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The US Literally Cannot Repay Its National Debt.

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Title :  The US Literally Cannot Repay Its National Debt.
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Comments The US Literally Cannot Repay Its National Debt.

Come follow me over on Instagram! I've been putting up a lot more content there :)br wwwinstagramcom/newmoneyofficial/
Comment from : @NewMoneyYouTube

So why is everyone of power KEEP GETTING RAISES?????
Comment from : @shhhhitsasecret9969

Cut the military Biggest waste of money
Comment from : @Sevenine88

Uncle Donnie’s gonna fix it!
Comment from : @Sevenine88

you pretty much summarized my college classes from econ 101 up to econ 401 but much more understandable! thanks
Comment from : @rafaelkloti9254

51 on income taxes and only 9 on corporate tax Wake up, people in the US
Comment from : @MZSTD

Imagining the US spent all these money on building infrastructures and improving the life of its people, instead of burning them in wars and military campaigns But it’s too late for them now
Comment from : @MZSTD

Don’t give any penny to Israel or any other country brSo will have balance budget
Comment from : @Tg76589

Why deficit budgets are approved in the parliament?
Comment from : @prakashlakhapate1598

It is very funny to note that deficit budgets are prepared every year
Comment from : @prakashlakhapate1598

It is very funny to note that deficit budgets are prepared every year
Comment from : @prakashlakhapate1598

So why does USA Inc run a huge deficit every year on year whithout going "bankrupt"? Because they can print all the $ they want, send them abroad and get oil, cars, food, TVs and other goods in return As they say - "The dollar is our currency, and your problem"
Comment from : @IamMagPie

A Flat tax of 15 closing plus corp loopholes would pay down in about 30 years Just like a house payment of $1,000,000,000 A YEAR
Comment from : @burrowsasphalt

Ask Biden and the democrats, they will say spend, spend, spend and not on America or American on thier foreign buddies
Comment from : @carolgreen-fn1tm

The premise of this video is faulty to begin with Of course we could repay the debt All we have to do is undo the Bush and Trump tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy Maybe even increase them more for good measure Not like they haven’t been much higher in the past And growth was better back in the 50’s and 60’s when the highest marginal tax rate was 80 to 90 So you can’t argue that higher tax rates on the wealthy curtail growth
Comment from : @robertmatthews4285

We should take half of defense spending and dump it all into education Our country is absolutely full of very stupid people
Comment from : @shane7133

The scary thing is in 7-8 months it’s gone up to $36 Trillion and counting
Comment from : @christophermelendez2992

This is very bad It seams like next crash is unavoidable ?
Comment from : @SDemiraj

Who buy bonds to support clowns that have ran up a 34 trillion tab! How much incompetence is required before you say the economic model is corrupt and ran by pirates The system relies on people and government spending money they don't have and can't possibly earn
Comment from : @GarthDownton

Elon is making you eat your words now This aged well
Comment from : @caniblmolstr452

Around 80 of the debt is US owned, meaning it's essentially an accounting illusion If the dad owes his son money, and the son owes his sister money, and she owes money to mom etc, how much does the family has in debt? Zero The only problem here is interest
Comment from : @MisterMunkki

It's going to have to be repaid somehow Perhaps we need to work with Warren buffett's suggestion of higher corporate taxes
Comment from : @rhetta9826

Instead we decided to vote in a clueless dictator
Comment from : @KTPurdy

Many states sell US bonds
Comment from : @benyomovod6904

in truth there are two economies, one is real, that stays in balance and the other is just numbers, which is only partially balanced by Bubbles busts, it will keep going like that as adding numbers does not cost a thing
Comment from : @umerzia687

We have to raise taxes and cut spending for about 10 years There's no other way
Comment from : @jyhas9702

Damn, we're in a different timeline now
Comment from : @RIOT690

Retired people get hurt the most because their million or two nest egg for retirement is worth a whole lot less!
Comment from : @raymondcorreira847

Raise taxes on the weathy , they can afford it
Comment from : @petermundorff6100

Bitcoin is the answer to solving the country’s national debt Deny it all you want
Comment from : @universal3025

Everybody who is not a billionaire will become homeless, transhuman, tracked and controled by the state
Comment from : @farinshore8900

$27,000,000,000,000 of the $36,000,000,000,000 is owed to the American taxpayer! The trick is the US government INTENTIONALLY created all this debt to confiscate the wealth of mostly the middle class This will make it easier to jam the new system down the throats of Americans Problem is, the entire world is in the same boat using the same tactics They were NOT exaggerating when they said that they are creating The Reset Old style revolutions usually involved executing, reeducating, or imprisoning the middle class Hard to do that in first world countries so they execute you by make you bankrupt, reeducate you through "disinformation" and MSM lies, and imprison you using the electronic gulag,
Comment from : @winstonsmiths2449

So the new budget gives four trillion dollars of tax breaks to billionaires that's 1/8 of the debt right there
Comment from : @marknascimento-u2k

No worries, Prez elon is on it!
Comment from : @louiscotoio9738

Tax the rich 90 like in the past, tax the churches Kenneth Copelands and Joel Osteens are grifters Cut the defense budget in half We don't need 750 overseas installations for self defense
Comment from : @petesong7146

If America's debt was ever paid completely off the country would go broke Debt is actually better
Comment from : @tabithacamarillo3789

The government doesn't have to pay back its debt when they are the ones who issues its own loan
Comment from : @tabithacamarillo3789

Politicians make themselves richer by growing the debt They don't give a stuff to the commoners, as they are not around for many years to help or resolve for the American people
Comment from : @blusheen378

China will foreclose
Comment from : @johnjosephs4526

Elon can pay my 100,000!
Comment from : @johnjosephs4526

Well, I just wonder why the Nordic countries (Norway, Denmark, Greenland, Iceland, Sweden, and Finland) are constantly among the world's top 10 richest countries per capita? Except for a little bit of fish, oil, gas, forest, and clean air, we have very little! I think that maybe you underestimate the power of good governance, honest workforce, decent salaries, and high taxes might have?
Comment from : @fredmidtgaard5487

USA will come up with a law that she is not liable for all the debts
Comment from : @Jodoe243

The only problem is no one can bail out Trump from his next bankruptcy and this time, it’s the entire country
Comment from : @BufordTGleason

Islam is the solution Usuary is HARAM
Comment from : @miorfaizulsabki6667

I'm so glad I live in a great state of Idaho which has a balanced budget and surplus every single year
Comment from : @puncherdavis9727

Didn't Obama leave office with a balanced budget and minimum debt? We need to remember these things
Comment from : @2dron2

Comment from : @SamboCacao

DOGE is doing its part in cutting costs Trump is trying to induce offshore companies to come back to USA and increase production
Comment from : @DCSIDPA

Lets have a dept reset! Why not? Poof
Comment from : @carolynstalker7913

USA was buying avocado toast
Comment from : @rayr268

This is why no tax cuts for billionaires and corporations They don't need it and will add 8 trillion to our debt just like last time dumpy did it
Comment from : @LindaBirkholz-do5sn

am at the beginning of my "investment journey", planning to put 385K into dividend stocks so that I will be making up to 30 annually in dividend returns any good stock recommendation on great performing stocks will be appreciated
Comment from : @RheaJohnmark

Failed state Enjoy the long decline
Comment from : @colmivers

The fed just changes numbers in accounts It doesn’t really need to print currency to create more money, just add it to each bank’s accounts
Comment from : @hanstoli6289

The only reason america economy so big is brainwashed fools willing to run up 40k in credit card debt Its a house of cards, an illusion, a ponzi scheme
Comment from : @FourthWayRanch

QUESTIONS, so many questions…brbrWhy would anyone buy US debt with trump or any future MA”G”A president who could impulsively default on the debt?brYes t is radically cutting spending, but still idiotically wants to cut taxes to to the well off ( as I understand it) Feb’2025
Comment from : @__Andrew_

So whos to blame for the debt Would this be more left getting into trouble or would it be the right?
Comment from : @tylerarnold943

Sounds like American are pretty fucked
Comment from : @lukecaldwell1096

Comment from : @antozivkovic6310

Trying to figure out how are we in debt when we literally print money every day
Comment from : @Beast5seven

The national debt is nothing like any other kind of debt It's dishonest to act as if it is the same thing as household or business debt In reality the national debt is the difference between the amount that the federal government spends into the economy less the amount they have removed from the economy through taxes A huge part of that debt has resulted in an overall growth in our economy over the decades When we had a surplus it caused a recession and contracted the overall economy The national debt isn't as much of a problem as who owns that debt If the treasury bonds were mostly held by the American people like it was after WWII we wouldn't have a problem at all since the interest paid would end up fueling a strong stable domestic economy The problem comes when the debt is held mostly by the billionaire investor class, foreign governments and transnational corporations In reality the increasing of the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few billionaires is a far bigger problem we are facing right now
Comment from : @RMForbes505

Yall realize these debts arent even meant to be ever paid back Do you? The only thing you ever pay at most is interest, not the actual debt itself And why would you need to? It doesnt matter if its there as long as the economy can support it The US could have twice the debt and it wouldnt matter…
Comment from : @coinneachXO

Can the debt held by the Federal Reserve be cancelled?
Comment from : @DS-ba-mak-mak

IF US can't they debt brEither do i can't I don't have any support is so hard now days
Comment from : @mitsucarpentry

Your missing that amount of corporate welfare that's happened though tax cuts and other things plus the never ending wars
Comment from : @deez3913

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think, unlike personal debt backed by the law, if the US choose to default on the debt, foreign countries cannot just take US assets to repay the debt
Comment from : @BoleiMNJournal

And that is why we keep our nuclear warhead stock viable and modernized
Comment from : @fuffoon

Wow that isn't a bunch of conservative oligarch nonsense Yes the national debt can very easily be solved by taxing the scumbags who haven't paid in decades
Comment from : @lynzcow

Seriously insightful ❤❤❤
Comment from : @lindelanimbanjwa6303

Let's see if president Musk can fix it I hope he does but the way his currently doing it a bad way, and VP Trump and his tarrifs and insulting other countries isn't very helpful
Comment from : @sailingbrewer

So when Trump tarifs China they call in their dosh
Comment from : @rikhughes6452

you are about as wrong as you can be , economics sure isn't your thing and please stop spreading the nonsence
Comment from : @woodennecktie

Turn it into publict debt only create more problem Govt only and always be a drunken sailor
Comment from : @jamalalafgani1137

How much did the average Australian tax payer pay for those submarines?
Comment from : @TheEyesOfNye

The moment all the countries that lend money to the US decide that they have enough of the Trump administration and refuse to add any more loans to the pile, the US will be bankrupt ! "Make America great again"? More like, "Make America completely broke" !!
Comment from : @HenriBourkel

am at the beginning of my "investment journey", planning to put 385K into dividend stocks so that I will be making up to 30 annually in dividend returns any good stock recommendation on great performing stocks will be appreciated
Comment from : @Patri850

The wars for Israel certainly didn't help
Comment from :

US should cut "defense" budget it is huge and unnecessary
Comment from : @KamFung

To be honest it absolutely CAN be repaid Step 1, raise taxes Step 2, allow inflation Step 3, cut spending Continue doing this for several decades
Comment from : @georhodiumgeo9827

It not my fck problem?
Comment from : @GaryKemple-y4x

We wouldn't have this problem if the fucking billionaires would pay their goddamn taxes
Comment from : @FullMetalRocker

Yes it can be paid by the ones who stole it to begin with
Comment from : @valdesanchez6411

crazy abd Trump saus he will get rid pf income tax
Comment from : @DavidDrawsComics

To whom are they indebted?
Comment from : @Expatnema

Time to get out of US securities, bring your retirement money home before the crash
Comment from : @peterbennett4620

Make the billionaires pay it
Comment from : @supergsx

Ponzi scheme paying off debts, selling debt
Comment from : @ChrisRWoods-px9hy

So in essence the us government has been paying their mortgage with credit cards
Comment from : @Valerianqelbri

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