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What All Musicians NEED But CANNOT Be Taught

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Title :  What All Musicians NEED But CANNOT Be Taught
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Description What All Musicians NEED But CANNOT Be Taught

Comments What All Musicians NEED But CANNOT Be Taught

Great video! Thanks for sharing your personal thoughts and challenges Really takes guts to do that these days on social media This is very helpful
Comment from : @johnmccarthy5245

Thank you for such an honest video I think we have such an unhealthy idea that in order to perform and be creative, you need to have innate perfection and confidence So, hearing someone be so open about not always feeling confident and making mistakes It's so helpful, honest and heartwarming
Comment from : @michaelhobbs8935

I like your video You get to some really good points that helped me Thank you Good advice
Comment from : @richardvanelli4337

I like this entire video! Thank You
Comment from : @BigFiveJack

lol berklee is such a joke
Comment from : @John-nk3ej

Thanks for that you really helped me there ❤ to keep my self confidence
Comment from : @Hiroe199

I really needed this video last year…:( now I feel so stuck…I feel like I lost some of my writing ability…like it’s so much harder to write without being so hard on myself…
Comment from : @sassiethacap

Great, thanks‼️‼️
Comment from : @Radaep1

thank you so much :-)
Comment from : @felicienne38

You're always so kind, generous, smart and helpful to others! Your videos and the topics you cover are amazing I admire you so much! :D <3
Comment from : @sergimegiascustodio5080

I personally experienced point number 2 during my initial learning days Basically I messed up on stage and ended up judging myself too harshly This led me to quit music completely at the age of 15 Now I am 35 and thinking about pursuing it again but all my demons are raising their heads again Your video was really helpful
Comment from : @nivedpalissery1969

This is fantastic advice for just about any profession and performance based activity I would just like to add that you do not need to choose to try and make a living out of making music to be a ‘musician’ you just need to play music It’s a life lesson in itself Just depends what your goals are Becoming a working musician (making money out of it) requires a whole other set of skills that have nothing to do with playing music Few people study these life skills Good news is they are skills you can use for all sorts of things
Comment from : @larryhagman3543

Starts with advertising within the content…goodbye
Comment from : @TheOrigamiPeople

Always enjoy her videos
Comment from : @bh5606

Thank you doooo much Nahre, you are my hero!
Comment from : @coanmusic

Dear Nahre, do you have a master or phd degree ?
Comment from : @serdarozdamar9848

thank you Paul Betjeman
Comment from : @paulbetjeman9933

I had to stop the video to comment on how CLEAN THE EXECUTION was with your PUSHUPS!! God DANG IT!!!!
Comment from : @gregoriogarcia7188

I just do not have the genetics to be virtuosic In other words, lack technical facility, if that is a term I got kicked out of music school on my third adjudication I still love and even teach music casually Am i creditable musician? Is the word "musicality" a thing?
Comment from : @blazeesq2000

Thanks ! I can totally relate to what you're saying I also have these issues with another one: self critiscism, and constant comparisons with musicians I admire That really blocs you from finishing anything I have lots of compositions that are sketches, demos, they are never finished because at some point out of lazyness or out of despair, i think "Is that worth finishing it ?" That's why I prefer to play live with other musicians and improvise because improvisation is a sort of commitment in the moment, you have no plan, you're not overthinking stuff, you're just there and you have to do your stuff, you just have to BE there
Comment from : @ClbnaVGM

Thank you so much for this Gonna take awhile to put all of this into practice, but I can already see the rewards out therebrbrRe Playing stuff you don't like, my mom had a friend playing in the San Francisco Symphony She was also recording for Muzak Yeah, the OG elevator music folks My mom asked her how she could stand to listen to that stuff while she was recording it She replied, "Who listens?"
Comment from : @siamsasean

This must be for when really successful musicians, as a musician I can't male a living doing it, but I don't quit, I still try to collaborate and teach, but I always do what I like and I never stood learning
Comment from : @sashachernyak7058

Ih have played trumpet for 50 years and deal with nerves, I appreciate so much your thoughts I can relate to, especially having supportive people around you, now the don't go away but they sit down and wait till I'm done performing, your video will be helpful to many more, thanx for putting this out there, JD from toledo
Comment from : @jdjones7065

From my perspective - growing an emotional container and skills to navigate difficult emotions is helpful Dream big and know you are love, loved and can handle anything With imagination,brcreativity and knowing you can accomplish anything ❤
Comment from : @ellastar6356

As musicians we need to relaise we are our own worst critics and the average person doesnt notice our 'mistakes"
Comment from : @davidwilliams7552

I gave up on pursuing my passion for a music career by believing the lie that I wouldn’t make money I went to flight school instead, earned a commercial pilot license, took on insurmountable debt, and became medically unable to fly 20 years later, I am miserable but reuniting with my passion and talent for music! Do what you love and don’t be fooled into believing you can’t be a musician!
Comment from : @JC_Musician

Great work
Comment from : @swerth

Your advice has surely found a resting paradise in my inner and lonely world
Comment from : @NelsonKafiyatta

In depth amazing vid 🎶
Comment from : @ZenMusicOfficial333

It is difficult to gain confidence with something as difficult as playing music I have seen people gain confidence and perform supposedly without fear, but when I think about it, I realize they play instruments that can be played without much knowledge yet sound good in less challenging genres Those who play instruments that require music theory knowledge while applying those skills to a genre that demands it to reach higher levels face a steeper confidence challenge Couple that with starting much later in life, and you have a major challenge that few will meet That is why I love it! The challenge is immense, and there is no guarantee of success
Comment from : @joel6427

Seeing 700K subs brings a smile to my face
Comment from : @Ivo33

You are a gem in the classical music world!! May God bless you abundantly!!
Comment from : @liamagyar

I have seen and know a number of Jazz musicians who were very confident and believed they were good 🫤 but
Comment from : @Jaujau933

VERY helpful information Thank you for sharing!!!😊
Comment from : @theTrend7

great perspective!!! overthinking is a problem for me
Comment from : @ClydeneBalkeMusic

I love this I’m going to incorporate the lesson into my life I’m super new to guitar (like under a year) but I’m going to apply it to that and also to every aspect of life!!
Comment from : @timsmith8506

Lmao never quit!
Comment from : @patrickhorn2355

thank you I like this video blessings
Comment from : @LORANBELTRAM

Freaking LOVED this video!!!! Just amazing 🤩 ❤
Comment from : @benchawes965

The YouTube comment section is a buffet; take only what is healthy for you to consume Great video btw
Comment from : @DNesbitt-p1t

You need Talent
Comment from : @johnnycash2727

Great video! Full of truth and interesting tips
Comment from : @the-real-joemcmahon

You are Really Great 👍, and if someone criticize you badly , that's mean God has given you some Great thing , you have some Great talents or skills , which makes them jealous or rather envious to you , so don't be upset by those type of negative comments or trolls , be happy that you have some Great features which makes them jealous And you should know that the Great people or scientist or researchers, or inventors who makes some new pathways from traditional one , are always victims of these type of negative or ugly criticism of all times So be happy for these negative comments or criticism brRespect from India 🇮🇳
Comment from : @saugatabhattacharyya3149

You should dig Kenny Werner’s effortless mastery
Comment from : @flober1970

Such a helpful combination of reflection, creativity, intelligence and honesty!brThank you!
Comment from : @sayuri_piano

Every time I hear you talking, I can hardly resist sitting down at the piano
Comment from : @brianmreschke3441

u are so uplifting, thank you
Comment from : @giuggiolamario

I just came across your channel today WOW! 😮 It was your "Happy Birthday" video in the styles of 10 composers I'm hooked, and I'm a guitarist😉 Your video productions are first class, as is your piano playing and presentation style You have a new fan from Bonnie Scotland Cheers‼️🥃
Comment from : @S2B

Asian parents?
Comment from : @AndrewMarciano-z1q

Video starts at 1:30
Comment from : @WolfikCZ

Lack of confidence is my biggest barrier when it comes to performing on recitals/auditions, despite of long hours of practicing the pieces I fully relate to how you feel that you "cannot play" without a warm-up routine of some sort
Comment from : @valerypopov6499

Remember when facing your failures to look at their positive side Both failures and success are to be learned from to build your actual experience, so next time you remember that failure, take something from it, so it becomes additional step towards your increasing experience Failures are for growth!
Comment from : @andrewpepperoni197

This is a delight! Thank you!
Comment from : @TheAccidentalTroubadourDiaries

so click bait😂 i like it
Comment from : @PinacoladaMatthew

Hi Nahre Sol, here is a great book of how to build self-confidence, so it can really be taught It's called "The Charisma-Myth" by Olivia Fox Cabane It changed my life Join it! 👍😉brAll the Best from Hannes, Germany
Comment from : @PopBallads

#3 or, do things that suck, EVERY DAY, David Goggins
Comment from : @jameswalker4704

wanted to ask you do you know any ai who help to make simple melody to more complex same you done in one of your videos?
Comment from : @בניהוהיל

Brilliant video! Thank you!
Comment from : @Chris_2023_

Great video !! Lots of really helpful ideas
Comment from : @timchalmers1700

How you feel about yourself will greatly affect how you not only approach your music and preparation, but also how you approach life Self sabotage killer This was helpful to hear Thank you!!! ❤
Comment from : @visionquest09

Great, workable action plan here! The struggle is real, so thank you for sharing these ideas
Comment from : @InvincibleViolinist

Brilliant! Thank you for this video about learning/improving music skills Your philosophy applies also to other learning endeavors, recognizing pitfalls, fears, insecurities and ways to improve if not "break the wall(s)" I was startled to realize that musicians face similar challenges in performing (closer) to their potential just as this acrobat that will walk that high wife, a competitor in a major challenge event, etc Thank you for this very instructive advice on facing challenges, Ciao, L
Comment from : @lancelot1953

You are great Nahre, glad to been subscribed for a while, very interesting and useful
Comment from : @IamEduD

I like the last tips! brOne thing I do, is talk to the audience before I perform, which gives me the opportunity to tell them about my nerves or make a joke, something that narrows the gap between us, so I don’t feel so: I am the only one and they are the judges I like to create a little bonding that makes the concert feel more like playing for some friends
Comment from : @JohannesSteinray

Berklee online 60k x 5 years
Comment from : @alessiodimaria3320

I’m a composer A huge part of developing musical confidence for me was writing my own music, that ONLY follows “my rules” (I have none); the more I wrote, the more I saw that I can trust myself/my soundbrbrA book that has helped me tremendously with self-confidence is “Psycho-Cybernetics” by Maxwell Maltz QUICK DISCLAIMER: this book does have bias for white athletes and sometimes speaks less well of black athletes (I’m black), and it also has a bias for Christianity (I’m agnostic) But, if you can skip and/or look past that stuff, the mental training exercises given in the book are scientifically proven to help us build a positive self-image, develop healthy thinking habits, and helps train our imagination for any purpose (performing, creating, theorizing, etc music as well)brbrConfidence can’t be taught, but it can be cultivated
Comment from : @nevvawinter7331

It’s simple really, the more you perform the easier it gets In the mean time, while performing, it’s best to move/sway to the music you’re playing it will physically calm your anxiety and it has the added benefit of making you entertaining to watch Point is, the ONLY way to deal with anxiety is head on; on your terms No amount of confidence, colorful outfits, practice etc will help you Put your atheistic ideologies aside and play at a church; you need the experience; and possibly get paid!
Comment from : @raidensama1511

I'm happy that I just found your channel, thank you for this video
Comment from : @lunchguy659

Yestry your best and accept that you did! Than you for helping me get back into playing better Nahre I am an ex-teacher in my discipline and you are doing a terrific job
Comment from : @randyzaucha4049

You´re doing great, thank you!
Comment from : @BilginKurt

Thanks Nahre Your content is so useful and you inspire so many of us!
Comment from : @falldogii

Keep doing what your doing!
Comment from : @az1m3th

What about us who play but aren't musicians?
Comment from : @nilla003

Thankyou Your videos and advice are always so helpfull
Comment from : @julianmazzariello2539

Thank you for this incredible video ❤
Comment from : @christinevanniekerk4712

This is good info for every day life With regards to jazz improvisation: there are not wrong notes…just wrong decisions 🙃🎶🎹
Comment from : @GonzoTheRosarian

I'm a fan, you do a wonderful job making videos and you are a great player, so never stop ❤️🙏
Comment from : @espr7564

Comment from : @chrisjoosten9819

Thank you… your vids really help
Comment from : @chuckprindiville1246

I believe that time is the most important key to music performance Practice time, is one aspect but time contemplating your practice and time not practicing or procrastinating weigh into the time you have Not rushing is my key everything happens in it's own time If a performance is scheduled before we are truly ready (as always) you will suck embrace these sucky times and make a mantra to chant internally "Everyone sucks some times" Relative amounts of suck go into every show No quest for perfection will prepare you to suck just do as well as you can if it doesn't satisfy every one don't worry about it, they will be alright No one dies when you flub a song
Comment from : @MrDogonjon

I enjoyed this video! So positive and encouraging!
Comment from : @BlackRaven156

Those advices are precious for all kind of creative careers, I'm working as graphic designer and can really implement these techniques for the quiet same reasons Love your work, thanks a lot!❤
Comment from : @jeremymichel6404

Nice one
Comment from : @heartscanproductionmusican5672

I am musician and also a scholar These ideas are applicable to both Thank you so much
Comment from : @markmasterson849

almost like CBT, very helpful, thank you!
Comment from : @vitormachado8919

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