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Why I Want to Sell My Video Game Collection | Cannot be Tamed

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Title :  Why I Want to Sell My Video Game Collection | Cannot be Tamed
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Description Why I Want to Sell My Video Game Collection | Cannot be Tamed

Comments Why I Want to Sell My Video Game Collection | Cannot be Tamed

To anyone reading this: DO SELL IT ON EBAY I sold my games to the local videogame shop for years and years, and now that I have listed on Ebay, i know what a MASSIVE mistake that was Just huge
Comment from : @StrnGuy

My game collection will be passed on I refuse to purchase games I don’t own unless I get it for real cheap I usually have a sealed copy of the cheap game I’ll buy That’s why I Xbox pass , Switch online or PS premium I will rip all my games onto my polymega I go on vacations no problem without getting rid of the collection I just have to budget a little better on daily spending and investing
Comment from : @godzrapture8362

I'm semi-retired from gaming now but still pick up an older title I haven't played once in a while
Comment from : @virgogaming6488

"I just really prefer digital"brMe: I seem to be watching the wrong channel :DbrJokes aside, each to their own You do you :) The reason I collect (mostly games I have nostalgia for) is because I'm pushing back against digital I can't stand the notion of paying for something I never really own
Comment from : @005AGIMA

Hi, comment #2 here (sorry) I know I'm pretty damned late to the punch here but gotta say it: If you do sell them on ebay it's a huge hassle but it's a GREAT way to build seller reputation on the platform if you want to use it in the future I made that decision years ago and now I have a good feedback record which is useful for when I need/want to get rid of something that is past the return date and get a little money back
Comment from : @NeuroPulse

brothers n sisters,bottom line is , we all gotta make more money
Comment from : @fixfund

Do they not have a backup generator? I hope you still do not live there That has got to be annoying No,power The landlord should reimburse you rent Its not your fault that the power went out
Comment from : @mediaSophia88

Yes! Shoutout to MiSTer!
Comment from : @RetroRockGamer

Cherish the experiences games give you, not the plastic they come packaged in
Comment from : @vembrace

The only time I ever considered selling my games, I ended up repairing what I had and added to my collection
Comment from : @Satiator123

I sold all of my collection over the last 3 years and I'm still alive No regrets
Comment from : @superstarichiban

For me… its the aesthetic Having some games on the shelf and sitting on the floor with the controller cables is the exact experience that Im after
Comment from : @miket2646

You are a beautiful honest person ✨️ 💛
Comment from : @LatashaMoore-y7r

Well it seemed like you did get tamed into selling something for stuff you will never own
Comment from : @achaudhari101

I sold off everything that I can emulate on my steam deck and bought a nice ebike, I use it every day instead of all the games I haven't touched for 3-5 years Prices are very high right now so it was an easy choice!
Comment from : @1Critler

I like digital, but I do buy the physical versions of the ones that I end up loving
Comment from : @ckat609

Sounds like a lot of regrets 😂😅
Comment from : @adamquiroz9896

Part of my paradox is knowing that a game is long, with plenty of playtime, and would be well worth playing However, that's a lot of time for me to invest, and will require me to focus on that title for quite some time to finish I want to, but shorter games can be just as fun, and not eat up so much valuable time It can be a little frustrating, having to make those choices
Comment from : @FruitNDoggie

What about guide books, are those deemed more collectible than the video games themselves?
Comment from : @bimmer8602

I sold almost all of my huge Video Games collection in the late 90's just for the money and I still regret it every single day
Comment from : @mercurymachines4311

Between money and storage space, I love my emulation It's just great to have tons of systems with games on one convenient device
Comment from : @Phenomenal1983

Good you finally realized its a waste of time and money Save your mental health dont listen to the people
Comment from : @ed2176

I had a collection of 300 plus games in 2013 and decided one day that I couldn't possibly enjoy these games as much as I would like I totally get your reasons and like you say get systems with card to play games let's be real we all only have a little bit of time and the convenience of digital is amazing Steam changed my mind on physical That being said I loved having physical copies and knowing I owned it and no one could take away my rights to the game Both are great avenues and life sometimes it's just easier to have less and enjoy a few things
Comment from : @alexandreallain8314

I would be interested in buying all your nes games Depending on what you have
Comment from : @ServJesus7

Beautiful girl
Comment from : @ServJesus7

You will sell your games?i am interested, how we can do business?
Comment from : @Uryen_Hirasakai

It’s OK to sell stuff off! I’ve sold off my Genesis, psp, and vita collection I only really miss my psp collection (though I didn’t even play it much) Plus life happens and you gain new interests
Comment from : @Couchbitato

I collect the full NES North American set and have almost every game I do not want to sell and I don't care how much I could get if I sold my collection
Comment from : @nesmegavanialink350

It may already be too late considering when you posted this but please listen: When choosing what to sell, if you feel ANY hesitation, think hard before you sell that onebrLast year I sold my rarest Sega Saturn games toward a new graphics cardbrFor my Saturn, I have a satiator and all games I want to play on it on an SD card It's on original hardware; there's literally no difference in the player experiencebrEven so, I came to regret selling those games It's not that I have panic attacks over it, but with a little patience I could have kept those games and still gotten the card brGenerally speaking, I'm content to emulate The vast majority of what I've emulated, I've paid for But even so, with a couple of key games, selling them was the wrong movebrbrThat all being said, if you really no longer care about physical collecting, emulating on a PC may be the way to go moving forward
Comment from : @gulpirak

I did it once and regretted it Sold off a bunch of cib snes games Heavy hitters such as Chrono trigger, final fantasy games, donkey Kong etc at least 30 snes cib I still regret to this day
Comment from : @jacktsang05

i totally get why people will leave a box of games on the sidewalk now
Comment from : @_BASIC_INSTINCT

it stops being fun and becomes a BURDEN
Comment from : @_BASIC_INSTINCT

Comment from : @JamesWilliams-fj8vf

Hope you live to regret it
Comment from : @jaysony8587

Definitely thinking about selling my game collection It's sad but it takes a lot of space and I don't have time to play anymore (on real hardware that is) With emulation getting pretty good (at least good enough for the "old" stuff) it feels like a luxury I can't afford Anyway I might just keep the games that really meant something to me growing up (like Streets of Rage!) Good luck!
Comment from : @prinzbach

As a person who has done both digital and physical copies I see the bones in both what digital you can take it on the go and u have to already how to install or you would have to download and with the physical copies it saves you a lot more storage Plus they're not all on the consoles So you can trade them plus if you lose the you don't lose all the games with it
Comment from : @apothecary1725

Must people just collect to have dust holders
Comment from : @ignaciogodoy7095

Reverse mortgages were made for people like you
Comment from : @et7313

I always regret selling after a while Just put away $150 a month for a vacation fund
Comment from : @coflow9719

They want us to own nothing and be happy
Comment from : @coflow9719

Comment from : @andressanzcorrea1168

This woman is my hero Practical and sensible I dig it
Comment from : @leeartlee915

I’m at a point in my life whether to sell my gaming collection or just simply focus on one console and selling the rest because I feel so overwhelmed having to switch back and forth console to console, game to game
Comment from : @andresvelez6538

Thanks for motivating me to play more of the games on my shelf 😂
Comment from : @ohiograssman1564

I made the same error about 20 years ago Bad idea Now that almost all games are digital, if they don't want to sell it, or don't want to support the "life service" games, your screwed Keep your hard copies because they will grow more and more in value the longer you have them Heck if you can afford it, buy a M-Disc Drive, and start porting your games over on to those, which have a 1000 year self life
Comment from : @DarinM1967

You can just get a cd wallet and store them all in there in very small space
Comment from : @praetorianB

The big box PC games are cool Oddly that's what I would consider to sell (if I actually let go of things) and keep console based games But to each their own
Comment from : @chlamygamine2190

The main aspect I've been focusing on selling in my collection are handhelds and their library Let's be completely honest here, there is no way those things are even close to being comfortable to play on longer than 20 minutes 💀 There's a reason why it was better to use when we had small hands in our younger years The PSP Go, psp 3000, DS, GB SP, GB micro
Comment from : @davida7229

Shame you won't be able to sell your Aladdin Deck Enhancer, since it well, exploded :p
Comment from : @marcsm2008

Interesting video I sold everything except "my gems" From 500 games to 50 :)brbrCheers from France
Comment from : @LeoSendraMusic

I don’t collect anymore Collecting, to me, is buying to have and not to play Instead, I curate a library All of my games fit on one shelf brbrI still resist digital games, though, because I’m stubborn
Comment from : @BrockShake

Get rid of them now and you may be seriously out priced to ever get back in to physical in the future the more that digital takes over the world Money is good sure, but dying with your physical games still in tact, priceless!
Comment from : @harrysweep5846

Starting to feel that way myself
Comment from : @lukedougan7908

Sounds like you've just grown out of gaming Personally I could never sell my collection But I have kind of stopped buying games for the time being My problem currently is I'm just tired of all the woke bullshit in games I'm convinced the PS5 will be my last console going forward I may collect more retro games again in the future May be not I don't know Right now I'm focusing more on my cd collection
Comment from : @mitchgray7391

It’s always a tough dilemma I have about 4000 physical games and close to 150 consoles and every once in a while the thought of me getting rid of these comes up…… But I do wish you the best and I hope that if you do sell these you get full value… that’s the one thing I worry about selling them for 25 or 40 of their true value… just weigh the pros and cons of each one for you make your decision
Comment from : @IEBIGCAT

Comment from : @christianhunt7382

My video game collection is part nostalgia, stuff i've had since I was kid, and half investment I've purchased and found so many games at good deals that have skyrocketed in price Video games have had better returns than the stock market lol
Comment from : @GameCrunchDaily

I like having the systems to play on but I don't need all of the games, just the ones I want to play I already have too much "stuff" But for the younger players, I don't know why they would get into the collecting They have no connection to the systems because they didn't grow up with them Just emulate, collect a ROM collection You can carry your whole collection around on a thumbdrive or a microSD
Comment from : @Mistrblank

Because the market is crashing and it was all about money for most of these YouTubers
Comment from : @3232mikeymike

With the sole exception of my Sega CDX and a Nintendo Switch that I just bought, I've replaced all of my classic consoles and cartridges with a 4TB SSD that contains emulation software and ROMS It takes up far less clutter and shelf space My collection has become more adult-like and I've put away childish things
Comment from : @noblelies

Short Answer: They want to maximise profit as they know the trend is dying and things are setttling down, so they sell them while high, get them back when they are low and start all over again The end all it took was 10 seconds of reading Love you people ;3
Comment from : @Bird-Birdy-Love

Console gaming is one big money trap Everything coming out is already coming to pc or will be playable through an emulator in the next few years, especially Nintendo games The ps5s life cycle was only supposed to be five years, in 2027 games will start to see a decline in visual fidelity The ps5 pro is due to be released in November 2024brBecause Sony knows that the ps5 is two generations behind pc's By the time the ps6 comes out the rtx 8090 will be out Consoles will always be playing catch-up So why bother owning a console
Comment from : @ebola4life309

Nothing wrong with having a game collection As long as you play what you buy I still have ps1 games i bought in the 90s They are fun to display I won't sell my favorite games, unless i needed to Just make sure you don't pass up on awesome life experiences (travelling) to be able to buy more games
Comment from : @RJ-cq8dd

I'll keep backups of my physical copies that way everything is just on a few hard drives and I still get the benefit of digital without needing to care if some random streaming service pulls it Been seeing this a lot recently with Funimation being put down after taken in by Crunchyroll so they can raise their prices
Comment from : @The-Entelechy

You talk as if physical and digital media are mutually exclusive brbrFor example, I’m currently playing Champions of Norrath on my PS2 Fat I have the game case next to me so that I can read the manual, but I’m using abrdisc image loader to play a digital copy of the game That protects the game disc and the dvd drive from wear and tear brbrI own Mass Effect Legendary digitally on PC and physically on Xbox Series X brbrYou can have both!
Comment from : @majorgear1021

Absolutely agree with you that Digital is much much MUCH more convenient in 21st century
Comment from : @vinen

I just enjoy having my ps3 collection, I never play anymore but I like looking at my games from time to time
Comment from : @joshconnell7781

Oh lord another one
Comment from : @vysedyne644

I sold half of my Nintendo switch games on offer up at a great price
Comment from : @nedargiordano7018

I just graduated college and I've been trying to get rid of everything besides a bin or two of games Having a steam deck and transitioning to digital is the future ftw
Comment from : @ProjectGameVault

I want to come to her house and play games
Comment from : @mehere3013

yeah, maybe sell some stuff and pay your power bill, would be more benefitial
Comment from : @stefanegger

I am a physical only person because I play nintendo and we all know how nintendo is with shutting down game servers
Comment from : @Dailey_Adventure

At one point in my life I was done with it and decided to sell off some of my collection Do I ever regret that decision today it’s costing me almost double to replace it Dumb move I always regretted Don’t do it you will regret it
Comment from : @cigarking5553

Having trouble maintaining eye contact 😉
Comment from : @jasonjoseph6497

being untamed is so overrated
Comment from : @videostash413

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