college shingle in business management Why do people TREAT me as a lesser or second class when I SUPPLY SERVICE EVERYONE NEEDS?
Comment from : @wyatt12358

Congrats Mike Roweon seeing the liesthat society sells to the ignorant and paid and funded for with tax dollars
Comment from : @SpencerRoyalcom

This is a VERY, VERY good breakdown on what we THOUGHT success was and what happiness is in each persons life Not what schools, counselors, etc say they areWe are NOT definded by our jobs, or title but what WE feel is important
Comment from : @Steve-em1dy

Great singing voice and a Great song Tennessee Ernie Ford
Comment from : @IvoMiller

Background music is a bit much for those of us who have to wear earbuds Too much to listen more
Comment from : @patriotchic3364

I consider myself very lucky, in that my parents stressed a 4 year degree, but Dad taught me how to work with my hands He was a machinist prior to becoming an engineer and grew up in the Depression on a farm in W Canada I did earn a 2 and 4 year degree, but still work with my hands, at work or at home-John in Texas
Comment from : @JohnWaldron-cm7ce

I’ve said safety 2nd for a long time Always use your head first As an overhead lineman, you MUST use your head and training and instincts Are LOTO procedures important? Yes and they must be used But as you start to perform the work in any labor intense career, you must think ahead, have a game plan And be able to change direction when problems arrive…because they will arrive no matter what Essential Craftsman “how to be more productive” video is a great clip to check out
Comment from : @williamhsteele

much love to Mikeinspiring
Comment from : @reacherous_LOTJSR

Can't don't get paid enough money Of course you wouldn't know that being an actor
Comment from : @donaldgrant9067

I made my hobby a job I started a recreational mining supply store I'm retired now but I loved every minute of it 😎
Comment from : @bobbyhoward8568

I agree Whether someone doesn't like to hook their harness unless they're reminded or "caught" as they see it or a police officer doesn't practice firearm safety rules, people won't understand safety truly unless they take personal safety seriously or something tragically happens
Comment from : @chrisgast

Remember Safety Third, Officers!
Comment from : @liveforthelordbeforeitisto5141

If you are a professional in your trade in America you can make a very good living Just carry a positive can do attitude
Comment from : @sts242

Amen speak tha truth
Comment from : @YvonneChandler-n8o

16 tons 🙌🏻
Comment from : @transformacion13

Just like Mike said, "All things are Mike Rowe, macro"
Comment from : @Strangeland701

This is a rare man! This is a Man sent from heaven to our generation!!
Comment from : @Sweet87671

No college indoctrination classes either!
Comment from : @studleyjb3172

I want to work with you Mike I'm a burnt out carpenter that's fixing to go work for the city fixing water lines down in the ditch
Comment from : @MikeReeder-kr7fv

Mike Rowe is micro Nice 😎
Comment from : @SnakeDaddyGaming

Im so happy that i never went to college, i joined the Army served with the 101st airborne in combat, and now i drive across the whole country and canada driving a semi truck I couldn't imagine going to college and working in an office
Comment from : @bobbybushwhacker

Mike Rowe can sing😳👍🏻
Comment from : @chrisstephenson8311

Drop the stupid music
Comment from : @Nonedw

Comment from : @max-mtg

26:13 Interesting song to pick as we all seem to work for the company store
Comment from : @24revealer

Thanks for this have a blessed day
Comment from : @stevenwatkins7798

Family saying " have two things, your integrity and your back don't give either one away"
Comment from : @stevemccasland1693

Clear insight of the reason everything around us exists
Comment from : @aburnette156

Right on the money, land of confusion
Comment from : @aburnette156

Mike Rowe is a graduate of Towson University
Comment from : @ottobonn6267

Safety is a healthy dose of fear
Comment from : @scottwalker9766

I run a marine propeller shop and I am in danger everyday So is the 2 guys I work with, they know that and they know they are responsible for their ultimate safety and I just keep an eye on them I have been a blue collar worker all my life and at 60, I'm in the best shape and mind set and love to do my work I do not define who I am by my job, the man I am to my wife , kids and family is who I am Honest, caring but ready to hit the most difficult thing first❤
Comment from : @drewdavis4614

Who ever started the jazzy riffs while Mike's talking is someone who should not have an editing job😊
Comment from : @drewdavis4614

There is nothing like being in known danger to make you focus and subconsciously think of consequences of any action you takeby the way your subconacious mind is lightening fast and wholeistic in its capacity to see all angles to keep you safe I speak from experience around horses, and working on land rigs in the deserthours away from medics
Comment from : @jolindo6724

my 3 oldest children have a bachelor's degree, an associates degree and dropped out of college to be an auto mechanic They are literally all making the same amount of money, mid to high $40K/year Ergo, if you aren't going to be a doctor, lawyer or engineer, it's all the same🤷‍♀️ IMHO
Comment from : @rosemarykelley3078

Lost me at "fifty fifty shot" at closing a ball valve
Comment from : @vivanzin

much love for this content but honest to god i hope mike rowe quiets up and stops this theyre gonna off him next its fun to go against the grain and live life to the fullest i respect that, and do that, but too many evil forces at work in this world, they are gonna off him in the next 10 years if he keeps preaching this truth protect yourself and just enjoy life dont put living life to the fullest in the lime light just go do it with the small percentage of the rest of us
Comment from : @AltivatedElement

finally, a perspective of great wisdom!!! praise jesus!! excellent views and channel, love mike rowe and matt!
Comment from : @gsssprocket

Also a lot of jobs like being a pilot require a college degree for the better jobs even though most pilots already are in considerable debt after flight school Why should being a pilot require a college degree? Ive known real estate appraisers that were very good at their job let go because there started requiring them to have college degrees…its such a scam
Comment from : @johnpruitt2516

Americans live to workbrEuropeans work to livebrHuge differencebr🕊
Comment from : @breal7277

Guess it's time to turn off the TV except sports playoffs Relevance is way more relevant
Comment from : @danmaclean576

Quit a job with benefits Started my own company and now I take customers away from a corrupt corporation and treat them right
Comment from : @TrumbleAudio

Thank you!!!brThis is one of the greatest conversation I heard in years God bless you
Comment from : @jamesrobertson7411

Mike, you’re a huge inspiration to many people even to me at the age of 69 I wish I had known your wisdom and humor at least 40 years ago Thank you for all that you do😊👍🙏🏻
Comment from : @benzkeez

This world needs to stop and recognize Mike Rowe for his leadership and integrity that he just genuinely has always displayed his entire life I wish Mike Rowe would be able to narrate my future first ever film project that is all about my life struggles starting from my childhood until now at the age of 43 years old recovering from a near fatal massive stroke that left me clinically dead for 3 minutes and hospitalized for 9 months Hearing Mike Rowe speak brings me such clarity and calmness during my longterm stroke recovery My self motivated approach towards life has always helped me get through such difficult situations I need to have Mike Rowe immediately involved with my 1st ever film project! Thank You Mike Rowe
Comment from : @MattyMatt80

REAL college degrees in the STEM fields PAY and are worth it We need to stop demonizing college and be honest that not all degrees are worth it As an engineer, I make $50k MORE than tradesmen I know All the doctors I know, make $100-200k or more than tradesmen When he uses LIBERAL ARTS as his baseline college example, that is STUPID! If you are super smart, get a college degree and you will make $$$$$ On average, if you are not smart, learn a trade and you will still make great money, just not as much as REAL degrees That is reality, that is a FACT!
Comment from : @genericwatcher2439

Mike I can completely look up to you and I have to say that you are a true American hero Your point of view and Presence in the world is very valuable thank you We need someone like you to run for president
Comment from : @crautoguy8384

I’ve just watched and listened to this ‘interview’ Being a carpenter/woodworker by trade, ONE statement stood out “We’ve lost the ‘Art’ of work There’s VERY little emphasis on the ART of what we do The CRAFTSMANSHIP of what we do The PRIDE of what we produce with our own hands br My son is a VERY talented and skilled Woodworker As I’ve heard many say, “it’s a lost art”, especially among young people There has to be a pride or passion about what you’re doing That desire for the customer to be in awe of what you producebr THAT’S what’s missing It’s all about the profit…
Comment from : @robertgauldin7401

I'm the only one responsible for my safety
Comment from : @theBullringLive

Mike Rowe, may I apprentice you? You are my hero
Comment from : @stevenwhaley9375

Safety First is at the heart of satan's demise of humans So many workers see Safety First as a means of not ever risking hard work to ensure their pampered lifestyle propelling a victim mantra For 24 years the begining of every aircrew brief generally started with the phrase "Safety Is Paramount!" That is so far from the truth you could not measure the distance; flying is inherently dangerous as outlined in every flight manual, and the mission is paramount, not safety As you've indicated in this lesson, it is important and should be considered More over, noting we have indoctrinated generations of Americans to buy into this parasitic plague that shuts down the type A, go-getter attitude needs to be reconciled before we become completely useless Thank you for stating what needs to be said while showing what really matters! Men were designed to work, remember the garden?
Comment from : @aldavis529

mmmm so you and your crew lost focus so youre blaming the safety meetings?
Comment from : @rrseitz1306

we have voc tech school for high school students that want to go to and learn in allegany county maryland
Comment from : @connieehresman1171

"It's a pop up, you're gonna love it" had me dying
Comment from : @roberthossler7282

I have occasionally watched the "Dirty Jobs" series and eventually became quite an admirer of Mike Rowe, for getting in there and doing the stuff, being curious, and doing things I had a fascination with Scotty from "Star Trek" when I was younger as well as great respect for Isaac Asimov for not only his robot series of Sci-Fi, but the myriad technical and non-fiction books that he wrote I gained a lot of that curiosity and desire to study and build I consider myself a bit of a "tinker" or artificer in many fields, I got a degree in Automation and Robotics and pursued becoming an engineer while I rose through the ranks of being a Technician I learned what was in the real world and applied it to my engineering in my later years I love finding solutions or creating them to solve problems I have lived a great life and worked for many great companies ( and a few "not so great"), but I learned from all of them, including the specialists in many fields Other than my slowly fading health due to age, I bstill/b have the knowledge and ability to survive and flourish, even after cataclysmic disasters I may not be the smartest, or most eloquently educated person, but I am damn proud of my abilities and the widely varied types of knowledge gained over the years a feat not many can lay claim to
Comment from : @edwardpaulsen1074

Thats funny one of my guys when damaging one of my trucks said hey ships are safe in the harbor
Comment from : @davemorton9236

I tell my coworkers all the time I work as a technician I say I can't move up to an engineer because I'm an artist brbrLove Mike Rowe He gets the the skilled working man
Comment from : @davidmakes419

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